The BBC are due yet another nomination. First of all, last Thursday (23rd April) was, as us patriots know, St Georges day. The day when most English people raise a glass to their nation’s patron saint. Unfortunately, the BBC and most of the media for that matter, but the BBC mostly, made no mention of it. And this wasn’t because they simply forgot. It was because a minority group happened to be having a religious event at the same time. Ramadamadingdong. And as we all know, the religion of violence and hate MUST have its religious days promoted to the exclusion of all else. This has also led to the Lib Dems finally going full insane, with Ed Davy and a number of his loony followers fasting to show their solidarity with their Muslim brothers and sisters. Fuck…Me. Happily though, being far left, things didn’t go according to plan, because one of them, a Lib Dem councillor, then decided to tweet a photo of themselves just before they started fasting…with a plate of eggs and BACON. Facepalm.
My main reason for nominating the Biased Bullshit Corporation though, was the recent episode of Panorama. Because of the times we live in, it was a thorough, honest and completely impartial investigation in to the government’s handling of the Bat Flu and it’s attempts at getting sufficient PPE for medical staff. Except…it wasn’t any of that. They had medical professionals on, doctors and nurses, who duly set about blaming the government and painting a picture of the NHS being in meltdown. Cause for concern indeed, n’est ce pas? Except….all six of the medical staff on the programme were connected to the Labour party. Yes mes amis, those completey impartial, non-partisan unbiased cock jockeys at the BBC broke their own guidelines by not mentioning that the people they had on to slag off the government, ALL had connections and/or affilitions to Labour. They either were or had been activists for that most insidious of political parties.
BBC guidelines state that when relevant to the context, the affiliations of those presented on a show be made known to the audience and viewers. This did not happen, and there is no way the BBC did not know, since all of those people are well known Labour supporters. What should have been an informative piece of investigative journalism, became an hour long political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party, and that is a fucking disgrace. I won’t hold my breathe for an apology. But I look forward to hearing the bullshit laden explanation they come up with. BBC, Berating Britain, Cunts.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Interesting point someone made on here that without sport, it is clear that what channels like BBC have to offer is shockingly poor. If the BBC are so confident they are a ‘world class’ broadcaster – pfft – then they should have no problems replacing the licence fee with a subscription. Twats.
This picture made me laugh…
I would love to see a subscription applied to the BBC. I wonder just how many would take up on that offer ?
My wife would pay for Eastenders you can be certain of it. Damned if I would. Admittedly, I listen to Wireless 4 more thn any other BBC channel, but it is like fucking Groundhog day there these days from Prayer for the Day through to the late night misery reading. I severely ration my listening these days but it is hell:
Today programme – nothing but Covid 19
The earnest 9 a.m. magazines and serious stuff Covid 19
Wimmins Hour – don’t listen to it but it is bound to be Covid19 from the feminists point of view
You and Yours Covid19 and Simon fucking Calder, who is the only person the BBC will trust with “travel”
World at One: Covid19
PM extended by half an hour for Covid19
day after bloody day.
I think there is a strong case for the BBC paying us to listen to their constant left wing inspired gloom and doom
Great picture
I’m surprised Panorama is still going after the John Sweeney – Tommy Robinson episode, which was never aired. Tommy proved this shitfest was being orchestrated by a far left organisation. The BBC make my piss boil and how they still get away with it is beyond me. If there are any cunters still paying the licence fee then stop it!
As long as you don’t let the capita twats in your house they can’t touch you.
Anyone see that shitcunt Charlie Brooker on BBC2 last night? I lasted 11 minutes………that’s 11 solid minutes of Boris bashing, defending mass immigration and remoaning……yes the 350 million pound fucking bus was brought up twice in that time. I couldn’t be arsed to wait for the Trump bashing and how the EU countries are doing so much better in handling the Flu Manchu. In short, it was all the usual sneering, middle class remoaning, libtard, pro Labour, pro immigrant, anti British fuckwittery, virtue signalling we have come to expect from those cunts at the BBC.
I deliberately made a point if not watching, it was originally scheduled to be a 30 minute show but it was sooooooo good they extended to 45 minutes……. that convinced me it would be shite!
