Kehinde Andrews (3)

Kehinde Andrews is a cunt.
The professor of black studies at Birmingham uni versa ee claims that more black and Asian people are dying from covid because of RACISM. I kid you not. He said so on C4 tonight.

The good prof is certain that the cause is not genetic. After all he couldn’t blame old whitey for that. No, the BAMES are dropping because they are poorer, less well nourished and not looked after properly. And why is this? Because UK society doesn’t care about them and thus it is racist.

I’ve seen this guy on Question Time and his answer to every issue is that whitey is racist. Funny that, given his pompous academic title.

Nominated by Lord Helpuss

125 thoughts on “Kehinde Andrews (3)

  1. This chap is like herpes, impossible to get rid of.
    Let’s look at his situation- no talent, pointless subject area, comfortable income, admired by a segment of society . You would think that he might be thankful for where he has arrived at.

  2. He’s telling us that Lammy and Flabbott are less well nourished and not looked after properly?

    Yeah, blacks need tending. Racist Mickey Mouse fucking professor cunt.

    • Lammy, Flabbs, Dawn Butler, and Pritti Patel all have thyroid problems and are a bit sensitive about it actually. Those tubs of Nando’s are their only salvation. You monster.

  3. Professor eh?
    Black studies! Smashing!
    Break out the cauldron,
    Missionary is back on the menu.

    • Dreadful waaycism Sir! ???? We should all “love thy neighbour”? – and why is this fucker not shining my shoes?
      Yet another n*gger whitey bashing racist cunt – if we are so bad feel free to fuck off back to the mud hut – and take a few million with you.
      Unkle Terry, fire up the cooking pot Sir – see how they like it when the menu is changed.
      And the tables are turned.

      • Morning Foxy!
        Your becoming radicalised and angry of late, I blame the common socks and bad influence of rightwing types on here.
        Ive booked us both in for Professor Andrews course on black Studies to try and set us both back on the right path.
        This time next year hope we both proudly sport afros!
        “Katanga brother!!✊

      • They might send you both to the Prevent deradicalization programme when they see your peaceful beards.

      • LL, due to time outside im now dark brown!
        I tan if I look at a bottle of sunny delight!
        Got asked to hold the prayer meeting at a mosque in Manchester, its a good earner so im doing it!£££
        Just wing it on the day,
        Hot dog anyone?☺

      • Like MNC i go very dark in the summer.
        I was once told ‘go home, there’s no more houses’ by a Jewsons driver when he delivered to our site.
        He was miixed race.

      • Morning MNC – I am an evil monster who makes dear old Grandad Adolf look mild mannered! And I have spent most of the morning polishing my jackboots and Luger holster, tiring work but I must be acceptably attired at this weeks Friends of Himmler pie and pea supper! And I have thrown away my commoner type socks, got some lovely Hugo Boss ones with a natty little sw*stika on them! ??
        I am an unmitigated rotter and have referred myself to the thought Police ?
        And Kehinde Andrews is a nasty race baiting cunt, whatever his tint.
        Airport, third World, sorted.

  4. Not us its BAME! Indians and Parki s live 20 multi generations to a terraced house. Blax can’t stop touching each other frisking for drugs, guns, cash or in general sexual excitement. The ME’s out of the BAME are just a fucking hybrid of the first two groups. This is why they spread it so well…oh and the daily fried chiggun instead of a slow cooked shin of beef, gravy, mash and peas can’t be good for their immune system. CUNTS

  5. But in South Africa, where the authorities are really strict on social distancing (even booze is banned) the rates are much lower.

    So, let me get this right. Where BAME’s are following distancing advice the rates are lower? Hmmmm

    Also, they wouldn’t live 10 to a fucking house without working if the evil white man didn’t let them. Maybe we should sterilise them? No? What’s your answer then? Build everyone a mansion with huge gardens because they had 10 kids?

    Fuck off!

    And this prick is one who yaps about ‘decolonising’. Well cunt, I’d say you are trying to colonise my home.

    And we’re not falling for it. Fuck off.

  6. There are cynical cunts like me, there are cynical cunts like Keyhole here…….then there are seriously cynical politician fuckers who have decided to give that shuffling round the garden cunt a fucking knighthood! What the fuck!!
    Oh please don’t let him snuff it. I can’t go through the crowds of arseholes throwing flowers at the funeral cortège, the attention seekers crying and hugging, desperately looking round for a camera. God help us, old fat Reg might rework one of his crappy old songs ( all proceeds going to NHS charidees natch)
    I can’t go through all that virtue signalling bollocks again! Not twice in one lifetime!! It’s not fucking fair. I’m going to cry.

    • Fat Reg has already started on the rewrite for Sir Tom Moore . . . . .

