Online Streaming Services

I’d like to nominate Online Streaming Services for the removal of Little Britain, Faulty Towers, Come Fly with Me and anything else that the snowflakes couldn’t handle. If you look, White Chicks (Played by black men in white face) is still available on all streaming services.

Double standards are at its finest here ladies and gentlemen.

Our country is vastly becoming a nation of humorless lefties that can’t take a joke without crying racism at any opportunity.

With our historical statues now non-existent, the removal of comedy shows that were the heart of British comedy, what will be next? Fuck off back to Botswana you bunch of knuckle scrapers we’re sick to death of your presence.

Nominated by: QueenCunt

141 thoughts on “Online Streaming Services

  1. If they did scrape their knuckles they would be straight here for an NHS course of treatment, etc.
    Need a war.
    Right, back to making banners.

    • Shit like little Britain was cunt awful anyway! Watched a repeat of porridge earlier and was warned of ” racial blah blah and offensive language about doughnut punchers” before it came on. Didn’t even start til 11 pm anyway not like minors would be watching, I fuckin despise what we have let these cunts do to our country, only premature death can save me now!

  2. Apparently “Dad’s Army” won’t be shown on Britbox!
    Reason, could be seen as pro-brexit!

      • Dad’s Army 2

        Radio Times Preview:

        After the racist, inaccurate and outdated original ‘Dad’s Army’ series, Mtembe Obamwango stars as Captain Rasclart ,in a historically accurate update about the Home Guard during World War 2. It tells the true story of the team of BAME (and gay) troops who guarded the UK and won the war for the entire world in the end.

        Episode 1: The honkies run and Rasclart kills the hun

      • After the battle of Britain was a partial success Captain Rasclart and his troops celebrate by organising a gay pride carnival at Walmington-on-Sea.

    • FFS. The EU didn’t even exist during WW2.

      How the fuck was it pro-Brexit? Like saying ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ was pro-HS2.

      World will be in ruins soon at this rate.

  3. A few years ago at the height of “Yuppiedom” another twenty something conceit, they had what they called “young fogies” and I suspect this denial that comedy can be funny, especially when it apes real life, is as much a part of that fad, as was “Lean Cuisine” and authentic oak lavatory seats, and boys dressed up in cavalry twill trousers and waistcoats, trilby hats and bow-ties. They ooked the total fucking wankers that they were.

    If you ever listen to Radio 4 Extra’s classic comedy shows they are forever having to “apologise” for some imagined slight committed 50 or 60 years ago. Absolute horseshite. All the media are doing is pandering to exhibitionist show-offs and wankers.

    • Horseshite indeed. The BBC and ITV alone are going to have to review tons of old material to see if it upsets anyone that might be ‘offended’ and then either chop it about or destroy it. Life is not fair. The world doesn’t provide perfect equality, and humour is about making fun out of something or somebody to stimulate laughter.
      What we as a nation are now expected to do is to wipe our thoughts and minds clean of facts and reality and replace them with politically correct ideals served to us by those that eroniously believe we can have a world without borders and everyone living in perfect luvvie duvvie harmony. I seem to remember a song called ‘I’d like to teach the world to sing’ by the New Seekers. Anyone remember that one? Very rose tinted view eh, surprised it’s not been adopted and remastered by BLM and the like as an anthem.

      I really can’t think of a single comedy or film, documentary or drama series that won’t have content that potentially offends some people. This new order honestly is going to require a complete reboot, start at the year 0 (zero) and for everyone to be mentally sterilized by our new woke masters. I mean, how can we dare to keep the year 2020 in this beautiful strawberry field for a start when that number relates to the death of Christ? Why should peoples of other faiths have to stand for that? NO, we must kneel until our trousers have holes in the knees. What we are descending into is mind controlled hell and it won’t matter what cunts we put in parliament.

