Yes, I am nominating a campaign which doesn’t actually exist. Yet. But surely it is not far away.
After all, it is the logical conclusion to the madness which has gripped this and other countries. Whitey is being coerced into taking the knee, to feel that we are ALL responsible for what happened to the newly sainted George of Minessota USA.
Well, personally I do not feel guilty. I have never done anything to supress a black person. Slavery was abolished 200 years ago by a Brit. Less than 120 years ago members of many of our families were in service to the upper classes. Made to work six and a half days a week, paid a pittance and treated very much like a slave. They were exploited. Do we bang on about this every day, demanding recompense and revenge? No, because life and society had evolved. There are still inequalities, poor working class white boys get a raw deal. Who speaks up for them? Nobody.
Some ex army lads I know are off to defend the monuments in London this weekend because they are patriotic and proud and realise that without the likes of Churchill there would be no democracy. And without it where would the BLM and their cohorts be? I think we know. Under the nazi heel or under the ground.
Nominated by Lord Helpuss
I am pissed off to the hilt with the whole affair. Apologising for the skin you are born in? Sounds like the brain damaged white folk obsessed with this fuckuppery obviously need sectioning in some asylum and given powerful sedatives to keep their gobs shut. Why are they so obsessed with changing the past? Focus on the future you daft cunts. I know one thing, if I ever find that DeLorean that goes back in time, I will be off like a shot to 1955 and make sure this time that Enoch is listened to with his speech and thus prevent the clusterfuck that this once fine country now is.
Without Churchill the remaining BAME lot would be queuing up for the showers sans soap. I’m neither proud or ashamed to be something I have no control over. Instead of constantly crying victim these people need to apply their energy learning and getting themselves a decent life. I grew up without money on a council estate, I never complained and I knew I could better myself through hard work.
As Jordan Pietersen said, there has never been a better time In history to be alive. Mind you he did say that pre-2020.
Doesnt exist…yet.
Like the post above from mental case sleb Arquette.
Im not ashamed to be white, proud of it.
Proud of what white people have built and achieved.
Dont think being a traitor to my own people is virtuous.
Used to be I wouldnt work for peacefuls, theyre dodgy for paying, and I dont like them.
Ive now expanded this policy on Anthony Joshuas wise words,
Im a All white business that works for whites only.
You were right AJ!
Whites can be racists!?
None of the tradesmen in my local will work for peacefuls either. They always argue over the agreed price after the work has finished. Been stung myself years ago with a cancelled cheque from these goat botherers.
The likes of BLM have made us that way NMC. Ill informed and rather selective at who or what they take aim at. I know what id like to aim at them, and shut them up once and for all.
The hypocrisy in this whole movement of black lives matter is maddening. On the surface black lives matter seems a noble, straight to the point slogan. But in reality it should be all lives matter. Some black people (not all) have used this movement as an opportunity to try shame white people in to thinking they’re all racist and actually created more racial divide, when the whole point should be to try remove this racial divide. And then some (not all) idiotic white people are holding their hands up and accepting the blame for something they have never done!
Wrongly accusing people of racism and shaming them in to thinking they’re something they’re not is racist in itself. They’re inadvertently becoming the very thing the movement is supposed to oppose.
The whole thing is a cunt.
If you’re that ashamed to be white, just black up, that’ll surely make everything alright.
How does this not have more likes ?
I was going to say something along those lines, I have never been ashamed to be white, I have found it awkward at times mainly when I have been miss identified as a cash machine.
Historically Edmund Hilary and the Everest expedition dyed their skin with walnut husks (it works) when they entered Nepal because white people were banned.
My next example would be the Selous scouts who would black out because a white face was a bullet magnet in their line of work, I dont think they were ashamed to be white either.
Just not being white can be handy at times (like now apparently)
I won’t be watching the first round of Premier League matches when it restarts.
This pack of cunts has joined on the fucking virtue-signalling bandwagon and all players will wear “Black Lives Matters” instead of their names on the back of their shirts.
Worse than wearing rainbow laces to show solidarity with the irons.
The final nail in the coffin for English Football.
If Rosanna Arquette is so ashamed of being white, perhaps she should wear blackface in her next roles.
I’d pay to see that. She should also put an accent on ‘Hello dere bwana, I am Patricia, am you got any o dat um bongo? Etc.
She would be the spit of Dan Ackroyd’s Lionel Joseph character in Trading Places.
Another film for the banned list, I suppose.
