I nominate the concept of Black Brotherhood.
The reality is there is no such thing.
If there was then why do black yooves charge around London stabbing each other?
If there was then why do corrupt and cruel African governments suppress their own people often to the point of starvation?
I get sick of hearing about those brave British blacks who are “standing wiv” their black American bruvvers and march on Downing Street as if it is OUR fault that rogue cops killed a black man in the USA. They seem to think this proves that all white folk are somehow racist. What sort of twisted logic is that?
The myth of Black Brotherhood persists because it suits the agenda of cunts such as David Lammy MP and shadow minister, Sir Lenny Henry, great comedian and ambassador of hotel rooms and Kehinde Andrews, Professor of Black Studies and general shut stirrer, who reached the top of their game whilst complaining they were constantly being discriminated against.
They think they represent british blacks. Yet black people are as diverse as white folk and it is ridiculous to suggest they are all of one world view. ALL decent people are against injustice and I am sick of reverse racists trying to make me feel guilty for being white. Fuck off!
Nominated by Lord Helpuss
The cunts that trashed the Colston statue must be more annoyed that the guy did more for Bristol than any of those worthless rabble will ever achieve. Skum.
Brexit. Trump. Jezza getting his arse handed to him.
The left are angry and not accepting their continual defeats. This is not about George. It’s about smashing the system to replace it with what? Anarchists, communists and anti white racists.
Great idea idiots. You’ve just assured right wing governments for years to come and more people actually becoming properly racist to protect themselves from other racists, like you you daft cunts.
You’re spot on Cuntybollocks, the left are using any excuse they can to stir up discourse and overthrow the system, they will replace it with something along Chinese lines.
The silent majority need to find their voice, now!
They also see the pandemic as a perfect opportunity. Most of them are under 35 and unlikely to even get ill if they catch it, but they know they can kill off more of the hated (by them) ‘boomers’ (including their own parents and grandparents). And of course, the government is weakened during this pandemic (their hands are full).
The army on the streets and a few cunts with their brains blown out should see them scuttle back beneath their rocks. I’d also be looking at arresting terrorist cunts like Tits Nandy and Lammy for encouraging and praising the riots.
Enough of this shit now. Time to crack skulls.
I welcome it. It’ll mean there’s more chance the real enemy of CP-trained Blairites in our institutions will get kicked out of their cushy non-jobs.
Dear God,
I want Oliver Cromwell resurrecting NOW, and I want him to have the biggest flamethrower …….. in the world.
It appears the rabble are kicking off again. So predictable. Let’s hope the wussy cops get up off their knees long enough to break a few heads.
Those cops who took a knee should all be fired. No pensions. Fired for gross misconduct. They were instructed not, under any circumstances, to take a knee to these trouble makers.
Cressida Strap-on was her usual wishy-washy self on the radio yesterday regarding the issue.
“We encourage our officers to talk to people” Dame Cressida told Andrew (Castle), adding that a main function of the police is “to engage in a positive manner with people.” The Police Commissioner went on to state that although she understands the sentiment behind officers taking the knee, “we won’t be kneeling during protests” in the UK.
Andrew wanted clarification, asking Dame Cressida to say that she won’t take the knee during protests if protesters encouraged her to. “I wouldn’t, and I have asked my officers not to because our job is to police” she said.
Don’t just fucking ASK them not to, you pathetic box ticking bitch. ORDER them not to!
I fucking despair over this . It’s ok to demand Dominic Cummings head on a plate and drag some poor sod off the beach and tell them their killing people .
But this bunch of fucking Cunting bastards can go on the rampage through our cities and get nothing but praise from the media.
It’s also sickening to watch Police get down on one knee in solidarity with the scum bags.
There actions will create a lot more racism than they could ever imagine.
Seems to me that the vast majority of people want to lash out, and if there is an ideological framework in place so that they can grant themselves a righteous and noble standing then they can refuse to acknowledge what’s wrong with what they are doing.