      • Dai a couple of years ago one of the satellite channels showed the originl black and white episodes of Steptoe & Son, made between 1962-1965. They really hacked the tapes about (Talking Pictures today drops the sound out if anyone says “bitch” or “bastard” in a film). One Albert Steptoe speech in “65 Today” (1964) said “Go anywhere in London today and ask the way, and they won’t know what you’re talking about – they’re all bleeding wogs. Me no speako the English”. I have an early BBC DVD reissue and it is still included, but that and all the other deletions have been edited out of newer issues of the DVDs – yet you are paying for complete episodes. How honest it would have been to include it for the 2020 audience.

      • The grafitti saying ‘ ‘Wogs out!’in The Young Ones episode where the pensioners are vandalising the phone box gets blurred out as well.
        My brother has the original episode on video.

  4. Nothing to do with the fact that “fuzzy wuzzies don’t like it up em”
    Of course!

  5. The BBC must be gutted it made Fawlty Towers, Little Britain etc
    Im a fan of both, genuinely funny.
    Turned my guts them apologizing, for what?
    Id never apologise to mardarses or the like,
    If theyre offended dont watch it.
    Go suck your thumb and sob .
    Soft twats calling the shots, to much of it recently.

  6. Anybody should be allowed to play anybody else, including the wheelchair bound playing the able-bodied (according to some numpty from the Guardian who forgot Stephen Hawking was walking and talking into his late twenties).

    • Is the fact that Raymond Burr could walk the reason we no longer see Ironside on the box?

      • It seems he’s advertising deodorant.
        “Ironside uses a roll-on”
        Sorry, I’ll get me coat.

      • Ironsides stopped acting for the same reason as Sandy from Crossroads.

        They were both fed up of being pushed around.

        I thankyew.

  7. These days they should be putting out an apology before their comedy shows for the complete absence of any humour in them.

  8. The BBC allocating £100m for programming to include more BAME content.
    The demographic most unlikely to have a TV license, to have ever had a TV licence or even considering getting a TV license….

      • Exfuckingsactly. If you believe tv, every cunt’s in a mixed-race relationship, you can’t have such a thing as an all black or all white group, they have to have a ‘token’ in there and there’s definately more than one gay in the village.

      • Hey, puff.
        People seem to think I’m not mincepieguy,
        Suck my cock people.
        Bent Dennis and I are no more.
        He was a cunt .
        I’m back on line.
        I did leave for a month due to to much politics including that cunt, Owen Jones.
        Dick, puff and that cunt who loves gayness..

      • What are you on about – who says you’re not MPG?

        Didn’t we go through all this about a month ago? You are Mince Pie Guy, aren’t you? I think Dick’s single now that Krav’s flown the coop.

        Hey, wait a minute, you’re not CS are you?

        Be seeing you. ?

    • TV license now cancelled.
      I will not pay for an anti white, anti male, anti christian, anti heterosexual and anti british dictatorship that only exists to lick black arse.

      • Concisely put Norman.

        Haven’t paid for a Building Britain’s Caliphate licence in years.

        Fuck them. Woke Cunts!

      • Just been on tv licence website and told them I no longer require their services. Anyone know if they cancel the DD or do I just cancel it?

      • You will have to do it. There are advisory videos on YouTube about your rights and the do’s and dont’s invloved.
        Until they get their way and make it a criminal offence, all you have to do is politely close the door should they send someone round after warning letters. Even if they are accompanied by Plod.

      • Be on the safe side and tell your bank now. Be a bigger pain in the backside to claim your money back if they take money in error.

      • I’ve always thought Direct Debit to be a risky proposition, giving some other cunt full access to remove as much money from your account as they deem necessary. Fuck that, I still ask for paper bills and dutifully wander off to the Post Shop and pay in cash.

    • That announcement was made at the same time Tony Hall announced the need for £125 million in savings. The BBC is so obsessed with it’s diversity agenda, it’s completely blind to its own insanity.

