How about the people that spoil everything for the rest of us.
This has been a recurring theme that I have observed throughout my life.
For instance, that cunt in class at school who was a little psycho and didn’t give a fuck about anything, who misbehaved and then we all had to stay behind.
He probably had “ishoos” which of course makes it alright for him to disrupt everyone else and their chance to learn.
In recent times, the cunts that stockpiled and continue to stockpile food which now means that I have to queue for an hour just to buy a loaf of bread and 4 pints of milk.
Or the selfish, me me me and fuck everyone else, self-entitled bastards that congregated in groups in parks and ignored the advice to stay at home, who are the reason that I now haven’t seen my friends and family in almost a month.
Or the people that clap for the NHS, but are probably the same cunts that end up in A&E every weekend because they drank too much and need to have their stomachs pumped because they don’t know their limits and abused ambulance workers who were trying to help them.
Absolute bastards.
Nominated by Harold Steptoe
Hate to break it to you Mr Steptoe, the vast majority of people are cunts.
Which makes it even worse when one special interest cunt get’s the say over the rest of us.
Excellent Nomination.
Only in my opinion(s), it is good to “stockpile” 6 months of food and drink at home, therefore no need to go outside or go to supermarket. Stockpiling is not necessarily a foolist term.
If you or I knew that a forthcoming War was going to last e.g. ~5 years during which time there would be no food then buying in 5 years worth of cheap straight spaghetti and porridge oats would be prudent and wise.
People who defy the lockdown should be hit with £1,000 fines, rising to £5,000 and £10,000, and court orders, I take it as at least as serious as drink driving for which there is zero tolerance and you get min. 12 months driving ban and large fine.
I don’t clap for the NHS, I don’t believe in sheeple/herd behaviour.
Excellent Website. Top o the morning to you.
I agree about ‘stockpiling’. I’ve always kept myself well stocked up with items I know I’m going to need, which is completely different to panic buying. And if it’s a case of someone is going to have to do without, you’ll do your best to see that it’s someone else rather than yourself. Just basic survival techniques.
There is stockpiling and stockpiling – for example the greedy stupid cunt who bought 5000 rolls of lavatory paper and then got miffed when he tried to sell back or get a refund for 4500 of the things. He was obviously acting like a spiv because even if he had a month long marathon shitting session he wouldn’t have got through 5000 rolls and he had to know that.
The sad thing is most people were stockpiling perishable goods , so it was the most shocking waste and deprived others of their fair share.
It must be horrible to be a teen or even 20s right now. I’d probably be hanging around in parks, with or without my mates, just to escape my parents and siblings. I’d even my to have my Alf Garnett cut as I’m starting to resemble Cousin It.
Can’t blame the kids meself.
As long as they bring their own beers, don’t touch each other and cover their mouths when they cough/sneeze, I don’t see the problem with going to the park.
Yes, and some of them even sit six feet apart and don’t touch.
Whose beer would they be drinking if they didn’t bring their own?
The very limited numbers of people snapped by the gutter press in crowds. Is not the reason why you are still locked up indoors.
They were dumbfucks admittedly. But they are being used as a scapegoat for peoples frustrations.
The cunts who’ll benefit from all of this are the legal profession as always.
Leaving conspiracy theories aside, it’s quite obvious they engineered all this to provide an endless supply of income for the future. There’ll be countless cases of yooman rights issues, government negligence etc. with BAME CLAIMS at the head of the queue.
PS Stockpilers are panic buyers/hoarders who just don’t move as quickly.
Stockpiling is not prudent, it’s the act of a greedy selfish cunt. It’s also very dangerous…….if there’s a real shortage of food do you think i’m gonna starve while you feed your fat face? No mate I want some of that and i’m coming to get it. And I won’t be the only one. You may think you are clever grabbing everything for yourself but all you have done is make yourself a target. That’s why rich bastards have to invest in security.
You’ll have to lay siege to his Welsh castle Freddie. All the goodies are stockpiled in his inner keep. Meanwhile, avoiding the possibility of boiling oil pouring down from the battlements.
