The Ostrich Position

I was in Australia in January (no, I did not bring that virus back with me). The amount of Chinese and Asian types far outnumber the White people in the cities.

The Chinese are buying up all the properties and prices are through the roof, no pun intended. Open cast coal mining is being paid for and bought by the Chinese. The detriment to their environment is secondary to having jobs, the Government says. All that, whilst fires ravaged the country. Some shops have the signage written in Chinese characters only, and that’s not just in Chinatown. Its clear the Chinese are taking over and will own Australia. When I spoke about this to my friends in Oz, they went rather quiet and changed the subject. Not one defended it though.

Most of the Chinese were wearing face masks. This was before the virus was big time news. The fuckers knew before we did.

Back here in Blighty, we are letting the Chinese run 5g through the land; think about how they can shut ofF/fuck up the internet. They are saying they can finance and build HS2 quicker and cheaper. And when it comes time to pay them and we can’t, they will just fucking own it then, as they are doing in Africa.

Whilst we bury our heads in the sand, the money the Government is throwing at the virus will be paid for by higher taxes, more poverty and future generations. The response is to shut the fuck of most things down and hope it all goes away.

My response? Am off to get pissed me. Stay safe, Cunters.

Nominated by the cunt of montybisto.

58 thoughts on “The Ostrich Position

  1. Hmm. Bit Spiveyish for my taste.

    Keir Starmer reveals unexpected sense of humour? Replacing two-bagger Emily Thornberry, winner of the parliamentary Miss Piggy lookalike contest every year since 20065, with the MILFtastic Lisa Nandy. In the unlikely event of Labour winning the next election, how will world leaders like Vlad the Heterosexual react to Page 3 stunna Lisa? Trumpy will probably ask for a feel.

    • “Bit Spiveyish ” Nearly choked on that one. That bastard who said that the Lee Rigby murder never happened. A mega cunt if ever there was.

  2. Whatever the Chinese knew or didn’t know,the rest of the World should hold them to account…massive trade tariffs,restrictions on travel etc. I’d also like to see Countries default on any debts owed to China and all Chinese assets seized.

    Won’t happen,of course. We’ll just slip back into allowing them to buy up Countries bit by bit until they have such a hold that they de facto “own” the Countries.

    Greta shouldn’t be overly concerned about our generation stealing her future….just wait until she gets a taste of the Fu Manchu State in action.

    Fuck the Chinks.

    • Morning Mr F, how goes it?
      How long until the first riot starts, do you reckon?
      Another “working” week, I’d say.
      It’s quite surprising that certain inner city areas haven’t already kicked off

      • Morning,Mr Cunt-Engine.

        The ones who’ll start the rioting’ll be the ones who don’t work anyhow. I can’t really see what difference it makes to most of them…they spend the day sitting in the house,watching telly and playing bingo on their phones anyhow….I suspect the fact that the Maccy Ds are closed will be what tips them over the edge.
        I’m just doing odd bits around the place at the minute…the lads who usually give me a hand with the treework are coming in tomorrow and we’ll get on with laying some new land-drains..I’m actually rather enjoying the “lockdown”

        You climbing the walls yet?

      • Good lord, yes.
        The Evil parasite has had the full-on virus and hasn’t had the good grace to shuffle off her mortal coil, despite all my prayers to hasten her along, so the kids and I are having to self-isolate.
        Much like yourself, I can only justify lazing about at the end of a proper day’s work, so it’s doing my nut in!
        Ah well, at least when the rioting starts, there’ll be a good spread of supermarkets to loot.

      • Fuck looting the supermarkets….I’ve got my eye on my new pair of riding boots….they are,of course,bespoke. I’m hoping that they have them finished to coincide with the rioting and looting.

      • I have amusing mental image of you riding a horse through Waitrose wearing the full regalia and leading a pack of hounds, horsewhipping any peasant who dares get too close and tooting a hunting horn. Or is that your usual Sunday lunchtime jaunt?

    • Psst Dick,
      gotta a pair of Horrace Batten’s let u av’em for 9 andrex and a bag of pasta.wink, wink.

      • Unfortunately I doubt that they’d fit me,CF. The old saying about being able to tell the size of a man’s cock by the size of his feet is true in my case….I require boots of an enormous size… fucking clown shoes they are.

