Steve Hedley

An exec-u-ive commity (thats what they always say) brothers cunting please for this slapheaded RMT official, who looks as if he might have been a member of the Kray gang in their heyday.

The old motherfucker wishes not only Boris dead of Coronavirus but the whole cabinet.:-

What have they done to him, apart from denying him the Communist state of Britain lorded over by Magic Grandpa and McDonnell?

Sadly these ghastly old gasworks from the union brotherhood are like a gang of delinquent schoolboys. No doubt Dame Kweer and his shadow cabinet of pigmy’s will enjoy fawning over him and his like at the TUC and Labour conferences this year. Human excrement like him have barely done a real days work in their lives – I wonder when this arsehole last drove a tube train?.

You just have to wonder at the mental capacity of cunts like this.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

50 thoughts on “Steve Hedley

  1. If these remarks were made against a peaceful they would be in court faster than a cheap crack whore drops her knickers. Undeniably a cunt.

  2. Quote from the Sun article “Last night, RMT president Michelle Rodgers and general secretary Mick Cash said in a joint statement: “Steve Hedley’s comments do not represent the views of this trade union and are wholly unacceptable.””

    so what do they intend to do about that? It’s hate crime isn’t it? Why isn’t he facing disciplinary action? Why hasn’t been arrested by the old bill?

    He calls himself a commie sympathiser, but seems to overlook the fact he’s on over £100k a year, which to my mind goes against most Communist/socialist principles of “we’re all equal and we’re all in this together!”

    An utter cunt of course, yet he still manages to hang onto his “job” on a middle-class income and enjoys the capitalist lifestyle and freedom of the press to slag off people he doesn’t like.

    Why doesn’t he fuck off to Russia and sample some real communist existence with the “Brothers” and especially Putin. I better he wouldn’t be so critical slagging him off in public!

  3. These morons speak a good fight but
    a stand up fight on the cobbles he’d cry like a little girl. Wanker cunt.

  4. It’s a good job he didn’t come on this site and wish Boris dead…….

    • He was on holiday in Turkey tanning in the sun like a lizard while his ‘comrades’ were on strike.
      They make a basic wage hes on£105grand.
      Up the workers indeed,
      Pickpocket commie.

      • Good Morning MNC

        I am not sure they do make a basic wage. I try and make a living selling leather. I get a number of twats who think it is easy to make a few handbags and become the next Mulberry. One such was a dark skinned fellow, a big lad, with whom I had a meeting in Stoke Newington. Nice chap that he was he helped me carry my samples back to the car, when we meet a mate of his. The ensuing conversation revealed that my mate worked on the London Tube and earns a basic £64K a year + extra for weekend work etc. His mate was trying to pass the aptitude tests to get on the tube driving.

      • Fuckin ell! For driving a tube?
        Nice work if you can get it eh? Jammy cunts.
        Hey Wanksock, dont know ‘Roo the leathercarver’ do you?
        Made me a quiver for my arrows, bespoke belts, knife sheath etc.

      • Hi MNC Roo the leather carver is not a mate or even a customer! I could put you on commission if you have details.

      • Hes already made it for me Wanksock, just wondered if you knew him, being in same trade.
        He also made the missus handbag and a belt pouch for me.
        Carves intricate celtic knotwork into his work to suit.
        Appreciate your line of work mate, stockport used to have a Tannery now shut down, know it takes skill an like anything made by british craftsmen.?
        You ought to put a link on here so other cunters can order from you.

  5. This numptie earns 100k a year doing what??
    Wankers like this need giving the boot talk about living in a bubble ??
    RMT Union not fit for purpose hate crime is hate crime sort this wanker out ?

    • 100k plus expenses. They’re all a bit corrupt these Union bosses. On The Waterfront clearly describes the life of one.

    • A tube driver on 64k a year? I’d say Steve Headley’s doing his job very well indeed. Like him or loathe him, I wish he was in charge of my pay negotiations.

  6. RMT had a similar looking moron as leader several years ago. His name escapes me at the moment but he was unwise enough to appear on Have I Got News For You. Hislop and Merton made him look like the twat he was but he didn’t actually look as if he realised it.

      • It might have been Bob Crow, but I didn’t see it, didn’t want to do an ‘Elvis’ on my telly.

