BBC Newsnight and Emily “cuntstick” Maitlis. Again. The BBC and Maitlis have taken a lot of flak today for their “news” show, and rightly so. Under Paxman’s helm, it wasn’t too bad, but with Maitlis in charge, it’s regressed into nothing more than far left propaganda, ably demonstrated by the latest edition of the show, in which fucktard Maitlis delivered a stinging monologue on Cummingsgate and Boris Johnson, and repeating the now debunked claims initially made by the Sunday Mirror, The Mirror and the Guardian (real bastions of truth and integrity there), including the claim that he made a second trip to Durham based on an allegation made by ONE supposed witness. And he turns out to be something of a cunt too, he claims he googled the registration of the car he thought belonged to Cummings. I mean, what normal person does that? No normal person, but someone with an axe to grind would. Incidentally, an opening monologue seems to be standard now on News Shite, which has led to some to compare it to a left wing version of Fox News.
To much surprise, the BBC has issued a half hearted apology, in which they admit that they did not meet their impartiality standards, which weren’t that high to begin with. They also deleted the clip they posted on Twatter. Maitlis however, ever ready to show us what an utter cunt she is, retweeted the clip, which some other prick had posted. Given that Maitlis has a track record of proving she is entirely biased toward the left, I would say that the BBC have grounds to now issue her with a formal warning, and a copy of their impartiality guidelines. Ideally, they should fucking sack the twat. They won’t do either though, because she’s one of the BBC’s sacred cow’s (pun very much intended), a woman. If she were, she’d be out on her far left arse.
Considering the BBC is so keen on keeping the TV tax, they really aren’t doing a good job of convincing taxpayers that they provide value for money. In fact, they’re now just proving what cunts they are on a daily basis.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
The BBC don’t even pretend to be impartial any more. No matter how many votes go against their skewed thinking ie Boris Brexit Farage ( in the euro election) they are still convinced that they need to educate and convert us to their lefty groupthink way.
And orange woman Maitlis is only like the rest of the rabble at the now totally discredited Brussels Bullshit Corporation.
There is simply no hope for the utter cunts.
Maitlis? Cunt.
BBC? Liars, cunts and vermin.
Get rid.
Wonder what happened to my Boris and gypsies noms? – looks like they didn’t make it, oh well.
Fucking Maitlis, what a cunt…..
The BBC received thousands of complaints about this and as one of the virtual audience on question time said “she got so exited on Tuesday night she had to take the next night off”.
Being a big fan off the BBC I added my complaint for all the good it will do, the BBC are guaranteed their wedge up to 2027 so they don’t give a shit, an apology but will it sack Maitlis, I doubt it because they all piss in the same pot.
I complained about her when Trump visited the UK after she announced that ‘nobody wants him here’ , I guess she speaks for the 65 million.
She is so far up her own arse, Stone faced bitch!!
Champagne socialist rat with her jowly snout in the trough, some things never change.
And complaining does nothing, the complaints process of the BBC needs a separate cunting all of its own.
Enjoy it while it lasts BBC – your time is running out.
Kanadian Kunt!
I’ve complained too Sick of It and if I don’t get a satisfactory response then I will escalate it to Ofcom.
I urge everyone to do the same.
It’s an absolute disgrace that people have to pay for lies and left wing propaganda.
Fair play, will send mine in later this evening.
The BBC escalation process is bollocks, you just get the same response from a different slightly higher BBC cunt.
Maybe Ofcom are better but they will probably refer to the BBC internal complaints process.
What is needed is a mass refusal to pay the TV licence, lets see them prosecute 25 million people.
We have another Syndrome to contend with here. Similiar in virulence to Trump Derangement Syndrome. CDS. Cu*mings Derangement Syndrome. It is prone to affecting women journalists, commentators especially, making them hysterical.
And the ‘Jerry Spinger’ turning to the the camera shit. No wonder Paxman got out.
