Ian Blackford is a fucking cunt. Cuntford is on Sly News at the mo banging on about a two tear extension to Brexit because of Covid-19. What a fucking cunt! I’ll give you an extension, you fucking fat haggis-munching mother fucker. I’ll extend your cock 22 miles across the fucking channel, Mr fucking Freedom, so that you can be sucked off by your new European lords. Did I mention he’s a cunt? The fucking cunt.
Nominated by Dark key cunt
A fat bloated cunt who obviously eats too much food and has too much money.
I’m shocked independent Scots like being ruled over by such fat over privileged cunt such as this.
Burn him, like a pig sizzling on a hot plate.
WE DONT! These opportunistic wankers are the bane of the rest of us Scots who think they should be hanged from Edinburgh Castle then dragged through the M8 to Glasgow then dragged through the streets again.
Utter Utter Cunts!
So why don’t you do something about him then instead of voting for Him and then looking the other way You are as bad as this fat wanker putting up with the SNP and their Neverendums once in a generation bollocks ??
What is it with the Scotch?
Why do they have to send all their black cunts down to Westminster?
Mhairi Black – cunt.
Kirsty Blackman – cunt.
Ian Blackford – cunt.
Beautifully cunted Dark Key Cunt ?
Sorry Barney (and other esteemed Scottish cunters posting here), that should have read “the Scots?”
Forgot the emoji: ?
When I say Scotch I’m pretending to be an ignorant Aussie. However… I know it pisses them off, and its useful to use when the occasional need to denigrate a Scotch person arises.
Three Strokes, you don’t have to pretend – you are an ignorant Aussie, Of course, Aussies don’t need to be denigrated as they’re the offspring of sheep shaggers, thieves and rapists. Obviously, Three Strokes took his name from the time it took to shag his wife (probably ex-wife, by now). Can anyone name a worthwhile Australian, excluding Dame Edna or Rolf Harris (actors don’t count as they’re a bunch of cunts)?
Germaine Greer
Richard Neville
Clive James
Much obliged, RTC.
Splendid cunting, indeed. Everytime this corpulent, repellant, Scottish windbag shows his ugly dial on QT, then it is a guaranteed ‘TV off’, otherwise I would have to put our TV on the ‘at risk’ register. At risk from having a half bat thrown through the screen.
Why any cunt from the “Wee Prentendy Parliament” should have any fucking say over the future of the UK is beyond me. Holyrood needs to be bulldozed sharpish with these bitter, English-hating cunts still inside.
That grinning cunt Blair was the engineer of the devolved Scotland. That cunt deserves to have his head fed through a burger mincer. Not just for this farrago of kilted cunts, but for just being the world’s most massive cunt.
What Blair did to the constitution by embracing devolution opened up a whole can of worms not only with porridge wogs but also with the less vociferous sheep shaggers in Wales. A lot of 2nd rate, low grade politicians being given an opportunity to grandstand and pontificate at enormous additional expense to the taxpayer .
Ian Blackford is the biggest cunt of them all. Guido had an excellent story about him pontificating in Parliament a couple of months ago about climate change two days after his wife had collected a top end, brand spanking new, Range Rover from her local garage.
Devolution was definitely cunt. I was gutted when Wales voted (by about 10 fucking people, nowhere near the Brexit margin), as I knew that Wales was not going to benefit from its own parliament, it was, like Scotland too, going to be bogged down by petty infighting by fifth rate political pygmies who will never be up to the job. I will vote for anything that puts less politicians between me an my meagre wage packet. Fucking cunts. Anyone who loves spending ‘other people’s money’ needs their arsebone kicked out.
He also fucked up the country with his “Supreme Court”. Supreme Cunt more like.
Admin, is there a way you can see the ‘likes’. As in, who has liked someone? Love the functionality. Just needs a bit more. Don’t include a dislike function, btw. Not necessary on site. We just nominate!
