Khairi Saadallah

A White Lives Matter cunting please for the bastard who claims to be from Libia, but had designs on going to Syria (known to the authorities) who ran amok in a Reading Park on June 20th stabbing 3 men to death and seriously injuring others.

The authorities admit to it being a terrorist attack, a pity they didn’t shoot him to save the expense of a trail and the enormous amount of money his ineviatble appeals cost and his lengthy stay in prison.

But – where is bleeding heart Kweer Charmer, the whinging wimmin of both genders in his party, or the countless Labour and Conservative MPs who bent the knee for the shady little perp in America George Floyd – come to that where are all the students with too much time on their hands, the Cuntbook Virtue Signallers, the Wireless 4 middle class handwringers, the PM, Today and World At One “agenda setters”. Not a word of condemnation. Of course all the victims were white, male and middle-aged.

This is Britain in 2020 – not nice is it?

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

88 thoughts on “Khairi Saadallah

  1. was on a watch list of MI5. Sought sanctuary here in the land of honey and benfits.
    I’m waiting for the elf to be mentioned. You know the evil one that makes mentally sound people mentally ill.
    Fuck knows how many of these vermin are sitting quiet waiting for the email to ” go postal ” or whatever the fuck they name their call to arms.
    While we’re here, a superb knee based cunting for BLM. Looks like a couple of aspiring ( insert highly unachievable job title ) were tickled with ammo at the weekend in Mossside.
    Candles – tick. BLM ? Nowhere to be seen. Which I would say proves they are wholly a racist movement.
    Only show up when it’s white on black crame

    • Black on black crime is the fault of the honky man according to them. I’m not making this up.

    • Elf already been mentioned, didn’t like what he saw on TV so threw it out of the window.

  2. Its “dont look back in anger” when white people are murdered in cold blood. The cunts are already trying to blame “mental health” the cowardly fuckers.

    • Well stated. Perhaps the police officer in America should say he has mental health problems.

  3. Honkies died because of a non-white? Light a candle and sing don’t look back in anger.

    It’s only an issue if it’s a white cop on another continent (possibly) accidentally killing a violent and huge black criminal who was resisting arrest. Then, it’s black power salutes (which means raping white women is fine), riots and tearing down of statues.

    Here is the equation:

    Whitey does a bad thing to a non white = You need to change your ways you racists. Yes, all of you whiteys need to sort it out. Every single one of you!

    Darker person does a bad thing to honky man = Don’t look back in anger/don’t be racist judging them all the same way…

    Sick of it.

    • Their argument being that even the most blameless of whiteys benefits from a centuries-old power structure, whereas the dusky chap is acting in a power vacuum.
      Quite how being entrenched in a major global religion of hundreds of millions of adherents cumulatively exercising considerable socio-economic and political heft can be considered as being in ‘a power vacuum’ is obviously a question only less enlightened minds like ours must ponder.

      • This means that there is absolutely nothing that Whites can do about this situation. None of us is innocent to them, not even that little girl who was born as you read this comment.

        We have to band together.

  4. Good Morning,

    The fact that he was on a MI5 watchlist is not unexpected. Well done them finding out about this cunt. i have a friend who is a retired police officer. He bought his team up my way to follow 4 naughty boys. I asked him how many in his team, thinking half a dozen and he replied 64. We are not chasing errant husbands he said if we get spotted we are fucked he told me. A few years ago in an answer to a HoC select committee it was revealed that there were over 7,000 people in this country thought to be involved with Islamic terrorism. That’s 448,000 people you need to follow them and you need Urdu speakers (well at least some of them) it is an impossible job.
    You, therefore, have to make the deterrents sufficiently severe to stop these bastards but that would be politically unpalatable in these woke times.

    • I heard on the radio today (not the BBC) that this “man” was only released from prison 14 days ago. Surely all these scummy bastards ought to be deported whatever the crime – even if it is only for a “minor” offence like shoplifting.

      • Yep, even dropping litter should get these cunts the exit! They should be model citizens if they expect us to put up with them!

  5. Current tally is 22,000 people of interest that the police are trying to keep tabs on.

    Immediate deportation for all of them is the obvious answer. But no, instead we give them free housing, free money and free reign to kill more English people.

    The stabby illegal immigrant cunt in Reading had his brother come out in support and claimed al-stabby acted in self defence.

    You couldn’t make this shit up.

