Headed by a real life Bond villain, who has not long overseen legislation passed that allows him to be President for life, the Commie cocksuckers are in full on Maskirovka mode as they seek to cause unrest in the West by going full tilt with the fake news, ramping up fear of the Yellow fever outbreak.
They’ve even gone as far as blaming the U.K. for what they consider to be a man-made virus, citing Porton Down as it’s source on state sponsored, Kremlin-approved TV. No doubt the troll factories are filling social media with misinformation and horror stories, that they hope will destabilise and destroy the West.
Cunts. If they get any worse, the will be nearly as bad as the BBC.
Nominated by Gutstick Japseye
Apologies for this not having replies working earlier, please continue to enjoy in line with the biker nom.
Love admin.
At least they’ve managed to contain the world’s original number one ‘disease’ in ways the rest of the West fatally hasn’t.
Or have they? About as believable as the number of deaths Coming out of China.
I recall a very logical but sinister rise in death rates due to heart failure in a certain country.
You may have been shot or subject to massive trauma but it was the fact that the heart had stopped pumping blood was the recorded verdict, it was in fact true but an end to a chain of events.
There are no deaths from coronavirus in Russia.
Covid 19 patient dies – cause of death “stopped breathing” – clearly fuck all to do with coronavirus.
Expect Putin to be on state tv, shirtless, wrestling a Bear anyday now, to prove how healthy & fit he is.
Watch out for loads of nukes being half-inched out the back door of missile silo’s, as half the armed patrols are gasping for breath in an army medical tent.
I also wouldn’t put it past ‘Vlad’ to send a load of plane clothes ‘infected’ comerades to wander into the Ukraine to cough & sneeze over the bread & vodka in the shops.
He’s a sneaky fucker, that one !
Amazing how Putin looks more like Lenin everyday. A spud head dipped in embalming fluid.
Just a Stalin wannabe.
This crazy Russian funsters.
It’s a neck and neck race between the Russian bear and The Yellow Peril as to who is the biggest cunt of a nation.
My money is on the Chinks.
We should have let the Japs sort them out.
Anyhow bollocks to them.
All that revolution, murder and blood and you end up with a Tzar in Russia and an Emperor in China.
Both hate us, but love our money. Fuck them.
If it wasn’t for their nukes the Russians would be an irrelevance. Their failing economy under Putin is smaller than Italy’s or South Korea’s, FFS.
Putin is a narcissistic, sociopathic, homicidal, multi-billionaire kleptocratic cunt suffering from small man syndrome, his sole motivation is personal power, wealth and self aggrandisement.
Probably the only person who hates the West more than Putin is Jeremy Cuntbyn who, incidentally, is sadly no longer ‘leader’ of the Liebour Party.
Actually I feel sorry for the fuckers. Ordinary Russians, that is. Mind you, some of their online porn is cracking!
Vlad is also in denial about his sexuality a very confused unbalanced individual.
Anyone who has been somewhere on holiday where Russians go know full well they are a herd of rude, thick cunts. My Mrs got pissed in Thailand and told them all what cunts they were. Cunts.
in Cyprus,the russians had a part of the hotel roped off for reds only. Twas funny as fuck to see the Olgas parading around in fur coats in 80′ heat. True that.miserable cheating lying fuckers if you got to having a drink with them.
Although, the Olgas were fuckin stunning and i bet it really was no knickers under the coat.
I had a run in with a bunch of them in Greece, bolshi cunts, they did not like it when they were told to shut the fuck up and behave in their own language, though strangely enough they did
I’d shell Knightsbridge and get shot of them and the rag heads in one go.
Ooh. Good call.
Northern Ireland have really got on board with social distancing where all kneecappings are now carried out by a sniper….
China’s Xi Jinping also did the president/ or emperor for life thing last year if memory serves correct at the same time he boasted that china has a eligible right to hunt endangered animals the cunt also no western leaders opposed this declaration at the time except prince Willam
Heres hoping the Chinese elite who controls him are going to assassinate the fucker they can’t be too pleased with his incompetence following the wuflu virus you would think?! I hope theres some kind of retribution for this virus but considering the corruption and lip service western leaders give to china arsehole I’m seriously doubting anything substantial happens.
