We all know that the Black Lives Matter movement is a double standard laden pile of cunt. Have a look at this excellent video of a black woman confronting them. She totally owned them. Not reported on the UK media of course.
Nominated by: Mystic Maven
What the fuck are these cunts playing at? A cop kills a black man across the fucking Atlantic and utter CUNTS in the UK think it gives them a right to attack our police force? Why? What the actual fuck has this got to do with British cops?
All this is partially deserved though, as it seems our politicians and police chiefs all listen to their ‘community leaders’ and bow down to these bastards. We had the cops taking a fucking knee in solidarity with a bunch of terrorists and anti-white racists/communists (BLM and Antifa) and then getting ten bells of shite knocked out of them for those they arse kissed. I am at an utter fucking loss at how to process this shit anymore.
Here’s and idea, Boris, you soft twat. Get out there and make a speech that you will be sending in the riot police to crack skulls and that those attacking the cops will be filmed and then dealt with in court. And that they could expect to lose their jobs and homes for attacking cops or (heaven forbid) looting in the name of ‘an anti-racism protest’. Anyone throwing petrol bombs or such at cops will be charged with attempted murder at the very least. Do it, you Honey Monster bastard.
Get tough on the cunts. And the BBC need fucking reining in. They are winding people up with their false and dangerous narrative. According to them, it’s because they’re upset about the racist coronavirus and that our cops are just as bad as the Americans. Oh, and they are arrested more by cops because racism. Bollocks! It’s because they commit more fucking crime. End of fucking story. And blacks are much more likely to be killed by other blacks that a copper in the UK. Deal with that first, you cunts.
And as others have said, if ‘Black Lives Matter’ so much, why do they only care when a white cop kills a black criminal in the USA and not when a potential architect does the same thing in their own fucking street for the third time in a month?
Fuck these cunts. I’m done. Crack skulls and deport if possible.
Nominated by Cuntybollocks
That cozzers taking the knee and doing a black power salute is a heap of steaming cunt.
Where were their salutes for one of their own: the young officer who was killed when he was dragged by a car not so long ago?
I also wonder what the scores of girls who were failed and/or ignored by the ‘nothing to see here’ blind eye turning during the disgraceful Operation Augusta think of these ‘salutes’. especially those done buy the GMP?
They performed this circus act for two reasons only. He was black, and because it is trendy and ‘social media law’ to say black lives matter. Even if they think other lives -young coppers and innocent young girls included – don’t.
Nominated by Norman
Please let us cunt “taking a knee”. All over the world people of low intelligence but holding valid SJW cards are taking a knee? For what? As an American commentator said, why is it that the black community start screaming for justice and truth when the person has been damaging their community and is not a nice person ( a black Trump supporter made this comment). Good point. Also encouraging persons to take a knee is surely incitement to commit theft. Not that these cunts need much encouragement In that direction eh.
Nominated by Black biscuit
If black lives matter so much to these cunts why not make them pay for 2 weeks mandatory quarantine to just infect themselves?
This issue has set race relations back decades and not for the good. Ordinary, decent BAME must see this. The white SJWs are just as bad as the militant blacks. In every workplace, we bend over backwards to avoid prejudice and this is now thrown in our faces.
Kneel for me if you want, but many whiteys will now happily bring to the party sexton’s shovels, quick lime and…
Fuck em, it’s a touchy subject I know. Still comes down to the fact that living under the boot of white devils is preferable to any of the black utopias they could choose live in if they wanted…….,
I am really concerned from what I have seen in the US with the wanton rioting, arson and destruction of property, and hope this country doesn’t descend into gorilla warfare.
See what you did there LL. I think!
It was a lammyentable joke.
ISAC readers might like to know that as it is raining in London this morning innit, Diane Abbott will be doing her tribute to George and BLM with a display of topless conga drumming in her local KFC at 1.00. Rythym personified. Get ready to shake it about a bit ith Diane on You Tube, or You Porn, whichever gives out more free food.
That image gave me the horn.
Just looked at a BBC picture of a BLM demo. Fuck me, never seen so many white faces as Jon Snow wouldn’t say as there is no virtue in it.
Worldwide these cunts are being allowed to spread the plague. Still, any extra deaths, which will be of elderly relatives not the worthy young protesters, will all be Trump/Boris/whichever government’s fault.
