The BBC (17)

Yet another cunting for the BBC.

Sir David Attenborough, Danny Dyer and Jodie Whittaker are among the ‘celebrity supply teachers’ who will be helping the BBC educate the nation’s schoolchildren during the coronavirus lockdown.

And we all know what sort of ‘lessons’ these cunts will be giving. Climate change, diversity, misandry disguised as feminism. Stuff that would put Goebbels to shame. Totally corrupting Britain’s youth at the taxpayer’s expense. What a sick fucking joke.

Also, since when did the BBC give a toss about educating schoolkids? They abandoned their Schools and Colleges schedules years ago. They don’t even show the Open University any more. So it’s quite obvious that this is yet another BBC dirty trick. To try and push their despicable PC wokefuck agenda even in these tragic and troubled times, These cunts really have no ethics and no shame.

Then there is who is doing this and how it is a kick in the bollocks for every real and decent teacher in Britain. There are scores of professional teachers who could do this work and do it better and get handsomely paid for it. But no, some arrogant and already rich as fuck celebrity cunts who think they are good at everything will get yet more money and ego feeding by taking money out of teachers’ mouths. Who do these cunts think they are?! That Whittaker cunt doesn’t even know the history of the show she stars in, never mind any real fucking history. Who are these cunts to say they can ‘educate’ the kids of Britain? They’d be better of showing repeats of You and Me and Words and Pictures than doing this conceited and underhand shit. Fuck the BBC and fuck the ‘Big I Am’ celebrity cunts who act as their Stasi. Fucking cunts, the lot of them.

Nominated by Norman

85 thoughts on “The BBC (17)

  1. Don’t know who this Whittaker bitch is but the other pair can fuck right out of my face. I’m sick and tired of the cunting n*nce harbouring, pervert promoting fucking remoaning, libtard BBC.
    If Boris can’t see that they are out to bring him down i’m sure that cunt C*mmings can. Privatise it, close it down….just get those freeloaders out of my rapidly diminishing wallet.
    Absolute cunts!

  2. Kids today should watch the wholesome and salubrious TV we enjoyed as children growing up in the 70’s and 80’s. That’s right Paedophiles on the television! None of this mamby pamby garbage.

  3. Without wishing to denigrate the few decent teachers out there….I’m not sure that some vacuous “Celebrity” wouldn’t at least too less harm than the average modern teacher.

    Bring back Wackford Squeers…the last of the Great Educators.

  4. Without wishing to denigrate the few decent teachers out there….I’m not sure that some vacuous “Celebrity” wouldn’t at least too less harm than the average modern teacher.

    Bring back Wackford Sq.ueers…the last of the Great Educators

    • Perhaps they could have James Corden teaching people how to tattoo “Do not resuscitate under ANY circumstances” across his massive gut-bucket?

    • Perhaps they could have James Corden teaching people how to tattoo “Do not resuscitate under ANY circ,umstances” across his massive gut-bucket?

      • Ive changed my opinion on Corden a bit Dick.
        With the lockdown in the states the production crews are laid off,
        Corden is paying for the late,late shows crew out of his own pocket, weekly five figure sum,
        Whereas Ellen Degenarate let them starve.
        Thought it was pretty decent of him.

      • Don’t care….he’s still a fat piece of shite.

        Fuck him.

        Morning MNC
        Morning All

        Carol Kirkwood can Fuck Off too..irritatingly cheerful,slack-titted old Bag.

      • Morning Dick
        Bet he has good portions though if you go round for Tea?
        Bet its not that salad shite either!
        No, if he asks me too his BBQ im going!

      • Bet the Cunt paying the staff is a publicity stunt. The Cunt’ll be claiming the money back off the studio or something.

  5. Money talks and these cunts have billions to play with.
    Makes me wish Adolf was in charge.
    Fuck em and their vile brainwashing.

  6. Danny Dyer as an English teacher?

    “It’s all abaaat talking faaaking propper like aint it”

    Followed by White Guilt class with doddering David Attenborough.
    Then finally, a lecture from Miss Whitaker about how battalions of “strong wahmen” stormed the Normandy beaches…

    • Attenborough is taking PE and Danny Is taking science, “proper fackin norty treacle!”
      The Cunts will be crying when start failing exams because Dannys told them that the chemical table is where you sit and have a line of coke at home.