The way Trump has been talking lately you would think he rimjobs Jinpings ass personally, he onlys cares about GDP and ratings. Also even if we did go to war with china I’m sure this bald Russian cunt would come to Chinas rescue with threats of nukes or the seizing of smaller countries
The Chinks have enough nukes of their own, they don’t need pipsqueak Putin.
Thats true ruff they have a fuck load of nukes, bunch of intel of American military too from their chinese spies so they are set for war with the yanks but I can definitely see putin coming to chinas aid if need be red communist bastards stick together for the most part
Globalisation is a cunt.
I have a Mrs who has a few drinks and then tell people what cunts they are(bless her heart), Russians in my experience are usually rude, uneducated pork who need to talk to my Mrs once she’s had a few gin and tonics……Ooooh those Russians are cunts….Ra Ra Rasputin all Russians are cunts and Putin is the cunt pied piper…
Rasputin…. Ras Putin.
In Amharic language, the word Ras, literally means “head”. It is an Ethiopian title equivalent to prince or chief. The personal given name Täfäri (teferi) means one who is respected or feared. Thus Ras Tafari means Chief Dread or the Head Dread. This is the first earthly name of Emperor Haile Selassie I.
Weird… and not a little spooky!
I like Putin. He’s a man ! Aman who makes no appologies for being a man!
I like Putin coz he’s an intolerent bastard of everything I fucking hate!
Is he a cunt? Im sure he is, but the kind of cunt I like.
I feel sorry for the Russkis. They have only ever known repression – the Tsars, Commies and now Putin and his gangsters. They have natural resources and fuck all else. Putin’s forte is meddling. In a major stand off they would be annihilated. Sanctions, properly applied, and without the collaboration of our own financial sector and of course, fucking London (a cunting in it’s own right) would fuck them up in a year.
I think they love a bit of oppression. If you look at a lot of the ex soviet states, the weren’t that happy having democracy foisted upon them, so they turned to religion instead, and mostly, the one that oppresses the most. Like cuckolded men, they don’t have the imagination for freedom.
Russian troops had a skirmish with the Americans in the middle East not so long ago. The Americans wiped the street with them. The Russians wouldn’t have a ghosts chance . Shit amateur troops,old equipment and thick leaders.
But some if the women… phew. Really bonnie.
Great quote from Dr Strangelove- ‘ This is it ! Nuclear combat with the Rooskies’.
Now listen to me … listen to me …
Yeah, it were a couple of rogue Ruskie gay boys what done it.
Pootin’ knew nuffink abaaaaht* it!
* © B&WC
Vlad’s a smashing bloke. He buys his mother flowers and that.
Please pass on my regards to CS. I never had any beef with him. Then again, I rarely understood what he was on about, so maybe that’s not surprising. Our relations were always most cordial.
Guess I’m a Flabbott’s uncle and my £5 is but distant mammary.
Be seeing you. ?
PS: Seen anything of Flora recently?
He said too give me the £5 to mind for him.
Faust So Far? Of course I approve!
If you’ve read any of my comments over the past few months you’ll know I’m a massive Krautrock fan. The first four Faust albums are the bees knees!
Yeah, Flora’s been told to self-isolate for 12 weeks and I know for a fact that his access to Broadband is virtually non existent where he resides, and I don’t mean Colchester Zoo.
He will be back.
Alright Miserable, let’s be having that £5.
Did you ever get the feeling that you’re being stalked Ruff one?
Known for it Flu,
The gods love a trier.?
Flu Manchu @ 7.49pm
Just to clarify, I know nothing of Flora’s current state of health, hale & hearty or otherwise. Only that her last post stated that because she is over 70 she had been ordered by government decree, along with all over 70s, to stop work and go home and self-isolate for 12 weeks. That together with posts over time suggesting her broadband connection is very poor or non existent at home has led me to believe she’s probably been unable to post here since self-isolating.
Anyway, that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.
Yeah, I like all that other music you mentioned, apart from ELP and CSN&Y, they never really grabbed me. That said ELP’s first album is pretty good
And Madonna.
Bertie @ 8.17pm
What, me worry? ?
Cheers flu, a lifetime of dipsomania and pipeline politics, I read the nom, heard the music and typed the quote. Beyond that I haven’t a clue.
