Lack Of Political Choice

Shit or shitter

Id like to nominate lack of political choice.
A 2 party race, but I despise both parties,
Both are weak, liberal, bent little metropolitan ducky darlings.
Same with the Greens & lib dems.
Ive no political home, im adrift!
A political refugee!
Wheres this Far Right theyre always on about?
I cant find it anywhere,
Must exist as the media said its massive!
I cant vote anymore in good faith as I loath them all, just the same pigs at the trough under a different name, but essentially the same people, went the same schools, use the same rent boys, live in same posh gated communities,
Both are out of touch, incompetent and cave in to mob rule by lefties.
Its disheartening!
So whats a poor boy to do?
Never trust a politician
Never forget their treachery.
Don’t be fooled,
Dont bend the knee.

Nominated by Miserable Northern Cunt

71 thoughts on “Lack Of Political Choice

    • Very interesting. From what I’ve just read, they’d get my vote and if the BLM cunts carry on, a fair few others would be thinking the same. They need to ‘get out there’. Your link is the first I’ve heard of them.

    • Why should they be any different to the other self-service fuckers, because they say so?
      Those who threaten to drain the swamp find out just how willing their compatriots are in serving the people and nation.
      I wouldn’t hold your breath…..

    • Some reasonable & sensible stuff in there e.g. points system based immigration policy (we don’t need more curry house waiters), greater protection for blue light services, hints of apprenticeships rather than wasted education on the permanently stupid, fewer farming subsidies etc but as with all manifestos there are things you know would never happen or the opposite should be brought in. For example:
      •No public sector worker to be paid more than the PM (see local government)? What is Boris on at the minute, about £160k if he claims in full? If the SDP ever got in then expect the PM wages to go up to £750k and other MP wages & expenses by a similar percentage ‘cos they’d never get some of the overpaid bureaucrats to take a pay cut.
      •Proportional Representation (see constitution) won’t work as you can’t please everbody all the time. Minority interests end up with a vastly increased influence in relation to their overall voter base.
      •The SDP is internationalist (see under environment)? Sod that, Jingoism is what we need like we had in the old days.Tell Johnny Foreigner where to go or the gunboats / cruise missiles go in.
      •Increase the power of individual MPs in relation to the Government (see constitution) and reduce the whips influence (constitution). Not bloody likely. The Brexit fiasco showed MPs up for what they are when they turn feral. More contol and accountabilty needed, not less.
      •National Insurance ID cards (welfare & social security)? Hints of the more you contribute the more in benefits you get? A great idea but a definite non-runner due to the significant numbers of perpetual scroungers with the vote who have never, and will never, contribute a penny to society or take out way more than they’ll ever contribute. PR would give this sector of society too big a hold over policies.
      •I also note they don’t condemn the cruelty that is the ritual slaughter of animals (see animal welfare) because of religious exemptions. Pandering to the ethnics again. Ban the practice and if they don’t like it they can go vegan.
      If they promised to bring the rope back I might overlook some of these manifesto failings and vote for them. I’m sure Unkle T could diversify his services to cope with this.

      • Plus they want net immigration at 100,000. That’s 50,000 too many.

  1. Voting Conservative is seen as centre right but in reality there is little separating them. Boris helps his corporate cunt mates and Sir Kweer looks out for the BAME/Eurotrash/LGBTQ. If you vote BNP or UKIP it is really a wasted vote.
    People need to have a long think about the type of cunt they are voting IN. Labour has cast aside the working class. Fascism has never had much appeal in the UK. Maybe one of the cunts on here could start A PARTY that was a tad more right.

  2. All of them will let you down, a shower of shite. When they have rebellions against their leader it always fails by one or two. It’s the best club in the country and they know it. They know fuck all about how people live as they are insulated from woes of life. Never had a proper job. £10000 each for “working” from home. Myself however have been told to await a call from the uni/ credit people today probably saying fuck off you cunt. As I said a shower of shite.

  3. Different cheeks of the same arse. They’re pushing normal, law-abiding non-racist folk straight into the arms of the far-right. Me, for one. And that is sad and truly worrying.

  4. Remember whom ever you vote for the government always wins. Career Politicians don’t care which side they sit, just as long as they are paid a massive wage. Cunts……

  5. I believe that we should be ruled by members of the (vast) Land-Owning Class…unless you own at least 500 acres of ground,you can Fuck Off. Doesn’t count if you’re some city-type who tries to buy his way into my exclusive strata of Society…you will be exposed as a Parvenu and black-balled.
    Common people won’t have the vote under my system so who to vote for will no longer be a worry for you MNC.

