I nominate the concept of Black Brotherhood.
The reality is there is no such thing.
If there was then why do black yooves charge around London stabbing each other?
If there was then why do corrupt and cruel African governments suppress their own people often to the point of starvation?
I get sick of hearing about those brave British blacks who are “standing wiv” their black American bruvvers and march on Downing Street as if it is OUR fault that rogue cops killed a black man in the USA. They seem to think this proves that all white folk are somehow racist. What sort of twisted logic is that?
The myth of Black Brotherhood persists because it suits the agenda of cunts such as David Lammy MP and shadow minister, Sir Lenny Henry, great comedian and ambassador of hotel rooms and Kehinde Andrews, Professor of Black Studies and general shut stirrer, who reached the top of their game whilst complaining they were constantly being discriminated against.
They think they represent british blacks. Yet black people are as diverse as white folk and it is ridiculous to suggest they are all of one world view. ALL decent people are against injustice and I am sick of reverse racists trying to make me feel guilty for being white. Fuck off!
Nominated by Lord Helpuss
Fucking Black Lives cunts have torn down the statue of Colston, in Bristol and thrown it in the river. I’m a staunch defender of the police, and, the average bobby on the beat must feel the same as we do and fucking despair at these cunts being allowed to get away with this. Pava spray at a fucking minimum and then locked up. A fucking gunship taking them out would be my fucking option. What the fuck is happening to this country? I fear the backlash as this is a minority. And when the majority have had enough….
Mounted police officer in hospital with broken ribs and a collapsed lung after some cunt threw a bike at the horse at a ‘protest’. There’s some photo or video evidence of this so I hope that they can catch the cunt. Ten fucking years MINIMUM.
A lot of the arsewipes at these protests appear to be hard-core trouble-makers hi-jacking the situation to cause a riot in pursuit of their ‘smash the system’ agenda. Step forward Class War, the SWP and the rest of the usual suspects. These cunts are like a fucking disease.
Socialist Workers’ Party- not one between the lot of them but who in their right mind would offer any them a job.
one wonders how many of them will be going home to their flat in one of those big houses that were built on the proceeds of the slave trade and having a rum and coke…
I wonder what the level of protest in America would be if a black person was killed By the police in the England ?
Can’t imagine thousands coming out in multiple city’s And attacking the American police force ……….
what reaction would it get from the American public ? NYCP officers taking the knee? Politicians platforming on it ? MSM hyping it ? Just wondering………
NYPD ………
NKVD in Minneapolis if they’re serious about abolishing their police force.
If these scumbags protested every time a black stabbed a black on the streets of London, they’d be on the streets everyday.
About 5 times a day more like.
There’d be barely enough time to nip to KFC.
The cunt in charge of the police operation should have their warrant card taken from them and sacked on the spot. A fucking disgrace and not upholding the vows and oath they took.
Bristol is one of the “Wokest” places in the UK. Probably replace the statue with “George Floyd” with wings or Dame Lawrence.
Some cunt of a professor dug up by the BBC states that the bloke in the statue was a murderer. Ok , no murderer or attempted murderer should have a statue, tear them down starting with Nelson Mandela statues.
It boils my piss to kingdom come that the city I have always lived in is now a magnet for every kind if shit stirring protest and woke bollocks you can think of. When politicians talk of people being radicalised,I don’t think they mean the indigenous people but that is what is happening.
Un-fucking-believable. The police were nowhere to be seen.
Probably back at the station painting their nails in preparation for the next Gay Pride march. Or rehearsing the latest dance moves for the next Extinction Rebellion demonstration. Or down on their knees begging forgiveness for the greatness of our national heritage.
Yet a few weeks ago they`d have shouted at you for sitting on a fucking park bench or for sunbathing.
Absolutely, the police have long since abandoned doing their fucking job. And bollocks to all this “brave noble bobbies”, lions led by donkeys shit. They’re all fucking useless cunts and have been for decades.
Bollocks, mate. I meet lots of bobbies in my job and they’re as sick to death of this shit as you are.
I usually agree with you DCI. But answer me this . . . . . .
Why did a significant number of bobbies at the London protests bend the knee?
This was contravening the orders of the Great Dick who instructed them not to.
They are there to carry out law enforcement not to take any sides or involve themselves in politics.
I am getting more and more annoyed with all the shit that’s going on, fuck Black Lives Matter, I don’t give a shit about any of the crap they are spouting. White privilege , fuck off you cunts, Black and effnick oppression ,I don’t give a flying fuck.