The Haber-Bosch process, the Petrodollar, the energy mix, Getafix. Pipelines, needles same thing. Batwoman has been caught, bang to rights, Xi is fucked, forensic IT with egg fried readership. Soapy tit wank, Dog bless the Screwdriver.
Im listening to the sugarcubes and having a halfhearted wank.
I had a full-throated wank last night. The first in 10 days!
“Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.”
Nighty night Miserable mate.
Putin is Russian and does things to help Russians.
Corbyn is British and does things to help Russians.
Putin maybe a cunt but i prefer him to our Labour lot anytime.
“You could be my lucky czar’..
Sorry still on mad donna nom,
Putin?…topless bumboy.
Topless bumboy…..fantastic ?
Whenever his popularity wanes, he released more pictures of himself topless holding a gun or topless on a horse. Not at all a gaylord and not at all homoerotic shouts to honesty.
Whenever you see Russians on TV they always look so fucking miserable!
No doubt so would you if you’d had to live under the despotic, totalitarian and criminal regimes the Ruskies have had to endure over the past 120 years…
But the average russian is fiercely pro putin and have a level of patriotism that we should have.
Including strangely the youth.
Dont even rebel. Against ‘the man’ !
Russians are a hard people, but not exactly a barrel of laughs.
Fuck em.
A few years ago the wife and I went on hol to Cyprus, and the place was teeming with the cunts. Most of the blokes were about five feet tall, middle aged , bald headed Kruschev look-alikes, with a bottle blond teenaged tart in tow. Talk about fucking rough.
Malta was the same Ron. Apparently, I didn’t know at the time, but it’s where Russians go to buy an EU passport, as for a couple of roubles, the corrupt Maltese government will give any fucker one.
Apparently Malta has a fine Golf Club.
Or is that Denham ?
Prefer pocket billiards meself.
Sod them.
‘headed by a real life Bond villain’.
Great stuff Gutstick!
Cheers, but he is! Camp as fuck megalomaniac with his orc like features enhanced with second rate plastic surgery. He doesn’t give a fuck about Russians, he only gives a fuck about Vlad.
There’s a couple of bellends in work with me that think he’s awesome. One in particular loves him because he’s anti gay, so I kept reminding him about his homo erotic topless calendar, and he loves a bit of man on man wrestling. He knows what a knob tastes like.
Tough as fuck that Putin,he is.
Yep, Putin & Trump are gay icons alright.
Never forgave the Commie Bastards after they put Rambo in that pool of pig shit. Got his own back with the helicopter attack on the camp though. I’ve been reading a book about the conflict at Stalingrad. This is how deranged they were, they used to send lads to attack Panzer tanks and troops without a weapon and the generals killed 13000 of their own troops for cowardice. An insidious, cruel and sly race, same as the Chinks. Both a set of horrible bastards.
Those bolshevik cunts hated Russians, so they slaughtered them.
See Alexander Solzhenitsyn writings for reference.
Putin makes a good show of looking after Russia and the natives,he’s like Trump in that respect too.
It’s all theatre but at least he doesn’t flaunt his contempt for the vox populi like our grasping over entitled fuckers do.
We had Bliar, Camacunt, Maybot with a side helping of Marxist shitter Crobyn Hood. Name me one of those rotters who even pretended to give a shit about the nation.
Johnson? We’ll know by the end of the year.
Err… they all pretend to give a shit, otherwise they wouldn’t get elected.
Putin has the luxury of not having to bother about elections cos they’re all a sham in his Russia. He controls all the media and the main opposition was outlawed during the last election, its leader banged up in jail on false charges.
Yeah, they all pretend to give a shit about their nations. Even Putin. Especially Putin.
It will be interesting how he puts anti – western spin on it when covid19 annihilates Russia, or how he explains that the economy is f*cked as he cannot bully and terrorise gangsters for their ill gotten gains anymore (he’s squeezed them all dry already you see!)
Russia is like an annoying little yapping dog – all shout and no clout.
So, for example, Clegg openly renaging on tuition fees was a mark of sincerity? He just lied, that’s it. Bliar and his dossier? I could go on.