  6. The left, as usual, are more concerned about the nasty comments the “gammons” are posting on social media about the stabby carpet pilot rather than the fact he was known to M15 as a threat and they are showing concern for the security of their country and families. If anyone deserves to end up on the receiving end of a kitchen knife handled by a peaceful, it’s a left-wing cunt who spends a considerable amount of time online defending the beardy terrorists.

    • I have noticed when ever these cunts go on the rampage they specifically target whites. Yet is there any protestations from are woke mates? No of course fucking not. The usual double standards.

  7. Apparently the cunt fought for an against IS, clearly a cunt who just wants to hurt as many as he can.

    Perfect import to the UK

  8. Total Fucking Apathy.

    This had been our motto for 40 years-what did you never hear it?
    White children turned into jigsaw puzzles at pop concerts-dont look back in anger.

    White boy abducted by car full of peace loving British with a pork aversion in revenge for Paki-bashing-stabbed, tortured and then turned into a human candle-nothing to see here, move along.

    50 years of industrial innocence removal, that’s ok, those girls were white trash and hey, it’s just a cultural thing, not really their fault. We need to win hearts and minds, that will make it ok.

    That’s the real enemy.
    The only ones who can be arsed to mobilise are the crazies from the far left, the comfortable, settled, gentile English folk will “tut!” at the antics of the crazies on the news, whilst slurping tea and being all “outraged “.
    Then they will do nothing…..

    The cunts on the hill sold us out.
    We still do nothing.
    British hating London mayor.
    British hating M.P’s “of colour”.
    Drag queens teaching 5 year olds that arse sex is best.
    History being revised, removed and reviled.
    Maybe we are getting exactly what we deserve?
    Let’s face it, we are all cunts.

    • props for the reference C-Finder

      Who’s heard of Stephen Lawrence???
      “Ooh yes… shocking wunnit.”

      OK who’s heard of Kriss Donald???
      Errrrr….who he….?

  9. Boatloads of these trainee terrorísts arrive daily on the South Coast. Don’t worry if you’re not in the South as they’re distributed thought Blighty. You’ll be hearing their “jiglee garak Jjarad” dialogue passing you soon.

  10. Drippy LibDumb MP Christine Jardine was on the radio last night, blaming “lack of opportunity” for cunts like Saadallah succumbing to terrorism.

    According to Ms. Jardine, if we provided these cunts with a house and gainful employment befitting their undoubted intelligence and abilities, acting out terrorist atrocities would be furthest from their minds… ?

      • Because preventing them coming here would fly in the face of EVERYTHING the LibDumps and Labour hold dear to their bleedin’ hearts. It’s not rocket science Guzzie! ?

    • Why doesn’t she suggest apartheid and be done with it!

      All those horrible whities (who don’t support the LibDumbs), should be kicked out of their homes, jobs and schools and forced into shanty towns. To be replaced by Gimmecunts and BAMEs who will be given priority treatment just so long as they vote LibDumb

      • Apparently Prince Jug Ears just said: “Diversity in our society is its greatest strength.” ?

        How profoundly platitudinous can the twerp get?

      • Diversity in “our society” is one thing, but I don’t see much diversity at Buck House, or the other homes of Windsor. Even more so now that Ms Sparkle has fucked off back to LA.

      • Markle was 98% white but identified as 100% black, so she was brought in as effnick window dressing so Jug Ears and his Mummy could virtue signal how modern and diverse they are. Cunts.

      • If Prince Charles is that bothered maybe he lets the filth live in one of his homes.
        No? Didn’t think so.
        Shut the fuck up Prince Charles.

      • Gutless fucking cunt.
        That man lives in a bubble, as far removed from reality, as is possible.
        He must be employing the same script writer as Boris.

      • Meghan wants to become the President of the United States according to Lady Colin Campbell in her new book.

      • I think the chances of that are as likely as Donald Trump marrying Oprah?

  11. I love being called gammon, my new porky nickname will hopefully repel the mudslimes.

    Goodbye for now.

  12. I keep telling you that all the imports should be held in detention for 6 months in Aberdeen with no benefits.

    Give them food and shelter and send any that are useless layabouts (98% of them I guess) back to where they came from immediately. Fuck their whinging. They are illegal immigrants, undesirable aliens and we don’t owe them a living. It’s so awful in Aberdeen they wouldn’t want to come here at all.