    • Morning Dick
      Morning everyone.
      Feudal serfdom Dick?
      Long my turnip is paid on time and fresh straw to sleep on count me in..☺

      • Once Greta Thundercunt gets her way and Boris completes the job of bankrupting the Country you’ll think of a turnip for dinner and a straw bed as a luxuries beyond your wildest dreams. Turnips and straw will only be for us Yokels who produce them and I will be out with my shotgun to protect my (vast) lands from jealous trespassers and ne’er-do-wells….pretty much as I do now,tbh.

        Morning MNC
        Morning All.

        PS…totally agree with your nom.

    • TT DF@ – I say Sir Fiddler, a Ms Abbott lumbered round to help me with my maths and it turns out my garden is 501 acres and twelfty four.
      I therefore qualify as a member of the ruling claars – I wanted to thank Ms Abbott for her help but she left in a hurry mumbling something about blocking the toilet and then started shouting (then screaming) some unintelligible patois – the only bit I clearly understood was “get dem dogs off me Maan”! (She can sure shift for a fat bird!).
      It’s a fucking disgrace. ?

  6. Turnip! Used to dream of a turnip!
    Perhaps we could all join the provisional wing of the CLA.

  7. Fully agreed.
    Why vote?
    There is nothing representative above any of the clowns.
    My fellow contributors will have no doubt noted that only a few days after another terrorist outrage on our soil there is no further mention of it anywhere.
    The nation is heading down a very dark path.
    Perfect cunting NMC.

    • Got my vote Ruff,just be happy to have a change.
      Hey, in your link you sound just like a dalek!!
      Youd be best not to do the voiceover in any political advertising,
      “Exterminate! Exterminate!
      Pur it in the curry!” ??

      • Sounds great Creampuff, tbh I was sold at getting the rather fetching straw boater.

      • @ LL – vote for me and straw boaters will be free at the point of delivery!

        @ MNC – I was on mushrooms at the time, that explains the Dalek voice. ?

  8. I’m a Monarchist. To a Politician, selling your country feathers your nest.

    Selling your crown makes you king of fuck all.

  9. My first ever vote after turning 18 was for Thatcher in 1983.

    She was a bit of a cunt, but she didn’t take any shit from anyone, and she was a pure centre-right Conservative, and totally shit on old Steptoe Senior for Labour and the young upstarts from the SDP – Woy Jenkins and Shirtlifter Steel.

    But ever since the days of John fucking Major, we’ve had a steady decline of parties following their traditional party lines. They’ve all become wishy-washy career politicians, hopping between parties if they don’t get their way, and generally acting and talking like complete cunts.

    Social Media is the main reason for this, especially Left-leaning ones like Twatter and Fuckbook.

    • Think I wrote this really saying that all politicians are basically self serving privateers, no allegiance or core belief in anything but money.
      Wouldnt vote for any political party at the moment, all the same really.

    • We might have some concerns about old Boris, but thank fuck we never had steptoe in charge.
      The man who stood up in parliment and backed Russhia over are own secret service. What a insult to the good people of Salisbury.

  10. The far right? What is it? Currently it’s anyone who doesn’t agree with Owen Jones.

    Fascism isn’t far right it’s socialism if we use Hitler as the model. Hitler had a massive social welfare program prior to the war. What Hitler did was tie nationalism to socialism.

    Corbyn and Hitler share much in common, anti Semitism and social welfare with total state control. Corbyn is a national socialist at heart.

    Germans burning books Antifa tearing down statues. If the Nazis are a warning from history now is the time to heed it.

    I’m not an extremist and neither are many contributors on here. In the early days of the Nazi party (The National Socialist German Workers’ Party) they were fringe agitators stirring the Germans up and pointing fingers at the Jews. The majority of Germans wanted nothing to do with them but the German government were useless, Germany was being kicked around by European states and Hitler offered the Germans a way out of the stagnation.

    The parallels are there for all to see.

    • Exactly, SV. It depends where your starting point is when determining what is far right. If the start point is the extreme left, where the likes of Jones sits, then even near centre ground politics espoused by the soft left becomes far right in comparison.