Black lives matter, trans, gay, saving the whale, saving the earth, the thunberg wolly, anti slavery, vegan, vegetarian, gender fluid, conspiracy theorists, politicians, righteous celebrities, and any other cunts you care to mention are all singing from the same song sheet. They are all looking to gain a one up on everyone around them without getting to the basics of a physical confrontation that they are all so terribly afraid of losing.
Fuck these cunts. Fuck them all.
Whatever happened to that slogan of “I just want to be treated the same as everybody else” ? What a fucking pack of lies that turned out to be.
They all share the identical pathological desire to force you to mimic them in every way down to the way you wipe your arse.
You cannot even discuss their ideology because that is questioning, undermining, pouring scorn.
Now that there’s no stopping humanity, with maybe the exception of a huge asteroid or a toasty nuclear baptism, this crap is not going to go away.
I am choosing ignorance, and refuse to learn any of the details of whoever’s latest problem. I can confirm that simply refusing to even learn the correct terminology is more than enough to cause complete ostracism, and long standing friendship or family ties will not count for a thing.
My ambition is to make such a proper cunt of myself that perhaps in a few years time I will escape communication with humanity from the moral high ground completely.
Great post.
‘I am choosing ignorance, and refuse to learn any of the details of whoever’s latest problem. I can confirm that simply refusing to even learn the correct terminology is more than enough to cause complete ostracism, and long standing friendship or family ties will not count for a thing.
My ambition is to make such a proper cunt of myself that perhaps in a few years time I will escape communication with humanity’.
I’m halfway there.
As my ancestors were losing their limbs in industrial accents, getting shot at in various wars, losing their minds due to working in the lead industry and having short life expectancies due to shit living conditions I don’t think they thought much about their white privilege; however, now I am in full possession of the facts of my privilege I feel I must atone for something with which I had no involvement.
My first action will be to set up a monthly donation to this mob:
Will I fuck be doing that!
Slavery LARPing, hahaha.
Exactly. Don’t think my grandads felt all that privileged. One down the mines and couldn’t even stand up whilst digging coal. Yeah, how fucking privileged is that?
My mum is into all that family tree bollocks. She’s gone back a few hundred years. It reads like a fucking tragedy. Loads of infant death, kids working in mills, a few being sent to the poor house, blown up in WW1.
Some fucking white privilege.
Owen Jones is tweeting about different statues around London which he finds offensive. Obviously, he’s not encouraging mobs to go and tear them down.
Why is this little cunt not arrested already?
Probably for the same reason the cops didn’t stop that cunt defacing Churchill’s statue again this afternoon. Trashing our heritage is the ‘new normal’ it seems.
Blacks killing blacks by the thousands?
One white dude kills a black career criminal, thousands of miles away on a different continent?
Riots and it’s on you, whitey. And shut up and accept collective guilt for your skin colour. And don’t ask us blacks for help on how to fix things. It’s your problem to fix. We’ll just go apeshit for now and accept no responsibility for our actions.
Black/South Asian kills white kids in terror attack. Blacks committing more crime than any other group. Brown skinned South Asians form rape gangs to target vulnerable white girls?
Don’t be racist using collective guilt. This is societal injustice and it’s your problem to fix, whitey. Don’t look back in anger and light a candle.
Anyone else had it with this shit now?
About 50 million in the UK.
Oh shit, I almost forgot. Check this out, you will not regret it, I assure you.
Top man-there is some pushback then?
FlipperLips, I wonder, is the fella in the video the same man whom cleans Unkle Terry’s oven? It looks like he rushed from cleaning it to go straight to that bullocks protest.
Excellent nomination…………….
Dear, Dog, up in Devon,
Give us a sign this madness will be short lived and the trouble makers will be no more than a murmur in the distance.
They shall one day see sense and realise the result of their actions.
They shall feel remorse and regret.
That was for the rioters and protesters as well.
Ah , so pissed off this evening I have emailed
The PM office
The Conservative party
The BBC , Have Your Say
BBC breakfast
I feel so much better ?