      • I think the late Mr Crow (who TV news teams seemed to be in a state of mourning for when he died) lived in a council house, and despite his massive salary he boasted he had no intention of moving. He did move in the end to the City of London crematorium if memory serves.

      • Yep – Crow the cunt. Why is it socialists are always rich?
        Why is it they live in my Country?
        Why don’t they all have black eyes?
        A quick email I have sent to Michelle Rodgers the RMT President – and CC’d to the Prime Minister:

        Dear Ms Rodgers

        please explain to me why you accept hate speech from Steve Headley, why this Man is not dismissed and why Mr Headley has not been made to apologise for his outrageous remarks – I am appalled by this behaviour and want to know what you intend to do about this.

        I expect this hateful cretin to be dismissed with immediate effect, and await your response


      • Indeed it was Bob Crow. RTC.

        Bloated cunt on £140k pa and lived in Social Housing.

        Utter utter hypocrite.

        Died of a heart attack whilst on holiday if memory serves me right.

  7. Remember Bob Crow? This cunt seems to be a carbon copy of the champagne socialist shit smear. I’d hate to be in a job where you were required to be in one of these cunt unions, and pay good money to filth like this. Living proof that the working class can happily rip of its own without the need of a ‘ruling’ class.

    A little off topic, but check this out, even though it’s in the fucking daily Mail.

    If you can’t be bothered, and being the Mail, I wouldn’t blame you, the article states that Police and military boats will patrol Britain’s coastline, to crack down on any ‘covidiots’ (fuck, I hate that word) that breach the lockdown. Funny how, with a shortage of manpower, they can find these seaborne resources to harass sunbathers, yet they can’t find them to help combat the increasing flow of dinghy raiders crossing the channel. Cunts.

    • That would mean having a police force designed to protect the British public not persecute it.

    • Their headline today is that we’ll have to stay on lockdown until a vaccine is found. Therefore, potentially forever. Three weeks ago I said this was it now, and I don’t think it’s quite sinking in with most folk. Either wake up and rise up, or enjoy living our new lives. The same goes for the US, where some WHO bot is imploring that they need lockdown for 12-18 months whilst coming up with said ‘vaccine’ – 12-18 months in which the populace will have gone so spare at being shut in, that they’ll vote in Biden on the promise of his free money to fix everything, then he’ll croak it and his VP will take over – most likely one to the ‘squad’.

      Call me all the names, but the longer this goes on, affecting almost exclusively ‘The West’, and the more I hear about the questionable data, solutions and ‘advice’ being pushed by the sinicurist mountebanks and reinforced 110% by all MSM, with doom-mongering headlines every 5 minutes and the likes of Rachel Madcow given free reign to blame it all on Orange Man Bad, the more I believe this was literally the last weapon in the arsenal to get Trump out of office.

    • I wonder if the coastguard and police will be as quick to tell the inhabitants of rubber boats illegally trying to land in Kent armed only with their masks and smartphones to fuck off back home?.

    • 1 in 5 comments on the Daily Mail article mention the illegals not being stopped or how they can stop gatherings but not stabbings.

    • Yes, and I’m not ashamed to say I laughed when I heard. I think he did a bit of rejoicing when Thatcher died, so it was what comes around, goes around.

      • Crow the slow did indeed celebrate the demise of Thatcher – but unable to do so any more as all that rich expensive food (probably not potato soup – that’s for the workers comrade) on expenses caused him to keel over at “a tragically young age”..

  8. What kind of working class man wants a parasitic free ride off the back of other working people, a brain washed commie Cunt like this…. but I bet every fucking penny I own if he came into a fortune he’d change in the blink of a eye, CUNT

    • Indeed Micktor.
      Years ago, while working for a large supermarket,
      We the workers were having the piss took by management, so I joined a union-Unite.
      I became a senior shop steward, and it turned out had a bit of skill representing people at disciplinary hearings tending 9times out of 10 of winning.
      This can to the attention of unite who courted me a bit, went all over the place on training at the expense of my employer and Unite.
      At the time it was Jenny Formby (mate of Corbyn)
      An scouse commie red Len mcCluskey running things.
      Never met a bunch of greedy dodgy cunts before im my life.
      Things changed when I wouldn’t play ball, and I realised they were no friend of the working man.
      They tried to help shaft me, but luckily Id stopped trusting them an covered my arse, got a massive pay off to walk after threatening to release stuff to the media.
      Affording me to set up for myself, new cars for missus & daughter and be free of them.
      They are dodgy as fuck, but ive never eaten so well as when at a union event.
      Cunts to a man & parasites.

