Afua Hirsch (5)

She hates whitey, don’t you know

Fucking hell, I knew it was my fault that America is currently going up in flames and I would like to thank Afua Hirsch for informing the rest of the world of this fact. Have a read of this just in case you are in any doubt that it’s not White Britain’s fault.
Hirschy likes to educate non-POC about how they need to change in order to make life easier for POC but maybe she is wasting her time and energy because maybe, just maybe, people of different cultures, religions, melanin levels etc. shouldn’t be living in close proximity to each other. Should she start advocating for apartheid or segregated societies then I will be all ears.
I like her negative comments about Kemi Badenoch. Kemi is obviously not black enough for Afua but I actually agree with Miss Hirsch on this point because I can’t think of one of our current batch of MP’s who isn’t a complete cunt.
I would like to thank Afua for her unstinting efforts to educate me about what a racist I am but the jokes on her because I hate every cunt with whom I come into contact, be they black or white.
Thank you for listening.

Nominated by SimmyJavill

57 thoughts on “Afua Hirsch (5)

  1. Brilliant simmy, totally agree. I despise every cunt I come across these days, I suppose that makes me a massive cunt! ? Hmmm, yeah I’m fuckin fine with that come to think of it. Morning fellow cunters

  2. Fuck off woman. You don’t like our society, fuck off and find one you like.

    How about we discuss Eldridge Cleaver, you know him, a founder of the black panthers who joined the international Marxist movement, travelled the world and went back to America.

    On his return he stated the US system was the best in the world, he became a republican senator and a backer of Reagan.

    So you want to tear down the best system we know of and replace it with?

    • That is the problem for these cunts; more than happy to point out faults in the current system (be they real or imagined) , they are clueless as to what would constitute improvement.

  3. Whats that caption there? “Our country is at a pivotal moment”?

    It’s my country, not yours. Never has been and never will be.

    The only pivotal moment is going to be when the indigenous population finally cut their losses and the mass deportations start.

    Can’t come soon enough.

  4. Shes so thick she doesnt realise there is a black man on Nelsons column and another right above Nelsons head in the Painting at the heart of the British state in Parliament. Thick as a brick Hirsch teaches our children to hate their culture and country. Id personally like to deport the cunt as “not in the public interest”. Cunt.

    • This Norwegian born JUDDER MAN lookalike writes for ISACs favourite newspaper the (moral) guardian!!
      Like most Of the anti fascist/ anti racist brigade she is very much one herself But sees it differently because she can throw mud at whitey all day knowing the libertard snowflake apologists And MSM will not only support her fucked up narrative but jump down the throat of any dissenting voices, We’re in the grip of real fascism that’s being sold to the sheeple as liberalism!!

  5. It is somewhat hypocritical that those who jump on the race bandwagon distort their thinking to believe that Edward Colston was evil for being a slave trader (true, I agree) but dismiss the fact that his philanthropy did a great deal of good for the people of Bristol. They praise George Floyd, whose only notable action was to be killed by thuggish Police (wrong and tragic) yet ignore the fact that he was a career criminal, drug dealer and violent burglar who contributed nothing positive to his community. When people of any skin colour are so delusional, there is little hope. They are too pathetic to deserve the status of CUNT.

    • If you were seeking a role model for young people i’d be surprised if George Floyd was on anyone’s shortlist.

  6. Whining cunts like Hirsch really twist my bollocks. She is mixed race, not black. She was born in Norway and raised in London. She wrote a piece entitled “What Does it Mean to be African?” Sorry, I can’t get my head around this. She has African blood in her, but she was neither born or lived in Africa, so ho wteh fuck woul she know?

    It is like me writing a book on what it is like to be Spanish and Egyptian. Although I have some foreign blood in the line that makes me look dark, I am about as Spanish as Andrew Sachs or Egyptian as Elizabeth Taylor. Afua Hirsch is a shit-stirring, cosmopolitan cunt who won’t be happy until the UK becomes a black supremacist country.

    The cunt. And fuck off for good measure.

    • She, along with Shola “Da UK is racist” Mos Shogbamimu, are a cancer. By repetition of the mantra, they hope people will be hypnotised into believing their guff. It must be wonderful to make a living by sitting on your fat arse then talking through while being interviewed throughout the day as a talking head for a myriad of pitifully cheap TV. No thought involved, merely repeating the same phrase and hoping weak people’s guilt will kick in, then cashing the cheque.

  7. She’s pure evil and would love white people to have no rights whatsoever in their own countries.

    • Firstly, apologies for the length of this post but I genuinely believe that it wouldn’t matter how much white people sat up and paid attention to black people (exactly what that means I’m not sure) because in the minds of many black people, an enduring sense of inferiority exists. I’m not saying this is without foundation when you read about ships loaded with African men, women and children covered in their own excrement arriving after a six week journey to America. They’ve had this 300 year old history banged into them by their parents and grandparents among others and now the biggest library in the world, the internet, makes more of these unpalatable facts available. A growing feeling of resentment and grudge bearing threatens to boil over so that the only satisfactory reparation for them is to smash whitey into the ground and ‘turn the tables’ so that they then can feel superior. This is never going to stop. The more whitey kneels, just like the coppers the other day, the more vulnerable and ripe for the picking we are.