Me too – I don’t know who Charlie Brooker is I’ve never seen him. But the TV guide said something about a comedian, so I knew I had to avoid it at all costs. Dead right about BBC on subscription – I wouldn’t have it.
Charlie Brooker is no longer relevant since the last series of Black Mirror.
Charlie Brooke is an unfunny and ugly cunt. He looks like Winston Churchill with a shredded wheat on his head. A shame he doesn’t have Old Winnie’s wit and balls of solid rock.
Brooker stopped being funny some years ago.Roughly around the time he abandoned any pretence at not being a predictable, tiresome, lefty arsewipe.
It was a complete disgrace that the BBC, a publicly funded organisation didn’t even mention the 23rd was St George’s day (I wrote to the cunts to complain, waste of time I know but made me feel better, I just hope 1000’s of others did the same)
We, the English are still the majority in this country and not recognising our saints day is a joke (even if he wasn’t English as RTC pointed out)
Ramaladingdong and Pride get rammed down our throats but not at the same time, bit of a conflict there.
Panorama the great investigative vehicle of the BBC lost all credibility when Tommy R ran a little sting on John Sweeney. I didn’t see the program on the NHS but I am not surprised that the cunts didn’t mention the political affiliations of the contributors.
BBC are Cunts and the more people who write to them to tell them they are cunts the better
Good morning Freddie,
I saw that twat was on last night, I turned over to Clarkson on Who Wants To be A Millionaire? He had the right idea; punch the BBCunts in the face.
I want to know why the woke shitfest that is BBC3 is airing most nights on BBC1? Wasnt that crap consigned to the internet to save money on terrestrial transmission? Scrap the bloody thing altogether.
It gets worse. The BBC cunts are talking about scrapping BBC 4 (average viewer age 62) and spunking the money on BBC 3, the yoot channel (average viewer IQ 62) BBC 4 comprises the only stuff those cunts produce worth watching so let’s get rid of it and boost the moronic shit aimed at millennial fuckwits. What a great idea from a public broadcasting organisation.
Total cunts.
Most kids don’t watch TV anyway – certainly not the BBC. As soon as “the crisis” is over (to their satisfaction) te little bleeders will be fucking off to do what they normally do – eat fast food and drop the wrappers in the street, get pissed, throw up and then smash a bush shelter to round off the evening. That’s what they do in my part of London anyway.
The BBC is a disgrace, for all the scare mongering, misinformation and doom they should be taken off the air.
Nicky Campbell is the biggest cunt, he was out of his depth on Wheel of Fortune and now spouts his “I’m so intelligent” bollocks on a daily basis on Radio 5….which has no more use than to lay doom and gloom at every chance they get.
I can’t stop paying the doom tax to the BBC, the other half wouldn’t let me but if I ever end up living alone, I will NOT pay it.
Yep, Nicky Campbell truly is a smug, arrogant tosser. Even his face is infuriating.
BBC R4 ran an article about BAME being more vulnerable to CV19 because they have less access to “open spaces”. I wonder when this story will run out of steam.
No, I fucking have less access to open spaces because they’re full of BAME yoot selling and using drugs, drinking Red Stripe, eating Chiggun from boxes and chucking their litter all over the place. But the posh libtards at Radio fucking 4 wouldn’t know that because that’s a world they know fuck all about.
Another reason to cunt The Yellow Peril is that it’s probably ruined any prospect of the BBCistan getting it’s tax abolished.
Fuck eating bats and Fuck the traitors in that minority rats nest.
Lets re title this sack of ordure, how about British Fraudcasting Corporation?
I propose that henceforth on IsAC, we follow this excellent suggestion and refer to these cunts as BFC.
Seconded RK, excellent idea C! ?
also works.
Bum Blasting Cocksuckers?
The BBC comedy output is dire beyond belief. All the great artists of the past but who do we get now? Nish Kumar and his left wing pro remain agenda. I wouldn’t mind if any of it was even slightly humorous but it’s all clever-git snide comments.
The only bright spot in this hideously biased show – which the beeb actually think is good enough to repeat – is Ellie Taylor in her tight red dress. Nice.
I barely watch the bbc.
