

What a pathetic excuse of an island the UK has turned out to be, I live in Australia, and by all accounts I am Australian but still hold citizenship to the UK, though I am in my 40’s and moved here when i was 11.

To be clear, i love the UK and the non woke, white people within it. But, seriously
What a fucken shit cunt of a shithole of an island it turned out to be. Please stay with me while i list the fucken pathetic shitness of the place.

gooks (and the virus they rode in on)
The two fish (Sturgeon and Salmond)
remoaners (they deserve a double cunting)
the politicians who allowed this to happen and worst of all…….
The fucking people who allowed the politicians to allow this to happen.

I read my guinea pig this list and even it wanted to kill itself.

We have some fucking woke shit here too, but not even close to the same level you cunts have over there. You cunts are on another planet.

Long time reader, first time poster, plus i’m drunk. This is honestly my most favoured site on the whole internet and the best of British.

Nominated by UpsideDownCunt

116 thoughts on “Blighty

  1. What did you do get transported there at the age of 11 ?

    • That’s only because your so kindly and command the hounds to spare the children of trespassers, yet an example must still be made.

      • Only Pictish, my lot were the last of the clearances. Like the Chinese we’ve remained purists since coming here.

    • PS…..
      “I read my guinea pig this list and even it wanted to kill itself.”….

      What do you do with your guinea pig ? Perhaps that has something to do with it’s death-wish ?

      🙂 .

  2. I can’t agree with this cunting when we’ve been enriched by so many other things, like female genital mutilation (that’s FGM if your woke) AIDS and machete attacks by people with ‘mental health’ issues. Enjoy your hangover UDC.

    • Don’t forget about the rise in the incidents of rickets and TB in our more enriched areas.
      What’s not to like?

  3. My mate* is Australian and he traced his family tree right back to his father.

    *I say mate he came over on a tourist visa about twenty years ago and hasn’t fucked off yet….. CUNT!

  4. I begn to loathe my own country, especially when I see little arsewipes like Rachel Reeves, who likes to pretend she is a “sensible” Labour MP spouting shit like this.

    Clearly, like Magic Grandpa, who she claims to despise, she still believes in the magic money tree. Doesn’t the ugly old cunt who looks like a man in drag realise if we gave in to her it would cost us billions?

    • Fucktards like Reeves must have a deal at any cost. Don’t forget, WC, Reeves is a Labour politician and Labour politicians simply cannot grasp anything to do with the economy.

      If Reeves were in charge of negotiations, Barnier et al would be merrily pissing up our back and telling us it is just typical English rain. And she would be 100% on board.

      Cunts one and all.

      On topic, in the 80s, Australia gave us Paul Hogan. I think we are now finally clear of this ghastly pandemic.

  5. Hear hear! I left the cunting place for Australia in 1978 after the Firemans Strike.I could see the writing on the wall back then. Been back many times since to visit family and every time I came away, even more convinced I did the right thing. Mind you, I did come from the place now known as Birmingistan. Now more Woongas per square mile than anywhere else. Get out lads before it is too fuckin late.

    • 1978!. My ancestors were on the second transport. So I’m more Australian than you. Never been there though as my grandmother couldn’t stand the place and came back here in the 1920s . Thank fuck.

  6. In the interests of balancing up some of the racist comments in this post, I would say that the one thing that this virus shite has confirmed for me is that the endemic white people are a bunch of absolute cunts as well.

    There’s good and bad in all races and colors, but the white are no fucking better, just different.

    As for community, I can honestly say that nobody around here has been near us since lockdown started and nobody gives a shit if we live our die. Fuck them all as Dick would say.

    We’re all in it together? Like fuck we are…

  7. Just to confirm that some us dark keys are pretty non-woke. Quite a few of us (although not me) voted for Brexit and most of us respect the votes of 2016 and of last year.

  8. Some true words written there but ultimately I’d rather be in Blighty than anywhere despite its myriad faults. I’ve lived in Australia and it’s a shit version of Britain with sunshine (I note the old Convicts used to continually bang on about the hot weather though usually stay inside with the air con on 20° which is the ideal temperature). It’s alright but a bit dull. Give me Blighty any day.

