Nazifa Zaman is a cunt and has been cunted, cunted very well in my view. However, having dug a bit deeper into the well of iniquity that is the internet I happened across this.
If you can’t be arsed to read her bile, I have an excerpt here.
‘I’m tired of the institutional racism which sustains the ethnicity pay gap and is inherently linked to the student experience.
‘Despite this… scratch that, because of this, I will continue to challenge racism at Warwick, working to decolonise not just the curriculum but also the wider university environment, because I do not want any more Black students to be made to feel the way I have at this University. To decolonise is to recognise that, historically, the UK academy (in your opinion, you cunt, and btw, you mean this, not the, you dumb fuck – DKC -add) has been a site for the construction of ‘race’ as a concept and the ‘justification’ of racism. It’s now time for our own University to step up and question its role in the production and legitimisation of certain types of knowledge (and the de facto marginalisation of other knowledge), as well as to challenge racism in all its forms.
Look out for more exciting work in this area coming in Term 2, and drop me an email if you’d like to be involved!’
Warwick was a brilliant seat of learning. Now it’s just the seat on a fucking massive toilet.
Nominated by Dark key cunt
“Challenge racism in all its forms.”
Er……except when the victims are white and, especially, Jews.
Congratulations DKC
You’ve unearthed a genuine turd
I used to think that my cunt radar was strong but since finding this site I’ve now come to the conclusion I was a fucking novice all along……..
Cheers Quis!
Oh do something useful for once, like cleaning out the campus bogs, you daft cow.
Doubt shes upto much as a scholar or much of a work ethic.
We should never of allowed them to dress like us.
If your national dress is a bone through your nose and some shells as a necklace, thats what you can wear.
Stops them getting uppity.
Yet another oxygen thief yapping race baiting c*nt.
Sick and tired of it, fed up to the back teeth with these f*ckers.
The next thing will be using Farcebook “facts” to prove William Wilberforce was black, didn’t come from Yorkshire but Mugaboobooland in deepest efrika, was called Mugundu and ended Massa’s slavery with one wave of HER magic spear.
And, of course, Africa will immediately stop demanding and receiving money from us mugs – accepting money from their racist colonial overlords, surely not?
Don’t like the way whitey rolls in their own Country?
F*ck off to the Third World then. C*nt.
And why did they used to put cotton in the tops of bottles of aspirin?
To remind n*ggers they were slaves before they were dealers! ?
Don’t mind black people, but I do mind c*nts.
I had completely forgotten about the cotton wool in bottles.
I always reckon they should show whitey some gratitude; if we hadn’t dragged them out of the trees and taught them how to read and write and make a nice cup of char they’d still be up there worrying about the lions.
Like so many of the clueless she thinks that putting long words alongside one another makes her thoughts appear intelligent. No, they just make her look stupid. As ever, if you don’t like it here Fuck Off.
Her vicarious and anthropogenic attitude you mean?
Christ in a Gingham frock, can’t this cunt just fucking well knock it off?
Cunts like this, along with Fatty Lammy, Afua Hirsch, Kehinde Andrews and Flabbott all seem to make a living out of perpetuating shit like this. I suppose they have scant other talents to offer.
“We are victims”. Boring, boring, boring. Stop trying to convince the world you are are some kind of victim and the subject of ongoing oppression. Get on with your studies, work hard and then the right people will take you seriously.
You miss the obvious point, playing the perennial victim card is so much easier than working hard.
And racist whitey gets to permanently fund these fuckers.
Of to the Third World with them – but, er, do me a favour and climb inside Unkle Terrys oven first, just to give it a clean..
Must be the way my brain’s wired. Doreen Lawrence, the queen of all “rrrrrrrrrrrrrracisssssssm” seems to have done OK financially, so perhaps being a race-baiting crusader is a great career move in 21st century UK?
I sympathise with her for the loss, but anyone is seldom bestowed with such munificent reward through losing a child.
