EMERGENCY CUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BBC News reports that – I cannot FUCKING BELIEVE THIS – a flight containing 150 Romanians is coming into Stansted on Thursday, completely ignoring our own Government’s State imposed imprisonment of us!
This is the first of SIX flights coming in between Thursday and the end of June – DEFRA state (direct quote) “It is encouraging people across the UK to bring the harvest in”. News for you mate – we have Millions of people who have lost their jobs in the last Month and just to have one final laugh and rub our noses in it our own Government is breaking the lockdown, against all medical advice, to bring yet more Foreign labour in!
I have now genuinely lost my f*cking shit.
Nominated by Vernon Fox
They must be working for a pittance there can be no other reason. Every politician in parliament is a cunt by letting these fucks in. What the hells happened to this country.
Self centred spineless wankers in charge. That’s what’s happened.
Is there any country in the world where the indigeous people are treated as poorly as this one?
White hetero men are literally the bottom of the pile in every way (except wages for skilled guys, thankfully) when it comes to priorities.
What makes it worse is that it’s other white people (totalitarian goverment Whitehall types who read the Guardian) who are doing the suppressing of our white culture and history.
These cunts are despicable, even worse than sponging foreign dârkïe dinghy pilots. At least those fuckers have justifiable motives (stealing from hőnky).
Treasonous quisling cunts, the lot of them.
But nothing will ever change, even after the Chīnķ flu.
Nothing will change until the Tiddly winks own all our power stations and then systematically turn out the lights.
By then it will too late.
Good nom Foxy!?
What the fuck?
Thats bollocks about the british not wanting to get the harvest in, theyve done everything possible to stop people, they WANT these gyppos in to do it!
It was always the plan.
Liars, traitors, and a enemy of their own people.
Never trust a politician,
Labour/tory/ whatever,
All dirty as fuck snouts in the trough cunts.
It’s been many years since our governments gave a flying fuck about the indigenous population, unless they wanted their vote.
At least the Brexit Party speak out against illegal immigration. They don’t go far enough but they’re a step in the right direction.
A step in the far right direction would be better.
And now the aid charities want the dinghy paddlers to be given access to the welfare system.
And in other news, the government has announced that it will attempt to eliminate homelessness. That means giving homeless people houses and hotel rooms. This will inevitably include the Roma that just flown in.
Meanwhile, all those NHS heroes, long forgotten, will endure a pay freeze as super- austerity kicks in.
They bleat with panic about the ‘rise of the far right’, is it any wonder when they pull shite like this?!
An thats a fuckin lie as well, because theres no fucking far right party to join!
I know because ive looked.
Fuck Boris, fuck the lockdown, fuck the government, and fuck the airline that brought these gyppos here.
To maximise profits for greedy farmer cunts. Pay the gyppós shite cash in hand wages, don’t tax them, and everyone’s a winner, baby.
Well, except tax-payers the unemployed looking for work, and anybody living near enough to these criminals to be sneezed on.
Just a couple of problems with your ideas. The farmers actually pay Agencies above the NMW. It is the Agencies who pay the gangmasters who pay the pickers. The days when farmers could pay people “cash in hand” are long gone.
As for the unemployed looking for work….I read about a farmer who had taken on 50 of these “land-army” types….only 6 returned the next day….considering that these were the motivated ones who wanted to work,do you really think that the “dole-wallah” types are going to be any better.
The fact is that too many British people are (with the best will in the world) physically unable to do the job. Many are also mentally unwilling to do a job which certain paper-clip warrior types think beneath them.
Just a thought,Capt. M…..you are shy about revealing what your “so much better” than anyone else job actually is….perhaps if you are currently furloughed you might care to go along and volunteer your services gathering the veggies on which you depend ?……just think…you’ll also get a chance to tell the greedy farmer what a Cunt he is!….I’d enjoy hearing about that.
I’ve never had a problem telling farmers they’re cunts to their faces.
I don’t need to pick vegetables though I’ve done it here when I was younger, and abroad too. Difficult work indeed, no denying that, Nuncle.It still doesn’t explain why people are applying and hearing back nothing.
You’ve never had a problem telling farmers they’re Cunts to their faces….really?…do tell…how did they react?..or couldn’t you see as you furiously pedalled off after shouting from half a mile away?
You don’t need to pick vegetables….and yet they’re what you eat! Don’t you need to pick them because people who are so inferior to you will do it while you moan about them? Again,if you are furloughed why not “do your bit”?…after all,you do claim to have previous experience.