The mainstream media are the problem. Nothing short of a France style revolution or a Stalinist type purge is ever going to change that. The very fact that they think ‘Black Lives Matter’ and its demented followers are more important than the coronavirus crisis and that these ‘protesting’ cunts are exempt from lockdown rules and distancing says it all. Vermin like the BBC spread this shit and betray the British people. According to them and those Black Lives Only Matter shitheads, the death of one American criminal (black, naturally) is more important that the thousands upon thousands who have died from covid-19. A total mockery and a fucking disgrace.
And did anyone see that old slag cunt Madogga ‘on crutches’ at that Black Lives Matter lockdown breakers cuntfest in London? What an attention seeking turd she is. Taking a risk too, going out at her age with the virus and all that. If fucking only,eh?
If I were you, I wouldn’t go looking up the BFC’s hagiography, sorry, ‘unbiased description’ of Antifa on their website, if you don’t want to risk bringing a premature demise upon yourself. Was just watching AM Waters’ last livestream, in which she went through it. Hence not asleep now and in corner gibbering.
Considering the comparatively small number of protesters, it can reasonably be concluded that the rest of the country don’t give a fuck about black lives by a ratio of 10,000:1.
Had to use the scumshovel (public transport) yesterday and pass through the umbongo territories of south London.
A bunch of Nigerians got on and sat right next to each other, talking loudly about some shit or other. No social distancing there.
Apparently black lives don’t matter to the BAME contingent.
Just a thought, but at what point is anything bad black people do not the fault of white people?
Seems to be a never ending shit show of blaming others for their behaviour. Not having it anymore and I won’t be silent in public anymore either if one of these anti-white racist cunts (white or black) pipes up.
It should have been the greatest of priviledge to be allowed to live in western society. In lands that offer everything that the third world ( could ) but does not offer. A westernm world of opportunity, of standards. Education and of couurse, law and order. How wonderful it must be to be given that opportunity.
Well Im afraid our less cultured inhabitants are not happy. In fact, there is very little that they are happy with excepting of course, the free housing, the free benefits, the freedom to roam. In fact these are the only things that they seem to vallue .
Of course, being a specially preserved species in whitey land, they also have the right to protest. And boy ! Do they fucking moan, whinge protest, and destroy!
Multiculturism is a fucking disaster, and in the old days ( prior to the revisionism ) Sociological Studies would teach that a society that has more in common, is a better and stronger society and with shared and common values is of great strength.
Not now. A patchwork of ethnicities, different religions, different cultures and different standards has brought our once great country almost to its knees.
Our ideological political class have played ( without our consent ) with the structure of our country, and without bweing brought to book.
This must change, and if not, we are royally fucked. I will never donate to a charity, I will never tolerate the intolerable and I advocate a chnge in all politics that contribute to my demise, that of my children and of my grandchildren. This could well be our last opportunity to save our Nationhood.
Lost a couple of mates who happen to be black over this recent shitfest, both live in a prominently white community and have all white friends/gf’s, they have suffer little discrimination of note and are well liked and respected, now they have a free victim pass and are ramming it down our throats several times a day whilst trying to tell us why we should feel terrible for things that happened hundreds of years ago like it actually effected them in any real way, say you’re staying out of it and “silence is violence” tossers the pair of them, they can fuck off now, all they are doing us creating divisions where there were none before. CUNTS
Who was it was herding all those slaves to the coast?
It was not the Honkies, the South Asians, the Chinese, the Inuit, the Mongols, the Australasians, or any of the other non black races.
It was just the high heid yins way of limiting population while gaining some shiny stuff. A sort of early Choice system.
Black brotherhood = If black kills black that’s ok. If black kills white, that’s ok. If whitey kills black then the blacks and thier whitey pc supporters riot, loot and cause fuckin mayhem.
Considering that the average American owns 8.774 firearms, it is surprising that, in response to the looting, there are not a few hundred more black lives that don’t matter any more.
Whining bastards plus they stink of sweat, which is strange as they do fuck all.!