Black brothers, fuck off to some other country to stab each other to death.
Black lives matter as much to me as I’m sure my life matters to them (which is to say, fuck all, probably).
The irony is that where before people were not racist they may now well tempted to be, after having spent weeks obeying lockdown only for this rabble to deface historical monuments, assault police, and completely ignore social distancing.
“Brotherhood” is a bit toxic, isn’t it. ??
The funniest photo I’ve seen all week was of a black, American police officer blocking “protesters” calmly while a white yoof wigger screamed abuse about Black lives mattering. What luscious irony.
It is, isn’t it Cap’n.
It’s a mixed up world, yes it’s a shook up world ‘cept for Lola.
For me it was all of those protesters, mostly white, that joined up to sing together a rendition of “lean on me”
I must admit that one did really tickle me.
Gentlemen, Gentlemen!,
Fear the not, for this is part of my plan, and tis a good plan I must say.
Since creation I have taken notice of this harrowed site and marked my notes well.
Man has thwarted me in many ways to the extent that Darwin’s theory of evolution no longer is in effect.
But due to man’s meddling in common sense and Biological weaponry a new dawn is coming.
Around the globe large groups of, trouble makers, cry babies and bell ends are gathering in close proximity (as a Killer virus roams the earth).
Now surely this should be a thing to celebrate? are you ever happy?
Thanks Big Man. It’s great to know that you’re on the job!
Seems to me God me an you are on the same wavelenth.
I assume your also a Northerner?
Judge them not lord, theyre a simple folk.
If that be your will oh Lord, who are we to question it?
Fuck all we can do about it anyway, seeing as you’re omnipotent you cunt.
Some well aimed lightning bolts would be in order at this particular time.
Stop faffing about and get busy.
There’s plenty of fucking targets.
Good evening.
Nice to see You back, Lord. It’s been a while. Better still to see Your action plan. Think we could do with a reprint of the stone tablets, though.
1 Thou shall not be a cunt!
That was all I said in the original, But that Moses bloke was a bit arty farty and fleshed it out considerably!
I noticed in his book he did not mention the hernia he got from it.
Sorry to hijack your post but this came through on the spam list.
Read this before it is deleted – Oh what a fucking Angel he was – cunt
all the best Admin
Aye, you don’t see the mainstream media reporting on him holding a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach, while a gang of mates rob her home.
Or how he still thought best to pistol-whip her even after she naturally gave up her loot.
Good old St. George of Floyd, a martyr to revered.
We’d never blame you, almighty one.
You should always pass the buck and point out it was all the fault of young Lucifer and his demonic bumchums.
Seeing all these fucking moronic white cunts raising a black power fist, kneeling, or holding slogan signs, is really vexing my will to live. The police officers kneeling too, god that’s so fucking embarrassing, though Justin Truedoughbrains kneeling is the worst.
One black career criminal dies in a foreign nation and everyone loses their shit? I think the looting is most outward representation of the inner motivations here, that of wanting something for nothing. It’s got fuck all to do with Floyd or racism.
Well said Lord Helpuss, I am sick of all this Black this and racist that. Not all black people buy into this victim mentality. I for one am proud to be British born and bred in what is the (or at least one of ) greatest, safest and most tolerant countries in the world.
I’ll never be black, and I’ll never be white as I am half of each and I am equally proud to be what I am and what the two races are and what they have achieved.
Fuck these whinging cunts, If they were offered and house and land in Africa 99% would not go. Racism exists EVERYWHERE and I only last year witnessed racism against a non black in Jamaica.
If I was in charge I’d deport these moaning cunts and see what they think of their new country.
The cunts.
Was a black bloke at the protests in London and he was saying to Sly news that all the daft white cunts kicking off were spoiling the message, said they didnt represent him.
Sky news seemed a bit gutted, didnt want common sense wanted a oppressed victim.
What I find disturbing B&W is that unlike yourself, many mixed race offspring often identify with being black. To me, this does not suggest these partnerships are very equal in basis. Instead of adopting this view, whatever the reason, why aren’t the children celebrating the unique inheritance they’ve acquired?
Whist I’ve still got breath left in my body, I’ll certainly be encouraging my mixed race grandchild to embrace the situation.
Knowing you have a grandchild Bertie, makes me even more humbled to be inheriting your celebrated pun book.
??? Evening LL. When I was making my will, I suggested to the solicitor that I leave it to someone but they said “where there’s a will, no way.” You’re better leaving it to some poor humourless individual.
