A cunting for the United Nations, who today (25th March), were given airtime to espouse their need for an “extra 2 Billion”, to help them fight the “Virus”.
The UN is a Khun Cake talking shop, living very nicely off the subscriptions of its membership. Has the UN ever achieved anything worthwhile in its history? Nah! It’s achieved fuck all, apart from line the pockets of its Khun Cake Club!
Asking for another shovel of dosh when the whole world is in meltdown, simply shows these fuckers up for what they truly are – greedy, shit-stained, foreign fuckers!
Nominated by Asimplearsehole
I think we should pay.
I think boris should drop off the money personally.
…. and lick all the door handles on the way in.
(Sorry admin, I know that’s borderline…. I don’t want them dead.)
Just waiting for the shock horror news that Africa requires a few trillion apart from any UN involvement. They can both get fucked.
Considering China is buying up all of Africa’s resources at an alarming rate and doing absolutely jack shit for the local population. Perhaps they can spare a few hundred billion to assist?
Since the Chinese have moved in on our old turf, many African countries actually miss the good old days of colonialism.
A decent system of government and law, work for those who wanted it, reasonable investment in infrastructure, education for the kids and fair treatment from Massa.
While our students are trying to erase all traces of colonialism from the universities, the Africans want us back.
Can anyone lend me 50p?
What’s that in Euros?
Dunno Johnny, at a guess half a pair of snails and a white flag?
Bonjour, how much for the croissant almond?
For you Monsieur, juste a couple of snails.
You asking about being lent 50p, a facking beggar came up to me asking for money.
1) Cash is effectively banned so why would I have any.
2) Get the fuck away from me you incubator cunt!
The U.N.?
“ GENEVA, April 2, 2020 — China was appointed on Wednesday to a United Nations Human Rights Council panel where it will play a key role in picking the world body’s human rights investigators — including global monitors on freedom of speech, health, enforced disappearances, and arbitrary detention.”
That U.N.?
If people can’t see the U.N is the problem not the solution by now they ain’t been looking.
You couldn’t make it up could you sixdog….
Like Tony B.Liar being appointed middle east peace envoy after killing hundreds of thousands in the middle east!
I really think it’s a case of the elite sticking two fingers at he population. The ones who bother to see through this bullshit anyway.
For most people the U.N. is an abstract concept that will only appear on their radar once world government is replacing national governments.
Oh the fucking irony of it!
The United Nations- about as much use as an inflatable dartboard.
Fuck me, that is unbelievable but on reflection par for the course.
And the UN still wishes to be taken seriously…..
Half a Trillion dollars squandered on what? Just set fire to it or flush it down the loo.
Hoo-ee, what a self-important bunch of cunts.
‘‘Tis a wonderful organisation with some of the biggest cunts in the universe given positions of power in such un projects as human rights, tights for women etc. The time has come to publicly state that the un used to knock out a half decent Christmas card, and a pretty hot eid card as well. Now they have become one of the biggest goatfucks in the known universe, fade away peacefully.
Great nomination ASA.
The UN is on a par with the European Union.
Very good at helping themselves to other people’s money in order to fund their lavish lifestyles. When push comes to shove, absolutely fucking useless.
Abolish it immediately and start mustard gassing inferior lands.
Fucking cunts.
just who are they ‘appealing to?’ – big business, big pharma – you Cuntflap? me Lana – fuck’s sake this is getting madder and madder – given the UN have let the WHO off the hook all of these cunts can go and fry in a bucket of rapeseed oil
I’ve heard of them but haven’t the foggiest idea what they even do…assumed that they were just another forum for Windbags to flap their gums.
Afternoon Dick.
It was formed in 1945 by the big-wig nations to prevent World War 3 breaking out, or some such dreary nonsense.
They are like socialists, spend other people’s money.
2 billion seems a nice round number too. Not 1.5 or 1.8 but 2 billion. I suspect there is some contingency in that some. Lord knows what they could spend this on. Hosing cash down the shitter springs to mind.
