Words fail me – the greedy fat elderly piss-stained fuckwits who sit in the House of Lords are “demanding” to receive their £323 a day “attendance” allowances for sitting on their shit encrusted arses in their own homes, instead of attending the private public urinal they normally squatin at Westminster:
Considering the fucking nuisance most of these bastards made of themselves during the Brexit debates, I would suggest they are told to either “contribute” at home free, or just shut the fuck up. They need to be reminded that they can’t take it with them when they go – it would probably melt.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Peers of the realm are due a nomination. With the times we’re living in, most people have either been furloughed or outright lost their jobs completely. Peers are in the fortunate position of not having to worry about this sort ‘ordinary’ person sort of thing by virtue of the fact they’ve been getting overly generous salaries, courtesy of the British taxpayers for years, sometimes even decades. They have enough in the bank to ensure that they don’t have any financial worries.
Now that parliament is closed, they’ve accepted that things have changed and that they won’t be able to live in the manner to which they had become accustomed, i.e. dining in one of the Lords subsidised bars, clocking in in the morning and then fucking off during the day just to pick up their daily allowance. That kind of freeloading has come to a temporary end. Well, the dining has anyway. It seems a number of our unelected officials have been demanding they start receiving their £323 TAX FREE daily allowance when they attend the virtual parliament that will shortly be opening. I need to stress that this is only a minority. Surprisingly, most of them seem to have realised that taking a large tax free payment for sitting at home in front of a laptop to conduct parliamentary business would send out the wrong message to us peasants.
Unfortunately, some of these cunts have decided that having to actually do what they were put in the Lords through cronyism to do for a change means they’re entitled to pocket our money. I disagree. These are the kind of twats who, as I said, turn up in the morning, clock in to ensure they get their daily allowance, and then leave the Lords to spend the day…doing whatever lazy bastard Lords do when they’re not earning the money they just effectively stole from taxpayers. What are they going to do? Refuse to appear via Zoom? Then kick them out. It’s that simple.
I’ve just done some quick sums. £323 per day for five days comes to £1615 per week. That’s £19,380 per year. Then of course there’s the expenses and other…err…’perks’ of being an unelected member of the upper chamber of parliament. Not a bad screw, especially since that minority don’t actually do anything to earn it.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Well considering their mates in the Commons awarded themselves an extra 10 grand for the inconvenience of sitting on their fat arses at home you can’t really blame these cunts for trying it on.
Just take the whole lot of them out in the car park and shoot the fuckers. Problem solved.
Sorry QDM, I’d be happy to pay some of the greedy cunts £19,380 just to shut the fuck up but £323 a day for 5 days comes to £83,980 a year.
Right put your pens down and look at the board! £323 per day allowance times the sessions per year the upper chamber sits is 150. 150 days x £323 is??….you boy at the back eating the crayons? £48,450. Yes correct good.
I just multiplied by 52 weeks since I had no idea how often they sit and couldn’t be bothered to look it up.
I’ve just had a quick look at the American numbers….441 in The House of Representatives and 100 in The Senate.
Russia makes do with 620 in The Duma.
There are about 800 members who are eligible to take part in the work of the House of Lords. The majority are life peers.
When will these other backward Countries realise that we are The Mother of All Parliaments and follow our lead in allowing a bunch of crooks,inbreds and Nutters to scrutinise all Legislation?
( Having said that….I’m probably being a bit unfair to some of them. There are a few who genuinely work and are “Wise Heads” prepared to challenge a Govt. which they believe to be wrong)
Morning Dick. With 2,980 little yellow cunts in situ, the National People’s Congress of China is the largest parliamentary body in the world.
That said, members get paid fuck all compared to our House of Cunts. The model to follow?
I wouldn’t get out of bed for £323 a day. My butler earns more than that.
I have a ‘Sex Butler’ to help with the menial task of love making twice daily……common problem I hear.
“Mr Daz will be with you shortly”
“Mr Daz would you care for me to insert a digit in this foul strumpet”
“Mr Daz is going to roar like a lion and display his sign of shallow affection for you over you ample you breasts!”
“Mr Daz says your fanny smells and he’d like you to leave!”……
Thanks Jeaves
No big surprise to be honest. Both houses are full of money-grubbing cunts, more concerned about public image, soundbites and of course fucking over the Taxpayer!
Don’t be surprised when all this coronavirus shite is done with and the country is in deep debt again, both MPs, Lords & Cunts will demand pay rises and/or increases in expenses & attendance allowances, while the rest of the country is squeezed by the balls/tits by eye-watering tax increases/cuts in services.
Same shit different day.
In deep debt again? Even before this all this coronavirus shite the country was over £2Trillion in debt.
with £55Billion a year pissed down the shitter in interest payments alone!
Not to mention £1,680 BILLION in personal debt…
Bollocks! There’s no way I owe anything over a billion.
I read that total world debt is approaching $200 trillion.
Who do we owe it to.
Is Saturn gonna send the boys round….?
We’re doomed!
But we will still manage to send billions to the third world shitholes
Rich pigs at the trough.
Replace them with mud wrestlers.
Bikini mud wrestlers and put it on BBC 1.
Fuck off.
You can’t blame them for claiming, they obviously know that the the state pension pot is already empty. Greedy fuckers. They are just getting in there early before the filthy working class try to get their hands on what they are due.