The MSM always refer to mixed race cunts like Barry O’bummer as black only. Their white half has been air brushed out, Soviet style, never to be acknowledged.
Even better if he starts on his great-grandchildren, you know you’ll be getting the joke book real soon
Its a strange one BBTC. I’ve noticed that also, look at Meghan Markle who looks more white than black yet the media not necessarily her refer to her as black or someone of colour, I think its partly due to black people being many shades and generally if you dont look white your not white according to social media, the media etc.
A lot of mixed race people (black and white) seem to refer to themselves as black or are referred to as black, possibly because they dont look white but they will never be black. If I was black I would correct mixed race people who say they are black as they are not and how you can ignore half of what you are is beyond me. A lot of black people are partly jealous of mixed race people also as we are usually better looking and benefit from both races, there is also a legacy from way back where you were favoured if you were Mulatto or lighter in former colonies.
I usually at some point always point out the fact I’m half white to ignorant people who can’t tell or who think its better to concentrate on your black side. Its simple if coffee has milk in it it ain’t black coffee.
Very interesting Black and White. It’s definitely a conversation that needs to take place!
I’m expecting a boy black and white grandchild in October and all I can say is the little fucker is not getting a kick around in my garden unless he supports the reds, despite coming from Kent!
Too right BBTC, order in the Reds baby merchandise. You can tell him he was born when the Reds were Champions…which will hopefully be next month. YNWA
Ha ha! Bend the knee – but only to the Reds!
a tarring of 1:64 or 1:128 will be claimed as the pertinent genetic constituent when a whiff of compensation is in the air
All these rioting cunts are a symptom.
The disease is the enemy within, that being, those who rule us.
Typical blacks, everyone white is racest, they love to play the victims, they love the giant shoulder chip that they make a massive part of their lives, and now that very few people are actually racest or at least keep quiet about being racest , they are finding it difficult to be the long suffering victims they like to portrey.
Cunts like tanned Megain Sparkle dont help by jumping on the band wagon for a bit of me two sympathy due to her being the poster girl for cunts.
The fact that these fuckers are demonstrating here is just an excuse for these plebs to play the victims and the fact that they were up in arms last week becaus Covid is killing more blacks and then they gather in mass with no social distancing brands them as total hypocrites and all for some guy in the USA who it turns out has a history of armed robbery, so was a theiving cunt who probable had it coming anyway.
So fuck him and when blacks get struck down with Covid i think they brought it on themselves, so not much sympathy from me….
I recall the black brotherhood of Winnie Mandela’s ‘football team’.
They went round torching their own with their “matches and necklaces”, as stupidly quoted by that ignoramus Naz shah.
Though no riots occurred I recall a massive diplomatic slip of the tongue.
An Italian tourist was given a kicking by police in the province of Istria (Croatia) The Croatian’s apologised to the Italian consul saying the police had mistaken him for “ethnic” Italian.
The Italians were less than amused
That was funny.
These fuckers are just going to bring back racism more strongly than ever before, and when another gets killed they will have brought it on themselves, shame the police are on best behaviour, I reckon they should be allowed to go in Joburg style and sort the fuckers out properly .
Too right Fugly.
A sjambok whipping would be the right treatment for these cunts particularly the white ones.
It seems the more ‘rights’ these minorities get, the more they kick off at the drop of a hat.
One of the presenters on LBC just now said demonstrators not adhering to social distancing rules was probably ok because they were wearing masks, ffs!
The rules do not apply Black Lives Matter, they are above everything, including the law.
And Churchill’s statue has been defaced again.”CHURCHILL WAS A RACIST” has been sprayed on the plinth in black paint. FFS, the police must have known this was likely to happen, why were they not there to guard it?
It’s lucky Admiral Lord Nelson is beyond reach. Afua Hirsch has been demanding its removal for years. I think she wants an Islamist terrorist put there in its place.
I put in a nom for the vandalism, bunch of cunts, I don’t care if Churchill was racist, it didn’t really matter that much when Adolf was trying to cross the channel.
There was one stupid woman on the TV (black) who claimed her little offspring was asking if they are going to bring back slavery…. what a cunt.
No dear it only happens in shithole countries these days.
Actually I would have said to her child it is alive and kicking, why do you think you came to Europe darling.
So glad mounted officer and horse are both stable, (sorry). Might be an idea next time to use proper cavalry, lancers or dragoons rather than gymkhana rosette winners.
