
Not a cunting but a celebration of Ramadmadingdong.

All over the world the fuckers are congregating in numbers.
Over most of the world they are dehydrating in the summer heat. depleting their immune response.
In the UK there are large numbers in the cities who don’t know about the virus due to ‘cultural’ differences – which is the governments fault apparently according to some worthy Deirdre on the radio yesterday.

So next Thursday at 8pm let’s clap for Ramadamadingdong.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

72 thoughts on “Ramadamadingdon

  1. I’m buying some Kosher food and setting up a food stall, gotta earn some money in these difficult times. Roll up, roll up, come and buy your Bagels… Alan O’ Snackbar.

  2. Not sure what they do our what its about, know they fast, so when it ends they can celebrate with a few beers sausage rolls and a shapely white 12yr old.
    Hope they all get together for a big hug with their chinese neighbours.

    • The annual Hajj to Mecca (not the bingo hall) might also be cancelled, walking around a massive block of stone in 45 degree heat and praying you don’t get stampeded by fellow goat fiddlers doesn’t sound like the ideal fortnight away.

      • ahh but the beer tent is excellent, why do you think they do not let the riff raff in?
        Last stamped when rumour went round that Guinness was going off tap.

  3. Natural selection. If the UK-resident raggedy-headed, peace-loving ones are sufficiently lacking in grey matter and think that the almighty Allah will spare them from infection, then let them mingle. Coppers can do what they normally do when it comes to intervening in “effnik” matters – turn the other cheek.

    Let piss be with them. The cunts.

    • Having worked with Batak Muslims, fine fellows overall their Default approach to personal safety is that if Allah says your number is up that’s it. I point out (i) you should still put on your seatbelt on these hazardous logging roads and (ii) us Jesus botherers use an expression “the Lord helps those who help themselves”.

  4. According to a close relative of mine they were large crowds of ‘worshippers outside s mosque in their double-parked streets two days ago.

    Social distancing? Good luck with that when Alan is in town. Obviously, it’s all whitey’s fault that their infection rates will go up during ramadamadingdong.

  5. Peace be upon you brother, a worthy cunting. God is great…etc etc.
    I’d forgotten about ramakinadingdong and me young lad won’t be celebrating this at school so we’ll do it at home.

    Not sure what to do though. If I slit the cats throat and slap the misses would this be adequate?

  6. I think the part about large numbers not knowing about the virus just sums up the Muslim breed, if it hasn’t been said by the Imam then it doesn’t exist.

    Fuck them, but the problem will be if lots of them catch chinky flu we will be in lockdown for months.

    • Yes, some woman doctor of colour was on TV the other day saying the message wasn’t getting out to the peaceful community because it was only being broadcast in English on MSM channels.
      Oh, sorry about that, didn’t think about broadcasting in abjab & bongo-bongo lingo, what with this being the United Kingdom an’ all.

      • Hang on, how can you be unaware of the virus yet up to speed on all the benefits you can claim?

      • Assimilate or die. Fuck integration, they need to lose their primitive beliefs and behave like normal people.

      • That is a big ask for most of them; centuries of savagery takes a great deal of eradication.

      • Feckin gimmegrunts should learn English.
        It’s hardly rocket science.
        Sod them.

      • 1/3 of the screen of Every gummint tv broadcast is devoted to a sign vocalist flailing round trying to get their vocabulary of 12 single-suffix words to express the complex concepts for the 27 deaf citizens who tune in.

  7. Diversity doesn’t seem so fucking ‘vibrant’ any more does it? I have no piss left to boil, just burning.

  8. Hundreds of filthy squirming Darth Vaders in a crowd infecting each other?
    Think they know best?
    Good,fucking have at it savages.

    • I have no problem with them infecting each other. My problem is these filthy, diseased savages then fuck off to the nearest Tesco or Asda to spread their joy.

  9. Good old Müzzies… If they’re not busy trampling each other to death during pilgrimages to Mecca etc they’re piling into mosques to embrace Covid19!!

    And all in the name of Allah of course, his name be shat upon.

  10. Wishing to avoid offering our Muslim brothers I’ll restrict my retort to a simple FUCK ISLAM!

    • Just looked at the posts on here and im shocked.
      Thought id see some feeling of humanity, the milk of human kindness expressed to our muslim brothers.
      All I see is hatred, xenophobia an racists remarks.

      Proud of you.??

  11. I dislike these bastards intensely. A dream would be of these invaders fighting each other and they fall one by one whilst I watch, sipping cherry cola and grinning. May they take their stupid beliefs and chippy hatred and leave en masse like a torrent of poo-painted rats. Just horrible.

  12. I’d love it if consuming several kilos of ham was proved to cure the Kung flu.

    • Emily Thornberry would use this as an excuse to go out and lick door handles in Islington High Street.

    • Like that well known artwork “piss Mo” where a model of the founder of a certain religion was dunked in a jar of the artist’s urine. How silly of me it was another religion, the piece was called “Piss Christ”

  13. The peacefuls DO practice social distancing, i’ve seen them. The bloke walks ahead while the wife walks ten yards behind struggling with the shopping and 3 or 4 mini bombers. So they do know about it the lying cunts.

    • Self-isolating too, in fact whole communities have been practicing this for years by refusing to integrate into their host countries way of life and culture.