      • I strongly suspect that grovelling Tony Hall is looking for a good well paid sinecure in the race relations industry after he departs the BBC. A bit like Anthony Blair he just can’t accept his five minutes of fame is over. Perhaps Dame Kweer will help him.

  9. I’d like a Sadiq Khan, Kressida Strapadictome, pretty Patel ‘your boys took a hell of a beating’ cunting for the Lil Ole Town of London.
    Famed for its corrupt Met police force, left wing NIMBYS ( Matthew Wright being the latest), a police force that has some sort of muscle injury as they’re always kneeling down, a willingness to allow statues to be defaced, over priced everything and lawlessness.
    From the DM – Tory MP Andrew Bridgen told MailOnline: ‘Cressida Dick has lost control of the streets to a lawless minority. She has lost the confidence of the law abiding majority of residents in Brixton and the country and by effectively abandoning them to mob rule’.

    Suggesting Home Secretary Priti Patel should remind Ms Dick and any other police chiefs of their responsibilities, Mr Bridgen added: ‘The duty of a chief constable is to uphold the law. Any who are not willing to do that should go immediately’.

    He said the same warning should apply to Avon and Somerset’s Chief Constable Andy Marsh whose officers stood back and watched as the statue of Edward Colston was torn down by Black Lives Matter supporters.

    And Nigel Farage added: ‘The police bosses allowed officers to take the knee to an anti-police group – the lawless are laughing at the police now’.
    yes indeedy do they are.
    And in 66 days, yes only 66 days we have the Annual Blud Bruh Notting Hill Knife and Machete Symposium.

    • I think the Notting hill riot with a soundtrack has been cancelled.

      At least I’m hoping it has. I live on the main route the police riot wagons use and it is nothing but wailing sirens all weekend.

      • Nah, the authorities wouldn’t dare cancel the Notting Hill bloodfest. It’d be racist to do that, innit.

      • It is cancelled QDM. ?

        Oh how I shall miss the sea of used Nos capsules, the graffiti, the vomit, broken bottles and blood all over the place.

        What I actually will miss is the ‘How the fuck did that happen’ RTA game.
        There are always a few decent crashes around and some of them really do make you wonder which cornflake packet the driver got their free driving licence out of.

        The best so far has been a pile of shit BMW miraculously parked 6′ up a lamp post.

        That takes some special skills right there.

    • Don’t forget a (dis)honourable mention for Ian Hopkins, chief of GMP. If his service can’t control crowds of 6000 hippy crack addicts at illegal raves then how do they manage to charge football clubs extortionate amounts supposedly to control p*ssed up fans numbering 50-60k or more? Aren’t coppers allowed to use truncheons these days?

    • The BBC this morning “Unconfirmed footage shows” the fucking cunts, how the fuck did 22 police officers get injured….. taking the fucking knee, they have lost the plot.

      • I’m surprised the BBC didn’t go with the ‘mostly peaceful’ routine.

      • To be honest, of they took a knee and git kicked in for it, that should be front and centre in the news.

        Also, I hate violence but it’s hard to pity the cops if that’s what happened.

      • What struck me this morning with the BBC’s reporting was that despite the plethora of videos on Twitter showing clearly it was all the blacks being black, they chose only the videos that didn’t depict any racial culprit. A post smashed Police car was shown but not the c***s jumping up and down in a frenzy doing the smashing or the rest of the shit that was available to see. Fucking agenda driven censorship that is in my book. All so most people were left in the dark as to the ethnicity of the cunts at play. The Police should have sent the riot squad in and broken some fucking skulls in my opinion. But no, they stood there in a line and lost several streets worth of ground while the Jigs were screaming “Out of Brixton”. It’s a fucking disgrace.