Jus saying.
I think I can answer that,
As ex cav I can assure you that rolling down the road in a troop of Challenger’s would not be very PC also due to barrel swing they are not suited to FIBUA.
Good morning your Lordship,
“Ex-Cav” respect sir.
Your quite correct and I wouldn’t dream of using MBT’s a bit too Tiananmen (now wouldn’t that be ironic)! I was thinking more along the lines of Omdurman where Kitchener’s front, 21st Lancers, was attacked by Mahdist dervishes hurling abuse and bicycles! The resulting charge entered into history and left us with the immortal phrase “they don’t like it up ’em”!
Perhaps your Challengers might be better deployed in prepared defensive positions on the south east coast!
But that’s another story.
No need to worry about ‘barrel swing!’ Back up 50 meters and load Cannister Rounds! Can you imagine the body count! Have a couple of Warrior parked in the side streets to hose them down with the .50! That’ll fuck ‘em, good! Just for good measure, how about Claymores attached to the lampposts, facing down?
Mustard gas the cunts. They have absolutely no reason for protesting, and even less for rioting. Left wing agitators hell bent on bringing down the government regardless of the cost in lives or property, while that government sits paralysed for fear of upsetting people who wouldn’t vote for them at gunpoint.
Look up “Blood agent” much more effective, do you want to overwhelm the NHS?
Valid point
Where’s Lammy calling out the white saviours now. Take the whites out of the protest and what do you have?
I stand with all the white criminals shot and killed by American cops. The fuckers kill more of my skin colour than blacks. Wait….. those white cunts were violent criminal cunts and `I dont want Sloane Sq renamed after any of the fuckers.
I suspect like many others I am at the end of my tether with all this bollocks. A bloke gets killed thousands of miles away so the fucking cunts here decide to assault our police, cause criminal damage, cost the taxpayer thousands, and help spread the Chinky Flu. And what do our people in authority do – absolutely fuck all, just sit back and watch it happen. I’ve been trying to steer clear of the MSM coverage of it which is nigh on impossible but the glimpses I’ve seen it seems to be mostly young woke middle class libtard whiteys causing most of the trouble, protesting against the white male privilege which has given them the democratic right to protest in the first place. The cunts are plainly too fucking thick to understand the irony.
helter skelter
The gloves are off and the demented, screeching and clawing cats are out of the bag. Everything else thrown against Trump and Brexit so far has failed, so now there’s nothing lest except to mobilise the paid mobs.
It’s just depressing that we’re likely to have to put up with this until the start of next year. I know what my solution would be, but luckily for the left I’m not interested in seeking power.
We have reached the point where life is too easy for too many in The “Developed” Nations. A sense of Entitlement pervades every strata of our society. Everyone seems to think that their “rights” are all that matters.
Everyone must be “equal” but surely that can never be? We are not all alike and there will inevitably be some on top and others beneath. Inequality will always exist..it can’t be any other way. It might be unfair but life is unfair.
The trouble now is that everyone,however hard-done-by they may feel,has the basics provided for them…they have a roof over their heads,a full belly, a soft life and too much time on their hands. This gives them the opportunity to dwell on the fact that someone else might have something that they don’t…they don’t believe that they should earn whatever it is that they desire,it’s their “right” so it must be provided.
I can’t imagine that there are too many “Black Lives Matter” protests going on in Countries where the genuinely oppressed struggle to even stay alive. All of these malcontents…be they Coloureds, Trannies,Extremists of any ilk etc. should thank their lucky stars that they live in a Country that provides so much for them regardless of their worth to Society.
The concept of “Brotherhood” is flawed…it will only go so far…inevitably human nature will rear it’s ugly head and their will be winners and losers. How many of the protesters (particularly those pathetic whigger types) would show true brotherhood with their black brethren and share all they have with the starving Blacks in Africa?…don’t those black lives matter? or perhaps their “brotherhood” doesn’t extend as far as selling their i-phone or Nike trainers and giving the money to some starving Um’Bongo in Africa ?
Fuck Brotherhood…man is essentially a selfish beast and these people should accept that they have already been dealt a fucking good hand by dint of living in a Country that provides the basics for them regardless…they should also accept that many of the benefits that they enjoy are provided by the work of the very people who they claim treat them unfairly.
People are Cunts and if I was told that only I could save humanity from destruction I’d tell them that I didn’t give a shiny shite for humanity and they could all Fuck Off.
Every so often Dick, you throw up a post which causes one to reflect. This is such a post that I can truly commend to the readership.
