I would like to cunt out of control kids, i know its Corona virus conditions and kids get bored, but my neighbors kids really are cunts kid 1 isnt playing with a full deck, he has screaming fits and smashes up the house, calls his parents names and has to have a trampoline to burn off energy, why this pisses me off, all you hear is banging on the walls if your inside and when your watching telly you can see the little cunt out of the corner of your eye bouncing up and down on his trampoline non stop, to add insult to injery the have dyed the top of the fuckers hair so now he looks like a fucking Duracell battery and goes nine times longer than normal kids, if it wasnt for the snowflake mum i reckon the dad would have rung his fucking neck by now i know i would have, kid 2 has the most high pitch annoying voice you have ever heard its like finger nails on a blackboard to me, on top of that its a constant case of chucking footballs,frizbies,flip flops and various othe crap back over the fence, and then banging my car with bikes….for any fucker thinking of having kids need to watch mad Pablo and high pitch Pedro for half an hour and you will soon be reaching for the condoms…..
Nominated by Fuglyucker
Mrs B cares for an autistic child, I thought she didnt shut up but fuck me the kid goes 10 to the dozen, I feel for his parents (they need a carer just to lead a normal life) so yes it is fucking hard, some times it is not the kids fault sometimes it is.
Her eldest worked in a school that specialises in autism he estimated that a good 30% of the placements were not autistic but in need of a good parent and a hard slap, those ones were the trigger kids, knew all their rights and spent the day kicking off or winding the others up.
I do not have kids, never wanted them, dogs are much better
Kids are kids, autistic kids need extra bit of help, feel sorry for kids locked indoors recently.
I ate and slept indoors rest of the time outside enjoying being young and feral.
My Mum used to care for a Downs kid and her next door neighbour had a severely autistic son.
The Downs boy was a lovely, well mannered little character, even though he had a tracheostomy tube in. Cheeky little tyke, even in sign language.
The next door neighbour’s kid would scream the house down and regular thumps and bangs were heard through the party wall. This is when he wasn’t beating the snot out of his sister, or standing in the garden gurning to himself.
Both of these kids were definitely special needs. No doubt about it.
I have a teenager, who thankfully lives with his mother in Scandinavia.
He has been disgnosed with ADHD and has to go to a special school and take Ritalin, which freaks me right out because his eyes look like he is tripping off his tits.
A seriously clever kid who speaks four languages fluently and knows every cheat or trick on the Playstation. He just can’t be bothered to conform because the leftards make it too fucking easy to slap a label on someone and write them off.
As a child of the ’70’s, we didn’ t have ADHD or Ritalin. We had “SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!'”
I know that his Mother is going to offload him on me the minute he turns 18.
That kid’s life is going to change from being wrapped in cotton wool, to wrapped in bandages within 48 hours.
Does this make me a bad parent?
The brats just have excess energy. Get them to do army drills round the garden.
If kids are cunts it’s because their parents are. Ergo, most kids are cunts.
Kids should be put down at birth. CUNTS!
A world without children…future generations will thank us ?
Or put the parents down instead as they have fulfilled their biological purpose in life to reproduce. Discourages feckless breeders.
Maybe Harvey price should set up a school and become headmaster of said school, can you imagine the carnage? I would pay money to watch that, it should be on a TV program, you could name it mong vision, still I bet Katie price would be happy too, it would give her a break , she won’t have to worry about Harvey trying to fuck her every 10 minutes
That is unnecessarily cruel, heartless and disgusting. Made me fucking laugh though.
I must be a cunt.
Deranged Hill?
Kids are cunts, sure enough! But it the lack of fatal beatings from the fucking snowflake parents! I think I gave a prime example on here a while ago. While strolling past Greggs, this fucking ‘thing’ bellowed out of the door ‘fuggin ger in ere yah likkle bastods an chose yer fuggin brekkie’ I glanced at the foul mouthed apparition and caught her eye. She looked at me and said ‘I’ve gorra be tuff on em, so they don’t turn out like the cunts next door!’
You must be squatting in my attic. I’m going to check up there later for human waste.
You’ve described the fucking retards I call neighbours with Mystic Meg style powers.
Three generations of benefit bludgeoners. Each one with some fucking illness.
Free car on the drive. (8 fucking seater).
No rent to pay.
No council tax.
School meal vouchers due to the little cunts being off school.
Priority shopping deliveries due to their vunerable medical conditions.
Once a year (assessment time) the crutches and long sickly faces make a return.
You should see the cunts run when Tesco are filling the reduction fridge, like Usain Bolt with a fucking Giro.
The good taxpayers who provide all this then get the pleasure of listening to their cunt offspring all day long.
Fucking scrounging cunts.
Baron you have just decribed the Clopecks, they are the next door but one neighbors to me, a bunch of benefit milking window lickers from the fucking shallow end of the gene pool
And as far as next doors brats, if they were mine they wouldnt be able to sit down for a fucking week, ADHD cured for half of these so called special kids, granted some need help but now due to it being a modern problem with a name that you can get money for it seems that there are shit loads more problem brats than there ever used to be…..just stating an obvious fact….