  9. So we have another Ex pat mouthing off slagging his homeland off whilst living somewhere he doesn’t ethnically belong.
    Probably pissed on that shite they call ‘Beer’ out there, and thinks he’s qualified to comment on things going on here when he pissed off there aged 11.
    I don’t really know much abaaaaaht Australia but I know there are a lot of non whites settling in so I guess it’s not the white only country you wish it was.
    Some may say I don’t belong in Blighty being half English and half Jamaican but they can try and tell me that to my face as see where that gets them.
    I’m have ancestors on both sides who fought for the ‘British Empire’ and way of life and in my opinion Australians have no more right to be in blighty than an Indian or Jamaican…we all have a right as former colonials. However I agree that immigration is too much and should have stopped 20+ years ago.

    ‘We have some fucking woke shit here too, but not even close to the same level you cunts have over there. You cunts are on another planet.’

    Calling us cunts eh? Do us a favour and stay in ‘Oz’ as judging by some of the mugs I’ve met in London a lot of you ‘Aussies’ aren’t even that British anyways and in general seem lost and lack culture…apart from having a BBQ.

    Britain is the greatest place in the world and although it has its problems will always be better than ‘Oz’.
    I am one of the greatest Britons also.
    Yours sincerely, Black and White cunt.
    Go fuck yourself.

      • He’s an old cunt and also an old dead cunt.
        I am 6’3 and in my prime and far better looking than he was.

      • Kenny used to pull some quality birds not the old painted trollops B&W knocks about with.

      • Cmon Freddie, remember that night aaaaht in Brixton? You were loving the big batty/titty trollops I sent your way.

    • I will go and fuck myself, as you wish BWC, but hats off to you for a splendid post, old chap.

      • The ‘Go fuck yourself’ was meant for our ‘Aussie’ contributor PM, Morning and thanks old chap.

    • Well said BaWC, well said indeed… If I had a cap, I would doff it in your direction.

  10. Completely agree with this nom and anyone that doesn’t hasn’t lived in London long enough.

    • You’re judging the entire country by London alone?

      I have never lived in London, nor have I ever wished to do, but used to visit every 6 months or so between 1965 and 1995.

      Not set foot there since.

      I assure you most of the country is far from being the shithole London has become.

      • Notting Hill and Kensington are very nice places…only enhanced by my presence there. What do you want? Drugs, Women, Guns…I can get you everything.

      • As I said before Toomanycunts,
        I am one of the greatest Britons, highly talented and involved in the music industry…it helps that I’m a cunt also.

      • I was born just off the ladbroke grove in the mid 50s, moved saaaarf of the river in 63( peckham/ east dulwich) one shithole to another really, live in beautiful rural suffolk now thank dog, thanks for fuck all dad you oirish tosser.

      • I’m not no but unfortunately what’s happened in London over the past 30 years I see happening to the rest of the country over the next 30, although I hope with every fiber of my being it doesn’t.

        Look at the other big cities, Birmingham is a complete cesspool, Leicester, Bradford, Huddersfield and on and on and on.

    • Australia has a 5% and rising Chinky population. Most have family in China so are loyal to the CCP by inclination or force. Were both fucked in the long run.

  11. They reckon that some of the parts removed during an FGM procedure are now being sold via the internet.
    Clit and collect….

    • Shamus MacPaddywack woke up one morning feeling rather constipated, so he wandered off to A &E to see his doctor friend Nish Patel, as he knew the doctors and nurses had nothing else to do and were all a bit bored.

      Nish shines a torch up Shamus’ back passage and is surprised to catch a glimpse of UK currency. He uses the tweezers to gradually remove the misplaced notes and coins from Shamus’s poor old arse.

      Shamus asks”Whats the verdict, doc ?”

      Nish replies “Well this is most remarkable Mr McPaddywack, I have removed coins and notes from your lower intestine for a total value of £1999.99, just under two thousand pounds !”

      Shamus nods wisely and says “Sure, and I knew I wasn’t feeling too grand !”

  12. Can’t stop laughing, someone who lives on the other side of the planet is so worried about what is going on here. Yes it’s not an ideal place sometimes but it’s my home and I sense some drunken envy. It must be in Aussies to have a dig at the Brits because they think they are better. Please enlighten me as what they have ever brought to the table…. I’m struggling. It must be a top place to live as most of the cunts fuck off from there and end up back here. It must also be tough deep down knowing you are a migrant who lives somewhere that catches fire every 6 months. Maybe living so close to China has got you bothered. Can’t agree with this post obviously.

    • Well, to update that pithy old observation, how to tell a well balanced Australian – chip on both shoulders.