      And it seems to me you lived your life
      Like a dotard with the wind
      Never fading with the whisky
      When the gout set in
      And your footsteps will always fall here
      Among all your pains and ills
      Your willie’s burned out long before
      Your leg ends ever will

  7. Imagine the shitstorm if there was a professor of white studies at some UK University. Dat bees Raciss n sheet. Noemsayin?

    Behinde Andrews is a divisive, shitstirring cunt.

    • Spot on, once again sir.The acid test for any of these shits is to turn the argument on its head and see if it is acceptable to right thinking people.

      • Great idea folks. We send Fiddler off to CapeTown University as Professor of White Studies and then place bets on how long the old bugger lasts before his demise.

      • Given Sir Fiddlers robust attitude and keen shooting eye methinks it will not be long before Africa is run by the correct people!
        “Massa Fiddler – Umbongo left da gate open”
        “Release the hounds”..

      • Bwanna Dick, he bad juju!
        He feed you croc if not polish his pith helmet!

    • I did a degree in Black Studies. We sat around all day watching Denzel Washington and Lisa Bonet films, listening to Motown, and studying compensation claim forms.

      Ultimately I failed though. I couldn’t eat the required daily buckets of chicken and refused to watch porn videos of Nicki Minaj.

    • Inequality? Disadvantaged? Just look at the hallowed professor’s university home town. Maybe BAME’s have become a victim of their own success. Is it whiteys fault that they copulate like rabbits, and live in overcrowded terraced houses where Covid-19 can run riot? I’m sure this is paradise compared to where some of them originate from. If whitey is to blame, then it’s for being too benevolent and welcoming to these parasites, many of whom socially isolate themselves from us.

      Excerpt from an article about white british set to become minority in Birmingham published in the Birmingham Mail dated 27/6/18:

      “Birmingham has benefited from its diverse migrant communities who have settled in the city and successfully contributed to its economic vitality, becoming leaders in education, medicine, sports, arts and business and providing employment opportunities for local people”.

      The article also mentions that over 47,000 Bangladeshi and Parking Stanley’s don’t have qualifications and can’t speak English!

      Full article here:

      Professor Andrews get on your fucking bike. Cunt.

    • I think they are called History professors Paul.

      After all, we made most of it and then got to write about it afterwards.

    • The professor of White Studies would most likely be ‘Dr’ Kehinde (FFS) Andrews.

  8. Such strange responses from a person that appears to be a mish-mash of race. He isn’t exactly full blown B*ack is he? He looks like he comes from Whitey stock somewhere along the line and should therefore take 50% of the BAME blame. Perhaps he has inner demons with his white heritage, and hated whichever parent wore the pink skin and chooses to go on the attack, whereas B and WC embraces both of his. Usual thoughts apply: looks a cunt…is a cunt.

    • His whitey blood roots comes from the rape of his ancestors during the slave trade. That’s your fucking fault. Double compo for Keyhole!!

    • Eamonn Andrews bastard son after a dalliance with a rum smuggler on “Whats My Line?” perhaps. (THere’s one for the older readers!)

    • I’ve never understood why people who are half white/black often identify with with the black half.

      In most cases, white lifestyles lead to a better outcome (chavs and feral underclass being the exception).

  9. I think we covered this topic in care homes, so a quick look.
    In rural Croatia it was normal to have 3 generations living in one house, a bit like crop cycling the generations move through the house, kids upstairs, adults down stairs and grand parents in an anex at the end of the garden a sort of mini caring community.
    The houses are considerably larger 2 storey dwellings with large cellars.
    In the UK we have smaller dwellings and gardens so to attempt to put that amount of people in that sort of dwelling is a recipe for disaster ( I should note that UK dwellings have purpose built rooms where as eastern European houses just have rooms (No kitchen so to speak, just plug and play wood burners).
    Now the example above is white, and yes in the UK you will find eastern Europeans hot bedding it in terrace housing.
    This example is mainly due to slum landlords, when we look at the “Slum landlords” a large proportion of those come from the ethnic group of those that they exploit, (They also seem to be immune from prosecution (I have binge watched “Slum landlords and nightmare tenants)).
    So I am mildly confused as to his conclusions, we have a cultural issue being exploited mainly by those of that culture at the detriment of those people.
    Further to this, should you examine photos of sparky the flat at grenfil you will note multiple fridge freezers in the kitchen that seems to point that the flat was over occupied, Being a council dwelling I doubt the council permitted the flat being used as a place of multiple occupation, and the council is well Mostly white.
    So having presented my version of the facts, who is Racist now?

  10. Nothing to do with: multigenerational households, religious gatherings, densely populated communities, weak genetics, vitamin D deficiency, poor hygiene standards and failure to follow government guidelines, then?

    • I’m with ou on the Vit D thing. Spent an hour ourdoors today, just to make I outlive my cunt neighbours.