That’s the excuse they use for their fucking brats. ADHD. Once sat in a cafe when the cunts walked in. Within 10 minutes the floor was covered in crisps, bits of cake.
Not his fault though its ADHD.
Fuck me I’d have clipped the little cunt around the head if he’d shown me up like that.
Scum breeds scum.
I was in this shop once where this revolting slack jawed slut was buying booze and fags and spending about fifteen quid on lottery tickets. She had a little girl with her who was looking in this freezer cabinet thing.
“Mum, can I have an ice cream”?
“Nah, the fucking Pa*i’s had all my money.”
What chance have you got with such a piece of shit for a mother? She’s probably about 18 now, got a couple of brats and acting exactly the same. That’s how the world goes round.
Seen the same things. “Mummy” topping up on the snouts and bitch fizz. Whist some filthy, undernourished infant pauper looks on with visage suggesting hunger pains.
Just about to leave, goodies in hand when the breeding machine remembers to buy scratch cards.
Fucking degenerates. Should be sterilized.
Bitch fizz, brill i bet you meant diamond white, always used to ply my ex with it if i wanted a blow job….she was a total cunt apart for a ten minute opportunity before the cunt was back at full volume…
Possibly Lambrini. Oral WD40 for the lubrication of the sluts hips and thighs. (That and the promise of a look in the Apple shop window if she performs well, “I fookin luv vem eye fones”.
Oh the joys of Socialism Freddie! Breeding allowances for ferals to get even more tattoo money from the taxpayer.
Rember passing a family group of lowlifes in Margate (yes I know), some years ago, when a female of the species shouted to one of her brood – “Shut up you little shit bag!”
What chance have these kids got.
A sure case for eugenics.
Dr Mengele is never around when needed.
Perhaps the gent with the portable “oven” is required?
Never mind the portable oven! What we need is good old uncle Himmler with his fucking big one! Just think, if the axis forces had won, we wouldn’t have to put up with these cunts. A fucking travesty, and no mistake!
I often think the same. Perhaps our forefathers should have formed a guard of honour for the pickled cabbage munchers. All the way to Whitehall. Don’t think we’d have half the issues we have today. Sad point of view to hold, but who knows.
What a good idea it is equipping screaming children with ear-muffs….as soon as they start bawling the nearest affected person can just reach out and grab the noise-cancelling devices..Hey Presto…problem solved,
First thing Fugly, you don’t chuck things back over the fence. Ignore that Cadburys advert. You dump it all in the bin and deny all knowledge. That way whatever comes over, they don’t get the chance to sling it over again. They’ll get the message eventually. As for the noise, unfortunately there’s nothing legal you can do about it, however much you’d like to.
Cheers Alan i will give that a go with the bin and Dick DPF Fiddlers noise cancelling headphones sound like a winner…..
Was walking past a jobcentre not so long back and a mother says to her kid ” that wasn’t long was it”? The kid replies ” now I can get home and play on my fucking ipad”
At that point you realise how fucked society is
I don’t mind kids.
I despise brats.
And I think a lot of ADHD diagnosis is bollocks – try feeding them proper food instead of shite and half the problems disappear, and a good hard crack sorts most of the rest – because children know screaming, shouting and acting like feral little b*stards gets them their own way.
This is the problem you get when children never hear the word “no” and are taught from birth that nothing is ever their fault.
Bad parenting, liberal teaching and this is what we end up with.
Another excellent nomination.
All nominations are excellent, mind you.
I don’t have children. To those that do I take my hat off to the parents.
I imagine it must be difficult bringing up children especially in this day and age.
I remember what it was like being a child all those years ago. Simpler times. There was still the feeling of peer pressure and wanting to fit in, though.
To be a child now though I have no idea.
The thing that crosses my mind sometimes is imagine going to bed tonight at the age you are now, falling asleep. When morning comes, you wake up to find yourself in the bed and home you lived in when you were a child. You get out of bed and look in the mirror. It’s you when you were a child yet you have knowledge and memories of all up to the point when you fell asleep as an adult. Everyone is younger. You, your parents, siblings, friends etc. A moment in time.
With that in mind, you would do anything different or just go with the flow?
The first thing I’d probably do is regard my full head of hair as my hair in the year 2020 is looking like a monk.
I have 4 kids, and they are no fucking angels but they know the fucking score and how to act when out and about and to other people and kids, simply because that is how me and the wife brought them up. I let them be kids of course, because they fucking are, but if they act the cunt they will get pulled up sharpish as mine did with me.
When I was quite a bit younger, I used to go running for exercise. One time, I was on my final stretch when I ran past a mother and her roughly 10 year-old son. He was yelling at her in finest cockney. “Fahk off, mum! Fahk off!” Her response? “‘Aah many fahkin’ times ‘ave I told you not to swear at me!”
ADHD my Arse, they need a good belt and if that don’t work the it’s off to Uncle Cyril Smith and his mates for a Game of hide the Sausage.!
Easy on the belt though….
Screaming kid?
Lock it in a safe, then tip the safe down a well