Red faced, bloated, moaning, shouty, annoying, shit-for brains, fat fucking cunt. About as important & necessary as fungal mould – and as appealing. Walking sack of whale blubber.
Dirty fat remoaner traitor who would rather sell his country to the Krauts and Frogs than have anything to do with the English. The hatred runs deep in Jocks like him. Sick and tired of hearing his big mouth and seeing his angry, fat Jock face. A face on my long list of faces I would love to rearrange with a shovel. Total cunt.
Fine figure of a man Ian is, tip my hat to anyone whos wider than they are tall.
He hates the English,
Good, We like to be hated!
Reminds us of when we ruled the world.
Put him to the sword.
It’s not hatred Miserable, it’s jealousy.
“To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life.”
Put him to the Claymore MNC, after a quick digging with the Dirk!
(Long Dirk left hand, mid size Claymore right hand – I bet I could hack some lard off fatty windbag Blackford with them!)
Oh, nearly forgot, the pompous porky windbag hate baiter Blackford is a Highland size cunt.
As they all are (Politicians not Scots – if the lovely Caty Cole wishes to take refuge from SNP Members with allegedly wandering hands she is more than welcome to a room in one of my sheds!)
In the 13th century this fat cunt would have been run through then set atop a bonfire.
Not anymore.
The EU must be praying that the U.K. extends its leaving date but Boris would be a fool to do so. An golden opportunity has been given to ordinary people within the EU to question its relevance. Great at taking money from the successful and pissing it up the wall, the EU has proven itself to be clueless in a crisis. Coronavirus might just prove to be the start of the end of the EU.
Fuck Blackford, fuck traitor sell out Johnson – NO EXTENSION!
I voted remain, VF, but democracy is all. Fuck the EU.
With a baseball bat! Take that Gollum and Drunker!
Dominic Rabb slapped him down the other day. After listening to Blackford’s latest whining, “Och, no Brexit extension would be a reckless and foolish gambul” Rabb replied, “We’re leaving, and we’re doing it as ONE United Kingdom.”
Bet there was some whiskey slung back later that day.
Hoo-ee, what a fat cunt.
I like Dominic a staunch leaver. That’s why the BBCUNTS gave him such a rough ride when he took over.
Sometimes Rabb seems a bit weak though he slapped this fat oaf down quickly enough.
Top cunting Dark key cunt, if there is one positive that’s come aaaaht if this Kung Flu it’s that we don’t hear this bloated cunt waffling on in the House of Parliament.
I remember on Armistice day last year he was singing the National anthem, I bet Sturgeon gave him a swift kick up the Kilt when he returned after seeing that.
Doesn’t this watertight cunt always go to his expenses limit or something?
What a cunt, the fat cunt.
Although I like a bit of all butter Shortbread.
Not quite silenced B&WC. He’s just been given (along with every other MP) an extra £10,000 to enable him to waffle on in the House of Commons from home via Skype. ?
An extra ten grand for stuff they already had RTC. And these thieves wonder why we are angry?
I think Bullshit Blackford is suffering from a malaise of the mind – I have seen this before and my experience is that to cure it the “brain” of the afflicted needs to be reset with a swift flurry of punches and kicks!
Right, back to creating “edgy art” from my own jizz and shit! ???
I’m sorry RTCP but after your performance in Braveheart, I think you are the last person we should be listening to regarding Scotland.
The last 10 seconds are the best.
“Smack! Deep fried Mars bars! Skirts for Men! Freedom” ?
Braveheart my a*se – Angel Heart is a proper film!
Hated the beard. Stank of rancid medieval pussy and stale Old Holborn.
And I still haven’t been paid for that magnificent performance B&WC!
That’s why I did all those Columbos. Good pay. And some of my best parts, even got to direct a couple.
Be seeing you.
Much obliged B&WC. If there’s one thing this fat fucker doesn’t care abaaaaaht (did I spell it right?) Covid19 has shown that neither the EU’s open borders or it’s shared currency works. The fuckers are already in a political and currency union that has worked for three hundred years but he can’t sense because there’s a large haggis in view that he must eat. The cunt.
