Polly Toynbee
A ‘my second home’s in Tuscany’ cunting for Groaniad commentator and utter arsehole Polly Toynbee.
I’ve long considered Twatbee to be a blot on the landscape, but I had every ‘i’ dotted and ‘t’ crossed on the subject by her recent article on Boris Johnson. ‘Johnson is the wrong man in the wrong job at the wrong time’, wails the Groaniad Grinch. In a piece overflowing with spite and bile, the sour-faced scribbler accuses the PM of being ‘shockingly complacent’ with regard to his handling of the Coronavirus emergency.
On rants the champers socialist; ‘incompetence… government singularly unsuited to the task and unfit for purpose… services shredded… NHS blown to fragments…. burble blah…’.
Now I’d be the last person to defend any government without question, but ffs, this attack is just ridiculous. Just what exactly does this harpy expect the government, any government, to do in such awful circumstances?. ‘No one elected Boris Johnson to cope with a plague’, sneers Twatbee. Well I’ve got news for you, saggy chops. No one anywhere elected anyone to deal with a plague. Of course mistakes and misjudgements have been made. This is inevitable when a disaster hits the world like an asteroid, and every country is literally in a fight for lives and economic survival. We’re all in uncharted territory. That’s not Johnson’s fault, but that doesn’t stop you pointing the finger of condemnation at him without one word of qualification or appreciation, or indeed without one word of criticism for who’s actually responsible for this shit, namely The People’s Republic of Fucking Cunta. That’s not part of your narrative, by the looks of it.
I do have my suspicions about Twatbee’s objectivity when it comes to writing such a vitriolic polemic. Mmm… she’s a long-standing member of the Labour Party and an utterly fixated Remoaner. Could these psychotic delusions underpin her purpose?. Well; ‘when the PM returns, his single most reassuring act would be to prolong immediately the Brexit extension’, raves the loony left Metrobabbler. ‘If Johnson blunders on as the economy collapses, then we shall truly know that we are in the hands of fanatics’.
Fanatics?? Oh go and have a lie down in a dark room with a cold facecloth on your forehead. That’s right loony tunes; things would be so much better if that model of moderation and competence, your belovéd Jezza, had won in 2019, wouldn’t they?. Right about now, as C-19 rages, we’d still be having a ‘debate’ about whether house lockdown restrictions discriminated against fifty to a flat effnicks, and whether obliging women to share the same queue as trannies outside Tescos violated the human rights of either group.
But it’s ok. I’m completely reassured after all about the fairness of Twatbee’s comments by statements on the Groaniad’s website, lauding its own ‘independence’ and ‘freedom from commercial and political bias’ (oh, and ‘please send money’). I say again; ‘freedom from political bias’. Yeah, in a fucking parallel universe. Polly Toynbee and the Groaniad; a match made in libtard heaven.
Nominated by Ron Knee
If her brains were gunpowder there wouldn’t be enough to blow her fucking hat off. Cunt.
I bet she thinks that’s a great picture of her as well. Contemplative, philosophical, deep thinker…
Out of her depth in a fucking puddle more like, the skank …
I’ve seen a better looking garden gnome, at a tea-shack nr. Headley Heath. IIRC, it was holding a fishing rod, and its trousers appeared to have worn through, probably through wanking out of sheer boredom.
Pollyfilla looks much the same. Trapped her fingers in the cheese-grater.
Covid-19 is clearly indiscriminate.
If it wasn’t, it would give us a much needed break by surely whittling the number of these fuckwit libtards down & make the world a better place.
There’s no justice really, when Drs & Nurses are giving their lives to save others, whilst over-paid self-important gasbags like this cunt fill their day spouting bile & bemoaning all us ‘idiots’ who wanted out of the EU. Well don’t be surprised if a few more countries want out, as the 4th Reich has shown it has done fuck all for any of the countries cheerfully doshing £millions into it’s coffers each month.
As for Toynbee, she wouldn’t even make good kindling for a bonfire – she’s that fucking useless. An UBER Cunt
This woman really is the limit – a total twatess.
Oh sorry, no that”s sexist isn’t it?
A remoaning minnie.
Oh, no same again.
I don’t want to upset her by using a demeaning female adjective.
So we can’t really say she is a c*** either.
However, I can’t think of a more accurate way to describe the mouldy old cow.
Blast, did it again.
The left-leaning MSM is now using COVID 19 as stick with which to beat the Government. I’ve been looking at the mortality curves for several different countries all on one graph. The European countries have similar death tolls and death rates. The UK government has behaved no differently to, say, France, Germany or Italy, so our morality rates are similar. In addition, it’s no good making comparisons with other countries because there are variables – demographic, social and environmental that make a difference.