And there was a photograph of Emily on the front page of The Guardian – all noble looking in dramatic light. A beacon of impartiality…
One of the IRA supporting lot has been at it. Wanted a length from her bf who was married at the time. Went for a 5 hour drive then back to hers. Maybe they were playing back gammon. Or not. Anyways she’s fucked off and resigned
A Labour MP has apologised and stood down from her frontbench role after admitting breaching lockdown rules.
Rosie Duffield met her partner in her Canterbury constituency for a five-hour walk when he was still living with his wife
Five hours ? 20 minutes is good going for me.
A story hidden away right at the end of their shitty online news “service”.
Another example of the wider lesson that if the people providing a service do not suffer when their service is bad, they will provide whatever service pleases them.
Maitlis is one piece of what makes the BBC the left wing cuntfest it is.
I was watching a report recently on Al-Beeb, I could not believe as the fukwit with a mike cut to a news conference – then completely altered and distorted what had just been said ten seconds before! Am I the only person noticing this?
How the fuck can they get away with these blatant lies and distortions?
The BBC need to be made to realise that their job is to REPORT news, not fabricate and spin it.
Glad I don’t pay for a licence, this organisation is a taxpayer funded joke.
You seen the photo doing the rounds, pissed up and spaniels ears flopping about? She also as a face like a leather football after Bobby Charlton as finished with it.
Emily has always struck me as rather odd looking and couldn’t really put my finger on it for a long time and then it dawned on me…..the sneary faced moo should not have been blonde for the last 20 years ever since she was a news presenter on London Southeast. (Hasn’t she done well?). Her natural hair colour is dark brown so should have stayed so in my opinion. Many women can carry off being a blonde but definately not Emily, it makes her hard boney features look more obvious and does her no favours.
But then again, it’s not stopped her getting good gigs at the BBC that she looks unqualified for. Look at the way she handled that Tory leadership debate. Got right up her own anus, surprised the cunt wasn’t demoted after the savaging she got for it. Oh well, one can dream.
I would have to disagree with some of the people here calling for Maitlis to be sacked.
Stoning should be an absolute minimum.
The BBC is just a Leftwaffe mouthpiece – how that is possible when they have an obligation to be impartial and balanced is totally beyond me. Hanging would be far to good for most of the cunts there.
Leftwaffe. That’s gold, I’m nicking it.
Andrew BrillO’Nell used to do monologues though, didn’t he? Amazing how he wasn’t sacked.
?Afternoon Capt.
I do miss Andwoo’s monologues.
Hiya Ruff. I can hear the Flabbotasaurus interview now…
“Andwoo…Andwoo, we have made our position on this perfectly clear. Since fourteen o’clock yesterday, five thirds of the Labour Party want to wemain in the EU, the other half wants a West Indian mother; the final half wants their child to go to pwivate school. You’re only trolling me because of my colour. That’s waycist.
Now where’s my moquito? Some cracker’s probably nicked it.”
The cunt looks like she was dug up by Howard Carter.
If this mental bitch is so in love with communism then I suggest she is reinterred with Stalin.
Perhaps she should live by her communist values Unkle Terry and redistribute her considerable wealth.
As most wealthy Lefty’s she’s a fuckin hypocrite.
Fuckin orrible orange bitch.
While I agree DC needed a good cunting, it was not her place to, what seemed to me, go on an extended period pain induced libtard rant. I haven’t heard her once even criticise Neil Kinnock or that Ali bloke (both Labour MPs…DC isn’t even an MP) for doing similar stuff.
She should be fired, along with that jug eared tax dodging champagne socialist, Linekunt (didn’t he call the PM a liar in a tweet and get off Scott free? How is that not showing political bias?) The BBC will, of course, make excuses for them as usual and they’ll keep their jobs.
I do agree that the libtards (which of course includes Al Beeb) went into apoplexy over this affair because the bald twat brought about Brexit. They want revenge.
Maybe he does deserve the sack. But let’s see Labour and the BBC fire their ‘rule breakers’ first. Nope?
Fuck off then.