And all this on the Anniversary of the D Day landings. I imagine many blacks lost their lives on Omaha. They were fighting for your freedom, SJW cunts.
From the beaches of Juno to the bitches of Cooonos.
Hmm, career criminal and armed robber who threatens to murder a white Woman and her unborn child with a firearm in her own home, banned from ever owning any kind of firearm due to his long history of violence and criminal behaviour – steals cigarettes by paying with a forged $20. (Fact). Same career criminal allegedly sacked from his job in security (what? No pre-employment checks? Would that be “racist”?) for threatening to murder a white cop, amongst other things. The SAME white cop called to the crime. Black Man runs, resists arrest, (fact) under the influence of alcohol and drugs with serious heart problems (fact – autopsy report).
A lot more to this one than the MSM are letting on, and there is an ongoing cover up. Not that I condone in any way the apparent behaviour of the Police, but we are being conned on this one.
Fuck “black lives matter” – if they were that bothered they would (not all, but far too many) not behave like feral thieving raping dealing murdering vicious animals.
UK Police taking a knee? The Police are supposed to be separate from politics, this sets a very dangerous precedent – where was the “take a knee” gang when innocent white Man steven Waldorf was shot by UK Police? Where they when black former Para Christopher Alder reported an assault and was “restrained” and left to choke to death in custody in front of four coppers who were filmed watching him die and laughing about it? And if rich whitey bitches and soyboys are so concerned about black lives let them walk through London with a nice watch or phone on display – see how much white lives matter when they are being hacked up with a zombie knife wielded by our poor oppressed friends. “But, but, I support the struggle of the poor black people”. “Give it up white bitch”.
Fuck them, fuck them all – if whitey is so awful fuck off to the third World, a few weeks of that will teach them what the blacks think of whitey.
Who ended slavery? Evil English whitey. Who created the free Country of Sierra Leone as a safe haven for black slaves who wanted to be free? Evil English whitey. Which soldiers and sailors died in mass numbers protecting black people from slavers? Evil English whitey. Sierra Leone tells colonial racist whitey to fuck off, fast forward a few Months, Sierra Leone immediately reverts to third World murderous savagery, I haven’t noticed celebrity coalflake Idris Alba visiting his “homeland” recently, or ever – bit too real for you Idris?
This is not about “black lives matter” – it is incitement to hatred by Antifa, communists and opportunist criminals who hate everyone, but whitey the most.
Fuck off to South Africa, see what you get when you riot (sorry “protest”) over there – depleted uranium rounds and a bunch of ridgebacks and alsatians ripping you to pieces. This is not protest, it is opportunism by the evil, the hateful and the deluded. And as a final thought, how many Countries have engaged in historical slavery? Where are all the “protesters” about that. How many black and muslim run Countries still engage in slavery, but no virtue points to be scored there so “look the other way”. Just like in Rotherham, etc.
We are seen (correctly) as weak, vulnerable and soft – so the jackals are gathering for the kill. Whitey bashing is fashionable, but payback is coming because decent reasonable white people are increasingly angry about being blamed for everything that has gone wrong since the dawn of Mankind and by god the hammer will drop hard when it does come.
Fuck “black lives matter” – ALL lives matter. Anyway, rant over (By jingo I sound angry!). ?
On other news – it’s raining, can’t play out so I am rebuilding an antique Rolex – a beautiful piece of miniature engineering.
Vern, that is a spot-on, epic summary of today’s utterly warped world.
In fact, bugger the weather – I want a new telly so I’m off “protesting”
60 inch Bang and Olufsen lives matter! ?
P.S – I ain’t kneeling for no one!
Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
I ain’t kneeling for George but I wouldn’t of kneeled in his neck either.
Owen Jones currently kneeling in front of several black Men, but that’s a slightly different thing!..
If it had been a Paddy in the 70s or 80s or a white person from the US or the UK today, the masses and the dibble wouldn’t have given a fuck (and they didn’t). Did Drummer Lee Rigby (RIP) get such a worldwide tribute? Did WPC Yvonne Fletcher (RIP)? How about the people killed at that Manchester Arena bombing by that peaceful filth? Did they get any salute? Did they fuck as like. Instead there was more focus on ‘understanding’ and protecting the fucking peaeeful ‘community’, And that includes murder encouraging mosques in Didsbury.