We don’t really need a second Chamber, what was made to be, can be unmade. Simply get rid of this “Political Trough of Perpetuation”
All cunts. Every last one of them. Rewarded for Graft.
it’s time to empty the chamber down the toilet
I wonder how many of these cunts are die-hard Labour/socialists, always believing in class equality, end of poverty and good standards of living for all?
I bet there’s quite a few who say this but don’t actually believe it because they’re too busy feathering their own nests with as much state subsidy as they can possibly get away with, while still publicly spouting the same tired old mantra that “this Tory government is for the few and not the many!”
Mandelson is a good case in point, Technocunt. The slimy greedy sponging motherfucker was pleading poverty in 1997 just after the Blair scum got into power “and” borrowed money off of Geoffrey Robinson. Robinson got fired and never returned, but we saw how Mandy got up the greasy pole. Now the unprincipled cunt crawls up the Chinese arseholes to help them buy British companies deeply affected by their disease chinky flu.
The House of Lords is “a place for the descendants of brigands, muggers, bribers and gangsters”. THE LORD KINNOCK.
And that cunt should know.
The Lords is a filthy public toilet overflowing with shit. I give you My Lords Adonis, Kinnock, Prescott, Sugar and Hezzelslime.
Plus Baroness Brady of porn and Baroness Shameless Checkmebankaccount.
The only way it could become more unhygienic and a danger to public health is if they put Bercow and Blair in there.
£323 a day? Fucking greedy out of touch elitist cunts, I’m currently having to live on less than that a month and I’m sure a lot of other people are too.
Nearly forgot…… Kinnocks old woman is also an esteemed Member, Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead. I doubt if they ever attend. When you’re that rich it’s hardly worth getting your arse out of bed for 646 quid a day.
Didn’t Tony Blair fill the place with his cronies, for a fee?
I think half a million donation was the going rate for a peerage at the time.
at what point does the stupid british public say enough is enough – we are currently being run by a dictatorship that nobody elected – we are paying MPs to sit on their arses without any representation – no representation = no taxes in my book – this is tyranny
More to the point how the fuck does Lady Gaga retain her title? Never seen her show up in Parliament as yet, the cunt!
I have thought of something useful they could do, as they are mostly doddering old cunts they could volunteer for Covid medical trials…. now that would be serving the nation.
Job Vacancy
Description: Gravy train trougher
Place of Work: House of Lords
Essential – Must stink of piss, must be asleep at least 90% of the time when in the house, will be prepared to ignore and work against the wishes of the population, must worship the EU and detest Trump and Brexit.
Desirable: IQ under 90, dark keys preferred, spaccas will be hired if they win stuff at the spacca Olympics. Murder victim’s mothers will be hired if whitey was the perpetrator. Do not apply if murder victim is white and perpetrator is not. They don’t count, you racists.
Salary: £323 a day plus expenses.
This establishment is where all the fucking useless MPs end up. Took a bullet for Blair/Cameron? Keep quiet and we’ll pop you into the “home” no questions asked. These cunts are like the pit ponies who were put out to graze at the end of a useful life. Big difference being the ponies grafted for years first. They talk about the unemployed having a sense of entitlement, is there any fucking wonder when they see these cunts filling there bank accounts for turning up and enjoying a subsidised lunch and do shite all else. Unelected bunch of inbred shite. Wonder if lady Doreen will be claiming?
Pigs. We go to the wall, they send a staff member to the hole in the wall.
No pay reduction for MP’s, ten grand extra each – and for any of my fellow contributors who are sole traders or self employed you will know that kind of windfall would be like manna from heaven at the present time and might even make the difference between staying solvent or going under – not just a free handout for those who already have, want and take too much.
I suggested some time ago removing the HOL in its present form and having a much smaller chamber made up of a cross selection of the public with no agenda except legislative scrutiny and holding the Government of the day to account. And 200 could do that well without stripping us out financially – we need to make serious cost savings in the coming Years and further need to make sure that repayment does not come from the pockets of those least liable and least able to pay. (As it always has in the past).
Time for change, across the board, and a reset of how we live our lives because I just can’t live with the thought that we are inevitably going to get f*cked over as the privileged elite take no hit and nothing will change, ever.
On other news my two day mini break punching farm labourers at airports was most invigorating – lovely to recharge the batteries it was! ??
All I can add to that is hope you’re right and we see some changes around what we’ll accept from this shower of shit. Maybe the only upside of the current situation, that people wake upto to these robber baron cunts.
Changing the tax system needs to be done – with the system we currently have the poorest pay the most and in too many cases the richest (Corporations and individuals) pay the least – B*stard Branson for example.
Get rid of the long, complicated, ambiguous open to interpretation tax system we have, personal tax from 5 to 30 per cent, NI from 1 to 5 per cent, minimum wage workers pay no tax but a NI contribution then a sliding scale so those earning the least pay the least, and vice versa.
Business and corporate tax replaced with tax bands of 8. 10 and 12 per cent on profits – everyone pays, any attempts at avoidance will result in a bill of double.
This can be done, should be done and on 2018/2019 figures would have brought in an extra £100 Billion in taxes – that’s a Trillion a decade extra every decade.
Won’t get done though because Politicians are bought and paid for by the rich and corporate business – and it will never get done until we break this link of stifling self interest.
And the £323 a day for Lords does not include the extras or the half a ton of fine dining and alcohol they shovel and swill down then dump on expenses before wobbling out of the Palace of Westminster to their club – no need for the inconvenience of a minutes work to trouble them.
Pigs. That our money feeds.
And I still say we need the venerable Sir Fiddler in charge of the House of Lords!