I thought you were from East London Dark key cunt? If so surely it’s Abaaaaaaaaaaht. ?
Norf Laaaaahndan, fella. But have have moved to Leicester recently. Still a cockney though, a true one. Laaaaahndan will always be home.
The cunt has the second highest expenses in Parliament the fat cunt
Looks like he spends most of it on deep fried Mars Bars, the fucking bloater
And the rest on used pairs of Sturgeons knickers from Eeewbay! ?
Christ Vernon that’s just made me cough my coffee over the keyboard laughing!
Sorry RK! ?
Any advance on 1s6d on a used Tena??
Just bought two canaries on Ebay.
They were going cheep..
F*ck me – cruelly deluged by coats ?
Haggis-munching cunt
Professional Scotsman, being passionate about Jockistan is all he has going for him, the blokes just about capable of being an assistant librarian.
Or possibly a car park attendant.
Thes SSnp are a f*cking lot quieter about whining for an independence referendum now the price of oil has bombed.
Cunts, one and all.
Oil was MINUS £40 dollars a barrel at one point!
MNC agreed to take away Scotland’s entire stock in his removal van. ?
I imagine Scotlands entire stock could be removed in a Toyota Aygo RTC! Might have a bit of trouble squeezing MNC into one of those things though! ?
Mhairi Black would be my choice as Assistant Librarian, bent over the returns trolley, knickers round ankles, good firm arse on that one!
PS. I wonder if Jane-Arse has repositioned as Jane Plan??
Hate to break it to you, but Mhari is a lezzie.
I’m as brown as a proper cuppa but very happily English and British (My parents came here when people were asked to and now I teach your little bastards Physics and Maths).
That said, have you seen how many parking stanleys are members of the SNP? SMP if you ask me.
This cunt, wee Krankie and their ilk are responsible for the Jocks being detested in the rest of the UK. Independence would be a fucking disaster for the fuckers and we would need a Trumpian wall to keep the fuckers out. Hadrian’s razor fence.
The SNP have no power and little influence in Westminster….They are like a fat, retired copper telling you off for riding your bicycle on the pavement (when much younger obviously) Fuck off constable!!! He is just making noise for the benefit of our pale, ginger, wife beating, drunken cousins north of the border. Pay him no heed.
“…fat, retired copper telling you off for riding your bicycle on the pavement.”
Ha ha, great analogy.
No point in prolonging the transition, the EU are fucked and this deluded cunt thinks that being tied to the EU will benefit the UK, there is no way that the Eurozone will have any thought for anything other than their federal project.
The project over the next months and years will be consolidate and save Italy and Spain from total disaster, the only thing the EU wants from the UK is cash.
If we have an extension we will be legally liable for a very significant percentage of the “EU give ourselves money and pretend it’s for others” alleged bailout fund.
The sly little b*stards are keeping quiet about that one aren’t they?
But I do not trust Boris the rat traitor not to f*ck us over – he is a genuinely evil Man.
Married to a Scot, love Scotland with a passion, hate the SNP and this cunt in particular. Quite probably the most boring winbag in British politics, and a fat ugly cunt to boot. He’s very near the top of my list of ‘fifty faces you’d most like to punch repeatedly’. Cunt’s too polite a word for this poisonous snake.
Why anybody would vote for this shitehouse is beyond me, but I suppose that the indie at all costs mob would vote for the devil if he was wearing their rosette. I simply can’t understand it; vote for ‘independence’, then hand it straight back over to Brussels. Sounds like madness.
A monster cunting, DKC
Well said RK – the Scots are fine, it’s just the SSnp who are c*nts!
Agreed Foxy!?
The scots are great and Scotland has some heartbreakingly beautiful places, its those cunts the SNP.
They hold grudges for battles hundreds of years ago!