And of course the usual canonization has occurred. He was an angel, he had huge potential, he was an aspiring architect, the police victimised him cos he wuz bur–lack, he loved his momma and all that shite. Lets’s not mention he had a long run of form, was a blight on his community, could be a bit violent (just a tad, eh?), As usual, they are plaster saints and totally blameless. Offended by everything and to blame for nothing. That about sums it up. As per fucking usual, everything is about them. Black live matter and black lives only matter. That is what this lot (black and white SJWs alike) shamelessly believe.
And as for the savages going on arson and looting sprees during the worst medical crisis since the Black Death? What can you say about cunts like that? I know what the cunts should get for doing it though.
Oh, and to any thick inane imbecilic cunt who does ‘that’ salute? The Black Panthers were a terror organisation with an anti-white agenda, who wanted a an all out race war in 1960s America. Yet these social media brainwashed monkey see monkey do cunts see this gesture as totally ‘cool’ and acceptable. A bit like the scores of pig ignorant knobheads who wear the mass murderer, Che Guevara on their T-Shirts.
Can’t really add to that except to say – well said Norman! ?
(I had my little rant earlier!) ?
The response to the Manchester bombing was disgraceful. The the perpetrator is forgotten, and it’s like it was a natural disaster, or an accident like Abervan. All those fucking idiots rushing out to get a bee tattoo and falling over themselves to cry stop the hate. Try telling that to the prick who did it, his brother who helped him, and all the other slimy cunts who applauded it around. Instead, let’s all sing a shit song from a fifth rate Beatles tribute band. Get fucked.
Kriss Donald’s life didn’t matter because he was white. Fact.
Anyway, if we had to wait for the blacks to invent anything, we’d still be in mud huts like Africa. Here’s a party game – name anything major invention or achievment of the last 200 years and ask yoursefl was it a white man that did it.
No fucker, and certainly no dark key person, parades or demonstrates about the Dark Key people murdering whites in South Africa, Zimbabwe,Congo,Mozambique and in huge numbers.
Fuck em all!
Crowds gathering in Parliament Square at least a thousand social distancing no fucking hope bame and snowflakes majority are young so chinese flu won’t affect them they know best police can’t, won’t do fuck all wonder as it goes on how many of the snowflakes will get battered or robbed then followed by a lively game of supermarket sweep trainers and telly aisles with petrol bombs cunts the lot of them
As an alternative to BlackLivesMatter and AllLivesMatter, i’m promoting #NoLivesMatter.
Maybe we should all go rioting after this one:
I could do with some new books and a victoria sponge.
As everyone on this site knows, black lives mean fuck all to me.
Mystic Komodo predicts that in two or three weeks’ time, due to the protests, the infection rate and death count will have risen back to levels requiring a strengthened lockdown. We’re close now, as it is.
Thanks, hyperliberal sentimental irrational woke cunts.
And my blessing be upon them too. A zyclon special is winging its way in reward
I hope the cunts protesting catch covid. Stupid cunts are going to create another big spike in deaths.
Whitey gets fined for walking his dog.
10,000 “demonstrators” do what the hell they want in direct contradiction of the legislation – absolutely nothing done.
And “I no longer breathe – thanks to YOU” should be put on the coffin of every person these irresponsible hateful idiots infect and kill due to their gross negligence and criminal intent.
Take a knee? Yes, these idiots should – good and hard, in the face.
Damn fools.
And the cunts will blame Cummings or the government!! Maybe both …….
it’s the last time I want to hear from the BAME community about being targets for the coronavirus!! I too hope the pricks Demonstrating today all catch it ….
utterly clueless selfish cunts
Black olives matter too.
Dreadful! Green olives matter too ?
Let’s all take a slippery knee! ?
Totally agree with these nominations and that picture of the police “taking a knee” was fuckin pathetic. The government need to start getting tough with these cunts, perhaps sending in the Armed Forces is the answer to sort out these cunts. Something needs to be done to give out a message that they or any other bunch of anarchistic cunts will not be allowed to cause havoc on the streets of cities in the UK. And by the way, where is the condemnation from that useless pile of shit, Khan? This cunt seems more interested in sorting out fuckin bicycle lanes.