      • Good form MNC! Life is ruthless, and never give a c*nt a break! Had “representation” by a supposed “Union” rat some Years ago – who it turned out was working for management and briefing against me to f*ck me over, but someone had the foresight to leave recording equipment in the meeting room, then watch them squirm as they listened to it.
        Large payoff in my pocket, and as they were stupid enough not to include a gagging clause I forwarded the recording to a “well known anti Union media outlet” which led to a purge and quite a few arrogant little c*nts being unemployed – and the rep was reported to have had a very painful kicking by an unknown assailant by all accounts – but just to make it clear this is behaviour I obviously disapprove of!

  9. Cunt or not, look at the wages they get for their staff. I’d (more) happily pay my union fees to a cunt like this negotiating my wages. I’d fucking LOVE Unison to have one of these at the helm sorting out NHS pay. And anyone can apply to be a tube train driver.

    • I’m afraid the difference is the NHS is comprised of caring professions who are vulnerable to moral blackmail whereas many tube drivers are lever pulling monkeys who won’t hesitate to cause as much disruption as they can to get what they want.

  10. I am not sure who Anna Scott is (anything to do with Barry Scott of Cilit Bang Fame) but she was clearly complicit in the soshul media exchange, so she deserves a massive cunting too.

    Steve Headley – Champagne Commie. May a thousand fleas, ticks and lice infest his perianal region. The slapheaded cunt.

  11. Another champagne socialist. He shouts down ‘the evil Tories’ to please the low income workers in his union.

    However, he’s on over 100k a year and probably votes Tory on the sly!

  12. This Steve Hedley?

    The Sunday Telegraph can reveal that RMT general secretary Mick Cash climbed the rankings as one of the best paid union boss, taking home £162,004 last year.

    Puts him in the top 15% of earners, the class war is very lucrative for its leaders.

    • In fairness to Mr Hedley I’ve published someone else’s salary. Mr Hedley is only on 100k pa, not really a well paid job and he must struggle to get by.

      Apologies to Mr Hedley who is practically a financial martyr in the class war.

      Solidarity brother.

  13. He looks as though he would have been right at home in the Kremlin back in the 50s.
    Wonder how he’ll feel if people start posting messages saying that they hope he gets C-19 and carks it, at which point they’ll throw a party?
    A right cunting for a right cunt, Mr B.

  14. Pity what’s happened to the unions. My great grandad Colin was a strong union man and he would be turning in his grave at what they’ve become.

  15. Bob Crow Now there’s a blast from the past yes he lived in a council house a brand new 5 bed detached one These smug RMT gits like to think they are Men and Women of the people but really they are bottom feeders/parasites Hypocrites and fucking scoungers ?

    • If the union rats are so bothered about their working class scruples why are they not working for “National minimum wage” (I refuse to call it a “living wage) as many of their members do? Try, as many people I know do, to pay £600 a Month private rent, £150 a Month Scoundrel Tax, tax and NI at 20%, transport costs, food, “workplace pensions” which are involuntary because our Government has consistently spunked money down the toilet to pay for appeasement and never ending benefits to Third World sh*te and can no longer afford to pay pensions to the people who have CONTRIBUTED! Walk a Gucci loafer shod mile in their shoes, then come see me.
      Mick “Union credit card” Cash.

  16. Too be fair I wished death on Boris last week too sorry bout that folks I gave a brief apology on the “Do not wish corona on people bulletin” page but i think it got moderated or something. I was more pissed off at the situation at the time and I was speaking in the heat of the moment,my apologies. I just can’t believe this wasn’t taken more seriously sooner by Boris and Trump they both fucked up

    I’m not saying they are only at fault, granted libtard mainstream media was down playing it and was more concerned bout racism and xenophobia. They were also calling it less worse then the flu and shilling for chinas narrative thats its not a big deal

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