I saw a fascinating film recently about the Hare Psychopathy Checklist method used to profile psychopaths.
The Checklist covers aspects common to psychos such as superficial charm, self-importance, incessant lying, manipulating people, never feeling remorse etc.
It is now the standard method for dealing with psychos who, incidentally, may be suffering from a brain disorder rather than be just potentially violent selfish individuals.
The film claimed that as many as one in five people could be psychos and therefore walking time bombs. So watch out where you leave your axes, drills and power tools and get ready to back off quickly if your good wife starts glaring daggers at you as she starts to sharpen a carving knife. Also, don´t look too closely in the mirror the next time you are shaving as you might see a psycho looking back at you.
Here is a link for you to try out the test yourself. I trust the Earl of Northumberland, Dick Fiddler of That Ilk, will let us know how he fared.
Nominated by Mr Polly
I scored a princely 2 marks.
The message underneath was
“Congratulations for not being a psychopath today!”
I am concerned I may have scored too low and therefore may be a “wuss”?
I got 7 and told I was a cunt.
I gained a score of 2 as well. I have spent my life supporting vulnerable people. I am still a CUNT though.
Here are my favourite Yorkshire psychopaths:
Guy Fawkes, (he of combustible repute)
Stephen ‘crossbow cannibal’ Griffiths, (says it all really)
Donald Neilson, (of such notoriety)
Anthony Arkwright, (4 people in 56 hours- Wow!)
Reg Christie, (film about him on recently played by Tim Roth)
Mark Hobson, (one of Wakefield High Security Prison’s finest)
Barry Prudom, (ex SAS, tracked and caught by “Jungle” McGee ex SAS) both Born in Yorkshire
Mark Rowntree, (complete nut job)
Michael Sams, (Murder, Kidnap and Extortion – the “Triple Threat”)
…. oh, and Peter Sutcliffe, Born in Yorkshire, and f**king Jimmy Saville, (our child hood favourite!) all born in Yorkshire
I think Acid-Bath Haig was also a Yorkie – IIRC, a choir boy at Wakefield Cathedral.
Bet that isn’t in the guidebooks under Christian forgiveness…
I’ll bet he had no trouble with being nagged though! ?
Lincolnshire I believe…there is a certain wholesome goodness about Yorkshire murders not sullied like the ‘Yellow Bellies’ a county over!
Years ago I lived in Lincolnshire and was fascinated by the animosity between Yorkies and Poachers.
As one old boy put it to me,
“Yorkshiremen are living proof that a Lincolnshireman once fucked a pig”.
As a Bostongrad resident I’ll concede that. In my head I imagine the Hovis ad theme playing whilst Pete Sutcliffe was battering away with his trusty claw hammer
I went to Boston once Cuntan. Just once.
The drive out there on a grey February day felt like the descent into Hades.
One road in, one road out again…..
Yep it’s a shithole alright. Lots of culture though – there’s the “bottomless pit of liquorpond street” which legend has it holds so much eastern euro gimmegant phlegm that you’d need a scuba suit to touch the bottom, and the local park has some of the most ancient pieces of fossilised Romanian shite in the country
It was over 20 years ago that I visited the place, way before the Europikey invasion.
It was fucking scary then so Christ knows what it’s like now. I felt a bit like Burt Reynolds in Deliverance….
Blood splattered face and a cold monotone ” that’s rrrreeet mr hammerrrr, tha show this foul harridan..who the…b..boss is”
Random one but I did community service with Mark Hobson some Years ago – duffed him up for pinching my cup of tea! (Never mess about with a Mans cup of tea or pint – combat will ensue!)
I score almost a perfect 100% on the psychopath test, the only things that let me down were not being a liar and empathy towards children and animals – but everyone’s got their faults!
I scored 12.
That’s good isn’t it?
ISN’T IT!!!!!!
I’ll answer your question as and when i fucking feel like it.
Two guys walk into a bar…
One announces to the barmaid that he’s a country lane; “rather weedy”, jokes his friend, Mr. Motorway, a very broad-shouldered bloke.
A deathly hush descends in the pub.