Don’t forget to liberate the Fray Bentos pies for Sir Fiddler Freddie!
(No vegan ones though, DF may rake you with musket fire!) ?
There are lots of instances of spoil sports but I do have an issue with whinging cunts who are being constantly paraded on TV who seem to be incapable of any initiative whatsoever.
Now I would bet that many if not all of these cunts never go out for exercise and probably take a taxi to go to the local supermarket however now that they are being asked to stay home it is suddenly effecting their mental health. They cry about living in a flat and can’t go out but everyone has been encouraged to get out locally for exercise once a day, there isn’t any Stasi around who are timing this ‘out’ time so a hour or even two is quite possible and I am sure they could find a local park or some kind of open space within an 30 minute walk.
The desire to be a victim in this country is becoming a national disgrace, absolute cunts.
Stockpiling aka, buying enough stuff to keep you going for a couple of weeks isn’t being a spoil sport it’s common sense.
I read today that some pregnant bitch burst into tears and complained to a tabloid that she “even had to queue” in a supermarket. Self entitled tart. I will try to track down the link and post it.
Here is the link – a Liverpudlian cunt:
You beat me to it.
That woman boiled my piss because she is a single mother of three already. To think we pay for this slag to keep her legs open, now she expects people to stand aside for her.
Liverpool , if I could have had a guess that would have been my first choice.
I had the misfortune of visiting Kirby many years ago and witnessed the black cab parade to and from the shopping centre, all these cunts are entitled, always have been and always will be, no money, on benefits but go everywhere in a cab.
I have never seen so many black cabs in one place outside of London
They are all cunts!
Here’s one:
I would have thought the dealer who got her pregnant would have offered her a lift..
I seem to remember that we are told that food shopping should be as infrequent as possible.
However, it can always be dressed up as daily exercise hour, if you are on foot.
Al very daft, really.
No sexy WPOs to be seen, so am having to rely on the net…
A minor irritant I know, but I hate cunt film reviewers who think that their audience requires them to reveal major plotlines and outcomes during their reviews should get to fuck. The cunt who used to write for El Independiente was particularly prone to this. Fucking spolisport cunts.
The blonde piece that lives over the back from us is a spoilsport , she keeps closing her bedroom curtains and the bathroom blinds.
Most unhelpful.
Good afternoon.
Moderation ?
On a Wednesday ?
How the fuck do you know what day it is? I do not know what day it is!
as far as I am concerned it is “another day” it’s not as if I need to keep any appointments
Anyone like me that doesn’t clap and bang saucepans every Thursday like a fucking moron would probably be thought a spoilsport by some.
The NHS have been keeping Mrs Helmit alive with cancer for a good few years now, long before bat flu.
I prefer to thank the staff personally and quite often instead of virtue signalling.
Exactly SH, thank them to their faces, it means much more than these fucking Seal impersonations they want people to engage in.
And if I hear one more pan being whacked on a Thursday night…
It had to happen I suppose, but one of the few perks of being English is under attack. Namely, unlike Scotland and Wales, we don’t have minimum pricing for alcohol – yet!
The Scottish and Welsh governments have taken out an ad, warning their online food shoppers to use their correct postcodes when ordering. Apparently, Scots and Welshies have been buying cheaper drink by falsely using English postcodes.
( how the fuck they know where to deliver it baffles me)
Fuck these foreigners for stealing our cheaper drink and their fuckin’ governments for bringing the day nearer when the UK govt fall in to line. As the Union fractures further, this is one of the anomalies that will become common on this tiny little island that thinks it’s the size of Russia. Fuck off the lot of you and consider yourselves cunted..
To quote, from memory, comedian Al Murray, in the persona of fictional pub landlord, “If we didn’t have rules, where would we be? France!
If we had too many rules, where would we be? Germany!”
That ‘Al Murray’ Spoons is one of the poshest blokes you could meet hes the heir to loads of land and titles, from very rich stock.
Heya, MNC,
I had no idea. He’s very funny.
I first saw him when he would appear wearing a wig whilst Harry Hill was performing. “But Harry, who’s grooming the badgers for the badger parade?” 😀