She certainly is an odd-looking thing. Made worse by that haircut. Whenever you see THAT haircut, you know it means uppity.
I hope she doesn’t catch the Chînky Flu and lose her looks.
Deport it and all its family.
It will make its Twatter or whatever the fuck mildly more entertaining I imagine.
If it comes back then oven.
Simply perfect.
I would like to repeat my offer to this cunt, along with Doreen Lawrence, Hammy Lammy & co – if you are so hard done by in this country and you dislike us so much – fuck off to Africa and see how much you enjoy that.
I’ve known Africans from Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe and they are the biggest racists I have ever come across. Their hate list goes something like this:
(1) Somalis
(2) Nigerians
(3) Ghanaians
(4) British Afro-Caribbeans
(5) White Africans
(6) Black and White Cunts (to be fair that one’s justifiable)
Decolonise that Larissa you race card playing bitch!
It’s funny as fuck Freddie that loads of dark keys hate each other, even in the Caribbean they dislike other islanders…we all know black and whites dislike us Black and White Cunts because of jealousy.
After all we are the very best looking and talented cunts there are… Bob Marley, Black and White cunt, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Halle Berry, Meghan Markle, Shirley Bassey.
The list is endless, we are celebrated. ?????????
Harvey Price….
Hey Freddie, ever seen africans eat chicken?
When I worked nights this african lad nigerian,
Hes eating his dinner on break, ate the bones!!
Couldnt belief it, said to him “did you eat the bones in that yer cunt?”
He laughed, said of course the bones are good for you Miserable!
Maybe hes right, but made me doubletake.
Yeah, I have seen that, also saving them for a later date. I know this bird, a fucking Zulu in fact, who’s sister smuggled a load of caterpillars through Heathrow. I was offered some cooked ones ( they’re good for you, very nutritious) but I declined the generous offer.
Oh for fucks sake if this fucking retard doesn’t like it here why doesn’t she fuck off to somewhere less racist? Is that a white poppy she’s wearing, surely that’s fucking racist as well.
Sorry W.C., you beat me to it.
Double cunt!
Cunts wearing white poppies should be gunned down on sight.
In my experience cunts don’t come much cuntier than this whining racist cunt.
Well cunted Dark key cunt. ?
Much obliged, RTC!
This cunt is actually the National president of the NUS. FFS, any student who joins this organisation must be insane.
Grievance grifter looking for compo rather than trying to do something with her life.
Fucking loser.
Why not fuck off to some dark continent university and debate the pro’s and con’s of a scorpion side salad with the chiggun wings?
Fucking entitled cunts.
Two mistakes
1, Allowing them to come down from the trees
2. Allowing them to enter the UK.
Fuck off back to bongo land if you don’t like the UK.
She sounds like a right cunt, so tired of these Uni types. Wasn’t it a load of white university types who led on an Airport tarmac in protest supporting Black lives matter. ?
They really need to get rid of at least half of the types of degrees you can get.
The only degrees that matter are the ones In Freemasonry and I am a Master so go fuck yourselves.
An the 3 degrees.
Ahhh Sheila Ferguson back in the day…?
She looks nothing like her chubby Daughter Sarah! ?
How does the ladies’ arsehole tonguing and recreational drugs go down with the handshake club B&W?
I imagine the old boys would frown upon it.
I don’t mention the tonguing in the Lodge HS, and strictly alcohol after meetings. I am sure it would shatter the old chaps high opinion of me.
Little do they know eh.
Excellent form B&WC – the all seeing eye does not need to see everything! ?
Who hates Joe Dakis more than Gunga Dins? And who hates Gungas more than Joe Dakis? No cunt that’s who. When we gave India independence we had to create 2 fucking countries because they couldn’t be trusted to live with each other.
Seventy fucking years later they are still at each other’s throats! So who’s fault is that? Oh yeah, the British, the fucking colonialists. When they wipe each other out with nuclear weapons that’ll be our fucking fault too, obviously.
Fuck off with that shit.