Like the greasy french,
Agincourt!! ” ?
The destitute Scots from the highlands fighting with the destitute Scots from the lowlands, so more Scottish “Nobleman” could be awarded land they did not own and had no right to from an English King. History is selective, except for Braveheart obviously! (Completely historically correct – I remember William Wallace as an alcoholic anti semitic Australian dwarf!)
And Agincourt is the reason why my favourite insult to the French c*nts is two fingers – those sneaky garlic smelling fish filchers didn’t like it up ’em!
Longbows are utterly lethal, I am looking into how to making one – for my holiday to France in the Black Pig! ???✌
Modded, not a clue – random WordPress lottery!
Not to worry, worse things happen at sea – as my Grandad said running towards one of the Titanic lifeboats in a dress shouting “move you b*stards – I’ve got a shooter! ?
Yew. Thats what longbows tended to be made from Foxy.
Those english archers were a bit deformed with massive muscled chests and shoulders from the draw of the bow.
We fucking battered the french with the skill of our bowmen!?
Few archers on here, ive got a recurve bow myself.
Vern @ 1.08pm – dwârf is a moderation trigger word. ?
I’ll second that Ron. I can’t understand why the SNP get voted in time after time like turkeys voting for Christmas. I love living in the Highlands but hate paying 1% extra tax.
When I see Blackford, and other heaps of shit like him (Hilary Mary-Anne Benn, DR. Phillip Lee, former MP, Jess Phillips, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, “Lord” Adonis), I wish the Kray brothjers could come back and arrange for “the boys” to deal with them, preferably in concrete on a motorway bridge works.
I daresay as Sturgeon is falling from grace, this fat bastard will replace her in the end.
Can I add those Limp Dick cunts Layla Moran and Ed Davey to the list?
Please do, Ron, and how could I have omitted Dominic Grieve, Mandy, Alistair Campell, Chuckaduckie Umunna and and Anthony Blair from my list of motorway bridge accessories!
What this smug fat bloated loud mouthed racist mother fucker has to say is completely irrelevant and it annoys the fuck out of me that the media give so much airtime to him and the other cunts from the Scottish Nazi Party. Never have I known such a bunch of arrogant fucking nobodies so full of their non-importance, they are even worse than Labour.
Arrogant fucking nobodies so full of their non importance – sounds like the banner above the entrance to the Liberal Democrat annual conference!
Said party currently negotiating with BT to determine which phone box the conference will be held in.
An extension? Ah yes, we still pump UK taxpayer’s money into a corrupt unaudited black hole. Think we may need every penny we can get our hands on when this current shit storm is over. But this fat cunt will still have his slobbering jowels around the tit of the population. Fat Cunt.
“..a corrupt unaudited black hole” – Scotland or the EU?
Might need a referendum on that one….
Or a sheeples vote.
Either, both.
Both. The cunts.
In one way it would be funny to see the car crash that Scottish independence would be, just to show what utter lying snake oil salesmen c*nts the SSnp are but firstly the people of Scotland do not deserve it and secondly we would be footing the bill for picking up the pieces.
SSnp snakes.
Every time this fat bloated Jock opens his gob he makes an arse of himself. He’s
An embarrassment to the Scottish people.
The SNP will desperately suckle on the tit of any organisation that will prop up their basket case economy so they don’t have to dig into their own pockets.
What makes them think the Eu will rescue them ? Those self serving Cunts in Brussels have not done much for Italy or any other Country during the current situation.
Well said. I once looked at how much each member “contributed”. Fuck me, the home’s of the fruit pickers added an amount that wouldn’t purchase a semi-detached in this country. But they knew how to dip the pot alright. The main states get fuck all back. No wonder every shitty back water is willing to jump through hoops to sign up, other people’s money, what’s not to like?
Soon as i hear this fat twat “the people of Scotland”…..off switch pronto.
Anyway everything bad that ever happens is all the fault of the bloody English.