      • Am drunk. you instead of ou. Make sure instead of sure. My typos are like the ‘French’ copper in Allo Allo. ‘Good Moaning’.

      • Don’t forget to take vitamin D supplements. Don’t want you going schizo.
        Mostly a black thing rather than South Asian thing.

  11. White people have been deliberately infecting black people with chinkypox via 5G. They were told to do this by Russian bots. These are simple facts.

  12. All his arguments have the last word, racist, it doesn’t seem to matter what he talking about ultimately everything is racist.
    He thinks Britain is racist but he can’t live anywhere else in the world because Britain has ruined the entire world so he continues to live in the place that caused all this…. smart guy!
    The logic for someone like him would be to go the place that is least effected by Britain, but then he wouldn’t have anything to complain about.
    He is argument about BAME is valid in one aspect, I, as a white English person, don’t give a shit about fucking BAME!

    He is a little Cunt for sure, I would give him reparation, his weight in 1 pence pieces and send him back his ancestral home.

    • Only after he’d paid back his university loans. In the meantime he can work the streets for his money, see how fucking relevant his arguments are there.

    • I would give him reparation, his weight in 1 pence pieces and send him swimming back his ancestral home.

      There, fixed it for you. ?

  13. Where are the black nations that are black utopias? Oh wait, they are all shit holes due to white imperialists.

    Where are all the tranquil black neighbourhoods? Oh I forgot they are all slums due to exploitation by whites.

    Whatever the problem the cause is white.

    Let’s be frank, the real problem is white people, especially white English people.

    • This map clearly shows a cluster in my former home of the S Wales valleys. Now why is this?
      The English stealing all our water.
      The English commuting across the Severn.
      The English owned toll roads of the 19th century.
      Sheep not social distancing because they are probably English.

      We need a royal commission with virology and epidemiology expert Max Boyce as chair..

      • Cuntstable on my last visit to Wales I helped myself to a load of welsh slate from a old pit.
        I feel a bit guilty, should I make reparations to the people of wales for this Imperialism?

      • Yes.
        Banish all vowels from your posts for 1 day. Insert random Ys and double LLs so it makes sense to me.

    • I see London’s green hipster piss is trickling down to Brighton, as usual.

  14. Wish I was a professor of black studies. Feeding bullshit to posh, braindead white kids who don’t know their arse from their tit…….. sounds like a piece of piss to me. Then there’s all the articles in the Guardian and the odd appearance on the BBC……that must bring in a few bob. Old Keyhole has got it stitched up if you ask me. Don’t expect to see him, behind Lammy and Flabbott in the queue at the foodbank.

  15. Just been doing my own black studies………”big titty black milfs love white cock.” Diamond Jackson, now there’s a fucking woman.
    Anyone know where she lives?

    • Think without enforced multiculturalism most people on here wouldn’t have a problem with other races,
      Most posters on here are easygoing & reasonable people.
      Long as other races worked, behaved themselves, fitted in.
      Not many on here are by nature racists.

      You should be ashamed of yourselves.
      *(for those that need it pointing out I was joking!
      Get fucked.)

      • We are all despicable beasts – and I’m the worst!
        Well, time for a drive in the Panzer ?

      • MNC, I fucking agree. I can’t abide by this bollocks and I was born brown (braaahn). As mentioned before, my parents were Hindus, but I am an atheist. Through their, and my , beliefs, live an let live is practically a way of life. We are all here in Blighty because we have a better life. KuntaKehinde wants to revel in a life he never had, and the odd thing about him is, he’s not even a full-on Afro – there’s certainly been some mixing in his bloodline – but he can’t acknowledge the non-black part of his culture.

        What a cunt!

      • Take care dark ?. You’ll have people calling you an “Uncle Tôm“!

      • Dark key@
        Entirely agree.
        Hes found a way to make money & a job for himself thats all.
        Hes like those witchfinders or the spanish inquisition back in the day. He sees malice where none is meant, he doesnt want equality or for everyone to work side by side,
        He wants the division of people to line his pockets, just a chancer mate, and good point about him being mixed race, why only identify with his black origins?
        One thing BWC says is he respects both sides!?

  16. I really feel that for their own good, next time a group of rubber boaters urn up in Dover, or one of his bros gets done for stabbing, shooting or drug dealing, instead of spendig our dwindling funds on giving them a roof over their heads or a sea taxi or a nice comfy cell,they should be deported, at one cand without question. We can just cite the great Andrews as the reason. We can’t expect to anger the health and lives of the freeloaders, it iwouldn’t be fair – Innit.

    • My “d” isn’t working. My keyboard is a cunt, my computer is a cunt, and I am the biggest cunt of the lot. Good morning.