I sometimes watch pointless and the regional news but most of the time get dinner sorted while the 6 o clock news drones about nothing behind me.
P.s iI know I’m a cunt for watching pointless, but i’m just back from work at that time.
Pointless isn’t too bad apart from that overgrown cunt, Richard Osman. It suffered from following on from Weakest Link, which was a brilliant quiz show.
I like the cooking programmes and enjoyed Great British Menu (last episode tonight) but Mrs. Wanksock and I have to watch in separate rooms , according to our NHS guidelines, as I can’t keep my mouth shut about that Scottish,rug munching, I have a vagina, dwarf Susan Calman, who they have introduced this year to provide a comedic element, she is about as funny as a dose of herpes. If she was any shorter she would be insanitary.
The bloke who was really funny was a judge chef called Jeremy Lee, more camp than Glastonbury but he can cook a bit and just naturally funny.
The BBC isn’t run by or for the government, it’s not run by or for the people, the BBC isn’t answerable to customers so there’s no option to cancel your subscription and the BBC now wants to take the option not to pay away totally.
Begs the question what the purpose of the BBC is and who’s tune it dances to?
It’s clearly not unbiased, the pro remain bias of the BBC was there for all to see.
The BBC has managed to make the majority believe it is part of the family and is regarded in a manner NHS must envy.
BBC output must be a reflection of someone’s agenda it’s a mystery to me who pulls the strings.
Well it’s certainly not the government pulling the strings which would be what you would fear from a state broadcaster. I hope Boris has taken careful note of what they have tried to do to him from the moment he declared for Brexit. They’ve been fucking him for four solid years now. Don’t forget that Boris you cunt.
Yet another great bit of cunting QD.
In a very uncertain world, one thing is utterly certain. The BBC is beyond redemption. It’s become cunt central.
I distinctly remember the Today Programme (BBC Radio 4) on the morning of April 23 announcing it was St George’s Day.
Also remember thinking it was ironic that the patron saint of England is a foreigner who never set foot in England and probably never existed anyway.
I’ll get my coat.
Very well said RTC! (Not the coat bit!) – Saint George, the muslim “convert” to christianity.
Who converted straight back when he found out christians don’t get free houses or sailing trips, got a fortune in compensation for cwwying waycism and used the money to set up a “Faith School” for girls and buy himself a Mercedes..
I believe there was a Saint something or other recently, not sure I am allowed to mention it though for fear of offending fasting bastards.
Democracy – yeay!
Afternoon Vern.
England’s original patron saint was St. Edmund, King of East Anglia in the 9th Century, who according to one esteemed cunter:
“kicked Viking arse, and is the real deal. His day is 20th of November and his flag is a white dragon on a red background. George ( if he ever existed ), was a Johnny Foreigner from out east, and had fuck all to do with England. So fuck him.”
Edmund was replaced by George as England’s patron Saint in 1350 by King Edward III.
George was a Greek, his real name was Stavros allegedly.
Quick Draw, my first feeling of revulsion towards the BBC was twenty years ago whilst watching Teletubbies with my young son.
Dipsy (the green one) is black.
Po (red) is Oriental.
Tinky Winky (purple) is a raving bender
Laa-Laa (yellow) is played by a Rebecca Hyland.
BBC – British Brainwashing Corporation I thought at the time. “Lad put that purple one down and play with the yellow one!” CUNTS!
Being in my 20s I was young enough to he the target demographic for that show. I remember. When I first started school I took my Laa Laa toy to reception with me every day.
Fellow counters might enjoy this little ditty.
I bet the cunts at (as Everett called them) the BB of C also barely mentioned VE Day’s 75th anniversary, if they mentioned it at all. And if they did it would be about some plucked out of the air black bloke who was at Normandy and how ‘they’ really won us the war and how the ‘nasty white Tommies’ and ‘bad men’ like Winnie and Monty get all the unfair credit. Fuck the Black Broadcasting Corporation, they are cunts.
Oh aye, and they can fuck their female Doctor Who up their woke arses. The Rod Jane and Freddie reject Whittaker and the Tom and Jerry reject fat momma both.
How the BBC keeps going is beyond me. It’s running on fumes.