‘Clarence Beeks’ would sort out those protestors :
” I’ll rip out your eyes & piss on your brain! ”
Stupid cow’s been woke for years. In 1989 she made a flick called ‘Black Rainbow’.
Since this shit started, and it was manipulated without a doubt, I no longer think effnicks should be assimilated and treated fairly. Fuck them, let them carry on killing and stabbing each other. And if BLM so much, why don’t they take their bleeding hearts to Africa to help out.
Because the indigenous African and Jamaican tribes don’t want them back.
Why the hell would anyone want want the local stabby coward / draft dodger / rapist / car thief / shoplifter / drug dealer / burglar / welfare scrounger back in their coonmunity.
CC you are a very naughty Banana boy, you should know African history, Liberia was just such a country and we know how that went, they turned into right nasty fuckers on the locals.
There is a pub not too far away from me called ‘The Black Boys’. Needless to say that the useless woke local news rag is running a story into getting the name changed. What next? Ban Snow for being white? Night time for being dark? No black ink in pens? Im offended by ‘celebrity’ bandwagon jumpers and the perpetually offended brigade. Can we start a movement to eradicate those luvvies from planet Earth? Ive long given up on charitable donations, but would pay good money to help set up some kind of permanent resting place for these cunts.
Neither proud nor ashamed to be white. Proud to be British. This makes me, along with the 52% who voted Leave, a far-Right thug (all media, all day).
Many of my ancestors, who were lowly workers in the cotton industry, died in Lancashire workhouses after short lives in lousy conditions, exploited by cunt plutocrats in big houses. They were white. That was long ago. Shit happened. Move on.
Shit indeed.
My forbears starved in Ireland, died young due to the pits, docks and iron works of Wales. All after we abolished slavery.
The only reason most people are alive on earth is thanks to stale pale males. Take the knee fuckos..You want to join us?Your very welcome(try being a white man in Africa and as IV just found out in Hackney). Bring your shit here we will all stand against you fuckers.. Stand with us for the freedom of man then im your my man. Otherwise is st Bartholemews. All over again
If only statues could speak they could maybe tell us something. Baden -Powell-‘ I told you to Be Prepared,’
When Poor Queen Victoria is beheaded-‘We are not amused’
They’re after Robert Clive ad well-‘The damn fuzzy wuzzies I presume’.
Churchill-‘This is our direst hour’.
Wellington speaks to us now before he is decapitated-‘The battle was lost on the playing fields of comprehensive education’.
quote MP “If only statues could speak they could maybe tell us something”.
I think the first word out of my mouth would be “Fucking pigeons!”
Iād say that the white working man is the oppressed one in this country. He is just seen as a cash cow to fund gimmegrants, peacefuls kids expansion, idiotic BAME arse licking schemes and benefits spongers. We are foreigners in our own country ruled by turds who for some unknown reason think that people who have never paid a bean into this country deserve the most attention. The Government are in for a very rude awakening with mass unemployment on the horizon. Are the BAME and economic immigrants going to stand up to the plate? I wouldnāt hold my breath.
Never be ashamed to be White itās a privilege??
Never be ashamed to be English either ??
The many double standards that exist in this charlatan movement illustrate quite clearly that this is not about making people’s lives matter.
The solitary proof of this is that we are being asked to get on our knees.
If some people through ignorance or through fear think getting on your knees will provide a stay of execution then they are deluded. And they cannot be helped.
I suspect things will get nasty. Watch weaklings like this, in these kind of situations they tend to become grasses.
The Arquettes are a family of fuck-ups.
That goes for all liberal white guilt. It’s an attempt to virtue signal while admitting they are miserable, fucked up cunts and projecting their self loathing onto other white people.
Why would you be racist against yourself? Fookin nobs.
Against racism, but for self-racism? Basically what it amounts to is cuckery and the desire to be stuffed by a fat black anaconda.
James OBrien would make the perfect champion of this cause, with Owen Jones his batty sidekick.
I think that the penis myth is a problem, our climate and the fact we wear clothes stops us from advertising (apart from MNC that is).
I having grown up in Africa have the smug knowledge that I am hung like a horse (Coupled with the fact I did my bell end in on a black bird fitted with a coil).
So quite happy to be white on that one ?
Ouch, Lord B.
Bellend against metal coil. Brings tears to the eyes just thinking about it. Reminiscent of that film, Teeth, where the lady has a row of sharp, pointy, sausage-cutting teeth either side of her hairy axe wound.
I remember it well (Not the sort of thing you forget) It happened in the brothel “Sexy girls” in Hanover.
Woke up Sunday morning in agony, my knob covered in battle scars and realised that I would not be up for “Marching round the square” on monday morning.