      • I’ve never seen so many black faces in one place.
        Round two tonight ……. welcome back grapple fans.
        Cops will be wearing Tena Lady Extra, in case some budding young architect called Leroy kicks them inbetween the legs.
        Every little extra padding helps.
        No sympathy, instead of taking the knee, they should have been going all Jack Regan on these cunts, weeks ago.
        Brixton’s burning …… good.
        Get To Fuck.

    • I’m usually a defender of the police, and , I’m still the same about your average bobby on the beat, but, even I wholeheartedly agree. The second they knelt, they lost. There’ll be worse to come.

      • My dear old dad bless his soul always said regarding authority that to gain respect you had to have a certain amount of fear. In my younger days I never quite got what he meant but with recent events I’m convinced he was right. Do the cunts who came up with the brilliant idea of the coppers ‘taking the knee’ really expect our tar-brushed brethren to respect them more? All it’s done is made them think they are untouchable and can get away with anything. It’s not difficult for fuck’s sake, they are only acting like the fucking bastard children that they are.

      • The “bobbies on the beat” ran away from the last London riots. I have no respect for any of them

      • Don’t know what you do for a living but, try having it filmed, edited and put on social media. Then have the mainstream media and cunts like the BBC analyse everything in depth that YOU had a split second to decide what to do whilst on fear of your life. And all the while your bosses tie your hands with red tape and order you to do stunts like kneeling.

        Then you can judge the average bobby. Don’t fancy it? No. And nor do many of them.

      • *judged by cunts that have no idea how to do your job nor would have the bottle to do it, either.

        Perhaps working so closely with them, I see them in a different light. I see first-hand some of the things they do, including Safeguarding children. Helping us. Seeing sights that no-one should ever have to see. And then go home and see themselves crucified by clueless cunts? The media and these BLM cunts aren’t fit to lick the boots of the average copper. And they’re certainly not fit to lick my vomit-stained boots, either.

        Bring back the SPG, go in fucking hard, crack some skulls, arrest any cunt that so much as looks like a trouble maker, replace fast-track ‘bosses’ with fuck-all experience but ‘Oh, they have a degree’, with thief-takers and start handing out some proper deterrent sentances. Assault a copper/paramedic etc? Ten years. And you’ll serve the fucking lot. Oh, and sack all the ‘Police Crime Commisioners’. PC should stand for Police Constable and fuck-all else.

    • Hasn’t that notting hill cack been cancelled. And I’m already feeling nauseous reading about next year’s Glastonbury wankfest.

  10. Now then, now then….

    You see TV is great and staying at home streaming makes you a hero. Which is good for everyone you see. Now the push is on to tax us out of our cars to save the planet we’ll need more TV.

    The BBC is your friend and we won’t put anything offensive into your life. No comedy, not funny comedy anyway. No no no, we’ll educate you to think properly and give you dramas that show you sex offending from the offenders viewpoint, maybe once you understand, well the forbidden love won’t be forbidden anymore.

    How’s about that guys and small kiddies?

  11. Cultural Marxism.
    Please do carry on with the Go Woke Go Broke exercise.
    I hope the cunts go bankrupt.
    Oh the BBC can’t of course as if you do not pay for something you don’t want they try to put you in jail.
    They need fucking gassing.

    • To be fair (something alien to the BBC) you don’t go to jail for not paying the licence tax, you go to jail for not paying the fine you get for not paying the licence tax. Still makes them cunts though.

      • Cancel it then..

        Takes all of five minutes on the TV licencing website.

        You’ll have an incredible feeling of ‘Fuck you, BBC’ when you do. ?

      • I did, a few months back. Got the free licence yesterday, it runs out end of next month, not sure what then.