      But it might be useful for whitey bashers like Afua Hirsch to realise particularly when she calls for statues to be destroyed, is the participation of non-whites as owners and traders of slaves in America. Here’s a piece of text from
      “9 Facts About Slavery They Don’t Want You to know” which contains some false, some misleading but mainly true claims:

      One of the less well known aspects of the history of slavery is how many and how often non-whites owned and traded slaves in early America. Free black slave holders could be found at one time or another “in each of the thirteen original states and later in every state that countenanced slavery,” historian R. Halliburton Jr. observed. That black people bought and sold other black people raises “vexing questions” for 21st-century Americans like African-American writer Henry Louis Gates Jr., who writes that it betrays class divisions that have always existed within the black community. For others, it’s an excuse to deflect the shared blame for the institution of slavery in America away from white people. The following are true facts:

      William Ellison was a very wealthy black plantation owner and cotton gin manufacturer who lived in South Carolina. According to the 1860 census (in which his surname was listed as “Ellerson”), he owned 63 black slaves, making him the largest of the 171 black slaveholders in South Carolina.

      American Indians owned thousands of black slaves.

      The census of 1830 lists 3,775 free Negroes who owned a total of 12,760 slaves.

      Brutal black-on-black slavery was common in Africa for thousands of years.

      Excuse me whitey hater, Afua Hirsch, isn’t there something very cunty about this?

      • Thoroughly good post – the truth is incorruptible.
        Despite what version of history they “teach” now.

  8. This bitch wouldn’t go near a piss poor piece of trash like Floyd. She much prefers the whiteman, as long as he’s got plenty of money and recognises his innate inferiority obviously.
    I’d like to take her to the Wetherspoons in Brixton High Road, see all those old West Indian geezers grabbing her arse and ogling her tits. Their lives wouldn’t matter to this posh cow I guarantee it.
    Fucking professional race baiting whore.

    • Enough of this shit, the minority that needs to wake up is the white race. If it’s an us or them situation these people want, I have to choose us.

      There are around 850 million white people, Europe is the white homeland, we have nowhere else!

      I know some people want a race war, not me, ultimately it serves no one. But I do want my homeland preserved and my culture left intact.

      It’s a sorry state of affairs the average white European had no slaves, the average white European never signed up to mass immigration and multiculturalism.

      Why are we allowing every cunt to make out we are the enemy in our own land?

      Racial and cultural suicide.

    • Morning RTC, did you know that darkiê pussy juice is highly acidic to a caucasian penis, like the blood of Aliens or facehuggers, hence why you never see a honky man with a woman who is of an all-year-tan persuasion because his winkle would melt away inside her.

    • Privileged ‘black’ woman feeling guilty because she isn’t a victim so she tells (or portrays) other black people they are victims to compensate her guilt.
      I reckon a shrink would have a field day with her.

      She is a CUNT!

  9. We are all people of colour according to George Carlin. He said white people are varying shades of pink therefore we are coloured.

    I’m a Minority group – CUNTS!

    • It doesn’t matter what colour you are as you can identify as a one-legged, bi-polar, transitioning, gay rock melon.

  10. I can say that people like her and the recent events have changed my thinking, I used to be selectively racist, grooming gangs, stabbing cunts, Lammy but now I don’t give a shit about any of them they are all cunts

    Exception below

    Clean your own neighbourhood! Get your own house in order!

    BLM can fuck off.

  11. It’s time rancid old cunts like this woman wound their necks in. Time drags heavy for pseudo-intellectuals – perhaps she and others like her should get a visit from David Lammy, roll her on her belly and let him bumfuck them to death.

  12. This uppity khun (but I’m sure the major from Fawlty Towers would correct me) should check her massive inferiority complex.

    If you ain’t white, that’s what you’ve got and the degree of hatred and rage is just a measure of how aware of this you are. Sorry but that’s the truth and you all know it.

    It’s wags and khuns who wave their inferiority complexes in our face 24/7. The more studiously we try to ignore this the more angry they get. Hardly surprisingly that the lower end of the curve chimp out (which basically seems to be all they’re capable of).

    Fuck off cunt. I couldn’t give a tuppenny fuck about black lives and won’t until they start caring themselves (not holding my breath….Oooh see what I did there!)

  13. Norway?? Didn’t those cunts come over here raping and pillaging?? But also taking SLAVES back to the fjords. She really needs to fuck off back there.

    • Fuck me, yeah you’re right. I want compo for that. Fucking murdering, slave taking Viking bitch.

  14. Never heard of this cunt but she gets the oven for being another in the long rotten line of Quisling vermin.
    Fuck off.

  15. Arhhhh I get it, initials AH, primarily concerned with race and demonising one raise. Hiel Hirsch.

    We don’t tolerate fascists, now fuck off.