    • Well said sick dog. Antifa scum pulling down statues is close to Dr goubels burning books in Berlin. It is a warning from history that the so called educated media are to thick to see.

  11. Sorry to go on but those who are not aware of the history of the United States and the constitution and why the states separated from British control its well worth reading. Especially some of the things said by the founding fathers after they took independence.

  12. I live in a safe Tory seat so it doesn’t matter who I vote for, the bloody useless woman will still get elected with a huge majority.

    I’ve campaigned for years for compulsory voting, with a box for ‘no suitable candidate’ or ‘none of the above’ in it. I always write ‘no suitable candidate’ on mine because I feel that if you don’t vote then you have no right to criticise what you get.

    Didn’t vote? Shut the fuck up then….

    • Agree entirely, Dio. I’m in a similar type of constituency but with an immovable incumbent of the red rose variety. Fortunately we always seem to have a local nutter (think Blackadder and the “Keep Royalty White, Rat Catching and Safe Sewage Residents Party”) who puts up on hyper-local issues against which I can put my protest mark.
      Compulsory voting and big fines apply to those who don’t. If someone is on benefits and doesn’t bother to vote then benefits stop.

    • But surely if you do write no suitable candidate you are, in effect, not voting but abstaining.

  13. Politicians.
    A endless source of inspiration for songs where you get to channel your rage.
    I’ve written several :

    It’s all about the power
    And the big house and the car
    It’s not about the money
    It’s who we think they are
    They need to be important
    They need to lead the way
    They need to be a big shot
    So you listen to what they say

    The people all look up to him
    He’s a real important man
    What mere mortals cannot do
    They all assume he can
    The bodyguards and hangers on
    All add to the mystique
    They know that he’s a leader
    And they’re falling at his feet

    Big shots
    No doubts
    No inhibitions
    Follow on
    Or fall behind
    Suit yourself
    ‘Cos they don’t mind

    It’s him who knows what’s best for you
    You must do what you’re told
    You really should be grateful
    For the life line that you hold
    If he leaves you on your own
    Then you can’t find your way home
    It’s not for you to question him
    When he tells what to do

    You’re living on a minimum wage
    You’re living in a council house
    Why can’t you all be grateful?
    Why do you moan and grouse?

    It’s clear that he’s a leader
    It’s clear he knows what’s best
    He’s looking after folks like him
    To hell with all the rest
    What would you do without him
    Could you manage with out them
    You really should be grateful
    It’s too easy to condemn

    Fancy cars
    Flashy suits
    Going far
    On the telly
    Looking good
    Smiling faces
    Hearts of wood

    Looking down
    Down on you
    Telling you
    What’s good for you
    Sitting on
    A pedestal
    At all those fools

  14. The loonies own and set the agenda.
    Don’t agree with BLM – far right, racist.
    Have misgivings about trannies – Hate speech, transphobe.
    Wonder if we have a few too many non-assimilative immigrants – far right, racist, fascist.
    Worry about the non accountable nature of the EU – far right again. Racist again.

    Politicians and media are complicit in this. You may as well vote for RTC who will conform with all of the above when he gets his loot and expenses. The cunt.

    • “That is the nastiest slur I have read on ISAC for a very long time!”

      (Mary Whitehouse, Mrs. Deceased)

  15. The problem is we elect them and leave them to get on with it. Our own apathy allows them to use and abuse the system to their own ends.

    Mass immigration continues under any colour government without interruption for instance. Deeper integration into the EU continued unabated no matter which party was in power. The referendum was only allowed so Cameron could be thought stop UKIP, he never dreamed that he would lose it. All parties then did all they could to prevent us leaving the EU.

    In the words of a young Johnny Rotten, “ever get the feeling you’ve been had?”

    • “The referendum was only allowed so Cameron could be thought stop UKIP, he never dreamed that he would lose it.”

      I think it goes back further than that. David Cameron promised a referendum on the EU in his 2015 re-election manifesto to see off UKIP. His problem was he never thought he’d win a landslide. He thought he was going to end up in another coalition with the LimpDums, who never would’ve allowed him to call the referendum, and that was supposed to be his get-out clause, but then he won a landslide and had to be held to his promise, so he started shitting himself, hence Project Fear.