  12. Cancelled all sky yesterday, phone call very easy.
    Hi welcome to sky can I help
    Yes I want to cancel
    Oh why
    Your woke left wing agenda across all platforms makes me sick
    Oh ok would you like to talk to my manager
    No I’m cancelling the lot
    Ohhh ermmmm
    Cancel it can you confirm
    Eh yes that’s done
    Great now fuck off

    • I apologise for having a similar handle. Must be the name Harry. While I am at it, I see a major incident as been called at Bournmouth. Beach crowded and car parks full. Good on them it was OK for the Black Looting Murderers to take to the streets. One rule remember! Fuck em, fuck em all

  13. Never paid for a TV licence since I left home in 1991 my parents never paid for one since 1973, never had streaming TV or ever will. Spent the money on drink,drugs, music festivals & gigs , and collecting WW2 german helmets. The present BBC and Streaming channels are nothing but Newspeak.

  14. Breaking News:

    “Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has asked Rebecca Long-Bailey to step down from
the shadow cabinet after sharing an article containing an anti-Semitic
conspiracy theory, the party has said.“

    Ha ha ha ha……cunts

    New leader, same party, what a time to share some racism to your woke followers.

      • Not really TB, if he was serious he’d of kicked her out of the party. Slapped wrist and six months later she’ll be back, he’s bottled it through fear of momentum.

      • Yeah she’ll be back. Not sure what she posted is Antisemitic. It only references the submission technique used by Officer Chauvin being taught by the IDF.

    • Seems to me he is doing a purge just like Stalin used to. Make sure anyone with talent ( yes, I know that I am being over generous to the stupid cow) is dead or in exile and you will stay in power for ever.

  15. Our beloved BBC is happy to give all you lucky viewers it’s impartial news service and hilarious comedy programmes, that no longer offend our viewers with those horrible attitudes of yesteryear.
    However, we don’t mind offending Trump or brexit or tory supporters as they obviously deserve it.

  16. We need White TV, a channel where woke isn’t allowed and uncensored programmes can be shown,
    In brackets after white TV (there is nothing offensive on this channel).

    BLM can have their own channel, Planet of the Apes on a constant loop.

    • They already have one, it’s called BET. I thought it was some dreadful gambling channel, but it stands for black entertainment something.

  17. If the weather carries on like this Rodney, by this time next year, we’ll all be blâck.

  18. I don’t get it. Having dark keys on packets of rice is racist. Does this mean we can’t have dark keys pictures anywhere in public? Like Moohamhead? Thing is, there are loads of the cunts on the telly but that’s not racist. I heard some prat on the idiot box saying that sometimes the pictures are racist and show them with big rubber lips.

    Did any of these cunts actually see the mural of Saint George of the Floyd then? BLM made that for fuck’s sake. Thing is, the fucker did have massive lips. That means his own photo must be racist too.

    I fucking give up.

    The dark keys (not all of them mind!) need to stop being so fucking sensitive and need to stop blaming everyone else for their communities crimes.

  19. Why not just go the whole hog and remake all the most beloved British staples, in full Obama-vision:

    Are you being stabbed (I’m shanked, Mr Lammy)

    Fawlty Tower Hamlets

    It ain’t half hot Piri piri chicken wings (we British etc)

    Carry on taking the knee

    On the buses (socially distancing).

    C.H.O.P.S (California Honky Opression Progressive Society)

    Only fools and Honky’ (work)

    Adder of colour

    Rising crime-rate ( yes Miss Abbot)

    George and George

    Rainbow (Geoffrey, Bungle Abbot, Owen George, kier Zippy and Jess, Vaz and Lammy)

  20. Sorry QueenCunt. Completely off topic but I’m sure the tolerant readership of this site would forgive my interrupting your post in order to offer congratulations to the brave men of Kent police and to salute the flag?
    When the spokesman says nationally there are hundreds of gippö officers I assume he means they are not actual gippös but ordinary plods dedicated to keeping tabs on the thieving söds.
    What minority is plod going to pander to next?

  21. Imagine trying to write a funny comedy now? Fucking almost impossible. I think they’ll be on Ricky Gervais next. Having watched the brilliant ‘Ricky Gervais Show’ his talks with Karl Pilkington delve into ‘non PC’ territory quite often. I think Karl said that bacteria have a better quality of life than some tribes in the jungle (and that the starving should either plant stuff instead of asking us to send a sandwich every year or just fucking move somewhere else).