        Besides,I actually have no toilet roll left….luckily the rabbits that I shot earlier make a serviceable replacement…..and I don’t eat pasta…foreign Wop muck…it’s Jersey Royal potatoes for me..all year long.

  3. At least in China (having been to 16 cities in the PRC) there are no aspiring architects stabbing each other… Not many dark as Newgate’s knockers running around wrapping.

  4. Confiscate all Chinese assets worldwide to help pay for their chinky pox and refuse to do any business with the cunts.

  5. The Yellow Peril are now too big to take on.
    The Covid Strategy has worked,all their opponents will be left saddled with colossal debt and astronomical unemployment.
    We can’t fight them or outspend the cunts so we’d better start liking bat soup.
    I’d prefer the Rape of Nanking all over again but the Japs have gone all Mickey Mouse.
    What a shitty panto.

  6. Filthy cunts, the Chinese. Imagine if they did take us over: I wonder if we would still have a General Erection every five years.

  7. At a certain London prison I was working at yesterday, someone paid for a copy of the times or torygraph for all the slags incarcerated. What a surprise that not one was taken of the vast piles left on the wings. The Pikeys, Polish,etc can not read English. Those that can have probably never even read the daily star. A waste of nearly £4000.

    Surely the Voice ( newspaper for Jiggers) would have been more appropriate?

    • Kravdarth you don’t seem to understand that a cunting usually means cunters comment on that particular topic.
      I am sure we all find your tales of your job in a prison fascinating, and who you think likes black cock, and what Dark keys have annoyed you today but try and stay on topic chap.
      A cunter has written a cunting and Admin have published it to be discussed and not to be hijacked by your ‘tales’.
      Perhaps Admin could create an Israel page for you to tell us abaaaaaht how many more Doctors they have than us etc.
      It’s really interesting…yawn.

    • TT EK@7:13 – I have an explanation – they have just had a delivery of toilet paper so the aforementioned publications are “surplus to requirements” at the moment ?

  8. China, and the chinese are pure cunts.
    And hated by lots of people before this.
    Mongolians attack them in the street, (chinese mining companies ripping them off)
    Tibet hates them because of occupation.
    They are a danger to all life on earth,
    I honestly dont see them as people, more a 5ft locust whos not content till theyve consumed everything.
    We have a international green agenda, genocide.

    • We had some down here in February when the river had flooded. One came walking over with a massive camera to go take pics of the abject devestation (no doubt to make a mass produced cheaper copy back home)…I said “don’t go down their it’s all flooded, its dangerous”…”How high?” he asked “Nice to meet you How Hi – now fuck off its flooded!”….CUNT!

    • “Chinks to the left of me, mudslimes to the right”
      (With apologies to Gerry Rafferty! ?)
      We have never lived in more dangerous times – we are in real danger of being swamped by the religion of piss at home and by the evil yellow locusts everywhere.
      I genuinely hate these filth, and I have decided to make my own small protest by never again in my life buying anything made in China – successive UK Governments have shut down our manufacturing powerbase and outsourced it to these sly evil little rats, and if we do not stop these f*ckers – soon, and HARD we are lost.
      I encourage all my fellow contributors to do the same, and to encourage everyone they know to boycott the tatty chink shit – China exists on international sales of second rate junk, the UK is a huge market for them – they do not buy their own sh*t, but demand better quality western products – time for some massive tariffs on them then – and no market to sell to means no economy. Imagine walking into a UK retailer, inspecting a potential purchase and then saying “I’m sorry – I don’t buy Chinese tat” – imagine EVERYONE doing that, and if we did the shops would soon stop buying and stocking the shit – we are consumers, and we have collective power.
      Time to play hardball with these b*stards, because if we don’t we are lost.
      I have started the ball rolling by cancelling all the contracts and business I have with the locusts – and I am f*cked if they get a penny I owe them (a lot, by the way) for the stock I got on account and am keeping – being the slippery f*cker I am I inserted a clause in the tiniest part of the small print of the contract stating that if there was a delay of over 30 days from the stated delivery date I had the right to cancel, pay them f*ck all and keep the stock I currently had, and they were so greedy and stupid they did not pick up on this – unlucky mate, and as the 30 day period is now well past I have every legal right to do this (so go f*ck yourselves you dirty little locusts) ??
      I do no more business with these sly evil little locusts, and will never buy anything made in China again as long as I live.
      Fuck them, and if any Chinese “business associates” want to come a calling to “discuss the money owed” I will look forward to that with keen interest – there will be a piece of England somewhere in the middle of nowhere that will be forever China! ??