  16. I have BBC news on at the moment and this sums up how shit the country has become, they are still reporting on the fucking banner flown over the Ethiad stadium. WHY! Nothing Illegal, the message wasn’t offensive so what is the problem isn’t anyone allowed to oppose BLM.
    The left wing liberalism has just taken over everything, the only thing that will change the UK is a civil war.
    We are truly fucked, can anyone imagine Bojo doing a Viktor Orban and preventing the dingy cunts landing on our beaches.

    Here is a laugh… the black NASCAR driver who it was alleged had a noose in his garage turned out the be an old door handle that had been there for ages, laughing my cock off!!!

    • Politicians are all the same – mostly talentless, all greedy, self serving, devious, lazy and breathtakingly arrogant – the few good ones are pushed out.
      So, first thing – line them all up outside the House of Commons for a horse whipping – then fire them. And maybe a second whipping!
      HOL? – get rid (after a whipping but those old pervs would probably enjoy that!) – replace with 400 people from across the board on 5 Year contracts.
      We have competing factions shouting and pointing fingers across the ancient floor of a feudal institution set up by the rich to keep the poor in their place and calling each other childish names – it’s like having 3 competing companies all sharing the same office space – it will never, ever work for the people or the Country.
      Do away with political parties, have 500 people chosen at random from the qualifying public with no political parties just all working together as one big team on 5 Year contracts.
      Funding from the treasury so we do away with the nonsense of the rich and big business bribing parties with contributions – said funding coming from the savings brought about by getting rid of 150 MPs and 400 Lords and seriously trimming (and policing) expenses.
      We have a rotten Parliament who bow to social media and racist pressure groups – appeasement as an official policy – and the working people of the Country have no party to vote for, they are all as bad as each other and unless it’s election time they forget we exist.
      Alternatively, vote Fox and my brutal dictatorship! Ooh, my director of PR wants a word – what? Stop shouting at me!
      Er, like I said, vote Fox and my, ahem, benevolent democracy.
      Phew, think I got away with that one! ?
      Good nom MNC – we have rats and worms in charge and they are not worth the steam off my piss.

    • They are still on about it because they want to enforce the message. White people shut up. Any dissent from the indigenous must be crushed.

      People need to wake the fuck up, what was laughable, then irritating is now the norm.

      Helter Skelter, Manson would have loved it.

      • The non event banner flypast has taken up more airtime on the beeb than the three poor cunts that got stabbed on Saturday. And those guys were gay, so if they can’t get publicity, what hope is there for any fucker?

      • Not only were they gay, the moose-limb offed them because they were. The reason it’s not been widely reported is because the Marxist masses are probably waiting for the administrators to sort out the syntax error it has caused in their brain.

  17. Being even mildly right wing has now more or less been outlawed.
    Every party is a soppy leftist one and all want the same thing.
    Christ knows why Owen Jones and Unpretty Polly Toynbee hate the tories so much. They carry out lefty instructions almost to the letter.

    • The problem is that people are obsessed with the idea that they’ve got to be left wing or right wing. I’ve never been political and if my opinions were translated into politics I’d probably come somewhere near the centre. There are policies on both sides that I would agree with but when we vote, we’re not voting for one or two things, we’re voting for a package, some parts of which we don’t necessarily agree with. I’d like to try referendum politics, where individual policies can be voted on. Then when they ask how they’re going to put it all together and make it work, the answer would be ‘You’re the politicians, you sort it out. Earn your money for once.’

  18. We’re fucked really.

    As soon as a right -wing party or media figure develops a large following the media will have it/them shut down. Some of the below are cunts, but that’s beside the point. They’ve been neutered due, in my opinion, to popularity. I’ve heard also that the Labour Party, with Hope not Hate’s help have them shut down via constant complaints and sending edited videos (showing them at their worst and possibly out of context). Here’s a list of such cunts.

    Nick Griffin/BNP
    Nigel Farage
    The Iconoclast. Produced high quality videos which were a bit extreme for my tastes at times, but there are others on YouTube who are far more extreme – but this dude had over 200,000 followers and 30 million views. He was shut down and doxed by the Observer newspaper earlier this week.
    Millenial Woes – Doxed YouTuber. Getting to the point where he’ll be a gonner (from YouTube) in my opinion.
    Sargon of Akkad (demonitised and had to set up new channel. Now reduced to trying to sell T-shirts and mugs on his new channel when he was on around 9-12 grand a month before the demonitisation). His crime? He offended a (white) labour politician. He’s actually quite tame, politically. But had a million subscribers on his old channel and expressed ‘patriotic’ views. Go figure.
    Katie Hopkins
    Tommy Robinson (hounded to the ends of the earth and practically banned from the internet due to his popularity)

    All of the above were hounded out of the spotlight because they got too popular. Like I mentioned, most of the above are not extreme compared to others on YouTube. But they don’t have anywhere near as many views or subscribers.