You are not a heartless individual. Beneath that hardened exterior is a sensitive soul who can be very empathetic and will always be someone I can look up to!
Thanks Bertie,you’re too kind….it must be my “time of the month”…I’ll try not to let it happen again and be dishing up my normal fare of racism,sexism,homophobia and general unpleasantness forthwith.
🙂 .
Cracking post Fiddler, though as you mentioned, ‘The Gays’, her from the ‘other’ pub and upcoming court appearances amongst others will be in the topical firing line.
Oh they certainly will LL…my Damascus moment was a mere aberration. My apologies.
Nail on the head, Dick. Including the bit about humanity, shower of shite.
I see you’ve dropped the de pfeffel. That’s a bad omen for Boris. You’re turncoatery ( ? ) is worthy of the treacherous Earl of Derby, another notable cad.
Good evening.
The nasty BLM have pricked his cold black heart Jack and forced him to check his white privilege.
The blighter must have a conscience after all.
Evening LL.
The de pfeffel claim had become an embarrassment Jack.
” Longshanks ” was a good egg. Is ” Long Cock ” something to do with one of those tawdry websites ? Or Chicken Fanciers Monthly ?
No, nothing so obscure Jack…I just thought that it was time that I stopped being so modest about my many attributes….expect “charming”, “self-effacing” and “not a complete fucking Nutter” to feature in the future.
You are the David Bowie of ISAC !
How about Ælla?
Northumbrian King, back in the day!
Hes the one had Ragnar into the pit.
Grander than piffy or whatever it is.
Ella Guru?
Looking like a zoo
Hello moon hello moon..?
Fuck me Dick for PM!
Has the effnick bruvvahood stood with the fallen African-American, retired police officer who was shot dead whilst attempting to protect his (or his friends) property? Of course not, only violent, drug-addicted convicted felons get the sympathy pass from the savage boonage. Time to bring back the whips and chains.
In what way was Winston Churchill a racist? Read a book about Winston once in a while instead of one about Che Guevara, Stalin or Jeremy Corbyn. All this shit on the D Day 76th anniversary. I bet some of the remaining veterans who stoically conduct themselves, must look at these left wing fascists and think why the fuck did we bother. I’m so fucking sick of the coppers brought out en masse for anything remotely to the right but turn a blind eye to these lefty woke cunts. Fuck off.
Good cunting but there is no such thing as reverse racism. Just racism.
BLM are a racist organisation.
Antifa and the other terrorist organisations perpetuating the unrest are achieving their goals.
Creating more resentment of authority, society and whipping up racial tension to a fever pitch.
The net result will be to create even greater racial divides in society.
That is exactly what they want.
Me sat on a bus in Battersea in 1999 behind black driver, pulls into a bus stop, black guy steps on, quickly flashes pass at driver then driver calls him back. ” That’s out of date, you’ll have to get off” he said. “But I ain’t got no money and I need to go to Clapham” said the guy “Sorry Bruvver I can’t let you on” says driver apologetically. “DONT CALL ME BRUVVER, I’m NOT your bruvver!” came the angry retort with menacing stare through the glass partition. Driver concedes he’s no longer his brother and ends altercation by saying “OK, Sorry sir, I can’t let you on”.
So much for black brotherhood when a bruvver can’t take the piss with another bruvver. What a load of bollocks.?
Surely you mean “a bruvver can’t take the pass with another bruvver?”
Get the army on the streets and start shooting the cunts.
What fucking army?
Whittled down to the bone.
However, the Gurka regiment should do very nicely.
Regarding the idea of the black brotherhood. It’s demonstrably false, as Chris Rock refers to two distinct types in a well-known comedy set.
What we see on the streets of America, burning and looting, is the latter, and every black person who doesnt want to join the cycle of misery and violence is an ‘Uncle Tom’ or ‘coconut’.
Boris you twat, you need to get out of bed and shut the BBC down.
They’re ‘anti-racist protesters’, not racist rioters according to them. The ‘protests’ are mostly peaceful in the States too, according to the Beeb.
We’ve all seen the footage (elsewhere of course) and we know they’re lying. On purpose. They are working against the people of this county again. They are not reporting what is really going on. People are being beaten to death or shot in the States. There are riots in the UK. But they do not speak of these things. Why?
Shut them down now, you honey monster cunt.
For as long as I can remember all I’ve ever wanted was to join the Brotherhood of Gregorian Monks….but I never got the chants….