I am of the opinion we are ALL racist to some degree, I swear the Japanese and other Orientals are proper racist.
I am a racist against any non Black and White cunt, so bored of all the inferiors refusing to acknowledge our superiority.
Everyone can fuck off.
You racists. ?
Ive not a racist bone in my Aryan master race body!
Yes my Saxon brother…white power.
Afternoon B&W, its true the Nips and Thais are very racist, plus the tiddlywinks who have been using the bat flu to criminalize Africans in China, not that the lamestream media is reporting much of it. You still in the freemasons? Is it diverse or a debauched patriarchy of old England…asking for Fiddler.
Once a Mason always a Mason LL, although no lodge meetings for the foreseeable future obviously.
I belong to a London lodge and it’s quite diverse, Masonry spread around the world massively during the empire days and I have a masonic ancestor in Jamaica.
It’s a truly great society which I have enhanced considerably since joining.
Humble and modest as always B&W.
University is a white construct. This cunt is culturally appropriating. Fuck off back to your mud hut cunt
– A group of people living in a colony, consisting of the original settlers and their descendants and successors.
– A group of people of one nationality or race living in a foreign place.
So who exactly are the colonists in this particular country that needs a good decolonising then?
As the major in Fawlty towers once said,
“The strange thing was that throughout the morning, she kept referring to the Indians as Niggers. No, no, I said, Niggers are the West Indians, these people are Wogs.”
I dont think The Major would cope in these times. I nigh on piss myself everytime i watch that clip as the youngsters jaws hit the deck. Makes me feel human again somehow.
Don’t forget Nîgger the Dog.
“C’mon Nîgger, come here boy.”
Brilliant scene. Unforgettable!
Drill Instructor Hartman was’t racist in Full Metal Jacket, “There is no racial bigotry here, I do not look down on Ni••ers, Kykes, Whops or Greasers. Here you are all equally worthless”.
Whereas Dirty Harry hated “Ni••ers, Limeys, Honkeys, Chinks, Fat Dago’s and especially Spicks”.
You just can’t tell with people.
Filmed in Battersea Power Station. Hilarious.
Great film though Captain. Even thought the battle scenes were shot in London! Very realistic. Recently had a tattoo of Animal Mother on my arm firing the M60, love it.
No argument there, Robert.
Holy Jesus! What is that? What the fuck is that?! What is that, Private?!”
“Sir, a jelly doughnut, sir!”
The sadly missed R. Lee Ermey.
Gender studies, race studies, mejaa studies. All absolute bollox only there to kid thick cunts that they are somehow intelligent.
Shit stirring cunt, what’s not to hate?
The fact the taxpayer is picking up the bill – race baiting is very profitable.
Don’t worry, scrote. There are plenty of ‘tards out there living really kick-ass lives. My first wife was ‘tarded. She’s a pilot now.
Who gave the cleaning lady internet access?
The last six presidents of the NUS have been wimminz and the last four have been BAME wimminz. I detect a trend there. What ever happened to ZamZam ? She was always good for a laugh.
Get this Negress on the first boat back to bongo bongo land. That cotton ain’t gonna pick itself.
Aren’t Nazifa Zaman and Larissa Kennedy two different people, albeit both cunts?
Blast furnace the cunt.
Been up for 14 hours, driven 525 miles, 3/4 the way thru a bottle of Chianti and can’t be arsed to think of anything constructive to say.
Chuck her in a fucking blast furnace.
The cunt.
At. One time going to university was something to aspire to…over the last 10 years most of these establishments have gone low rent.They have to go all panto, with that blanket wearing JF. being elected as the head of the NUS, wtf? Also this racial identity bollox, fuckin hell, minorities are becoming the majorities…. Go past a school near Manchester ,just loads of Africunts..sorry I am not inspired by bland white wokes and all this obsession with sexual identity, and being prompted to admire ‘ethnic diversity.’… because it does not exist…3rd worlders including Latin Americans are predictable functional fuckers…and are not attractive people..