    That’s why I suspect any political party with views which put the British first will suffer the same treatment if they start becoming popular. The leftists will say (with a smug sneer), ”Well, YouTube is a private company and it’s up to them who they let on.”

    Thing is, YouTube and social media in general is where most of the political influence takes place now. I agree with Trump on talking about forcing the cunts to not shut down political views they don’t agree with (non left-wing).

    The sad thing is that most people are brainwashed to this shit. I’ve pretty much given up now. But there is a silver lining…after a shitstorm, sadly.

    I think we’ll go full circle in the end and people will realise that we either need to drop this victimhood/identity politics shite or to live apart (racially).

    I’m hoping everyone just drops the identity politics shite and realises that the left are playing them. And then we can put the cunts on trial for crimes against humanity. But if people don’t take that option, we’ll essentially become a Balkanised nation (or’ll see non-whites getting deported en-masse).

    But I’m not a crystal ball cunt so what do I know, really? Just a prediction.

    • You’ve summed it up nicely. I absolutely hate this culture war that the Left are winning.

    • I also just remembered you can add James Goddard to your list. He was the self-styled leader of the British Yellow Vests movement, which was basically set up against the Ruling Class non-stop attempts at overturning Brexit. Last year he got arrested for calling Anna Soubry a Nazi and was held in a cell all weekend. Then when he was released on Monday morning, he was ordered to leave the vicinity of the M25 within 2 hours, banned from London, had his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and PayPal accounts shut down, and has to sign on at his local police station in Manchester every Monday-Friday at 9am and 5.30pm.

      • Indeed, forgot about that poor cunt. I may be wrong, but I think they may have driven him into the arms of the so-called ‘extreme far-right’.

        That’s the sort of shit that will happen, I’m afraid if you hound somebody like they did with Goddard. I’m just surprised Tommy Robinson hasn’t gone over to the real ‘far- right’.

      • Tommy Robinson (real name “teller of inconvenient truth”) flirted with the far right some Years ago, realised what dangerous racist nutters some of them were and dissociated himself from them.
        You don’t see the MSM shouting about that one.

    • It works better if there are dozens of smaller channels rather than a few big names the likes of the Guardian a d BBC can smear.
      If youtube carries on as it is, a viable alternative could spring up, protected by a billionaire if needed.
      There’s another alternative to Twitter gaining users – Parler.

      • I can see Bitchute taking off. But they might fold when attacked by the politicians and MSM though. The bigger they get, the bigger (and fussier) the sponsors.

      • Gab as well as Parler.
        Bitchute ,agreed.
        Free speech is still available online, you can be as offended as you want and you can still block those you don’t wish to hear.

    • The left have for a long time been in charge of the media and education system. Many years ago i participated in a sociology class. The so called teacher was so left it was fucking concerning. White people and the police where to blame for everything. I had the balls to ask her why she was so one sided. Surprise , surprise the other brain washed students viewed me as extreme.
      So the left set the agenda in are education system and media. Hence most people are fucking brain washed.

  19. Our Two Party system is just an illusion. Labour and Conservative are two sides of the same globalist coin. Their methods might be different but their end goal is the same: a hyper-consumerised, GDP focused country, with the indigenous population replaced by cheap foreign labour to please the endless greed of the banks and corporations.

    • Both very authoritarian big-state parties.

      Never voted for either pack of cunts, and I doubt I ever will.

  20. I always vote on principle. Even though the Brexit Party didnt field a candidate in our safe tory seat, I didnt vote Tory as my MP is a remainer.
    Luckily the Libertarian party were standing. I’d read their manifesto and it was by far the closest to my views so voted for them.
    My friend in the next constituency had nobody he could vote for, neither did my mum, as both wanted to vote the Brexit party.

    • The nom picture? It’s a gal who should be naked more often!
      Gone too far – off now! ?‍♂️?

      • “I’ll drain the swamp”!
        “Oh, it’s not a swamp – it’s a trough – dive in”!

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