They need the money to send delegations of perverts to 3rd world countries so that they can sexually abuse … sorry ‘advise’… the locals.
Many years ago when I was a journalist I visited the UN European headquarters in Geneva. You never saw such a dreary place. It was a chateau moldering away on the shores of the lake with a view of the Alps and felt more like a convalescent home than a center to resolve the world´s pressing problems. There were long silent corridors and committee rooms attended by a few bureaucrats with no one listening to the speakers. None of the ambassadors or anyone with a decision-making role was there as they were too busy dining at expensive restaurants in five-star hotels with their secretaries and hookers. All paid for by the united nations of taxpayers.
Later I visited the UN headquarters in New York which was much more dynamic but equally useless. During a guided tour I became involved in an argument with the (female) guide who claimed that prostitution in “developing” countries – often with minors – was the fault of white male tourists. When I pointed out that I lived in a “developing” country at that time and that local – not foreign – men made up the overwhelming majority of prostitutes´ clients, she refused to believe me and brushed off my comments. As many of the others on the tour were also from “developing” countries they knew I was telling the truth but kept their mouths shut.
hoôkers is a moderation trigger word Mr Polly…
Fuck the UN , fuck the WHO, fuck the EU, fuck the ECB and above all fuck the CCP who seem to have corrupted and infected the world. All cunts.
what’s wrong with the Englih Cricket Board i ask?
Shittiest Scrabble hand ever.
Is this $2 Billion $1.6 Billion as they will have to work from home? Cunts
Secretary Generals of the UN:
Atonio Guterres
Ban Ki-moon
Kofi Annan
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Javier Pèrez de Cuèllar
Kurt Waldheim
U Thant
Dag Hammarskjöld
Trygve Lie
No English names.
More fuckin foreigners with their hand out.
Hope you all catch..a cold
And are perfectly unharmed.
Go eat bats you scavenging cunts.
MnC – You just been on the ‘we got bollocked for wishing folk were dead page????”..
Afternoon Daz,
No mate, been with the akita in the grounds of a stately home, nice day today an im in a awfully nice mood!
Just popped in to check your all ok!
No fighting, no one crying,etc
Admin asked me to help babysit in these troubling days!??
I’ve been walking the Wye with the mutt….boring but like being a kid again in the exam year of school when they fucked you off in May to ‘revise’…oh aye Mr Whitehead…we will…
We have a permanent seat on the Security Council Miserable. It doesn’t swivel around, it’s not on rollers. It’s permanent, bolted to the floor.
And some Lefties say we should give up our permanent seat to India!
Dont even have toilets!
An some sleep on a bed of nails.
Fuck India and the UN.
Although snake charmers is about right!?
“An some sleep on a bed of nails.”
You don’t fuckin’ believe all that do you Miserable?
That’s just fakir news.
Saw a docümentary about a boy fakir in India, didnt eat or drink water for weeks (?)
Next time I saw anything about this dieting mystic he was wanted for rape!
Had his own cult going,
And liked to romance the ladies, whether they wanted to or not!!
Why not? India is the future.
We were the future once.
And nearly twice as many people speak English in India than do in the entire UK.
Speak it better too, in my experience.
Rtc, do you mind?
Im trying to be xenophobic here!!
As those nice young men sang in the 70s ‘no future’.
Please dont tell lady creampuff i disrespected India!
Not to worry Miserable. Lady C is no great fan of India either.
Besides, my reply was to Miles’s comment @ 6.09pm.
Funnily enough earlier on sky news was reporting on Indias response to coronavirus, saying about migrants from the countryside being sent away from the cities by police & hostile locals.
Problem is theyre on foot and wandering about so spreading it.
Think India will get hit bad.
Boris has gone into intensive care…
All over the news.
Domino Raab to stand in for him.
Dear admin,
My post is still awaiting your approval.
If you do not buck up your ideas I will be forced to take my infinite wisdom else where.