Blackford – NatWest – Deutsche Bank – independent consultancy work – Dutch food and biochemicals company CSM – telecommunications firm Commsworld – SNP – millionaire – the more fingers in pies the greater the corruption – blackford is a cunt amongst cunts
It’s a real tragedy that he never had his pudgy, snot-encrusted digits (has he got ten, BTW??) in some of those tasty Wishaw botulism pies, the fat fuck.
This fat cunts an absolute joke and was top cunt for MP expenses claims at £242,000 , eight out of the top ten were from the SNP ( cheeky cunts)
With an EGO that matches his Saturn sized waistline you can always count of him grandstanding in Parliament, but not only is he a useless fat wanker but a hypocrite of the highest order apparently blackford who champions green causes recently bought his wife a huge Land Rover and was photographed being airlifted into it outside the car showrooms!!
Hopefully when Scotland join the EU we can kiss of this useless sack if shite
The EU have already said, repeatedly, that an independent Scotland would not be allowed admittance to the EU – guess they don’t want to take on yet another broke burden as we will no longer be paying to finance these Straw Man states.
That other fat Jock Nazi, Fuckhead Salmond, has promised to spill the beans about the SNP “at the appropriate time.” That should be interesting. Let’s hope, for once in his stinking, useless life, the bastard remoaner is as good as his word.
A cabal of women supposedly out to get him.
It was all about Alex for years. He was THE SNP. I thought he was supreme. And Nicola just a loyal lieutenant. No, hungry for power herself. And her sisters. Mind you there has been tradition of powerful women figures-Whinnie Ewing, Margo McDonald.
out to get him
I’m hoping that he’s tried to do Wee Jimmy Krankie. An ugly cunt trying to fuck another ugly cunt.
Let’s have a Culloden rematch wit wee Jimmy Krankie and all her Scotch Nat cunt troops plus the likes of Laird Gordon Brown all dressed in Highland gear and with claymores.
Ranged against them all the ex-military Tory MPs armed with sub-machine guns to ensure that the result is roughly the same as Culloden 1.
In the absence of sport I guarantee this will be the tv event of the year and no more bloody than Game of Thrones which is what it would be when you think abooooot it.
Is it rude to call a Scottish person scotch? If it is, how so?
No idea on that one Spoons – I assumed it was just a contraction of “Scottish”.
I’m sure there is a BAME Scot somewhere who will find it waycist or offensive though! ?
Is calling Ian Blackford a c*nt offensive? Hope so.
Spooningtton. I don’t know either but I know years ago George Orwell wrote that he called Scostmen “Scotch” because ‘it is a cheap, easy way of annoying them’. A pity BBC TV dropped The White Heather Club because I can just imagine Blackford in his kilt leading the band on accordian.
‘Scotch’ denotes a product made in Scotland, mostly food or drink, such as Scotch whisky, Scotch pie, Scotch broth, and Scotch eggs.
The Scots consider it rude for foreigners to reduce them to the level of a mere product. They’re not wrong. ?
The Caledonian answer to Augustus Gloop.
This stupendous cunt is always at the top or very close to the top when it comes to claiming MP’s expenses. Every. Fucking. Year.
What a fucking surprise to see him acting like a cunt in all departments. Has anyone ever heard this gobshite for more than 30 seconds without him saying, ”The people of Scotland..”
This prick came on my radar when watching PMQs. Stands in the middle of the floor while he reads his prepared anti-English diatribe, like some self important wanker. This prat can’t be cunted enough and this cunting made me laugh out loud too. Cheers.
Fat haggis eating cunt.
Deep fry him.
All that smelly unhealthy boiling lard could be a major health and safety hazard EK!
Same for the fat in the pan too I imagine.
Fat Scotch cunt. Enough.
This is quite charming. Telly Savalas visits Aberdeen.
Big fat horrible Scottish Nazi ?
Hates the English with a passion talks liquid diarrhoea all the time Regarding the EU we have left fatty the boats sailed ??