Zara Sultana (2)

I’d like to nominate Zarah Sultana. Another Labour Party fuckwit who brings race and racism into everything. Only today this cunt tweeted

“ Black and Asian people are being disproportionately hit by Coronavirus reflecting wider social and economic inequalities. The fight against racial injustice must be at our heart of our response to the virus”

I nearly choked on my Earl Grey, Is this cunt for real? Has she been taking lessons from Abbott in crying ‘racist’ whenever anything happens that she doesn’t like? How the fuck do these thick racist cunts get elected? I wasn’t aware of this cunt before today so I looked and thought to myself “brown and crying racist’, she has to be a Labour Party cunt….I wasn’t wrong. Unfortunately it’s only 26 years old too, I predict many more cuntings on this site in the future

Nominated by Laughing Gravy

143 thoughts on “Zara Sultana (2)

    • Poor George would be vilified as a racist for that song these days and “Standing at the Lamp Post” is a blatant attack on Eastern European sex workers.
      He might get away with “Little Stick of Blackpool Rock” though. I reckon the poofs would like that one.

      • Ladies and gentlemen a warm welcome, put your hands together for “hateful George Formby”!

        “Turned out nice again you black bastards!”

      • I was wondering why Sky or the BBC don’t show old Olympic Games or World Cup coverage from the 60s, 70s and 80s in full as it was broadcast at the time, during this Chinese bat flu crisis. It would be great to see the old adverts too from those times if they used ITV’s coverage.

        Surely, this would prove to be a hit? But then I realised why they aren’t doing it. I recall watching the World Cup on the BBC in 1990. During a panel discussion, Sir Geoff Hurst, while sitting next to Garth Crooks, said ‘N*gger in the woodpile’ (you can find it on YouTube). That was 1990. Imagine what they said back in the 60s and 70s? Some of the older broadcasters (and current bosses) would be shitting themselves as to what they might say next if they put this on TV now (because none of them would remember from back then if they said anything deemed offensive nowadays)

        Bring it on I say, I could do with a fucking laugh.

      • Remember Big Ron back in 2004 talking about Marcel Desially Cuntybollocks…….

        ‘He’s what is known in some schools as a fucking lazy thick n*^ger’.


      • Big Ron was a favourite of mine. He once (in similar fashion to his Dessially comment) thought his microphone was off and that they’d gone to an ad break. Totti of Roma and Italy was being discussed and he said, ‘I don’t know what all this fuss is about Totti. He looks like a little twat to me. Are there any more if those sandwiches left, I’m starving?”

        He also said this about Chinese women, “I can’t understand why there is such a population problem in China as they have the best contraception going: Chinese women are the ugliest in the world.”

        And who could forget, “It’s all about the two M’s. Movement and positioning.”

        And now we have boring, know fuck all split arses instead 🙁

      • Didn’t he also ask some Muslim woman if she was “carrying a bomb under that thing” on celebrity big brother? I don’t watch the shite but I’m sure I remember reading about it at the time

      • My favourite Big Ron story is when Karren Brady was MD of Brum City FC & Ron was at Villa. At a party she asked him if Dalian Atkinson was his son – Ron just grinned & said ‘yeah’.

      • George Formby won the TT single handed and saw off the Bosch whilst doing it – what a Man! (It was in a film and therefore must be true!)
        Did much better than that lazy Stirling Moss..
        Oh, did I forget – fuck Zara Sultana – back to the Third World with you, we don’t like dirty little racist traitors.

      • George Formby sang a song about the ManTT Foxy.
        From Wigan I think, massive at the time, proper star.?

  1. Loving the original posters handle . A fellow laurel and hardy fan. Cracking nom too !

    • Agreed – good nom Laughing Gravy! (Although for some reason it brought out a venomous anger in me).

    • Thanks, Laurel and Hardy are the masters of comedy in my eyes. Fucking superb.

      This was actually my first cunting on this site. I felt compelled to contribute as this Sultana cunt had made my piss boil…

  2. Just a few weeks ago I was saying that the BAME or LGBT people would use this as an excuse to cry ‘discrimination’. They just cant help themselves! She’s worth a go though, not often you see a politician who’s even remotely pretty. I do prefer Liz Truss though, something attractive about her.

    • “Worth a go?” WORTH A GO!!!!
      Leaving aside the fact she’d have your knob off with a kebab knife there must be something wrong with my eyesight. ?

      • I did say A GO, just one. Maybe with the light off. The upside, she probably has a hairy muff, which I do love.

  3. There’s a Pakistani in our street who plays lead guitar in a metal band.

    He’s also a Muslim, so every day he has to read a copy of Kerrang….

      • Wheres admin?
        Not commented in a few days?
        Not left us unattended for 2 days surely?
        Ill report you to social services admin, anything could of happened!!

        don’t you worry we’re still here. Thanks though MNC, very considerate of you

  4. Some of the spear chucking community think the stay at home message doesn’t apply to them as they’re still out and about on the transport system travelling to buy or sell drugs which makes the cunts more at risk of being infected or infecting others and not a sign of the boy’s in blue to front the four door saloon cunts

    • “Stay at home” – Africa, Syria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Yemen, etc etc – STAY AY HOME!
      Hopefully they got that message.

    • Just watched a docümentary about a wrestler called Andre the giant.
      This guy was 7ft 4in and nearly 500lbs, a true giant!
      Massively famous in the US, not so much here, but this bloke liked a drink, he drank 156 beers or 14.6 gallons on a night out!
      Arnold Schwarzenegger said they had dinner an both wanting to pay, Andre picked Arnie up like a child and hung him from a fixture.
      Cant do links but the guys hands are 3times the size of a normal blokes!
      Ps dont know why im telling you about this but I was absolutely riveted by it.

  5. I think if she had said this to Trump, it would have gone down like this..

    Sultana: This virus is killing the BAMES the most. Why is this virus so viciously racist?
    Trump: Its not racist at all, its a virus, a virus from Chy-na.

    • Was “Spanish flu” (originated in China btw) racist towards the Spanish then?
      Where are all the candlelit vigils? was one of the Spaniards a friend of David Lammy?
      Why is it always the janitor in Scooby Doo? Why didn’t they just arrest him at the start of the show?
      Right, time for a bike ride! ?

      • Shouldn’t it have been called White Death then RTC?

        Visual on coat acquired, target locked…

  6. I was in a bar in Spain waiting to get served when a huge fucking heifer of a bird standing next to me, started to try and chat me up.
    As the barman approached I asked if I could get her something.
    She said, “Oh! thanks yes, I’d like a margarita if that’s not to cheeky.”

    ….”Hi, three San Miguel’s please and this fat cunt wants a cheese and tomato pizza”….

  7. We need a bigoted, straight, white male politician to say something like: ‘the BAME, LGBT, feminist and vegetarian/vegan population is not being hit hard enough by coronavirus. I say to them, go out, mingle with others, do your bit to make our country better.’

    • They moan like fuck when they’re under represented, and they moan when they aren’t, you can’t win with the cunts

  8. They moan like fuck when they’re under represented, and moan when they aren’t, you can’t win with the cunts

  9. Just had an indian/pakistani type on ITVs The Chase, Pratiksha her name is, english accent though. Not bad looking, a doctor, but knows bugger all about england.

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