The current cycle lanes are not wide enough to fit a dinghy full of rapefugees DLP.
Any idea what his Dad did?
London needs no cycle lanes and more lorries turning left.
Cyclists are cunts and so is BLM.
A load of BLM people in Bournemouth today, 95% young white (privileged?) teenage kids, all trying to show how right on and liberal they are. They’ll go home feeling very smug and virtuous, and will forget the name George Floyd in two days time.
If they are that bothered they could always fuck off to Africa and protest there – but no ringing the British embassy when you get in trouble now kiddies.
Ah…..Floyd the convicted felon, aggravated burglery with a firearm, female vistim still in shock. Likes his meth too. I also beive passing a forged bill and resisting arrest is a regular repeater….
Such a nice chap, certainly worth the demo for.
Like fuck!
Play nice. Be constructive in your replies. We don’t vehemently slag off other cunters on here.
Bet they will feel right cunts when five boys from the hood rob them at knifepoint In a station car park. Taking a knee in the bales might be the nearest to black lives matter they will get for a while. Despair of these pathetic wankers.
And what about Dominic Baldcunt who all these snowflakes wanted hanged a couple of weeks ago? I take it they’ve forgiven the cunt now?
In fact i’m expecting an apology from all the woke slebs at any minute.
Saw a Facefuck photo from the USA. It showed a little white girl holding a homemade sign in front of her. At the bottom it said Black Lives Matter. Above it, with an arrow pointing upwards, was the word “privileged.” A fucking disgrace.
The brainwashing runs deep Freddie. Let’s see if she feels the same when she is robbed and gang raped at 13.
When you see the expression on her face you could be forgiven for thinking WTF are her parents doing?
Wretched libtards are creating more problems than they’re solving.
Tough shit George, you’re a demonstration in itself, a demonstration that it’s not a good idea to piss about against four armed rozzers.
Just look at this video….the Police are pathetic and the main troublemakers appear to be white….sounds like the video was filmed by a Dark-Key…good on him.
Good spot DF – our Police are a fucking joke.
“Police emergency”
“Help me – I’m being robbed at knifepoint by four black Men”
“We have a zero tolerance policy on your racism Sir – now wait there, we are sending 16 units to arrest you”.
Cambridge Police. I have seen cleaner, better dressed vagranty in doorways. Plod never wears correct uniform, preferring instead to flaunt his arse cheeks and yellow jacket like Bob the builder. Tattooed and unshaven, ears pierced and stink of B.O.
Are they Cambridge Police?….I didn’t know that….whoever they are,they want better leadership and a better grade of recruit.
Evening Asa.
I’m normally a supporter of our Police but judging my those pictures The Met. seems to have become a “Force” employing silly menopausal old biddies who couldn’t stop an argument in a playground and “woke” Wankers only too keen to “take a knee” in front of a bunch of professional agitators and idiots.
Surprisingly enough they were a lot more “robust” when policing this particular march….https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1170404/ROBERT-HARDMAN-Why-Left-silent-riot-squads-inflicted-terrible-injuries-peaceful-country-folk-2004.html
That’s what you get for peaceful protest. the only way to get heard is through violence, either dish it out big time or get it back.
Why not, it works for good causes right?
This ‘mustn’t grumble,let’s all sit down and have a nice cup of tea’ bollocks doesn’t work any more.
The police? Pffft. I’ve got a hilarious video of one of the finest stuck on a fence via his body armour, struggling like he’s caught on fly paper. Not injured,just trapped. Essential viewing.
Useless plod wankers, some of them have absolutely no self respect and should lose their badge and pension.
Waterycress Dickwad can fuck off too, she’s just soundbiting platitudes.
On D-Day too!
Time to unleash the dogs of war on these cunts.
Piss poor policing-Cressida Dick.Cunt.
Piss poor administration-Sadiq Khan. Cunt.
Piss poor leadership-Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. Cunt.
I couldn’t let myself watch all of that, the fact that a bunch of whites were jumping on a bandwagon with zero sense of irony.
A PM who stood for their freedoms against fascism (Antifa,are you listening?) being defamed. White privilege innit.
I read Lincolns statue was also defaced,so he abolished slavery did he? White privilege fam, white privilege.