    • All foreign nationals who commit a criminal offence in the UK should be deported, but they would just be back a week later climbing out of a dinghy with a different name and a handful of benefit forms.

  17. Where did all the ordinary black people go? The only ones that have public exposure these days are the everything is racist and we demand reparations ones. The last time I think I saw a black public figure speaking sense was back in the early 80s, when I used to watch Floella Benjamin on Playschool.

  18. I would like to point out that today is world bee day.
    And I thought the world was going down the toilet.

    I’ll get my hat and veil.

    • Are we supposed to clap for the bees K? Need to know – don’t want to be arrested for beecism you see! ?
      I’ll bee off now..

  19. The guy is a walking hate crime in the eyes of the law.

    Simple test. Take any of his articles and swap the words ‘black’ and ‘white’.

    But it’s ok to hate on da honkey, innit you racist cunt!?

    • Shit fool, you jiveass Crackers don gone an don it now, yawl pale old melon farmers!!

      • Dem ghostface honkies, bust a cap in dem blud!
        How do you stop six black Men r*ping a white Woman?
        Throw them a basketball! ?

  20. If he were that bothered about colonialism, wouldnt he drop his surname?

    Sounds like a grifter to me.

    • He has to justify his own existence. And why wouldn’t he – his salary depends on it. He’s playing the system, that’s all.

  21. How can a virus be racist?
    A black studies course. For sake of fairness where is the white studies course, and everything in between course?

    My mind boggles.

    • Said virus to be renamed waycistwhitey19 shortly.
      I blame whitey – now give me some money, think that’s how it works!
      On other news, France ordered by law to re-open places of worship, wonder who pushed for that one then?
      And close that bleedin tunnel fore we all get rabies!

  22. The world is full of pretensions cunts, condescending cunts, cunts who think because they are educated (programmed) they can build a world in their image and sneer at the plebs.

    Might be coming to a point where education certificates seem a poor defence against a poorly educated pleb with his boot in your face.

    If it all goes shot shaped and theirs no law to protect them? Well there will be grim sport to be had.

  23. A proper nasty cunt who talks bollocks not sure whose worse this knob or the white lib media who give him a platform to share his shite

  24. Average prof wage this year: ca. £78K.
    Should be immune from Covid, then.
    And btw, his rapid career from zero to prof in eight years was at Birmingham City University…whose Chancellor is…Lenny Henry. Oh the institutional oppression.

  25. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it didn’t want to be stabbed by the khun walking towards it.

    “Black studies”!?

    I can imagine the meeting of minds and philosophical intercourse that likely constitute a typical tutorial.

    Two Khuns on either of an elevated branch throwing shit at each other.

    Saw something very similar a few years ago at the black studies department of Chester zoo. All went over my head fortunately.

  26. Isn’t this the same uppity cunt who reckons that the St George’s flag is racist? I don’t know of many nations that would tolerate some fucker insulting their national flag. The twat also has this to say about non-white members of the Tory party: “a cabinet packed with ministers with brown skin wearing Tory masks represents the opposition of racial progress”. I wonder if he would be happy if the Tory party was just full of white people only?

    • Cupid, I need glasses. I thought you wrote, ‘…St Greta’s flag is racist’.
      “How dare you!” Hehe.

    • The English flag is racist? I may be completely wrong but I was under the impression the red cross on a white background was officially adopted by Henry the Eighth from the flag of Aquitaine in France, where his Wife Eleanor was from.
      St George the Turkish Muslim patron Saint of England, replacing the original Saint of England to appease muslims racist?
      This Andrews fellow is clearly a waaycist – going about insulting the French, Turks and muslims!
      All confused now, not a clue which flag to wave about at me next right wing rally! ??

      • In the interest of fair reporting, neither the Turks nor the Muslims had made it to what is now Turkey when ‘St’ George was born there, and he was most likely Cappadocian Greek. If Andrews wants to take a pop at George, fine. He was as corrupt as fuck, the inhabitants of his bishopric of Alexandria, throttled him, and good riddance.

      • TT Komodo@13:36 – I stand corrected good Sir!
        Our (now) Patron Saint was a corrupt kebab snaffler?
        That’ll piss the EDL off! ?

      • As far as I’m concerned, St Edmund is still the Patron Saint of England. But then I’m a reactionary cunt, so I would say that.

  27. Yes, we can imagine when “top comedian” and “national treasure ” lenny henry meets the good professor of blik studies in the uni versa ee coffee shop what the main topic of conversation is: how whitey has held thier careers back.

    We is bad bruvs.

    • Bloody hell – a job opportunity I’d never thought of! Though on second thoughts, the post would have to go to a BAME if it existed because, you know, racism..

      • Just self identify as BAME Komodo – then sue the University for waaycism when you don’t get the job! ??

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