Neil Kinnock’s son, I mean (doh)
Fuck knows what that stalker saw in the ugly leather faced old slapper.
Like someone pumped up toland man and gave it a job shrieking left wing propaganda. Living proof that you don’t need good looks to be a tv presenter, and she is probably still moaning that she isn’t getting paid enough. Her pissflaps must look like the least attractive piece of biltong imaginable.
Emily, flap tits, Maitlis is a hero. She has almost single handedly brought The BBC to the edge of destruction. Keep it Up.
Or could it be Trump fucked the cunt and shes a plant. Either way win win. The left are dumb as a lump of coagulated third rate turds
C’mon Chaps, have a heart. it was probably time of the month when she had her rant about cummings .
She didn’t do a bad job on Prince Paèdo…
To be fair, Prince Andrew made it easy by looking guilty as fook throughout. That bit where he said he was ‘too honourable’ was fucking hilarious.
Nah, for me you could’ve shaved a chimp, chucked a suit on it and got the same shite out of Andrew. He came across to me as being thick as fuck and with a complete lack of self awareness.
I refuse to give her any credit. He walked into the shite pit without any guidance or trickery (just my opinion though).
I was thinking this morning, what if old Baldybollocks had been gay and had gone to Durham to see his sick boyfriend? (by sick I mean Ill, not a filthy pervert spunkbucket) Would the libtards have gone after him with such zeal and vigour? At first I thought no, of course not. He’s a victim, one of us after all. Then I thought hold on……..why would “one of us” work for the Tory bogeymen and not love the wonderful EU? Yes, it would have been worse , the cunt would have been a traitor.
I really shouldn’t try and get into the minds of the libtards. It gives me a fucking headache.
The BBC now reporting about protests in London supporting black lives matters.
No mention of Antifa leftists agitating or multiple police officers across America receiving death threats.
The facts of the case are yet to come out, but we already know the officer and the victim likely knew each other from both doing security work at the same venue.
The BBC is toxic to the British people.
Exactly, I still don’t understand why anyone is assuming this is in any way racially motivated.
Did the officer say anything “racial” when performing the arrest, or after? No.
Seems to me those who see a white officer arresting a black man and assume that it must be racially motivated are actually being racist themselves.
Oh dear perhaps all the BAME cunts will go down with Covid?
I’m actually surprised it’s her first cunting, but a quick IAC search confirmed it. How did she stay under the radar so long?
I would rather shove my cock in a paper shredder than fuck that skinny chisel featured hag. Never did like her, a miserable type who wouldn’t let a rip snorting orgasm alter her stone faced image..
She is a tad pointy-faced. Like Professor Snaffle in a Sturgeon wig.
Fellow cunters have said it all – utter cunts the lot of them, but I agree she has now brought the BBC to the brink of oblivion.
If Boris – urged on by DC – had the balls he would summon the Trustees and inform them that as they had breached their Charter, the LIcence Fee (TV Tax) is toast forthwith. Then watch the screams.
For all the good it does, I shall complain, plus write to my MP and give him an earful. Keep getting at them – drip, drip. Eventually it will get the message across.
Meantime, don’t pay them a ha’penny.
I told you 2020 would be a bigger year for cunts than the bumper 2019……….
Big Al
Hear hear!
Saggy old EU-loving oxbridge drone.
The BBC need to send her back to the factory to have her biases retuning.
‘A bit too vocal, Em’. You just about got away with sniping at Liddle, and bleating the mantra about tolerance and diversity in your interview with the Hungarian foreign minister.’
‘Poor old girl.. what do you think, Jenkins? Is she ready for that Northumberland estate yet?’
‘Give her time. It’ll be that, or Porton Down.’
Just seen a 50 second clip of the anti racism demo in Trafalgar Square. Not a single black face there! Just the usual blue haired, man bun, sandal wearing, tree hugging brigade.
Where is Jon Snow when you need him?
Good evening Admin.
The next nom, Hugh Grant, appears to be frozen, cant comment on it.