      Can’t really tell these days as he’s on all fours with a huge Chinese cock in the old tradesman’s

  13. Closest I got to going was shouting “Turn that shite off!” at my kids on the opening bars to ‘Neighbours’.
    My problem with Australia is the Drink and drugs epidemic, rubber band sounding language, Abbos, Chinks fucking everywhere (even the shop signs are written in rinky dink), fact that I’d have to drive 40 minutes to piss my next door neighbour off rather than over the hedge as presently. I never leave England and wouldn’t go to Australia. CUNTS!

  14. I completely get this cunting, he’s not wrong is he?
    Too many woke cunts all banging on about social justice (for thy neighbourhood,not mine), Lilly Allen,J K Rowling, Hammond
    and Grieve,LGBTTDFEDJIYHB, Labour,Liberal,Remoaners, students, the media and on it goes.
    All white,all woke,all hypocrites and yet nobody with the public profile and authority shuts them up. Boris and his faux bumbling persona, he didn’t really want to leave but it was a handy bandwagon when Farage was lurking in the shadows.
    I was compelled to leave Londonistan before it went effnic majority and that wasn’t hard to see coming. We have an emasculated police ‘service’ that immediately looks for victimhood in the perpetrators, demeans itself at poofter parades and falls over its grossly over sized shoes at the Notting Hill crime convention but if the lower orders step out of line then it’s ton of bricks time.

    Burgled? Fuck off we’re busy.
    Someone said something beastly on Twatter? We’re on our way.
    Effnic? What can we do for you madam, would a damehood suffice?
    White? Get to fuck, we’re still busy.
    I wish I’d moved to Oz when I was younger, however I read about the changes happening over there in regard to the police powers and fuck me, you’ve also got the little yellow bastards in profusion, they are the rapidly spreading virus plus there’s the rising cost of living.
    On the up side you have space so a Ute,couple of dogs,knife,gun,fishing rod and tent and go troppo.
    This country is my country but it is fucked unless the tide of PC/SJW/woke virtue signalling gets taken out of the curricula.
    I dislike authoritarian government but I wish we could just get a bunch of principled no bullshit leaders and take control of more than just the fucking borders. In short, a fair nom.
    Anyone seen Adolf?

  15. Australia can go fuck itself, anyone been to Earls Court? Used to be full of Aussies, I don’t go down that way much anymore. What abaaaaht the Walkabout Bars? Absolute shite, The Aussies cant even cook on a real BBQ they use Gas one’s and anyone who has taste know’s that the real smokey flavour comes from the coals.
    They all seem to want to come here and hang abaaaaaht in London the cunts, name one good thing that has come out of Australia that they can say is their own?
    Witchetty grub? Go fuck yourselves.

    • Hmmm,
      The plastic wine box.
      The rotary clothes hoist.
      Black box flight recorders.
      Hear Pacemakers.

      The list goes on.

      • Haha you are having a laugh right? If thats the highlights of Australia’s achievements then I don’t want to hear the rest.
        The Heart Pacemaker…was invented by a Swedish cunt.

        What an embarrasment…Australians should be ashamed of themselves the British were right to send the thieving, disgraceful, useless and classless cunts to the other side of the world. Was’nt that demented Green Party leader an ‘Aussie’…oh the cunt gene is strong in Australia.
        What a Cuntry.
        PS Australian wine is shite as well, nothing on French or Chilean.

      • GOC, He was born in England…simple as that so if he did invent it he was English.
        Does not matter where he was raised he was born in England.

      • Hate to disagree B&WC, but it does matter where he was raised.

        After all, Boris Johnson was born in America and Cliff Richard was born in India, you wouldn’t seriously argue that they are less English for that, despite both being uber-cunts, would you?

      • There a re lots of variables RTCP. The person in question Mark Cowley Lidwill was born in England and didn’t go to Australia until he was 16 or so…hardly raised Australian. Boris was born in America but returned to England before he was 1 and cliff was born in British India.

      • I thought you were arguing that it didn’t matter where he was raised as long as he was born in England?

        Anyway, if he was raised in England then that’s ok. Had he been raised in Australia then he’d be more Australian than English/British, but as you say it’s down to variables.

    • Morning.
      Whats this bollocks?
      This is the greatest country on earth!
      Ok got a problem a infestation of parasites, but nothing that cant be solved with Terrys Oven.
      Tell your guinea pig to suck my arse.
      Go play with the crocs.