      • Evening Vernon…..Good luck with not buying anything Chinky. I watched an interesting doco a couple of years back where the presenter tried just that….and she gave up within half a day.

        It’s not just the stuff labeled “Made in China” either; if you extend the exercise to include any components included within “home made” items, the list is fucking extensive to say the least.

        The midgety yellow cunts have trade pretty much sewn up.

      • Hello KC, I hear you on that one, the s*it is everywhere but I am determined these f*ckers will not get a penny of my cash ever again – and if our Government had any sense it would see this, ridiculous as it sounds, as an opportunity and be reviving manufacturing in the UK.

  9. Never fear, the Left will decree that any hate or bitterness towards the Chinese will be classed as racist, and that we must forgive them for the errors of their ways etc.

    Wouldn’t surprise me if the rinky-dinks became an anonymous financial donor of Labour and/or the Libdumnbs in the next few months/years, injecting money into the party via lots of 3rd parties so it would impossible to track down.

    Corbyn will probably get a job over there in the Chinese government given his Commie sympathies.

    • Nah, the libtards are blaming Trumpy. Oh, and that the ‘Spanish Flu’ started in America. Not true…it is now believed to have started in China. Ditto, the Black Death. Not European. Chinese.

      Aaaaannnnd SARS1, H1N1, Swine Flu etc, etc. etc…

      The libtards have really pissed me off more than with Brexit over this festering disease. They simply refuse to blame China for covering it up, and for jailing (and killing?) doctors for trying to warn everyone.

      They deserve to catch it, but I’m not having this one quietly with them like I did with Brexit (fear of losing job if I argued about it etc). This fucker is life and death as we know it. I will go full rage on them over this and not back down.

      Don’t be silent over this. It’s too important.

  10. China is over Corona? Can’t see it myself. The Chinese may have more problems at home than we know about and the population may just be getting to the point where they will change their government.

    • Are they fuck over it…They are all back wallowing in their own filth and wet markets breeding the next generation or parasitic virus – Covid-20…its a bit like Chinese “Now That’s What I Call Music!”

  11. ”Herro. Can we destroy country and ecoromy with virus? Virus from Chinese peepur they eating the bat and pangorins. When virus finish, we come and buy your country OK? Thank you make happy Chinese peepur!”

  12. The Chinks have been wearing face masks for decades FFS! As have the Japs. Nothing to do with knowing about the current virus before we did.

    That said, the Commie Chinese government are still massive cunts for not taking steps to contain the virus in October when they first knew about it. That’s totalitarian socialism for you.

    • Aye. There are two reasons people in Asian countries wear face masks. Pollution and viruses. They’ve had umpteen Chinese viruses. I keep hearing that ‘masks don’t work’. That is bullshit imo. Will they 100% stop you getting a virus? No. Will it help you stop spreading it? Of course, because if you sneeze or cough inside one it doesn’t travel as far into the air! Same with breathing. And it may help you stop catching a virus too for the very same reasons. Even if one does reach the mask, it could land on a thin strand of fabric and stay there instead of entering your airways. And yes, the virus could easily get through the mask too if it got that far, but not always.

      Masks are essential and they should be being mass produced in the UK as a matter of urgency for everyone. They get dirty, but they are better than nothing (we can’t afford to make 50 of them for everyone). They can be washed if careful and reused. Not great (or advised in normal times), but better than nothing.

  13. I am leading the way as usual and have decided to find myself a Chinese Wife who love me long time.
    We will move to Wuhan (probably the safest place in the world at the moment).
    I’ve had a couple of Chinese massages in London and was very ‘Happy’ at the end, so the women are always wanting to please and one of my favourite restaurants… Michelin starred Kai in Mayfair has some absolute beautiful staff dressed in their traditional Chinese clothes so they have some real beauties.
    It’s the only way cunters, if you can’t beat them join them…you never if tonguing the arsehole catches on aaaaht there I could have helped start a new virus…Arsholevid-20.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • Excellent idea B&WC! (But my Chinese ladies would be slaves!) Just watching a bunch of dooshkas marching down the street like the Third Reich bellowing their heads off, give me fucking strength.
      No, sorry, they are now sat on some grass smoking – just excuse me while I make a call to the filth.

