

What a pathetic excuse of an island the UK has turned out to be, I live in Australia, and by all accounts I am Australian but still hold citizenship to the UK, though I am in my 40’s and moved here when i was 11.

To be clear, i love the UK and the non woke, white people within it. But, seriously
What a fucken shit cunt of a shithole of an island it turned out to be. Please stay with me while i list the fucken pathetic shitness of the place.

gooks (and the virus they rode in on)
The two fish (Sturgeon and Salmond)
remoaners (they deserve a double cunting)
the politicians who allowed this to happen and worst of all…….
The fucking people who allowed the politicians to allow this to happen.

I read my guinea pig this list and even it wanted to kill itself.

We have some fucking woke shit here too, but not even close to the same level you cunts have over there. You cunts are on another planet.

Long time reader, first time poster, plus i’m drunk. This is honestly my most favoured site on the whole internet and the best of British.

Nominated by UpsideDownCunt

116 thoughts on “Blighty

  1. If these Bogans dislike Blighty so much, why do so many of the fuckers live over here?

  2. Australia? Convicts and rabbits Sir! Australia currently being bought by the yellow peril, they invade and proliferate like a virus..
    I think things have gone so far in the UK that the only thing that will save it a civil war – and I would much rather go down fighting than be made to live on my knees.
    Bring it.
    On other news, had to call the Police earlier to remove (with force as it turns out) a very mental and newly ex partner from outside my home – and when I had explained the situation and the things she has done (controlling, coercive and violent behaviour) the pigs have slapped her with an order – no closer than 100 metres away from my home, any further harassment or threats and she is arrested and held in custody until the next available Court date, and no, I am not paying the loony fucking bitch 20 grand – she owes me money, and as I can prove this the next thing is a County Court summons.
    I am a free Man, and my eyesight is much improved by removing toxic gaslight.

    • Is this the same delightful young lady you mentioned the other day you were enjoying time apart from?

      • The very one Moggie – the same one who tried to make me change out of trainers into wellingtons before getting in her car (trainers are “common”, apparently!)
        The same one who ordered me to get her permission before I made a cup of tea at her place, the same one who tried to make me sit on a camping chair in the living room as her chairs were “expensive” – I know that, I bought the fucking things!
        Gaslighting psycho bitch, immediate Police order in place to stop her contacting or coming near me (just mention controlling and coercive behaviour, the coppers can’t move fast enough on that one!).
        I am a mad dog – How the fuck could I have been so stupid as to tolerate this? ?‍♂️
        Not to worry, going to get my annual bath, squeeze into my Demob suit and hunt the local churches for recent funerals, (just take the “with deepest sympathy” card out and hey – a free bunch of flowers!) as I believe the fragrant and esteemed Lady Fanny Fiddler is single!
        Although I have it on good authority that her venerable Brother Sir Fiddler is skilled with a chainsaw so will need to mind my P’s and Q’s when I rock up in me Corsa playing drum and bass! ?

      • Now I can finally do what the fuck I please MNC! (Such a good feeling!) Just shaving me legs ready to slide into this delightful cocktail dress..?

  3. Stop being cunts. Lets think about who Australia has given the world.

    Kerry Packer….Oz mafia dead cunt.
    Les Hiddins….Bush tucker cunt.
    Paul Hogan….funny disappeared up his own ass cunt.
    Michael Hutchence….chokey wanking cunt.
    Rolf Harris…touchy feely prison cunt.
    Rupert Murdoch…rich cunt.
    Don Bradman…scaredy hiding behind his bat cunt.
    AC/DC…Oh wait…Jockland cunts.
    Giant rat looking like a dog taking a shite cunt skippy.
    The list goes on.

  4. “….the politicians who allowed this to happen”
    Yes I’d go along with that. We Brits weren’t invited to the countries which became the commonwealth, we just walked in there and took over. And they all benefitted.
    Then we gave them their independence, but that didn’t mean we had to invite millions of them to move over here and live off benefits. Those with skills who came to work and integrate are no problem, it’s the rest who want to recreate the shitholes they’re used to over here, they’re the problem. And we have our politicians to thank for it.

    • It makes a lot of valid points, and I do not think it was intended as “Brit bashing”

      • I didnt like it.
        Sick of foreigners slagging this country off.

      • Agreed MNC – and the treacherous natives doing it boils my piss even more ??☠

  5. No offence to any fellow cunters but reading the site daily i think the Aussie cunt has a point. Most Englishmen aren’t happy with the current situation and it’s heavily highlighted on this site every single day.

    • I agree, it wasn’t his fault the poor cunt was taken down under by his parents, the fucker was only 11 fo’fuxake, he loves the UK. cut him some slack

  6. I have nothing against Australia, but I wouldn’t go there. Main reasons are :

    1. It’s far too hot for me.
    2. Gympie Gympie
    3. Other miscellaneous creatures that want to kill you…
    4. Butch Women

    Fuck off cunts…

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