      • MNC. You have a chance of getting rid of an infestation. A malignant tumor that is spreading every day is a different proposition. Many of posters on here who live in the UK say “The country is fucked “. I don’t know if it is, beyond recovery, but it certainly appears to be in certain parts.

      • Grumpy@
        Know what you mean, this is the fault of our politicians, once coronovirus thins the herd and a financial depression toughens people up that might change?
        But still beleive this is the most beautiful country on earth, a green and pleasant land not some baking hot dusk bowl!
        Hes stepped on my dick nerve Grumpy, an so has his guinea pig.

      • MNC. It certainly is one of the most scenic and beautiful countries in the world. It is just some inhabitants leave a lot to be desired. I am old enough to remember Enoch Powell and his “Rivers of Blood ” speech in 1968. I think @ 80% of the population agreed with his views at the time. My dad who was a labour man through and through said it was the only time he ever agreed with a Tory and called him a “visionary “.

      • It’s an Englishman’s prerogative to say our country’s fucked. It’s got fuck all to do with any Bludgers.

      • Aye and The Colonials know fuck all about proper sausages.
        And most of their beer is shit.

    • ‘name one good thing that has come out of Australia that they can say is their own?

      Come on B&W. What abaaht Rolf Harris (can you see what it is yet?)
      Dame Edna
      The one legged cunt who is just as funny as his co-presenter Josh Widdecomb.
      Peter Andre.

      You are being unfair to our colonial cousins.

    • I’ve never understood the point of a gas BBQ, I have a kitchen with something called a cooker in it. It has a grill.

  16. Had an Aussie couple as neighbours in Notting Hill…they were cunts who looked lost and timid. Another neighbour had an Aussie Mrs who was ok and I might have tongued her bumhole after 6 cans of Foster’s if she was lucky.

    • Fosters, castlemaine xxxx, fizzy pop shite.
      Our beer is the best in the world too.
      None of this Belgium or German stuff, British.
      Cant be beat.??

      • Agree 100% MNC, got into ale hanging around with the old chaps on lodge and like Spitfire a lot. ?? ???????

  17. When was Britain ever great for the average person? Probably the best time was the mid 50s? Then they decided to invite the world here, game fucking over.

    Australia will be predominantly Asian in a few decades, I’m surprised the Chinese haven’t invaded to eat all the unusual wildlife.

    • Spot on. Most Establishment types decided after the fall of the Empire to get theirs by fucking the rest of the country over and they are still doing it now.

  18. All of Australia’s most famous people all live…here in Britain. I see that mullet (alleged) coke head cunt Jason Donovan in Notting Hill now and again. Wasn’t that Peter Andre’s biggest hit ‘Mysterious Girl’ a callaboration with a Jamaican Dark Key? The Greek Aussie cunt.

    • B&WC, you definitely seem to have a touch of “Aussiephobia “. Were you turned down for assisted passage? I know you are never turned down for back passage!!

      • No ‘Aussiephobia’ at all GOC, I’m simply passionate about my country and don’t like cunts living in the other side of the world slagging it off. All countries have problems and it’s down to the people who live in and identify with that country to sort it out. It’s all a bit of banter and what makes is a cunt a proper place for cunts and cunters to debate, agree and disagree. You seem a decent chap and let me know if your in London…I’ll buy you a Curry. ?

      • Phobia suggests fear. Arachnophobia (spiders) …homophobia (bum holes) …Transphobia (going on a train to Siberia) we aren’t Aussiephobic – we fear no one! Eh B&WC?

      • Exactly Daz, if I was Aussie phobic I’d fuck off away from London.

      • Still Australia isn’t as bad as that green desert full of mega cunts they call new Zealand.
        Horrible people who constantly tell you how nice they are. Don’t believe a word, also the country is a cultural void and everything is broken or next to useless, just saying.

  19. The list in the Nom are things that comes up all the time on ISAC, all cunters are pissed off with what’s happening in the UK
    Nigel needs to start a new political party called the Anti-Woke party, predominantly aimed at normal blokes (and girls) to push back in all the shit that has been creeping through society like a virus (not from Wuhan but from the liberal left wankers)
    The first thing that needs to be sorted out is ‘hate speech and hate crime’, just before the chinky flu there was a small victory, the crime of not recognising a woman is a woman when it’s actually a man was given the thumbs down.
    The sooner we get back to more traditional value and normality the better,

  20. Make the most of it. Australia has got 10 max 15 years before they will be yellow and white cunts and slanty eyed. Its under the mat but its going to happen – regardless of their chink investigation.

