The Guardian Newspaper
I actually used to avidly read and pay for the occasional copy of The Guardian when I was young and foolish but I had trouble taking this article seriously when I stumbled across it earlier today:
Donald Trump is responsible for the demise of the pangolin- is he fuck.
Of course ,whatever the tiddledywinks/splitlinks/rinkydinks (delete as appropriate) choose to have with their chips, peas and gravy has no affect on the pangolin numbers.
I didn’t even know what a pangolin was a few months’ ago so my gripe about this article is the bigotry of low expectations exhibited by The Guardian. Yeah, that’s right Mr Guardian newspaper, people of colour have no agency so it must be the fault of old YT. Give it a fucking rest will you.
Anyway, Frasier can sum up the Guardian way better than I can:
Nominated by SimmyJavill
The only time I ever bought the grauniad was when it included a DVD of The Wicker Man (original, not that crap Nicholas Cage remake). I think I paid about £1.60 for the Saturday edition. Got well pissed off a few weeks later when I saw the DVD in a local charity shop for 10p.
Let me get this straight. The same cunts who call king tango racist for calling the Chinese virus a Chinese virus, but are complaining than he hasn’t stopped the Ricky ticks eating endangered species. Because of those cunts WE are an endangered species! Fuck the guardian.
I’d never heard of pangolins before this virus kicked off, and it made me wonder, how many other types of animals have become extinct over the last couple of years, because of these backwards cunts? All killed in extreme pain, because it tastes nicer, or creates the magic that turns them into their mumbo jumbo medicine. Fuck, I hate the Chinese.
What the Chinks need is another Mao. He killed 65 million+ of the cunts.
And he kept the rest locked up in their own country. Win fucking win.
That’s all socialism is generally good for, creating mounds of corpses.
May as well make use of it…?
Anti semitic Communist rag.
The sooner it folds,the better.