      • I’ll pitch it too them, but a few bits they might not see the humour in!☺

    • ASA – couldn’t agree more, it is obvious at the moment how they drool each day when they reveal the daily death total – it’s as though they are announcing the winner of the National Lottery – also the glee when our figures were worse than any other European country yesterday (or should that just be European country without the other). You get sick of the spotlighting mistakes of Trump or Hancock or Boris and the reverence whenever they interview Jonathan Ashworth, or Sugartits Cooper or the great Kweer himself.

      • Don’t worry, Boris is not going to spare the BBC when this little lot is over. They have given him the ammunition , he will use it. The thought of Lineker & Co losing the bulk of their income is something to look forward to.

      • Mmmm, not convinced.
        Boris has probably negotiated a Blue peter job for himself.

  7. Danny Dire/teacher in the same sentence ? Don’t get all flustered, he couldn’t get a 5 year old to stand and piss straight. That Neanderthal will be another classic BBC steaming turd, with his crayons out, passing on his pearls of wisdom in his cockanee accent. Let the Beeb propaganda carry on, they are out of ideas due to no new filming during the lockdown. Once they’ve run all of their repeats and constant government adverts they will be well and truly fucked, and another reason to tell them where to poke their licence fee. Even the daily news coverage is a massive repeat at the moment, BBC you must be desperate. Entertainment, education ? Do me a favour me old China.

  8. Been done before. Anyone remember “Jamie’s Dream School?” This is where the Mockney Millionaire got a load of chav kids who had been lobbed out of school and foisted sleb teachers on them…….Mary Beard, David Starkey and Alistair Pisshead Campbell were three I remember. It was a fucking farce. It was amusing to see old mong lips pontificating about “my school” and “my teachers.”
    But the best thing was seeing Campbellend completely out of his depth. Obviously these kids had no idea who he was, just another boring old cunt in a suit to them. I’d love to see it again. Bunch of wankers.

    • We had a teacher like Alcoholic Ali at my school years and years ago. I can see (and smell now) the piss stains on his trousers. If he got anywhere near the radiators he smelt like an old lady, which is a good enough description of Campbell as well.

    • I remember Rolf Harris was the art teacher. I wonder if he got up to anything there…

  9. I taught my kids about Wat Tyler, Nelson and Tommy Robinson. They had obviously never heard of any of them.

  10. Dianne Abbott to teach maths.
    Jimmy Somerville to teach sex ed and family planning.
    Mark Thatcher to teach geography.
    Stormzy to teach english, innit?
    Rik Waller to teach p.e

  11. Everytime Danny “naawty little pistol fingaas” Dyer opens his pie hole, a few more brain cells dribble out.

    “Goord blimey, guvnor, I’m ‘ere ta teech ya abawt some geezer named Quentin Crisp who was like this great man who changed the world with his other great man friend Peter Tatchell, blah, blah, mockney, blah”

  12. With the massive changes taking place, courtesy of our Oriental ‘ friends ‘, and the likelihood of millions of unemployed, it is time to end the legalised theft that is the licence fee.
    The BBC has been picking pockets for far, far too long. The vast amounts of money they collect, should enable them to produce the finest educational and entertainment programmes anywhere in the world. Instead, we get endless left wing propaganda, LGBTXYFUCKINGZ shit, WOKE shit, piss poor production, and talent free gobshites like Danny Dyer.
    DANNY DYER ! For fucks sake ….
    Coming soon …. New programme for 2 to 5 year olds. ‘ What to do when you soil yourself in public ‘ Presented by Gary Lineker, for an undisclosed sum.
    Get To Fuck.

  13. I nominate Lisa Nandy as PE mistress – “let me see those chests fling out” as was said in Carry On Camping

  14. Show them oxidisation using an apple that’s rotten to the core. I wouldn’t touch it with a pooey stick. All material will be cleansed and PC friendly and an attempt to lean left….’morning my little snowflakes how was your vegan breakfast? do you know how to spell binary?’ Get fucked you’ve played an instrumental role in diluting democracy and eroding freedom of speech torch it media dick sucking whores all sucking on the same teet

  15. There is a BBC advert just before the 6 oclock news which promotes ‘the best loved faces on TV’ and then shows a procession of cunts you wouldn’t get in a lift with.
    Time to fuck off and make your way in a commercial environment you cunts. ITV cunts are no better but we are not forced to pay the fuckers.

  16. Ever since the BBC used the phrase ‘self-proclaimed hard man’ Danny Dyer always comes over as a total and utter cunt. What kind of fucking bell end calls himself that? Anyone who just happens to be type cast as a bit of a tasty fucker always ends up believing their own hype!