    What soul it had has been sold to China its too late to get it back. Dairies, land, water, mines all now chink owned.

    Good luck with that transformation. Throw another bat on the Barbie?

  21. I don’t buy into this “we’re fucked and it’s our fault for letting politicians do this” shit. Presumably the alternative would be uprisings, coups and so on, which are great as long as you’re on the right side. And as most of this site’s common enemies are the ones who have sod all better to do than to take to the streets, I don’t think we’d come out of it very well.

    Also, a quick look at the more politically volatile countries suggests that they’re not the most desirable places to live.

    As for Australia, I’d never go there because I hate hot weather. And most of the fauna there will try and kill you. However I do like the Girls Out West films (tubby lezzers), so swings and roundabouts.

  22. I am Australian by birth. I love England and would return tomorrow if I wasn’t so established here and not such an old cunt. Growing up in Sydney, where I still live, was a marvellous time in a young country so full of promise. However nowadays there are far too many blocks of flats and, despite their presence since the days of the gold rush, quite possibly an overrepresented demographic in the Chinese. Especially where I live. One suburb or one railway station away the suburb Chatswood resembles the seedier parts of Shanghai. it isn’t a matter of racism. I have worked as a doorman in Chinatown and lived with an Australian born Chinese stunner for 7 years. What it is in my opinion is a clash of cultures with the dominant culture being forced to let go of much of its character to appease the introduced culture. This is a recipe for disaster. And I reckon the worst is yet to come. Sorry if I offend anybody.

    • I don’t think anybody would disagree with that CC, its replicated right across the Western world with incomers turning their adopted countries into the same Third World shithole ghettos they fled from while displacing the indigenous people. Its only the West that has to accept diversity and multiculturalism while Asian and African societies can remain homogeneous and their culture untouched.

  23. “the dominant culture being forced to let go of much of its character to appease the introduced culture.”


  24. Despite all the shit stuff, we’re still the greatest nation on Earth, and anyone that says otherwise can have a boot up the arse.

  25. this country is finished and most of the cretins that live in it can just fuck off – this virus lark has highlighted just how thick most people are

  26. I’m surprised by the vitriol directed at our new Australian friend. Nothing he says hasn’t been said a hundred times on here.

    As a British-born resident of Queensland, I’d say that whilst Australia does have its share of woke shit, it’s in a different league in the UK. And whilst I’ve thought about returning to England, Willie Stroker says that parts of my hometown is now akin to a place on the Turkish-Bulgarian border.

    • In 1960 the UK had a Muslim population of around 50,000. It’s now pushing the 3m mark. 60-fold increase, in 60 years. Islam. Coming to you soon. Then taking over.

    • I´m also taken aback by the vehemence of the attack on the pôster. This site is usually filled with similar moans. Has he unknowingly struck a dagger into the heart of patriotic Englishmen?

      • With both of you there, CMC & Mr P regarding some comments against UDC. Hope he isn’t discouraged from posting again. Patriotic English, Scots, Welsh or N.Irish or not, the truth hurts, it seems.
        I have older sisters who emigated to Aus many, many moons ago. Thanks to a very friendly and overactive reproductive gene in the predominently female Dribbler family tree I’ve now got many relatives in Aus. Therefore, I take a more than a passing interest in what goes on down under. I’ve also had the good fortune to visit them regularly since the 70s. From personal observations over the years, CMC, I’d say that in terms of wokeness, if the UK is Premier league then Aus is currently in an automatic promotion spot in the Championship (having been non-league about 20 years ago) and will be challenging for European honours before too long. It’s a pity because I’d always fancied emigrating on retirement and joining my sisters in the sun to escape what the UK was becoming. Seems pointless now that Aus has almost caught up in many ways. It’d be like leaping from a nearly full cesspit to a rapidly filling newly dug one.
        Mecha-rigsby, get your boots on. I’m wating for you. This country went down the shitter at the end of the 60s.

  27. I KNEW there was something wrong with the country, but I couldn’t put my finger on it…..terse and true cunting.

    Welcome, USDC, and bring your mates!

  28. Australia needed a cunting for Clive James, I nicked that cunt off Fred West for many year in the Deadpool and the cunt only died a year ago, oh and he lived here as well…what a surprise.

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