Dont know if you could free it up please?
To be strictly accurate, it is only right that the demo was white only, although these cunts don’t know how ironic they are. It’s the blacks and Asians that are the racists.
Perhaps swamped in a sea of white faces Freddie!
I complain to the BBC and the offices of Rip Van Wankle the pram filler on a regular basis – they do absolutely nothing!
My complaint about the BBC Question time episode for under 30’s only was initially upheld by OFCOM but the rat vermin have now backtracked and told me I have to complain to.. the BBC!
Give me fucking strength, but they are running scared because they know I have got them by the balls with regard to age discrimination laws they clearly breached, and every complaint to the BBC should be accompanied by one to the offices of the Prime Minister – every complaint by the public is another nail in the coffin of the Biased Bolshevik Corporation.
Get rid.
On other news, after a “somewhat warm” day of gardening (got paid for it though, all good ?) I am quite tired and a tad stiff, I award myself a cup of tea!
Much incantation of ‘Black Lives Matter’, I see. Given that they’re jammed together and in physical contact during an epidemic, presumably their own lives don’t matter. I concur…just keep the fucking snowflake SJW cunts away from me, please.
PS. Floyd was a convicted armed robber with a fair few other grimy marks on his court record. Not to excuse police brutality, but there was maybe some history there?
It really pisses off the “black lives matter” libtards when you say “why only black lives? – all lives matter – why are you being so racist”?
Ooh, the confusion and anger on their tearful little faces is a picture!
And mangy Maitlis has tits like two fried eggs hanging off a nail and the last time I saw a face that looked like that it was crawling out of a well in “The Ring”!
The info about him trying to use fake ID/documents was glossed over in a few seconds, no more…
However, I agree the cop was a tad “Constable Savage”…
Popped into one orf these pop up make one’s oine fragrance boutiques and had a go at knocking up Maitlis, me new designer parfum for the Left Wing. Base orf old pussy (a secretion extracted from me old tom’s balls – and bugger me that hurt ) with high notes orf Nigerian skank and poofs pants with a lingering theme orf old ladies drawers + a surprise kick orf “sixty sweaty years in the saddle” to deliver those powerful mature lesbo leather notes.
Me concoction is flying orf the shelves in certain circles. All doine to the nose, me old cunt sniffer that has been testing and developing for many a year.
Good to see you back posting again Sir Limply! ?
Has it featured in the Guardian’s weekend SJW Lifestyle Supplement yet? A word in the right ear and a bit of product placement on Radio 4 News might be possible, too.
Excellent to see you back, old boy!!
Sir Limply, that reminds me of a segment in the film Hannibal, one of my favourites.
Anyway that Emily Maitlis thinks her sh*t doesn’t stink, even with that enormous nose she still can’t smell the stink of left wafting up from her own ass.
This cunting bitch pinned her true colours to the mast in her ‘interview’ (read: harangue) with the Hungarian Foreign Minister, in which she repeatedly berated him that “you do know Hungary hasn’t got an immigration problem, right?”, as if not having an immigration problem is something to be ashamed of. This tumbleweed-minged pustule of BOVID-19(84) berates Cummings for daring to leave his house; let’s see how she likes it when she gets domestically abused and has her oubliette of an axe-wound pincered off by her beloved Moose Limb overlords once they take over.
Cummings is the architect of dropping the licence fee from the BBC,and that they are the enemy of the people.Hardly surprising that Maitlis went for the throat is it?This horrible leftie is part and parcel of the BBC we know better than you establishment.The sooner the licence fee is de criminalised the better I for one won’t be paying for it Maitlis aka “Mrs Quick Tan” wants to disappear back to Canada where she came from the horrible orange bitch ??
Ivory tower dwelling cunt of the first order.
Newsnight, apologies newscunts has less viewers than most decent YouTube politico commentators.
The end is nigh for these smug, self obsessed “living in a CUNTbubble” metropolitan elites who suck up the license fee like a 1980’s skag addict sucked brown.