    • I have never been to Aberdeen and know very little about life there. But if the climate is bitterly cold, almost sunless, constantly damp, and said imports are held in cramped quarters with few modern conveniences and perhaps a wireless one day a week that is tuned to a station “celebrating” drag queens or such, then yes, I second Aberdeen as a Final Solution.

  13. I am fucking sick of hearing these hand wringing cunts label anyone who doesn’t follow their libfuck ideals as ‘far right’.

    The silent majority won’t stay silent forever. These cunts are pushing the envelope towards the tipping point.

    • The fact Twatter banned Katy Hopkins from posting her so-called “hate and racist” tweets, proves not only the blatant hypocrisy of Twitter (freely allowing similar hate–driven posts towards Trump, Boris and the White Establishment); but also how anyone who doesn’t follow the Lefty narrative is admonished and branded a threat to democracy and harmony!

      what utter utter shite!

      • The ‘vile’ tweet that was beyond the pale, totally unacceptable was her simply questioning why she should have to pay for other children’s school meals. No derogatory words at all.
        Banned for life.

  14. Surprise surprise he was ANOTHER one who was on a watchlist. And yet nothing was fucking done about him. AGAIN. Why are we so soft on these fuckers?

  15. All suspects should be shot.
    All families deported.
    Any complicit journalists etc supporting them face death penalty for treason.
    Fucking vermin.

    • #metoo Terry.
      Not much else I can add, without breaking hate crime laws, incite laws, terrorism laws and conspiracy to commit atrocity laws.
      Theyve silenced me.
      Oh no!
      Silence is violence!

      • My post disappeared MNC, so I will try again:
        In cuddly fluffy bunny land we can all light candles and have a little cwy for our poor dear terrorist p*edo thief people trafficking scrounging friends – they have brought sooo much to our Country.
        Just off to wash my mouth out and service the Bren.

    • First sentence is a good enough answer to the quandry.

      Next question though would be where to find 1.8 billion rounds!

      • Where to find 1.8 Million rounds? My garage! ?
        I’ve gone too far – off now ??‍♂️
        Slightly off topic but fucking nutcase and partner beater Layla Moran is issuing a legal challenge to try and force the Government into an extension. Why is this treacherous piece of “Human” sewage still in Politics and not tied to a ducking stool?
        Give me fucking strength – and 20p more in the swear box!

      • She really is a vile little jizz-mop.
        In the ugly looks department, second only to The Jaffa Kaffa.
        Complete cunt, worthy of her own cutting, 7 days a week

      • .303 is a bit scarce these days, but if you can lay your hands on an MG 42 I know a chap in FR Yugoslavia who’s got tons of 7.92mm

  16. I notice that the MSM have conveniently ignored the irony that this murder occurred at the end of a ‘peaceful’ BLM march, FFS!!

  17. Even if 1000 whities were killed in a terrorist atrocity by some self-confessed Islamic ISIS fundamentalists, The Guardian would still suggest the killer had issues with a white-privileged society that forced him to murder so many!

    Moreover, the BLM anarchists wouldn’t even bat an eyelid, suggesting that those 1000 dead whites mean nothing to us!

    Perhaps this Dink Virus is more sinister than first thought: perhaps it has affected the minds of the weak and stupid and turn them into violent woke cunts with a grudge against the white man. While the Dinks sit back and laugh their arses off at not only fucking up the western world and its capitalist society, but to turn it into a race war and civil unrest.

    Very clever of the dinks

  18. My mind just boggled (mentull elf ishoos, of course) when I contemplated the media shitstorm that would would burst over my head if I organised a big demonstration on the theme “White Lives Matter”.

    Which says all that I need to say on the subject. That we have come to this….

    • Even though a WLM demo probably would not involve rioting, looting or wanton destruction, it would somehow be a tewwible, tewwible thing.

  19. Just read his list of violent offences in the mail on line, why wasn’t he deported…
    ‘Not government policy to deport someone to a failed state’, the cunt came to the UK as a tourist in 2012 and claimed asylum and then stared being a cunt!

    If someone wrote this sort of shit as TV plot you would think, what a load of bollocks, wouldn’t happen in real life.

    Priti on the box now, guess what ‘learn lessons’ …. ITS FUCKING SIMPLE…
    Stop letting them in and kick the ones who are here back to theIt shit holes!!!

    Labour leader of Reading council…. ‘not let this divide us’ Agh what a cunt!!!