I genuinely don’t know why people aren’t hearing back…perhaps they are applying through Agencies that would prefer to take on foreigners who are actually capable of doing the job?
Honestly in this Day and Age it is almost impossible to pay a significant amount to anyone “cash in hand”…..believe me,I know from when I used to employ people to do tree-planting for a few months every year.
Dick makes a valid point. Picking fruit and veg is hard physical labour, and even requires a modicüm Of skill.
These foreign cunts are highly motivated and work hard. Unlike a certain other demographic.
Probably time I got my coat.
My goodness uncle, it’s raging, isn’t it.
I’m not whining at all. I like a bit of banter which it was with Titslapper.
Are you a real farmer though? You could be fabricating the whole myth. Why, you could have your caravan parked in Essex for all I know. Are you an arable farmer cunt or a livestock farmer cunt?
How about you finally get round to telling me just what your job is before we get into the specifics of mine?
I will tell you though….I am neither arable or livestock. I worked in both while younger but discovered when I was lucky enough to get my own place that it wasn’t really for me….I preferred Forestry. I therefore let the land out to a neighbour and just kept back a few acres for my own use.
There you go…I’ve been totally open….your turn…..out with it,I can’t wait.
PS…It’s all “banter” until you get a bit dished your way,isn’t it?
My Liege, I understand your point of view perfectly. However, escaping from the clutches of our globalist masters will inevitably result in a painful process of evaluating the domestic stock. We face some interesting decisions ahead.
I doff my cap and pee in your soup. Oh and I will do anything for money, except strangling Tony Blair, which I’ll do for free.
Morning FF.
” Oh and I will do anything for money, except strangling Tony Blair, which I’ll do for free”
I’ve got some spare cash (from being a “greedy Cunt” who robs everyone) at the moment and can certainly think of one or two people who I’d gladly pay to see strangled….. hope you’re capable of running to Earth some Gobshite on a pushbike who has a half-mile start!
Thinking about it…I’ve been hasty…..you run the Cunt to ground and I’ll strangle him myself as he tells me to my face what a Cunt I am.
Morning Mr F, when I was doing some contract work for a company which made crop sprayers, one of the farmer customers with whom I got along well was telling me about when he took his six year old daughter “pluffin’ “, as they pronounce ploughing in the west country. He said that she had to drive the combine whilst he had a hungover shit out the side of the cab. I think he might have been having me on, ‘cos all combines have GPS guidance surely?
Strange how you focus on my thread here. You haven’t still got a hard-on for me, have you uncle. Creepy.
Listen buttercup, don’t get your knickers in an uproar. Eat an some fruit and calm down.
Morning, Mr Cunt-Engine.
The one that I used to drive when doing contract work certainly didn’t have GPS but that was 20 odd years ago…..I know a lot of tractors do now so maybe combines do too?
Are you and the delightful Mrs. Cunt-Engine rediscovering a mutual attraction while in lockdown?
Jesus wept, no. Although as she was so ill with the squint-eye flu a month back, we have certainly been more pleasant to each other. She’s still a big fat lesbian though, nowt will change that.
I reckon once the pubs are back open, chaps like us are going to have their pick of not particularly atttactive middle-aged birds who are gasping for a good scuttling, no-one having paid them any attention for months.
A few believable lies about how, despite her cellulite, veiny skin and wrinkles not being too offputting, she’s still acceptably attractive and you’d get in her pants like a rat up an overly wide drainpipe!
@ Capt. M.
I focus on your thread because I enjoy showing you up.
Go on….don’t limit yourself to “Creepy” you know you want to go further… although you supposedly dare call farmers Cunts to their faces, you seem shy this morning. Possibly you’ve learned that you really aren’t “better” than anyone else after all having had to deal with me recently,eh?
I’ve met a lot of farmers (and now I are one too) and one of them was a cunt. I never told him to his face. He wasn’t a cunt because he was a farmer, he was a cunt because he was a cunt.
PS…you think nothing of upsetting the likes of Titslapper (one of the least offensive Posters on the site) and yet whine when you get a bit of your arrogance thrown back in your face.
I do wonder where the Cap gets such a vociferous hatred of farmers?
I’ve had two motorbike accidents ‘cos of tractor driving cunts driving out of fields and leaving mud on the road, but I accept that if you ride too fast in the country, accidents will happen, so I don’t bear them any ill will.
Cyclists in country lanes though…?
I’m confused here ThomasTTE, I was totally unaware theat GPS was available (or needed) for having a shit out the door of a combine harvester? Presumably there are versions for cars and motorbikes too? Hell, maybe there’s one for me to use in the domestic environment after a night on the rum…
‘er indoors would feel happier about that particular episode.
Ho ho, as an aside, I had to have an emergency post-curry shit in a hedgerow one morning on the way to work last summer.
And I was riding my bike and wearing one piece leathers! Fucking well awkward trying to get your leg out whilst volcano hot shit is trying to explode out of your ringpiece!
Delightful… ?
Indeed RTC.
Especially as there wasn’t really anything with which to wipe my arse…
If you’d self-identified as a Müzzie you could have used your left hand. ?
@ Three Strokes….You’re right. I too have met various Cunts over the years…and yet,even as a pretty well-known Cunt myself,would hesitate to call them “Cunts” to their faces…..not the fearless Captain M. apparently,he would have us believe that he has no problem with it….he is either ridiculously brave,a lot “harder” than I took him for, a lying Gobshite or a complete idiot…my guess is two of the above descriptions actually apply to old “IronFists” Captain Braveheart.
They will no doubt be rewarded for their ‘vital’ contribution to Britain via full citizenship for them and their families who may want to come and ‘support’ the economy by selling ‘Big Issue please’.
I don’t blame the Romaniacs, I blame the Government…totally out of order getting them in whilst people have lost their jobs and are wondering what the fuck the future holds.
Another rotten piece of cunt to throw on the massive pile of cunt this situation is.
Go fuck yourselves.
The first flight came in 2 or 3 weeks ago Vernon, and they did say it was the first of 6 – I suppose this is the second. I daresay the rest will come in later in the summer for later crops like apples and vegetables.
This will be music to the ears of pansy shadow cabinet member Luke Polard who called for this weeks ago. On of Keir;
‘s Qweers makes a suggestion and the government falls for it – in the same way Saddick Khunt an Anthony Blair calls for face masks, and it looks as if Boris will heed that too – I think Khunt and Blair ough to be made to wear them too and keep their gobs shut.
I totally understand this, the migrant doctors and nurses risking life and limb to get here by crossing the channel in an upturned sombrero is simply not enough. It makes sense for the government to import more specialist workers from advanced nations such as Romania.
We simply do not have the capacity in this country to supply enough trained and skilled workers for the kind of jobs these migrants will be filling. It’s not like we’ve had over a million people paid to do nothing for many decades, is it?
Can I just point out that Romania’s broadband is 3rd in the world for average speed. UK can’t even manage the global average and languishes in 44th place, for both fixed and mobile.
As it should be Moggie, it’s just not British to provide world class anything to the masses.
Perhaps Romania’s broadband being so good could be the same reason ours is so slow? There are probably more Romanian users of U.K. broadband than there are in Romania, so plenty of bandwidth to go around.
I guess it’s because Romania needs fast broadband for its biggest industry – webcam girls.
There will be a heavy demand for them in the countries which are in lockdown.
That might have something to do with usage figures per capita, Romulans number around the 20 million total.
Not that I have the faintest idea where I’m going with this.
Those little yellow bastards have got me confused.
I can guarantee you that inside three months this particular batch of swarthy jip hoes will be camped permanently in my local Bostongrad GP waiting room like the rest of them that I see every day, hoovering up as much free medicine and healthcare as they can while feverishly plotting to get the rest of their feral extended family brought over to join them in their free council house.
I disagree, Cuntan They’ll be in Kent, near me where their family members already are. There is more Dooshka-Dooshka Korr-va Korrr-va spoken in the towns than English. They’ll all sit patiently waiting for the lockdown to cease, so that the burglaries can commence.
Yes they do love a good rob don’t they?! Even our Polskis and Russkies have to chain everything down now thanks to our Romany brethren flooding the place
I was down in the dodgy part of town the other day. This Dooshka prostitute said, “£50 voteffer you vant, baby?”
I replied, “Can you cut hair?”
There can be only one reason for the politicians allowing this to happen – there’s something in it for them. Because there’s certainly nothing in it for us. No doubt they’ve got an excuse all lined up in case they’re asked.
Look at some of the lies they’ve told since this Covid thing started. First the death toll figures are found to be from hospital deaths only, not including deaths in care homes and in the community. Then they try to impress by telling us one billion items of PPE have been distributed to care workers, and it turns out that each pair of gloves is being counted as two. Boris returns to give the daily virus briefing and it becomes obvious that questions from the public are known in advance, giving them time to think up plausible answers. And this trumpeted figure of 100,000 tests per day turns out not to be tests completed, it include test kits sent out.
British politicians are no different from Chinese politicians. They’ll say anything to make people think they’re doing a good job and put themselves in a good light because their one priority is to stay in power.
I suspect Allen, that Boris has been panicked by Kweer Charmer’s asendency – he had nothing to worry about with Magic Grandpa and his bunch of Citizen Smith acolytes, but old Kweer is a go-getter, added to the fact Boris is far from well. He should just tell the likes of Luke Posner to shut the fuck up, but Starmer is a middle-aged man in a hurry. Importing foreigners will delight the Labour party – more “victims” with their arses hanging out of the trousers to welcome to “ze party” in Labour ghettos.
Starmer is only enjoying a honeymoon period. In another 6 months, he’ll have proved himself as fuckin’ useless and ineffective as the rest of the Labour cunts. The only one I’ve got a little time for is the Shadow Health Secretary, Jonathan Ashworth.
By all means fly the cunts in and welcome them with free vodka and a kiss off a topless model.
Then straight on the train to the oven.
Not quite sure why we don’t have skilled fruit pickers in the UK, surely we did. We’ve always grown fruit and presumably we haven’t always flown Romanians in.
Two things stick in my mind. Far easier to claim benefits and not work for the unemployed. The Jeremy Kyle guests! Secondly far easier for the agencies to ship in Romanians. Pay them £9 per hour, charge them £5 per hour for their lodgings. Crammed 12 in a 2 bedroom house. Only costs £4 per hour to hire them.
Presumably they stay in the UK, why do we need to ship more in, next year?
This is part of the reason the Romanians have been employed.
Come on. Be fair. It is hard and skilled work. So much so that our mothers did it during the war.
Bang on Betty. Still they were prepared to work hard, got fuck all if they didn’t and had a sense of patriotism and doing something for your country.
Not lazy scroungers who play the benefit system and get housed and all home comforts at the tax payers expense.
I guess the Romanians once the fruit picking season is over are evicted from their lodgings and straight down the benefits office to be housed and sign on, hence the need to bring another lot in the next year.
Either that or I’m a cynical old cunt.
You’re a cynical old cunt. That doesn’t make you wrong.
Sitting at home, I can’t believe that your benefit scroungers can’t be made to go and earn some money. And then I go out and I see some of them and realise why.
In the mid 60s my younger brother and I used to help mum spud picking. It was not skilled but hard work. The sacks were all different sizes some enormous, 3p to fill them mum used to moan about that. Next to the field was an runway where Victor bombers took off and landed, the noise was tremendous. Memories.
Been listening to the radio all morning and i’ve been softened up for the lockdown to be lifted. Oh yes, there will be more deaths because of the economy and all the mental elf problems than from the Chinky Plague. One after the other clever cunts have been telling me this so I am now totally convinced. Can’t wait to get out there and mix with the dregs of the third world…..er……I mean hard working, tax paying essential workers. It all makes perfect sense. It’s coming and very soon.
Always been about making sure the NHS wasn’t overwhelmed. Now time for us to go out and face it, whether we die or not.
We’ll be forced to go back to work (fuck social distancing) but not allowed back in a pub for a pint or socialising.
Never about protecting the population. About getting procedures in place before it spread.
This really pissed me off when it was announced. Up until then I’d been pretty much doing as I was told, now not so much. Come the Revolution.
Looking on the charts and maps, there does appear to be a bit of a Covid hotspot around Bostongrad so it’s not all bad news (apart from for the poor fuckers who belong there).
Doesn’t surprise me about Bostongrad. Where I live in mid-Essex there is a growing Eastern European population, though certainly not massive. However the only people I’ve seen out in non family groups on my walks are said Eastern European’s (all blokes) and groups of mixed teens.
You are absolutely right although I also see hordes of women and children in groups yabbering away on mass bike rides or your swarthy men playing football. Does my bloody head in. It is heartening to see that statistically the effniks don’t do so well from Dirty Bastard Bat Flu but we’ll leave Dame Doreen to investigate why.
Yes the ethnics aren’t doing too well. Probably down to the fact that they all go and meet up in groups and live 10 to a house.
Still it’s Whitey’s fault as we’ve only spread the news in English.
Foxy you terrible cunt!!
This nom made me go and have a lie down!
In future consider a warning for me when it comes too gyppos flown in.
Still got spots in my vision.
I haven’t heard any official figures (bastion of truth and reliability I’m sure they are) about our infection rates in Bostongrad, but wouldn’t be surprised to see them above the average; after all, PC Plod round here is perfectly happy to admonish and belittle English people going out for a cycle ride, not quite so forthcoming in asking our ethnic chums to curtail their habits of congregating in groups of at least ten (normally in the ratio of nine bull-necked neanderthal Polskis to one surprisingly fit bird who probably has a fanny like the Dartford tunnel) and constantly hocking phlegm all over the pavement like it’s on fire and they’re trying to put it out.
There was a map thing on the BBC with colours for how many cases in an area and there was Boston, out and proud. You might not believe everything the BBC tells you but I chose to believe that as it made me happy.
I’m fucking lost on this one. (Not the Nom, excellent, yet infuriating). We have industries that are on their arse and ready to lay a good proportion of workers off. Now these workers are trade and skilled so not afraid of graft and shite conditions. So what do our betters do? Import more filthy shite. No wonder we have the third highest death rate. We’re unable to control the borders of a bloody island. WW2 not one single Kraut operative on the mainland, now an island of illegals. What will these good people do once the crops are in? Sit in the shopping centre all day, dressed in cheap leather jackets eyeing up school girls is my guess. Sorry if this post is a little disjointed. But my piss is fucking boiling over on this one.
It’s very simple, the Romanians have no money, their government gives them fuck all so the come here to earn a living.
Our government gives out benefits and pays rent, food banks fill in the gaps, why would anyone work for peanuts when they have the same money sitting on their arse!
However there have been a few people complaining that they have tried to get work on farms only to be told the vacancies are filled, a lot if this farm work is geared to living onsite in caravans which is ok for singles but not much good for families. The Romanians are quite happy living 4, 6, or 8 in caravan, you only have to look round the country and see/hear reports of these fuckers subletting a 2 up 2 down with 10 or 12 in the house…. they don’t give a fuck.
Multicultural Britain!
I do believe this is a government issue. How many families of three generations, all with dubious medical history would it require to equal this 300? Until our government takes a
Stronger stance on the same old groups we are truly fucked. There needs to be a “motivation” to get out and provide for one’s own. Sadly a sense of pride isn’t enough in these sad times.
The joys of the eu…Each cuntry has its alloted purpose. Some are retirement homes, some are holiday home ghettos, GB is the eu’s benefits office / free healthcare.
Vienna is very socialist, but you don’t get a shedload of scum like we do, as the Austrian gvnmnt won’t pay out dole until you have cuntributed for four years, IIRC.
NOT on arrival, nb.
There’s already 500,000 Romanians in the UK why can’t they use the fucking scum already here, obviously not all are lazy robbing benefit scrounging cunts, just 99% oh and while I’m at it ,all the fucking invaders in dingys that have arrived this year put them to work aswell
If they won’t work oven the cunts,
I am a furloughed truck driver I also volunteered for NHS doing medicine delivery
You can only work outside your contacted hrs whilst on furlough or do it for free,
Picked leeks years ago when I was desperate for a job and money , volunteer for it
No fucking chance
Fuck this country
Moderated hmm
The government could sing these cunts a welcoming song at the airport. As in welcome to our money, housing, schooling, healthcare and all the other stuff these iron curtain parasites hoover up.
It could be a remake of the Kate Bush classic. With the chorus
‘It’s all yours! Da-Dooshka Da-Dooshka Da-Dooshka Yye Yye!’
Using this as ann excuse to see the ever lovely Kate? Would I do a thing like that?
And don’t be fooled by Priti Patel with her no nonsense ‘I’ll do this! I’ll do that!’ bullshit. She is fucking useless and the gyppo infestation will continue unabated….
Priti Patel has been constrained by Boris who is very pro immigration, as is most of the Cabinet. He only made her Home Secretary to make it look as if he was tough, but he’s not.
My son and I are having a 5 minute breather at the local golf course. Just advised to move on by a local as the police are in the immediate vicinity and checking on everyone.
Shame they are not at the airport.
Worlds gone bonkers. I wish I could find another English speaking could try to live in where they have a stricter approach to immigration.
Country, not “could try” damned text corrector software