It’s like an town idiot who you ignore but do little about because you feel sorry for them. An embarrassment.
The BBC keep going because they are the propaganda wing of momentum. I genuinely hate this cabal of cunts with every fibre of my being – I made a complaint pertaining to illegal age discrimination and these sly rats twisted and turned every way they could, I persisted (I am ruthless), still the usual shit, eventually went to OFCOM who found in my favour (OFCOM being the biased retirement home of ex BBC staff) – and the OFCOM ruling is that I must re-submit my complaint to – the fucking BBC!
I could genuinely cry with frustration.
Hope you’re well, Mr.Fox.
There is no justification for the license tax.
There is no point to having both BBC2 and 4. Repeats on both, no commercial justification. Just 1 channel would be stronger.
BBC 3 is yoof tripe better left to ITVbe or some such shite.
Local radio is catered for commercially. No need for BBC to be involved.
Radio 1 is shite better left to the commercial cunts.
Radio 4 has fallen so far down it needs shaking up or binning.
BBC does not need multiple correspondents worldwide or for sport or politics.
Located in NW1 and recruiting from a narrow, lefty demographic it will never shake off it’s woke, worthy, biased image.
There is no justification for the money paid to certain presenters. Jug ears, I mean you amongst others.
There can be a worthwhile BBC, slimmed down and subscription funded.
Maybe when we are all paying through the nose for the forthcoming disaster which will be called ‘Beyond Coronavirus’ the licence fee will be scrapped and the BBC will have to go commercial or die
It’s hard to imagine what the final cost will be, it will be like going back to the 70’s but worse.
We’ll get the EU to pay for it, otherwise you can bet they’re planning to somehow send the bill to us.
Wasn’t there some cunt on the 5pm briefing going on about how great our Muzzer bredren were. I though he was going to get so excited on TV, he’d spunk his pants. Silly cunt. How about the Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists, Atheist, Agnostics etc.?
Like the rest of the media they’re absolutely loving this Chinky flu shit. Bad news and fear porn ensures a captive audience.
Just watched ‘The day went well'(1942) on TV. The scene where Mrs Collins insults, throws pepper in the boche’s face then axes the cunt made me laugh then feel all fuzzy inside. Too bad you can’t see such classics now.
1942, Boche or fuzzy got me moderated?
Nothing wrong with Boche, just the French way of insulting the cabbage heads. I think “fuzzzy” may be where you snagged up
I was hand delivered yet another begging/threatening missive from Crapita recently during our national lock down. Onto the pile with all the others then.
Key work indeed.
Dream on cunts.
I’ve got 66 such letters piled up now, Cuntle (since I fucked it all off in 2013) – Yet no cunt from capita has been round, thus denying me the intended satisfaction of watching some cunt’s eyes bulge wider as I ram them, one by one, up his fucking arse.
Maybe one day….
Why does the BBC still exist? I gave watching it years ago. Broadcast television in general as well. It is not worth the licence.
BBC programmes are depressing.
With regard to BBC, if we vote with are wallets and purses and not pay the licence fee and not watch it, hopefully BBC will cease to exist.
*vote with our wallets and purses.
Don’t pay, haven’t for years, all cunts.
Islam is such a ridiculous religion not only is it silly but everything about its worship routine rubs me the wrong way from prayer beads, or having your bums in the air when you kneel to worship. You like the idea of 400 other mens arses within a a few inches or a foot apart of each other when you worship in mosque?
Also the call to prayer which some call beautiful is absolutely mind numbinlgy annoying and repetitive as fuck also fun fact women can not sing call to prayer as it is haram forbidden. The only thing I agree with on islam is that feminism is toxic. I also wouldn’t convert to islam because it prohibits me from enjoying two things I love beer and pork products so why the fuck convert? Fuck off Bbc you dumb irrelevant cunts, just call yourselfs IBC and be done with it you’ve made it abundantly clear you hate your own kin and love islam more
What do they do when the bloke in front of them drops their guts.
Inhale deeply… ?
The BBC lost me fucking years ago. There’s no hope for them now.
Claiming they are impartial and ‘get it about right’ is beyond taking the piss.
The British bit in their name is the biggest joke of all.
Just turn them off.