    • ‘not let this divide us’ ?

      The Labour leader of Reading Council must have great difficulty in finding people to play chess with him. Or, for that matter, draughts.

  20. I don’t know if it is possible, but could the relatives of any of the victims sue the government for giving this cunt asylum.

    Would love to see that one!

    • MSM saying two gay blokes who were killed hadnt attended the BLM rally there, totally unconnected, just happened to be in the park while the rally was on (sure) one was a yank whos been here 15yrs and sadly lost his husband to arse cancer.
      I think they were there for the rally, and thats bollocks!
      That nutty libyan had all the ticks for his favourite target, white, yank, gay, stupid.

      • Interesting development.
        I wonder if the LGBTQ fuckers will condemn Islamist atrocities, or will they be singing “ Don’t look back in anger” too?

      • One of the victims is/was a teacher. I don’t know if he was at the BLM “protest” or not, but it seems likely.

        One of them was the “best friend” of the CEO of Reading Pride (ooh, ‘ello!). I don’t know if they were at the BLM “protest” or not, but it seems likely.

        Don’t know about the other one.

        So it’s not all bad news. At least 2 BLM sympathisers have shuffled off this mortal coil. Thanks Khairi!

      • And at least one of them won’t be filling kids heads with self hating lefty bull.

      • The 3rd one used to drink at the same rainbow pub as the other 2.

        Maybe this was an anti-gay hate crime? That might help the “authorities” to take it more seriously.

    • “but could the relatives of any of the victims sue the government for giving this cunt asylum.”

      Interesting one as no valid court could deny the connection and the obvious directly consequential tort.

      • I have often wondered about this.

        If some tablecloth head goes on a truck of peace rampage through a town centre, then surely whatever government let it in has to take responsibilty for their pet.

        For example, if my dog bites someone I would expect to be prosecuted and sued.

        Its the same deal for the left. If your pets go fucking mental and stab a number of innocent people, you should expect to be prosecuted and sued.

        Dear leftards. Please remember to neuter and spay your pets.

        Its the responsible thing to do.

  21. Though Priti Patel says she will learn lessons,I don’t think she will. I intend putting on my gown and mortarboard and summining her to my study where she will be required to drop her knickers, bend over my desk and take six of the best. Then she will get another six from a stout Sweet Pea cane for the lessons she didn’t learn before.

    They wuld do better to say fuck allthan that ridicuolus LWBL phrase.

    • Priti may end up as wet as Boris WC!
      Time for a change of Prime Minister, but which equally useless one replaces him?
      (Sir Keir Starmer if the tories don’t show some leadership and governance).

      • Dame Kweer would be even worse I think Vernon – give him a couple of weeks and we would have Shiria Law, wimmin only companies, and a cabinet of poofters, pussy-whipped feminists and Jess Phillips and other butch man-haters.

  22. “Lessons will be learnt”. Fuck me, they say this line after every time the government, coppers, social workers etc fuck up. Are lessons learnt? No. How about sacking the incompetent cunts?

  23. This annoys me very much. I was once a gentle soul and still try to be. But as time goes on I feel myself getting wound up.

    I shall arm myself with sister Dolly’s seed cake and a replica narwhal tusk just in case.

    Worry not, fellow members of this here fine website. The most I would do is probably stand with my arms folded, shaking my head and tutting.

    • “The most I would do is probably stand with my arms folded, shaking my head and tutting.”

      Every little helps Spooners and I’m sure you’re gentleman enough to give a fellow cuntryman a lend of a chap’s stout, thoughtfully sharpened Narwhal tusk. It’s kebab night, smoke us some kippers ol’ bean we’ll be back for brekkers.

  24. If he was known to the authorities, why weren’t they keeping an eye on him? The answer – because there’s too fucking many of them. We haven’t got the manpower. It would be nice if our immigration department weeded out the nuts and trouble makers before they opened the doors and beckoned them all in. I’m sure the police would be grateful too. But this relatively simple task seems to be beyond them. They even let eastern European murderers and rapists come here. They are fucking useless. It is an intolerable situation when our government welcomes these vermin and inflicts them on the people of Britain.

  25. The BBC have just announced a huge wedge of cash to be spent on “diversity”
    Don’t know if I should laugh or cry.

  26. Phew, thank goodness. We’re saved!
    Priti says lessons have been learned.
    So that’s ok then.

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