    It’ll be a matter of time.

    Comedy is dead. The new ‘comedy’ will be:

    Dark keys laughing at the honky dancing/trying to pull women
    Dark keys and libtards making snide comments about Trump, ‘The Tories’ and Brexit voters/gammons.
    Dark keys and libtards giving a conservative his comeuppance.
    Straight white men being the butt of every ‘joke’.

    All to canned laughter. 10 series of the shit. Comedy dies. Fuck off and thank you you cunts.

    I’m going to download all the Alf Garnett, Steptoe and Son, Love Thy Neighbour, Bernard Manning shit I can get me fookin’ hands on while I still can, you cunts!

    Fuck off!

  22. Wasn’t Fawlty Towers reinstated onto the playlists after John Cleese called them all cunts? Or something.

    • I believe it was after John Cleese caved and said he had no problem with some editing or a foreword of warning for viewers.

  23. I’m not surprised that the BBC aren’t keen on showing that rioting footage from Brixton last night. There’s a complete lack of diversity in the cast…..

    • Street party not riot! The community was coming together and the vicious fascist bully boys showed up.

      Da bredren ran dem poolicee outta da hood. Take a knee.

  24. Watch this space but apparently another area is about to be added to the list of crimes that relate to the Met Police. Not content with dereliction of duty, siding with law breakers and turning their backs on crime, two Met Officers have been suspended for allegedly taking “inappropriate photos” of two young sisters who were murdered earlier this month. How much lower can this “police force” descend?

  25. And the coppers are trying to recruit 20000 extra soy boys, wimminz, gays and BAMES. You’d have to be stark staring barmy to be a BAME recruit. They’ll send you out there to get down on your knees and beg the lefty trash not to hurt your fellow useless coppers and not to loot and burn too many shops. And if you’re the wrong type of BAME you’ll be getting a kicking anyway.
    Fuck politicians, fuck the coppers and fuck the BBC.

    • Uncanny – that’s exactly what I was gonna put on top of my election handouts.

    • We will follow the yanks, their solution to this is to strike laws from the books that ethnics are commonly nicked for.

  26. Any sympathy for the rank and file officers? They’re damned if they do, sacked if they don’t, in regards “taking a knee”. The 20000 new ones will be properly indoctrinated in the “new speak” so will blend in very nicely with the lefty not (cough) rioting mob.

  27. No sympathy after they got down on their knees in abject surrender. No cunt told them to do that. If the top brass weren’t such spineless, virtue signalling cunts they would have sacked them the next day. I would have had a ceremony at Hendon…..the drum rolling, buttons and epaulettes ripped off their tunics and their helmets shat in. They chose sides that day and they’ve done the same since. The next time they start shoving working class people about outside a football ground they might be surprised at the reaction they get this time. Fuck the lot of them, you reap what you sow.

  28. Little Britain was shit and Walliams is a cunt. But I’ve still cancelled Netflix on principle.

    The bbc is next on my hit list. But slightly more problematic as it covers all live TV.

    • I don’t give a bugger about the ‘Beeb’ and live TV. The next corruption filled World Cup will be shit anyway, the cunts don’t have the cricket on any more, fucking wimmin’s football all the time, the Doctor Who Minstrel Show, NeverEnders, and loads of endless woke drama and news bollocks.

      If Granada Plus was still on, with all the Granada and ITV classics, then I’d pay for that. But the Black Broadcasting Cuntporation can frig off.

  29. Walliams is an utter cunt. Dominick Diamond should have kicked the shit out of him when he wouldn’t answer any questions on Dom and Kirk’s Night Of Plenty.

    What would happen if it was proved he uses ghost writers for his books? If he does they must be under non-disclosure agreements, to make him look like a good writer with genuine talent.

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