While I’m at it, could this situation where whites claim to protest about treatment of non whites not be considered a form of cultural appropriation?
This is the current mindset of libtards, offer them proof,facts, truth and their response is sticking their fingers in their ears and saying “la la la I can’t hear you”.
The police in this country are beyond satire and we will reap what these tadpole level IQ degenerates sow.
Message to all honky twat libtards, kill yourselves for the cause, end the bloodlines, exit the gene pool, it’s the only way forward bruthas and sistahs because BLM and all that.
Jesus wept, there are so many videos out there showing the high level examples of this twisted fuckery it’s unreal.
It’s a fucking disgrace, BLM protests turn violent in London and Winston Churchill’s statue vandalised by pathetic woke Libtards. This country is fucked.
When it comes to the State, no lives matter.
When it comes to anarchists, no lives matter.
Not even John Lydon’s?
Evening Bertie. ?
Evening Ruff one. I’m at the lowest ebb I’ve been for some time. I’m at the point where I can handle the virus crisis easier than I can all this fuckin’ BLM.
Corona virus has provided the perfect climate for all the maggots to come crawling out into the open.
Too fucking right Bertie.
Evening Bertie, Creampuff. You both fed up as well then? I usually ignore this shit but its been on steroids all week with every chancer crawling out of the woodwork for their five minutes of whining.
Maybe Fiddler will welcome disillusioned cunters at The Towers as a last bastion of English pride? Or maybe a “fuck off” and a warning shot?
No fucking way that I’d let you nutters and weirdos across the thresh.
Fuck that and Fuck Off.
I cant say I blame you Fiddler, Miserable’s food bill would bankrupt Greece (again).
It’s that fucking joke-book of Bertie’s that really worries me.
Please don’t worry yourself on my behalf Dick.
I have a suite of rooms booked in Cuntflap’s ISAC armed gated community, featuring lookout towers equipped with M240L machine guns. ?
As Prof. Higgs (an American economic historian and economist) once said, ”Anarchists did not try to carry out genocide against the Armenians in Turkey; they did not deliberately starve millions of Ukrainians; they did not create a system of death camps to kill Jews, gypsies, and Slavs in Europe; they did not fire-bomb scores of large German and Japanese cities and drop nuclear bombs on two of them; they did not carry out a ‘Great Leap Forward’ that killed scores of millions of Chinese; they did not attempt to kill everybody with any appreciable education in Cambodia; they did not launch one aggressive war after another; they did not implement trade sanctions that killed perhaps 500,000 Iraqi children.
In debates between anarchists and statists, the burden of proof clearly should rest on those who place their trust in the state. Anarchy’s mayhem is wholly conjectural; the state’s mayhem is undeniably, factually horrendous.”
What’s progress without a little ‘collateral damage’?
For fucks sake! Those coppers should be sacked, every single one of them. If they haven’t got the bottle for the job they should fuck off and make way for cunts who have. That Strap On bitch should resign too.
All I could hear on that film was middle class bitches screaming their fucking slogans.
“Churchill was a war mongerer.”
Fucking hell, what are you supposed to say in the face of such nonsense?
The fuckin’ sad thing is that many whities have been brow beaten into believing they are the problem. We’re halfway to anarchy.
The police are now fucked in this country, what are they going to do when they try to arrest someone (BAME) and cunts kicks off, no chance of restraining the fucker, police brutality
I hope those posh, faux commie bastards stay late and get done over by a Somali steaming gang on the Tube. Now THAT would cheer me up no end.
The big Dick has criticised her police officers for bending the knee. Will she discipline them? Will she fuck. Christ, this woman? must be the weakest leader of any police force in the world. If London wants to retrieve the situation, they need to appoint someone who’s got something about them. However, what the fuck do I care? It’s not happening in my country?
The box ticking Lezza was on LBC this morning stating that her officers had been INSTRUCTED not to go down on their knees, like a bunch of gays.
Those cunts are easily identifiable and they should be FUCKING SACKED. In effect they encouraged the violence that is happening now. Bullies always pick on the weak. When those pathetic wankers went down on their knees they sent out a message. Criminals all over the world have seen that message and will be on their way ASAP.
Not to mention oral-rapists , that like men in uniform.
Let Titania be your guru: