Mark Stefano

Mark Di Stefano is someone who is eminently worthy of a nomination. For those who don’t know, Di Stefano is a “journalist” formerly of Buzzfeed and now, (also formerly) of the Financial Times. He’s formerly of the FT because, just days into his employment, he was caught eavesdropping on two private Zoom meetings. One was at the Independent and the other The Evening Standard. Both meetings were discussing furloughing staff.

Like a true hack and supreme fuckwit, he was caught because he initially used his FT email address and then, when he realised his dipshittery, an anonymous one linked to his mobile phone. And whilst eavesdropping on these meetings, he live tweeted what was being discussed, which meant that journalists who worked for those news outlets found out they were being furloughed before their employers could inform them.

This has resulted in a monumental shit storm between the FT, the Indy and The Evening Standard. Happily, it’s also resulted in Di Stefano resigning from the FT. In case you’re unaware, Di Stefano was one of the far left, anti-free speech loons who helped get Tommy Robinson booted off various social media platforms and crowdfunding sites. He was also responsible for getting Count Dankula and Sargon of Akkad demonetized on YouTube and bragging about it.

So, don’t feel sorry that Di Stefano is now out of a job. I wouldn’t normally do this, but I really hope that his career as a journalist is over. He’s a cunt of the highest order.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

76 thoughts on “Mark Stefano

  1. It is so often the case with those of the far left that they don’t consider their actions to be reprehensible because they are on the side of social justice and all that crap. It was a real shitty thing to do broadcasting a private meeting where people’s futures are being discussed.

    He is a little cunt.

  2. I can see him writing a book about this experience in the near future – How to Ruin Your Career for Dummies

  3. He’ll surface elsewhere no doubt, but if I was a employer id steer well clear!
    Sneaky little Elvis Costello type “watching the detectives”..

    • Either that or he’ll pop up in a Harry Potter porn pastiche being rogered by Voldemort.

      “Expellit FromMy Arse-is!”

    • “He sits there filing his nails”
      “As he’s plumbing the depths”
      Has this creature been same in the same room as Sue Perkins?

      • looks like the bastard sprog of Richard E I Addio and Kirstie Allslopp.

  4. What a bright young man, epic the way he attempted not to get caught earwigging.
    If this is the best our uni’s turn out well are we fucked or are we fucked? Fucktard was invented for twats like this.

    • He struggled with logistics, not mathematics.

      Flabbott struggles with both ?

  5. No doubt he’ll go blubbing and whinging on social media and how everyone has been so beastly to him etc.

    But the thing is: he dresses like a cunt, looks like a cunt, speaks like a cunt, and acts like a cunt.

    Ergo – he is a cunt!

  6. Surely that’s the adult version of Walter the Softy out of the Beano.

    Buzzfeed is more like fucking Soyfeed. You honestly won’t encounter such an amount of effette men in one place anywhere else. I’m glad to note that Buzzfeed has pulled the plug on it’s UK and Aussie operations, however we’ll so no doubt get the GoFundMe’s for those newly unemployed staff to be able to afford their Costa’s.

  7. Give enough rope and eventually they’ll hang themselves.
    This twat must have thought he was untouchable, the deluded cunt.
    I hope now he’s untouchable for a different reason, and no-one will employ the self important twat. He can join the throngs of immigrant benefit scroungers he seems to identify with.

    • And the funny thing is they are genuinely surprised when they do hang themselves.

  8. They’ve been growing this new generation of ‘journalists’ in vats, i’m sure of it.

    Looks like a shifty little cunt.

    As for the FT, Indy and Evening Standard, they’re remainer rags so fuck ”em.

    I laugh as these media formats crumbling into irrelevance.


  9. I was unaware of this septic scrotum of the MSM. I hope he’s learned a life lesson but fear the cunt force is too strong and he will go onto even bigger cuntery.

    So my thanks go to QDM of the ISAC free press for bringing this semen drenched soy boy to our attention for the ridicule he deserves. In the words of Nelson Muntz………Ha Ha

    • You’re right. I can guarantee that that sack of severed donkey penises will not only not have learned anything from this, but he will actually consider himself to be a victim. That’s the kind of world that the far left inhabit. To them, actions do not have consequences. Unless you’re not one of them, in which you’re guilty of everything.

  10. Journalism used to mean covering and reporting on events. Investigative journalism was digging for the truth. Today with these cunts journalism is just propaganda, opinion and political campaigning. Any cunt that has been anywhere near a British “university” should simply be treated as a cunt. Soppy, weak, soy boy cunts.

  11. I reckon these media cunts deserve a Seweto necklace for this sort of behavior, break the law and then hide behind it when you get caught and someone wants to fuck you up, so worn out tyre around the neck, gallon of petrol and a match fot this calibre of cunt, and on top of that he,s not even clever enough to cover his tracks, so a good hard kick in the giblets for good measure, stupid cunt….or even worse you could tie the cunt to a chair and play him a loop of Lilly Allens back catalogue….oh hang on thats to cruel, stick to the tyre…..

  12. Chap looks like he drinks gallons of soy beverages inbetween being group loved by Tyron and his pals. Hope he never works again don’t need him at any firm the sniverling scheming little bellend.

    Lighter note I think i won the deadpool they found a body matching Shad Gaspards washed up on beach?

    • Bang on. He’s a cunt who looks like a snivelling soy latté drinking leftie twat.

      • Looks like the type who gets excited his girlfriends boyfriend bought him a nintendo switch after his sterilization operation.

    • Wonder if Captain soy can pick fruit – he could chat all day to his enriching friends.
      Presumably his firing was in some way waycist..

      • Ive just sussed who he is!
        Hes in that advert for sweeties where he eats one and starts spazzing out dancing!
        Sure its the same bloke.

      • There is quite a resemblance MNC! Methinks this shitstain will end up at the guardian.

      • I was going to say “working” at the Guardian but that would possibly be something of a contradiction in terms!

      • Handing out the tampons and crying in the Graniads gender neutral toilets over his toxic masculinity for little Mark.

  13. He has a forint sounding name and is therefore a cunt. He is a Journo, and has a forint sounding name, and is therefore a fucking cunt. He has a forint sounding name, is a journo and worked for the FT, and is therefore a humungus cunt

      • An Australian cunt who should be prosecuted and deported at the end of his sentence.
        Why should the U.K. be stuck with the scum of the planet.

    • No such thing as journalism it’s all partisan hack ramblings and emotional melt downs as they were never shown how to be an adult and keep there own feelings out of any situation.

  14. I would not normally be pleased when someone loses their job – we all have bills to pay and when I was (thankfully) briefly unemployed in my past my two feelings were shame that I was a scrounger and worry because JSA does not leave enough money to pay the bills and eat, it’s one or the other – but it seems this one deserved all he got, and imagine if Tommy Robinson or Nigel Farage was caught doing this?
    Good nom Q, and I feel given his behaviour potential employers will not be queuing up to offer this snake in the grass work.
    Can’t say as I am gutted about that really, and I remember an interesting way of dealing way of dealing with traitors in the film Stalag 17.

  15. In other news Scotland has had it’s hottest day of the Year – it was so warm it is alleged that even Nicola Sturgeon’s tartan knickers briefly un-froze!

  16. I’ve never heard of this cunt, but after reading this cunting, all I have to say is well cunted!

  17. Poofy little cunt. Looks like a right soy boy cuck. Funny how these leftie Gays all look the same, probably the copious amounts of man fat they gobble. Bet he’s had more cocks than John Wayne’s gun. Fuck off cunt, I hope you wake up destitute in the gutter.

  18. The majority of journalists are cunts, lets face it. Investigative journalists are all cunts, they will only follow a story to its conclusion if it fits in with their political opinions, regardless of where the story goes. A journalist with their own column is stratospheric cunt, as they all think they are modern day prophets, whose words are to be taken literally, and are never wrong. And, the bigger the cunt, the more likely they are to be on those newspaper review programs on the cunty cunt news channels. A pox on them all.

    • The only exception to that is Rod Liddle. I can’t comment on his Sunday Times column but his Spectator one is brilliant even when I disagree with it.

  19. I’m not sure journalism is even a thing anymore.

    The hacks seem to have an agenda or political bias, so their alleged journalism degrades to merely an opinion piece. Opinions are like arse holes – everybody’s got one so why do we need ‘journalists’?

    True journalism and investigative reporting are long dead. And that’s a pity. I can’t think of a single print, broadcast or online news outlet which reports the news, i.e. informs with factual statements about something which has happened.

    Thus, there appears to be a vacancy for proper news reporting. The BBC need not apply.

    • I guess you have the Cunts News Network amongst others over the pond IY.

      • Indeed we do, LL.

        It’s pants. It really is. I watch a bit of Fox News and they often show clips of CNN and make fun of their complete and utter bullshit bias. It’s hard to believe that some people think CNN is still a news network.

      • I saw a bit of Don Lemon wetting himself over a remark by another contributor basically calling Trump voters stupid and uneducated etc. It was a perfect snapshot of liberal distain if you don’t tow the line, I think it may have been turned into a Republican election campaign advert.

  20. Listening to his accent shouldn’t he be working in one of the shit Aussie bars in Londonistan

    • The Aussie bars are now in the nicer parts of Londin, where there are few pakis. Real Londonistan is dry – I think that’s the way the Filth allow the mullahs to run the place. It was certainly the case in Walthamstow a few years back.

      • One for Fiddlers septic tank if Uncle Terry’s oven is out of action.

      • Starting to fill Dicks septic tank, and worried about the workload strain uncle Terrys under, 14hr shifts !
        He should take on a apprentice or two.
        Or open another oven,
        One down south, one up North.
        Maybe a BBQ?

  21. Off topic but tax dodging gyppo hippy “Sir” Richard Branson is trying to arrange a space launch this weekend.
    Just after demanding Billions of taxpayers money alleging he needed it to prop up his corporation – luckily Rishi Sunak told him to fuck off asking until he paid his back taxes.
    Could this parasitic piece of Human sewage have any more front?

    • Is he going up in it?
      I’ll keep a eye out when walking the dog,
      If it starts raining charred skulls ill stick em on ebay.

      • Top rated Ebay seller! Unfortunately not – he is sending up a chimp and Owen Jones – the chimp is already complaining about the smell and lack of hygiene! ?

  22. He looks like someone who Dennis the Menace would kick fuck out of on a weekly basis.
    Fuck Off , you soppy looking cunt.

      • That’s who immediately sprang to mind when I saw the photo.
        Good evening LL.
        Evening all.

    • Talking about comic books last nom, bet todays Denis the menace is Denise the menace,
      Trying for Ivf with Walter.
      Maybe that’s why they called him a ‘softie’?

      • The Bash Street Kids would all be diagnosed with various behavioural issues or ‘on the spectrum’ shite and be on ADHD meds.

      • And renamed the glee street non binaries.
        Playground turned into a safe space.
        Plug castigated for hate speech.
        Lord Snooty renamed Lady Shami.
        Walter the softy beaten senseless by Antifa, then taken to Court for waycist breathing patterns.
        And peaceful teachers enforcing Sharia law.

  23. This Stefano has a simpering mouth and looks like he enjoys a good pounding in the tradesman’s entrance. Is he a ‘friend’ of Owen Jones? The two could well be chums…

    A veritable Marmite Mining Magician, it would certainly appear that way.

    • I wonder which part of “don’t spy on your employers” was he unable to understand?
      If this is the result of a University education I hope this Man never works in bomb disposal.

      • He can’t help himself, Vern. He probably became addicted to spying from looking through cock-sized holes drilled in (male) public toilet cubicle partitions.

      • He does seem of the fragrant type and a big fan of musicals!
        Not that I have anything against gays – what informed consenting adults do in private is by and large their own business – I am just not a fan of cunts like this one! ?
        I sense a long and successful career at the Guardian for this one.

  24. Looks like the bastard sprog of Richard E I Addio and Kirstie Allslopp.

  25. The Grauniad will welcome him with open arms (and open bumholes).
    Chances are they can’t afford to pay him tho… ???

    • I made the mistake of checking out some Guardian articles. This is not a newspaper, it is a propaganda vehicle for the hate filled hard left and lining for a hamster cage – and the readership is declining so fast I cannot see it being around in five Years.
      Fingers crossed. ??

  26. Alfredo di Stefano – now, there was a player and professional

    Mark? – he’s a cunt

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