They get elected because the nation only has a selection of glittering turds and no roses to choose from. Its a system, its the establishment, labour, tory same old story, mutton dressed as kebab, road kill dressed as roast beef.
You can offer people a shit sandwich on brown or white bread, it’s still a shit sandwich.
I’m a tad peckish now.
Elections are a mirage anyway, a token for the masses to clutch onto.
Naturally I beg to differ.
One final thought:
ISAC wouldn’t last 5 minutes in Putin’s Russia.
Got a point there, the whole caboodle is proxy, and Admin is tighter than a gnats arse
Are you a politician or am I condemned to suffer the consequences of my inebriation?
I think I spelt that right.
Taught English in St Petersburg 16 years ago, spent the whole month pissed, vodka with everything, including breakfast. It fucking flew by.
Really enjoyed it, Russians are nice people, great sense of humour.
The vast majority want Putin as their leader as he has rekindled the passion for the Soviet era when Russia was seen as a dominant force on the planet.
As with all nation’s that view the good old days with nostalgia, they have omited the gulags and deportation element, although I think the walk in the woods is still on offer.
I know the former Jugoslav UDBA boys still offer the service “Its traditional”
Sounds great
In the Battle of Britain, the Luftwaffe were powered by aviation fuel purchased from the Soviets.
In more recent times, Russia has been utterly reckless, assassinating and poisoning people in this country with various noxious substances.
Fucking savages.
Fuck Russia.
We should be grateful Stephen Kinnock is in charge of the Kremlin – we don’t want some commie in there now do we?..
Some Years ago a Man I know of had this f*cker in the crosshairs in Chechnya but didn’t get the clearance – Putin will never, ever know how close he came.
And forget sanctions – our spineless appeaser Politicians are either in with Putin or afraid of him – and as we get most of our domestic gas from Russia and would be f*cked without it any whimpers from the UK Government are merely posturing.
Just because he regularly likes to wrestle soldiers shirtless while oiled up doesnt mean hes gay,
Nor does the fact he wears leather underpants.
No, straight as a arrow.
Just like that rock ‘ard ladies Man Julian Clary!
(“Arite luv – wanna get in ‘t back o’ me Escort and look at me tattoos”?)
Are you inputin’ Putin has devient
sexual desires?
Are you inputin’ Putin was involved in the Salisbury attack.?
Are you for inputin’ Putin is not a Democrat?
I am disputin’ Putin is a bad fella
is what I’m sayin’.
Why does that not surprise me?
Evening Miles. ?
Yeah for most of the 18th, 19th centuries Russia considered itself a European country. You’ve only got to look at their artistic achievements in The Ballet, Music, Literature to see they had a thoroughly Western sensibility.
Anna Karenina deals with the same European culture as David Copperfield or Madame Bovary.
We are guilty of always being against Russia because its a long way away.
One thing I liked about Trump, when he said-‘What’s with Russia?’ Indeed.
I don’t like to disappoint.
Evening RT.
Forgot to mention in a previous post that Dostoyevsky’s ‘Crime and Punishment’ is one of my favourite books.
Have you read ‘Russia’s Lost Literature of the Absurd’, selected works of Daniil Kharms and Alexander Vvedensky, edited by George Bibian?
At the time of the alleged incidents Uncle Vlad was playing cribbage with myself and some ladies from Surbiton Women’s Institute!
Ask anyone! But not twice, obviously, because, you know – accidents happen..
Russians are savages. They’re content to live like pigs as long as they have their entertainment – vodka, ice hockey, rape and beetroot soup.
It sounded ok till the beetroot soup.
Fuckin animals.
Beetroot soup? Some people have no humanity!
The two faces of Valdimir Putin.
“Dobby has tank now”!
“Dobby is President now”!
“Dobby likes Russian democracy”!
Do the Russkies have any military clout nowadays?
I thought it was all scrapped.
MIG 21’s and T34 tanks going rusty in fields in Kazakhstan.
Derelict docks full of abandoned half sunk submarines, that sort of thing…
A few baubles to pretend they’re a military power Baron, the rest is junk.
But s*it loads of crazy violent commies!
And Jeremy’s holiday Dacha..
Always have more bullets than communists.
When I said ‘number one disease’, I was not referring to Corona.
That is all.