  16. Saw a couple of black poofs in the Joe Daki shop last week. Fucking hell, you don’t see many of those round here. They were the real thing…….tight little shorts, sliders (if that isn’t a giveaway then I don’t know) handbags, purses, shiny hair and talking with those lispy, high pitched voices that only benders can do.
    I hope they didn’t hang around too long……the local yoot ain’t too keen on the batty man. Nah, if a couple of black gays had been battered and robbed by a gang of blacks we would have heard about it.
    Wouldn’t we?

    • You’d be lucky to see any black man in my neck of the woods, let alone a gay one.

      As soon as any white people with Norman or Celtic bloodlines enter a pub on the roads in, word gets around that foreigners are in town.

      • Perfick! We need more places like that, not less.Fuck globalism, I’m great little Englander all day long. Wogs start at Calais.
        Effluent Hirsch can have as many tailspins as she wants and take her pencil necked bleating to the real run down places and she what happens.

      • As Tom Sharpe says in Ancestral Vices, wogs have largely reversed the measure and end at Dover. And that was 40 years ago.

  17. I’m tired, there’s just so much cunting to be done these days I don’t know where to start – any chance of a pay rise?

  18. They reckon that due to the lockdown, some people have now been off work for so long they’ve developed a Scouse accent….

  19. She is a total cunt, of that there is no doubt. However, if any bird is ripe for a savage anal hate fuck, it’s this fucker…..then oven a la Unkle Terry.

  20. And after all recent shenanigans, a nice little man witha little moustache will step forward, and he will speak tot he people sympathetically. He will promise to redress the grievance and return the nation to its rightful owners. He will be popular ( of course ) he will say the right things, and he will win huge suppport. And he will win a great victory simply because the people who could, and the people who should, did not. Sound familiar? Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Every step forward will have another going back. You hate the whites, you abuse their hospitality. Then you should not in any way expect any less than you give. Give hate, you must then learn to take it.
    Am I advocating the return of Uncle Adolph? No. But, that is likely to be the outcome if crap like this is allowed to continue. Hirsch is just the type of person to press the right buttons on the wrong person. She is arrogantly thick, fucking ugly, and in need of a thorough shagging with the roof of a half tiled cabin.
    Salute! White Power !

    • And that’s what really scares me. I fear the backlash of this woke shit.

  21. “What’s it like to be African”? How the fuck would Afua Hirsch know?
    I have an idea – feel free to fuck off over there, don’t ever come back.
    Fucking hypocrite, but baiting whitey is a good money maker.
    Payback is coming – I have never in my life felt anger like this, and wonder how long the 90% majority of decent Human beings in our Country will stand for this before fighting back.
    Boris the narcoleptic traitor is an appeasing cowardly joke, our comedy Police – despite how they feel personally – can do nothing.
    Down to the people now, bring it on.

    • I like her, over 1 million view of that video clip…. I bet she is popular with BLM ?

    • If I had said any of that I could expect a knock on the door from the Police.
      Truth will out.

    • Well done that lady. Bravo.

      Near the end of the video, ‘You do stupid things, you win stupid prizes’.

      Excellent video there, Lana Del C.

  22. Is she the one with a cock or is that some other leftist female?

  23. I’ve just read that PG Tips and Yorkshire Tea are down on one knee, kissing the BLM asses! PG doesn’t surprise me as their nought but a bunch of fucking monkeys anyway, but Yorkshire Tea! What the actual fuck?? I thought Yorkshiremen didn’t take shit of anyone. Fuck you, and fuck your fucking tea bags! Bunch of sniveling cunts!!

    • What we need is to do is sit down with a nice cup of tea and talk our differences out. We can smooth over any problems we have with a nice cup of tea.

      • Could I suggest the new brand MP – appeasement tea.
        It leaves a very nasty taste and makes you feel angry, but if you dare to complain you go to prison.
        A very popular brew in 2020 England.

    • We don’t take shit – it is fed to us and we have to accept it.
      For now.

  24. Really pissed off, sick of hearing “what have you/he/she done for people of colour”.most recently heard this by some asshole going on about why it was cushty to deface Churchill’s statue.
    Here is a question:- what have people of colour done for me? the world?, for themselves? from where I’m sitting Africa remains a corrupt shit hole were black people (poc) what ever.. Black.. Kill each other steal rob rape brutalise each other and the black African leaders take everything for themselves and leave the black African plebs fuck all. Hence why they all want to come over to whitey land .. I really am not racist I really don’t care what colour any cunt is however, I really am pissed off with all this bullshit going about on main stream media. Talk about putting petrol onto a fire to try and put it out CUNTS.

  25. I wish I had something to blame for all the shit life choices I made. Sick of hearing about all these whining cunts, millionaire football prick talking about hardship, thick cunts blaming racism for being thick cunts, and middle class white cunts falling over themselves to assuage some self inflicted guilt complex. All those soppy cunts getting down on one knee are feeling ashamed of being white, like it’s now some sort of stigma. There’s plenty of rich white cunts in America who are joining the campaign to defund the police. Let’s see how that works out for them.

  26. Poisonous, race baiting harpie. Surely some of the demands these non indigenous neanderthals are making are tantamount to treason.
    Your Maj?

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