      • Ah the Dooshka’s VF, what a bunch of cunts.
        I swear most of them are demented…they all seem to smoke 60 a day (like the Somalians) yet I bet nine of them catch this respiratory virus.

      • Incredible! I just called the pigs, told them the situation, the call handler said “we’ll despatch a vehicle – where are they and what are they doing”?
        I told them where they were and said they were “sitting in a close group on the grass and shouting rather loudly in foreign languages”.
        A pause, then “I’m sorry – I’ve just been informed all local units are engaged and none are available at the moment”.
        Any f*cking pig trying to hand me a sixty quid fine now will get a boot in their face.

      • Ah. The mistake was in telling them that they were foreign. Next time, tell them it was some white lads with ‘Tommy Robinson’ Union Jacks. Or some white old codgers with Brexit Party flags.

        They’d have had the helicopters, ‘all units’ and 45 police dogs on the scene before my you’d put the phone down.

      • Nine! How are able to predict with such accuracy, BWC? If you’re right, shouldn’t you be advising government? 😉

      • Dark key cunt, I’m always typing too fast and not checking after before posting.
        Was meant to say none…?.
        How you getting on bruv?

  14. Maybe you can adapt Cuntflap, but not me – I will hang myself after taking as many of them down as possible – I was not born to be anyone’s slave, and never will be.

  15. Ostrich position? Default setting for every appeasing Western Government!
    Good nom Sir!

  16. Globalisation, and massive outsourcing for extra profit. are the reasons why China has prospered. The Investors have started the beginning of their own demise.
    No point in moaning if you continue to invest in the “batshit economy” where chomping on some dogs crispy fried knackers is a feature of the daily menu. Its too late! And it should be obvious. Like looking up your own arsehole to see where the shit is coming from! Daft.

    Fuck China, the Chinks, their filthy diet and their political agenda. Cunts, the whole fucking shower of bats knackers.

    • The Chinese don’t even make components.
      An Iphone for example: the components are made in wealthy nations, sent to china to put together, and then sent back ?

  17. Vast swathes of new build apartments in London have been bought by Chinese as investments. Allegedly a high number of these flats are permanently empty! There are even estate agents who have come into existence just so they can flog these apartments to the Chinese.

    To digress, though it was mentioned in the nom, Huawei are limited to providing 35% of the 5G network by the UK government and are banned from sensitive parts such as defence. Talking of 5G, I’m amazed it is a thing. I don’t need to download Netflix content at the speed of light though I expect all the millennial mongs are delighted at the prospect and will flock like zombies to buy new phones. Bloody mobile phone operators are charging between £53 and £74 a month for 24 months for a 5g phone. I just about get 3G if I stand in a specific spot in the garden – fine by me!

  18. I use to talk about the jewish question quite abit on this website especially from 2014-2018 I stopped because I couldn’t get through anybody without being divisive or slandered as a german shill or nazi sympathezier. I don’t care about that anymore my life would be too short or anxiety filled if I worried about it as I did before

    Though the chinese question is probably more important and relevant then ever in these times globalization has taken a turn for the worst. The chinese have been dominanting globally, financially for quite sometime now and its all part and thanks with big cunt governments helping the chinese every step of the way!

    Canada is slowly catching up to Australia as our white population dwindles, while chinese and Indian populations skyrocket. We can officially be called Chinada soon enough I can’t wait to learn madarin. Globalism is a real cunt and most countries will look very different in the future I’m betting

    • Globalisation is, and always was, inevitable. It’s part of human evolution. The important thing is how we manage it.

  19. Yup to the topic Oz is bulging with cashed up Indians Chinese and muslims and the authorities seem so keen to bend over backward to make it piss easy for heaps more to come. Then they take on All sorts of refugees from Dog knows where. I was in the backwoods of Tasmania in some small village and there’s this Somalian chap working in the grocers, black as a bats asshole and poor language; Is that really his dream come true to live at the other end of the world with none of his own kind? I mean what’s the facking point!?

    • Better one Somalian than 50 of the bastards. They’ve colonised entire streets in South London, sitting around doing F all.
      I’d be annoyed about their welfare dependency if I earned enough to pay National Insurance.

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