“Christ almighty, be careful with this one; he’s a right feckin cyclepath”…
I scored 5 so psychopathy isn’t a condition I need to worry about. Paranoia, now that’s another thing. Many years ago I was listening to a psychiatrist on the radio who was listing traits associated with those who are paranoid, and as he was naming them one by one, I was saying yep, yep, yeah that sounds like me. One of them was that people with paranoia don’t trust anybody, and I’m thinking, yes this is me,I don’t trust anybody. He got to the last one, which was that they don’t have a sense of humour. I thought, no that’s not me. I’ve got a sense of humour. It might be sick and twisted but I’ve got one. I have to admit I felt a little disappointed.
Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean to say that they aren’t still all after you!
Oh funny guy eh?
Watching you.
I couldn’t open the link.
You did that on purpose.
I can hear you laughing at me in my head.
I know your a lizardman mr Polly.
Im taking measures.
They wont catch me!
They never do…
Love weirside Jack????
Here’s the link Miserable, so you don’t feel left out.
Personally, I only got halfway through before I smashed up my iPad.
Cheers Bertie, got a 5.
Not sure if I beleive this though, seems a bit easy to fake if your a real nutter.
Those eyes at the top are Ted Bundy I think,
Right head the ball!
But charming as they come, woman loved him!
Yep that’s big Ted alright MNC. Could charm the birds out of the trees and straight into a shallow grave with an ice pick in the eyeball
He deserved that death sentence he got, watched some docümentary about him, slippery little cunt! Kept escaping.
Debbie Harry would have you believe she was almost dragged into his VW Beetle of Death but I think she exaggerates a tad
That’s true. Apparently people who are convincing liars make the best psychopaths!
You’re just too honest for your own good.
I’ll bet most of your points were picked up from the questions about your youth. Didn’t that truancy officer who chased you end up in the Canal?
Hehe, having kids changed me Bertie!
Less selfish, less wild, more responsible.
Law of averages suggests at least one poster on ISAC is a fully fledged mentalist!
Need to pick him out before the Christmas party, keep him away from the food and cutlery!!
The voice in my head is currently Jeremy Clarkson…”this nom is like a virgina…”
Wish he’d fuck off so I can have Alan Bennett back.
I think the test should be renamed “How far can I go with a career in politics”.
So what, already knew I’m colourblind.
A healthy 16 for me. I think I should get extra points too for almost throwing my phone across the room over the opening question of “are you male, female or non binary”. Cunts
Was just saying to the mrs the other day, it’s a good job we can’t buy automatic rifles here like the states; my body count would have been in the hundreds by now?
I got 10.
Perhaps I’m on my way to psychopathy.
Me too !
I didn’t like the questions however so whichever cunt wrote them needs the oven.
yes, just keep on along the corridor and it’s the second door on the left …..
I got 6. I also know that to even visit a site like this (let alone comment) you have to be a raging psycho cunt on occasion.
The number of psychopaths in this country has dramatically increased in the last few weeks. How do I know that?
Two thirds of all inmates in UK immigration centres have been released. FFS.
they kept that quiet didn’t they?
One of the funniest things I’ve ever read in Viz was ‘Stag Knight’ which was about a Prince having his stag do in 1700’s old England but with modern references i.e in the disco a medical band is playing ‘ye staying alive, ye staying alive’. Best bit was when he nudged ‘Sir Paggalots’ drink who then proceeded to chalice him in the face with his goblet.
Sir Paggalots full name was ‘Sir Paggalot The Unstable’.
Had to be there Bob yeah?
Remember it well…
“Sir Stavros’ Kingdom of Kebabs”
from before Viz became The New European with tourettes…
Excellenty put Baron.
Viz is fucking shit these days, and has been for a good ten years.
I liked ‘driving Mr David’ where mice occupied a command bridge in the skull of David Beckham, and budgerigars occupied the same space in Victoria spice; as she left him to look after their first born. Fricking hilarious, can’t find it anywhere!
Psychopaths share many of the same traits as a narcissist……
both best avoided!! The cunts ……..
My son is a narcissistic cunt….the other day I found love bites his bedroom mirror….
My reply to ‘Why aren’t you on Facebook?’ (“Because it’s full of narcissists.”) usually shuts the cunts up.
20 for me. Does that get me on the priority list for an Asda online shop? Guy on customer services wants to hope it fucking does!!
as the lockdown continues i feel like i could kill for fun – no doubt this is as good a training course as you can expect from britsh govermint – chargggggeeee
One in five sounds far too high. I saw a documentary several years ago and it was closer to 1%.