      • ….whilst demanding that their host country pass laws to protect the cunts when they turn the country into the same shit hole the fuckers escaped (ran) from, penniless except for the £10k for the Channel crossing in a dinghy.

  14. I am not sure if you are aware of the conditions that the original faithful lived in, It was a desert.
    Having lived amongst them and in their climate, I will tell you that H2O is not something you waste, the traditional arse wipe was leaves! (There had you going, there are no leaves in the desert, you grab a hand full of sand give you arse a quick dusting and then scrub, Hence the dirty left hand).
    Now the imports are wet Muslims they have a good old splash round to make it nice and clean, neglecting to clean the shit splashes of the wall or toilet seat, Then have a snort of water and snot that out, wherever.
    So the doctrine of purity becomes the doctrine of spreading disease which isnt helpful.

    • In the desert, after a shit, they find a convenient cactus to brush up against. This ends up with many torn ragheads.

      • I only met cacti in the states, I have been in southern sahara and Arabian desert.
        I did find a watermelon once, right in the middle of nowhere I wouldn’t touch the fucking thing because I knew some cunt had probably booby trapped it (Also the only vegetation I had seen in about 3 months so did not want to spoil it for others)

    • And washing their feet in the same sink others wash their hands and gobbing in there for good measure.
      Heathens, that is all.

    • Yes in wet climates Muslim dunnies are very wet places. Imagine a flock of seagulls splashing in a fresh pond after a hard days scrounging anchovies. But I have it in good authority that water is at the top of the purity scale when it comes to polishing their nipsie left hand of course, various found objects follow and actual toilet paper well down the list.

      An aside perhaps amusing is that a Muslim fellow following best practices is not allowed to touch his Rogerer yet must wash it with water after a piss. I well recall one of the lads (a sort of lay imam in his spare time) hopping from foot to foot with his scrotum in one hand and a bottle of water in the other hand trying to achieve post piss penile purity (PPPP) while the rest of us mostly Muslim roared with laughter and threw various objects. So they know how to take the piss and not get too upset.

      • As to daily Ramadan fasting when my driver Rahmad was dehydrated and shaking with hunger at 2pm I’d take him into a Christian roadside snackbar for a good feed of noodles fish beef chicken various curries and chillies and as much drink as he wanted. I want to get home alive not die spiritually pure in a car crash. We cheerfully settled on the term setengah (half) Muslim to describe defying allah in the interests of survival.

        Several times I noticed him falling asleep so had to take the wheel. He’d have stayed up all night watching British soccer or some motorcycle GP.

  15. I think rapid expansion of ones person over a hundred metre radius counts as social distancing.

    Nows the time, show your faith to Alan folks!

    • If members of our beloved parliament want to be ‘inclusive’ then why don’t a few of them voice their appreciation for the contributors to ISAC. Us cunters are people too!

    • Reminds me of that useless old hoover – bag Treesa droning on about Eid.
      And droning on about many other things.
      Utter clusterfuck

  16. There is a point to be made about the peacefulls at this time of year ignoring the lock down and thats that for the next few weeks most of them will be communing with each other/ no one other that peacefulls and then going home to their families to spread the rinky dink flu so their going to be the hardest hit.
    Of course the down side of that is somehow these moaning goat fucking cunts are going to make this someone elses fault that Covid19 appears to be attacking peacefulls more than any other group and somehow thats going to be racist….
    You live by the sword you die by the sword Allah akbar…

  17. A single honkey sits on an empty park bench for 5 minutes…the drone is out I seconds and plod moves him on with a stiff warning or even a fine.

    2,000 peacefuls jam into a street blocking access to emergency services and food deliveries by double parking near the mosque. All chatting away in close proximity to each other. No facemasks, although a few have burkas on.

    Plod moves on with a whistle.

    I couldn’t give a shit if they give it to each other, but the problem is the cunts pass it on to everyone else. You will see a rise in new cases over the next few days/weeks due to these idiots.

    Plod needs to sort the cunts out, but he won’t, of course.

    Much easier to arrest a honkey for sunbathing in his own garden.

  18. The women all wear full face masks and the men only fuck white teenagers in the holy name of Ackbar of course so fuck knows how it spreads.

  19. So, despite a huge advertising campaign that is literally everywhere, it’s the government’s fault that Muslims are unaware of Flu Manchu? Not because a large number of them, especially the women, don’t speak English, and refuse to learn the native language of the country they have chosen to occupy? Or because they spend a lot of time listening to dipshit, swivel eyed Imams telling them that Muslims can’t contract bat flu because their God, Allan, is protecting them. And that’s despite the fact that thousands of Muslims in Iran and other Islamic shitholes have died and tens of thousands more have been infected. No, it’s the government’s fault. Of course it is, you medieval bell ends. There wouldn’t be any “cultural differences” if the dumb motherfuckers would join the rest of us in the 21st Century and start being normal British citizens.

  20. Hopefully the mosques will be opened so the cunts can all pack in and get nice and close to each other.

  21. You would need more than a rented carpet cleaning machine from a supermarket to clean the shit of a mosque carpet.

    Dirty cunts.

  22. The admins have been quite clear about not posting wishes of illness and death upon certain groups or individuals. Fair enough. Is thinking it still OK though? 🙂

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