I had to see the MO (Who was a fucking woman) got a bolocking for shagging prostitutes and a chitty excusing me from marching.
What next? well there are various provost (Regimental police) dotted round the barracks, so I got pulled for not marching a few times.
OY you! where the fuck do you think you are going!
Going to the mess corporal.
Why aren’t you fucking marching!
Got a chitty corporal.
Look alright too me! whats up with you!
(Explain predicament)
Yes it was fucking great that was, hobbling round to shouts of “Hows your bell end”
This really has gone far beyond any reason in such a short space of time because of a mixture of privileged white middle class lib cunts and dirty w*g shit cunts every day another statue being removed or graffitied how about you cunts smash down the buildings these people built or turn your nose up at the finance and scholarships that your still using our history and ironically the chicken munchers history is being fucking blackwashed you dirty fucking rotten cunts have killed your golden goose ( to be eaten with rice and peas) just fuck off and die you cunts choke on your chicken bones Enoch nailed it bless him
Ah, nostalgia, I remember those days, when tā mill owner came int winding room, we all lined up (on Sunday when we had one hour off to got tā church) eyes looking down at shoes, wringing tā flat cap, and tā only thing I could think was āthank fuck Iām not blackā
Those were the days, #Rochdalecoopfreedomfighters
White by birth, decent human being by choice. Character doesnāt depend on skin colour so being a stabbie cunt must be a choice.
I am ashamed of any cunt who claims to be ashamed of their colour.
The hypocrisy is mind blowing.
The Arquette clan are fucked up bunnies-the ones that havenāt topped themselves.
The wife is dismantling the piano. We do not know what to do with the dark keys….. this is straight up. She didn’t know what is meant by a dark keys, she still calls them black.
āKeys of Colourā.
A question: whilst playing honky-tonk music, should one hit the Dark-keys as hard as the white ones?
Fuck the Hollyweirdos and fuck Rosanna Arquette. Degenerate cunts. Viva Big Don, and fuck the Chinks who own Hollywood. ??
She’s a drug addled lunatic to be fair. But yes, self-hating whiteys don’t go far enough in my opinion.
If only they’d all just fucking top themselves, seeing as they hate themselves so much.
Wouldn’t be any loss that I can make out.
I’d let Hitler sort this fucking set of cunts out.
I rather fancy his ghost is already stirring..
If Rosanna Arquette feels so bad about being white perhaps she sells all her Worldly goods, and hands the proceeds over along with all her money to a BLM charity then save just enough for a one way ticket to the African continent for that real life experience?
Poor sport.
Rosanna Arquette. I am sorry you are not dead you fucking cunt.
I saw a car near my street today. It had a Black Lives Matter sticker on it, with Saint George Of The Blessed Floyd’s ugly kite on it with the words ‘I can’t breathe’ under his ugly mush. I said to the cunt who owned the car (a woman, there’s a fucking surprise) ‘So, you have no problem with a man who pointed a loaded gun into the stomach of a pregnant woman?’
All I got was the predictable and pathetic response ‘It’s not about that’. I said’ So, you have someone like that on your car and this is acceptable?’ Then it was ‘But… But… But…’
But… But… But? But drown in your own fucking shit, you criminal loving servile arselicking cunt! You disgust me .
āButā¦ Butā¦ But? But drown in your own fucking shit, you criminal loving servile arselicking cunt! You disgust me .ā
Did you actually say that to her Norm? ?
Aye. I told her she was an apologist for a violent criminal and that as a mother herself she should be ashamed. I got the ‘racist’ bullshit and I told her she was a crawler and that she was eulogising a scrote just in order to look good and that she had no self respect. I then parted with ‘Would you still have him on your car had he killed that woman and her baby?’ Again it was ‘But… But.. But’.
What a fucking cunt.
Baden Powell is now a figure of hate (that daft bitch who started it wants flogging). Yet the face of a violent gun toting woman and baby threatening criminal is perfectly acceptable?
Fuck the lot of them. Cunts.
Ironic as his mantra of ‘Be prepared’ is what they will need to be.
I am proud to be white, I dont feel guilty and I am not priviledged. I choose white people as my friends I do not have people of colour in my aquaintance. I speak English and not the garbled tree monkey dribble of the streets. I would never want to be black.
Those whites who are ashamed can do the honourable thing and go take a noose to the park on a dark night I dont fucking care. If they want to be like “Black” they can take the first steps by swinging through the trees on the end of that rope wrapped firmly around their neck.Fuck em all