  17. Danny Dyer on how to speak Cockney.
    Jodie Whittaker on how to act.
    David Attenborough on how to watch animals and climate change.

    I doubt the Rees-Moggs will be tuning in.

    • Morning Cuntologist!
      Im betting the Rees Moggs are more for reading a book than tv.
      Is Jodie whitless woman the one who was Dr Who?

      • Morning MNC – Jodie Whittaker was indeed the pig who put (more of) the woke in Doctor Who, Jodie now doing “lessons” for little c*nts who are behind at school after spending every Friday skiving to trash somewhere whining about “The climatechangeness”.
        “First lesson kids – Men are b*stards”. Repeat forever.

      • Morning Foxy, wasnt sure not watched Dr Who since early 80s apart from one where it was that Northern lad?
        All main roles in films an tv should be by northerners or at least a englishman.

      • David Niven or Eddie Hall should have the lead role in every film! (Possibly not David Niven these days!)
        Not sure who will be playing me in my semi autobiographical work of genius – think Anthony Hopkins will be a leading contender! ??
        Think Christopher Ecclestone was the northern one – I always get him mixed up with Paddy Considine for some reason.
        On other news I have had a letter from Chuck Norris’s beard saying how impressed it is with my viking growth!

    • You missed out Katie Price teaching ‘How to apply make-up’ or ‘Plastering for Dummies’.

      • Her vagina can play the part of the Grand Canyon in a geography lesson about the Grand Canyon.

      • Or the Challenger Deep. James Cameron and Prof. Brain Cox could film it from a mini-sub, until they are dissolved by her rancid snatch juice.

  18. Fucking Danny Dyer educating kids are you sure? I mean look what happened to his daughter this clown is outclassed ahundred fold by my Jack Russel, infact we could have young jack educate the fucking Dyers,5 minutes with the mutt and the Dyers will know loads more than before, however i would be scared if Jack had to spend 5 minutes with DD he would become a visious killer……thats it Jack go for the throat, stop the cunt from talking…….good boy, good boy now time for a treat, and if your lucky you can do the other Dyer after lunch…..theres a good boy and you get to shagg the body…..

  19. “Roit u caaants – it’s educ, educ, – it’s learnin’ staff innit wiv me, professional mockney and pearly fackin King and ‘ard geeza Danny Dyer so listen ap you caants”!
    ‘Istory started in noineteen noynty sevahn when Messiah Blair showed us the way to teach kids – there was somefink abaaaht some fackin war before it but oi fink I was watchin love oyland or samfink you slaaag! Jowdee, wot the fack you doin”?
    “Teaching the children how everything in the World is the fault of Men and can only be put right by Wimminz you r*pist b*stard”!
    And now over to Samuel L Jackson and “Listen with Motherfucker”!
    Remove the licence fee, subscription only that way c*nts who want to watch this sh*te can pay for it and the rest of us can be free from it.
    Oh, nearly forgot, fuck China – on my list they are ?

  20. Great nom, the BBC can never get enough cuntings in my book. I used to comment on their HYS bollocks but then I happened to mention Tommy Robinson (I read somewhere that isn’t his real name, can’t remember where) and ever since then every post I made went into moderation. I’ve now deleted my account. Anyway, in addition to the three uber-cunts that Norman mentioned they also include these geniuses: singer Mabel, Strictly Come Dancing’s Oti Mabuse, One Direction member Liam Payne, Countryfile presenter Anita Rani and footballer Sergio Aguero to help youngsters learn to count in Spanish. Fuckaduck. the fucking little cunts can’t even count in English for fuck’s sake. Absolute load of self-indulgent, virtue signalling bollocks.

    • Don’t forget Steph McGovern the granite jawed sister fister – apparently she is considered so popular we are treated to even more of her gurning Desperate Dan features and inane twaddle – who the f*ck thought that was a good idea?
      Auto Sergei picking fruit yet? No? Lazy Russian b*stard! ?

      • Steph McGovern. Every time she was on BBC Breakfast I kept mistaking her segment for a feature on Russian icebreakers.
        The fucking chin on it.

    • Reply to Cupid Stunt:
      I have also been moderated on a HYS forum.
      I thought my point about the BBC’s view of diversity being all about skin colour when it should be about diversity of thought and/or experience of life was well put but obviously some cunt got the hump and I was told to fuck off – maybe not in those words but I was told to fuck off all the same.