I scored an 8. I’m a bit disappointed to be honest.
I am a complete loonball and i’m on pills to prove it. lol
I’m NEVER violent though.
I wouldve taken the test by the ‘non binary’ option for gender means i’ll have to decline.
Psychopaths aren’t usually murderers. A lot of them are greedy cunts who end up as con merchants.
It takes a special kind of cunt to befriend somebody for months, perhaps years, before conning them out of everything as planned. Got to be mental to do stuff like that.
But yes, even more so to wear somebody’s innards as a hat.
I scored 24.
Fuck Off.
Evening Fiddler, you should use you charming and nonchalant ways to get debarred from the pub or is she more likely to end up being flushed down the bog in small pieces?
The auld trout can fuck off. Barring me,indeed!…the fucking nerve of it.
I’d be surprised if she reopens when these bloody restrictions are lifted anyhow. As I told her and her boyfriend, it is a shit-hole and if I hadn’t been “in my cups” I wouldn’t have darkened her door if she offered me free beer and a gobble on the way out.
I will continue to antagonise her at every opportunity…I’m nice that way.
Evening LL.
Excellent form Sir Fiddler!
And always remember they need your money a hell of a lot more than you need their dump DF.
Vote with your feet, and your wallet.
Oh I’ve done better than that,Vernon. Although I’m sure that it may come as a surprise to many on here, I can be a vindictive Cunt when the mood takes me.
Good to see you stand your corner on the pushbiking nom.
PS…I can drive you round to Miserable’s any time you fancy…I’ll bring the saws in case the bugger takes to the trees.
🙂 .
I await you both.
Like fuckin Tarzan I am.
“Its in the trees!”
First thing youd know Foxy would fly up into the canopy leaves rustle..
Dick youd fire off a few nervous shots from the gun, your eyes darting everywhere, whats that?
…just a shadow!
Then youd hear a low growling from behind you as the axe whistled…
Id make a loincloth from your wizened old hide
And a fetching hat from Foxys viking beard.
Something like this perhaps,Miserable?….
Pretty much.
And you brought BWC in the footage!
PS….I wonder where he got that revolving gun ?….I could double my bag if I had one of them on the next pheasant shoot.
Like a bleeding gatling gun eh?
You ever shot any military guns Dick?
My dad did, and old cowboy sixshooters.
German mauser, ww2 english rifles etc
When I worked on the Army Ranges I often saw them live-firing. Once watched some attack helicopters unloading on a target….Fuck Me, you’d have known that you’d farted in Church for the last time if you had one of those Cunts after you.
Went to the British Armoury in Leeds Dick,
Totally absorbed!!
Had elephant armour, guns that people could handle that had been decommissioned including a gatling gun,
And weapons from all periods of time and all countries.
Most military but some criminal, knuckledusters, flick knives, schoolkids should be forced to go there, great day out!
I scored 14, where;s me fucking axe!
I had to undergo something like this when I came back to the UK, it was a series of questions from a woman who quite frankly from her body language did not want to be in a room with me.
Having just done that test, my score was 5.
On doing the the proper “is this bloke sane” test my first result was that I was a pathological liar and that my results did not conclude with someone of my predicted nature and the results should be void.
Later (about 5 years) when I had a second breakdown, I self admitted.
It took me a while to get in as I personally knew the local mental health team so could not be treated by them. Ditto the shock charity because I knew them too so had to go out of area completely.
One of the people I knew was a local mental health nurse and had been treating a patient, They received a request about a refereed patient who was being treated for PTSD , they refused to cooperate on professional guidelines, the agency then pushed their case as interested partners that they were following on the patients self referral for paedophilia.
She had no idea and was very up set.
When I went to see my shrink I took photo and documentary evidence, I think I only went there three times, I do not think she could take it.
She signed me off as very well adjusted and a danger to myself and not other people .
Fuck I knew that, I have had the misfortune to work with genuine psychopaths and some of them I have had to send on their way ( as in go away) because they were unsafe to work with us.
In the big picture, when push comes to shove a psychopath crumbles in their self centred world, no good to anyone and very expendable (and non accountable)
life can be shit.
I am sane (ish)
Absolutely certain my ex wife was (and likely still is) clinically psychopathic
Whether she was/is or not though, she was a cunt.
Glad to be rid of her.