The New Normal

The New Normal

What is it with every media outlet and political spokesmouth using this term.? It’s as though we’re all just supposed to accept that things will never return to normal.

Bollocks to that. While I agree with a temporary lock down to ease pressure on hospitals and to give a chance for a cure to be found, I certainly do not agree with indefinite lockdown and restrictions on my limited freedom.

If this fucking thing cannot be cured, we simply just need to give those at risk a choice of being isolated or to be free but risk death. Up to them, so to speak.

Everyone else? Back to fucking work. Open the pubs. We can’t hang about forever destroying the economy like this.

Nah, at some fucking point we must go back to normal and take our fucking chances (those not in ‘at risk’ groups). Natural immunity, developed over years may be the only way out (if there is one!)

The only changes should be in banning the Chinese from coming here. Apart from that, back to normal, you cunts.

Not any ‘new normal’ either, you cheeky cunts. What the cunts at the BBC mean is that we should just ‘accept’ as a given, a new Orwellian style society with huge restrictions on our freedoms.

Fuck off!

Nominated by Cuntybollocks

104 thoughts on “The New Normal

  1. The words in the picture reminded me of Samuel L Jackson from the film Pulp Fiction, “Say ‘what?’ again. I dare you, I double dare you, mother f*cker! Say ‘what?’ one more god damn time!”

  2. Fellow counters…what the fuck is the Jack nomination all about? Who’s got beef with who and why?

  3. Well if we’re going to start crying about people nicking dead pool wankers that snide, Black and White Cunt, has nicked Jimmy Greaves off me twice on the trot now. Give him back you fucking pikey!

    • You can talk, you thieving fucker, Sutcliffe has been my bitch for years til you started robbing him. A pox on ye, good sir.?

  4. If ever I am first up after admin when the pool noms open I will be nicking unmercifully.

  5. Listen, I can do what I like because i’ve got ADHD and Tourette’s. The doc told me that after I smashed up his surgery.
    Cunt, cunt, shit……FUCK….

  6. “What is it with every media outlet and political spokesmouth using this term.? It’s as though we’re all just supposed to accept that things will never return to normal.”

    there is normal
    there is abnoraml
    there is NO new-normal

    that’s exactly what they want

    with most people in britain agreeing with the lockdown and all its myriad nonsense this government wil not change anything rather pursue their agenda – it’s the people who are constraining any change here and want to be ‘safe’ rather than FREE

    I’m a free man and do not accept anything that’s being lined up for us but we need everyone to start thinking and using their fucking brains rather than obeying the tyranny

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