Hugs and kisses ?
That made you jump eh!?
The UN.
My brother in law was a boy soldier from 17 to 45 in HMF an ATO (ammunition technical officer) when he left he foolishly joined an American PMC and trained Afghan police in EOD, Bomb disposal, got well fucked over there (much as I said).
Well seconded to the UN he made quite an impression and now works as permanent staff UN and is currently stuck “somewhere in the world”.
Things are not going so well, despite the civil war/ insurgency Covid19 is kicking in it’s main targets being the points of civilization where the locals have a degree of education, they also seem to have rather a large supply of small arms and are a hairs breadth from panic mode.
He is stuck, The unit doctor had no idea how to don Hazmat suits or run a respirator, he has taught him, the protection force (local to the continent) has a bad habit of running away when under fire, He can not even take a military flight out with the former colonies air force.
Now that is fucked!
But on the plus side at 16K a month tax free it has its perks, just need to stay alive to enjoy them, hope he gets out ok, as and when.
The UN is a bit of a cunt.
Isn’t the job of UN to go to some pisspot country where they are having another civil war and ‘observe’?
‘I went to Eritrea, and all I got was a blue beret’
UN? We stand by, they all die.
Irrelevant, always was – get rid.
You are correct, to observe and document nothing more.
My brother in law teaches/ oversees the de mining in UN controlled zones (Roughly speaking (the word control)).
His zone of operations is non European so the UN likes to put in Local forces, The base that he was in was over run by insurgents 2 years ago, the locals fucked off and the ex military EOD team cleared the base (yanks 1 Brits 1) an attempted hostage taking 3 years ago, Insurgents 0 UN team 2 .
It depends on what level you worked at I suppose, I recall wearing a woolly hat and funny combats, whilst my regiment were doing UN duties in the same place.
Evening LB – move the UN out the way, send them for coffee or something – and then get to work.
The UN are a joke, and without wishing to sound awful walking towards the inferno knowing the Man next to you is afraid of the flames does not inspire confidence.
Brother in law was HMF in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan, he has written a number of papers on the proliferation of nonmetal IED’s from the conflict zones and into new zones, I did EOD (which I hated) he just took it a step further, to me the 50m pull was enough where as he loved the tech and hands on,
However he has been shot twice by snipers (through being a dick head), we level peg on being blown up.
However his from students not seeing secondary’s but he wins on the close combat, I have never killed anyone with a knife.
He is truly a bang on guy, but doubt he would get on here, used to be admin on an IED forum ( they exist) .
as for walking towards the inferno, well you dont know till it lights.
The UN wasn’t always shit and, if you go back far enough in time, it did some good things. The problem now is that like nearly all institutions, it has been overrun by the libtard virus – a virus many times more insidious and dangerous than Covid-19. So all you now have is a load of libtards lining their pockets like you cannot believe and, it goes without saying, being totally fucking useless.
As with any badly libtarded institution, repair is almost impossible and “close and start again” would be the wisest way. Post Covid, the world really needs to look at ALL the International Institutions (UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank etc) and impose draconian reforms. These Institutions do have important roles, but this means the right people and absolutely ZERO libtards.
So much for the UN’s supposed commitment to human rights.
You could not fucking make it up.
PG Wodehouse probably could RTC! Human rights is a contradiction in terms where our misunderstood and peaceful friends are concerned.
As I feel we will find out very, very directly in the not too distant future.
True Vern, but with the UK’s commitment to human rights why would we collude in putting the fox in charge of the hen house? What a farce.
This not point scoring here RTC but that’s exactly what I meant when I wrote about all pretence being lost, just with less eloquence.
They just don’t care what we want, think or know.
The system of governance in the UK is not remotely comparable to that of Putin’s Russia, which is what you were arguing.
Didn’t China become head of Health and safety at UN a few months ago?
We live in bizzaro world I tell you except with none of the cool eccentric DC comic characters
Thanks for keeping me informed on my thoughts.