  21. I really think that all those many many managers and executives in beeb la la land believe they are ‘middle of the road’. So every time a Trump or Boris or brexit happens they are absolutely stumped and so after many meetings come to the conclusion they haven’t educated us all enough.
    Now they’re starting on our kids. Scary.

  22. Boris had better sort these arseholes out when the current crises abates.
    Ever since the Brexit referendum and now the Wuhan flu, the news reports always have the weasle words – could, might, maybe, inserted as though it is the inevitable outcome.
    Seeing that it is VE day on Friday if the current Al Beeb was reporting 75 years ago, we would be celebrating “Weltseig” day!
    Oh and Nick Robinson is a slap headed CUNT

    • VE day? Those who would not pretending to thank those who did.
      I don’t need to applaud to appreciate, and I wonder how many of our very best wonder why they bothered making the sacrifices they did to get what we have now.
      Heroes f*cked by zeroes, and the propaganda machine of the BBC grinds inexorably on.
      For now.

  23. Why employ legions of toxic woke cunts when you can just plug the little fuckers directly into the Ministry of Truth.

  24. I absolutely love this website. It gives me much joy, and many laughs and relief from all the bullocks going on at the moment.

    I think everyone should vote with their wallets and purses and cancel their television licence and stick to watching dvds and Netflix etc or anything else that you enjoy doing.
    The BBC is a load of bullocks. Not what it once was. It used to inform and educate and allow people to make their own minds up. Nowadays, it tells you what to think and how to feel.

    P.s with this lock down situation, I think I might make a model of Tracy Island from Thunderbirds from that episode of Blue Peter with Anthea Turner.

  25. I think we should have a permanent ‘Meejashite’ spot on here for the likes of the Beeb, the Groaniad, the New European, and all the cunts who write for them or appear on them.
    Great cunting Norm!

  26. Ah, good old Beeb – the c*nts that keep on giving (ulcers, generally).
    How long can they get away with this? What awful Man has complained to AL-BEEB about their fraudulent and premeditated editing of the Trump broadcast?
    Yeah, that was me – if you don’t pull them up it goes unnoticed and they get away with it.
    And come the revolution Kuenssberg will be my “slapping pig”.

    • I keep complaining to the cunts about their bias and ‘woke’ slant on everything, but you just get vacuous responses parroted back, which NEVER actually address the specific issue raised.
      Now I just complain directly to the government on its website, demanding that they address the issue, scrap the BBC tax, or both.

  27. Arron Banks and Liz Bilney, the CEO of Leave.EU, follow in the footsteps of Darren Grimes by winning in the High Court against the Electoral Commission. Today the Electoral Commission agreed terms of settlement over the Electoral Commission’s announcement in November 2018 of its referral of Banks and Bilney to the National Crime Agency for further investigation.

    The NCA stated publicly on 24 September 2019 that having investigated the matters referred by the Electoral Commission, it found that there was no evidence of any criminal offences having been committed by Banks or Bilney. The NCA further notified the Electoral Commission that its investigation showed that the monies Mr Banks used to fund the loans came from the group of companies of which Mr Banks was the ultimate beneficial owner. Today the Electoral Commission finally admitted it was wrong on all counts:

    The Electoral Commission considers it was right to refer this matter to the NCA for further investigation, but confirms that it accepts (a) the NCA’s conclusions that it found no evidence that any criminal offences have been committed under PPERA or company law by Mr Banks or Ms Bilney; and (b) the NCA had not received any evidence to suggest that Mr Banks or his companies received funding from any third party.

    All that nonsense about Russians? Nyet.

    On the very same day Nadiya Hussain (the mud slime who “won” the Great British Bake Off) tweeted that she was feeling very depressed with having to abide with government lockdown guidelines.

    Guess which story the BBC ran and which story never even saw the light of day?


    • Interesting stuff Willie, thanks. I am getting sick to the back teeth with the BBC’s blatant and shameless bias reporting and their non-reporting of items that don’t fit their agenda like your excellent example. From their demonisation and character assassination of white males like Trump, Johnson, Farage, Robinson etc to the extent that they are even falsifying the actual events. The problem is that even after the Saville fiasco they appear to be bullet proof – and they know it. Absolute waste of time complaining about their behaviour and the one and only way to stop their abuse of power is to scrap the Licence Fee which quite frankly I can never see happening.

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