No, the MSM is biased as usual. It hasn’t been quick to point out that much of the Turkish-made PPE is not fit for purpose. That wouldn’t fit the Grauniad or BBC agenda, would it? Better to blame Boris.
Definitely better to blame Boris. He is a Turk, after all.
We have the same morality ?
She is the archetypical Labour supporter.
Insulated from the Plebs and of course the effniks except as gofers.
Writing in the fucking Guardian, which is sinking fast.
Labour is terminally fucked.
One can but hope so, CC.
What this old fella needs is a day-trip to the coast. Have a bit of a beano with the other lads. Few beers, few ladies, shake off the angst and pent-up moaning.
The worst writer on the Groaniad with Zoe fucking Williams second, chomping on Toynbee’s large rear. Toynbee has a face and frumpiness as if Clare Balding had shat out Boris Johnson’s latest ankle-biter.
A rather too vivid image there Captain.
She looks like Captain Mauser from Police Academy after he’s got the ginger wig.
Yes Guzxi, a tad specific. Nonetheless, however reouksive this old man’s visage is, it’ll never match the sheer ugliness of it’s writing. Last May she complained about Johnson being chosen by “dead members” who fund the Tory party whilst constantly bleating about why Leave voters are so scared of another ballot (referendum) as if a second one was perfectly natural. All hollow plaudits as six months later her dreams were crushed in the General Election.
Polly Toynbee, a cunt so ugly it looks like somebody’s slapped flour and lipstick on a mouldy papier-maché, is paralysed by an anti-Brexit obsession. I hope this old feller’s cock falls off.
Afternoon Mogs.
*its writing
Toynbee is such a cunt, he makes me prone to simple grammatical errors. Toynbee is such a cunt, he makes me prone to simple spelling errors. Toynbee is such a cunt, he makes me scribe like Miserable Northern Bastid.
Dont blame your dyslexia on me!
I write like william Burroughs, train of thought.
Go night school or something Cap.
Evening Captain. It appears nobody told the deluded, hypocritical old cow that the last General Election was the second referendum, went well for remain, didn’t it.
Evening Mogster
I’d admire Guardian-readers’ resolute tenacity for refusing to concede defeat If I didn’t loathe the little turds.
Ha ha – so she does!
All she needs to complete the Mauser look is the hairy palms.
Nail on the head Mr Knee, the reporting about the virus in the media is just an excuse to bash the Tories.
When it’s over the first thing Boris must do, is scrap the tv licence, Polly pigface and her ilk are cunts.
Thanks Alca.
The thing is, I wouldn’t mind if Twatbee had made a single constructive observation in this piece, even just a passing attempt at some objectivity, some attempt to comprehend the appalling difficulties for a PM, any PM, in the current situation. Of course no politician should be above criticism. But this was nothing less than an unhinged, bile-spewing personal attack without any attempt whatsoever at balance.
It’s unbelieveable to me that The Groaniad publishes piece after piece of rabid propaganda like this while claiming to be ‘free from political bias’. It would be hilarious if it just wasn’t plain pathetic.
You mentioned Cuntbee and “constructive observation” in the same sentence there.
She’s a megacunt.
Like Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt. Cold. They’re so caring and at the same time so cold.
Vitriolic piece when Auberon Waugh died. With cartoon of him being flushed down a toilet. ‘Good riddance’ I think the title if it was. A day or two after his death. Trouble was there were a few left wing writers, columnists who he had helped in their careers and said so. Polly unrepentant.
Got to say I don’t always disagree with her..
A rather too vivid image there Captain.
Wrong slot, not even pissed yet. No wonder the bloody kids want power of attorney over me.
BTW, Auberon Waugh wrote with his tongue in his cheek, the Toynbee bitch writes with her head up her arse.
Auberon Waugh was funny and had a modicüm of common sense, attributes that are outlawed in Britain today.
Parky looking much younger than the last time i saw him.
Dont really know who she is apart from on here being mentioned.
But im not one to let that stop me, Pollys a posh birds name, shell be a Metropolitan labourite,
Dinner parties with token ethnic, load of boring books she refers to as her library, and secretly scared of working class people.
Looks like a dumpy blonde bloke, the Barney Rubble type.
Come the day your up against the wall Polly!
If Its me holding the rifle im the one laughing.
An his dick out.
Toynbee is one of those perennial ‘opinion makers’ who have a season ticket to appear on Question Time, Sky Newspaper Review, Politics Live, the Andrew Marr Show, Newsnight, HIGNFY, you fucking name it.
And she’s been around FOREVER!
Impossible to believe you don’t know who she is Miserable, you lucky bastard. ?
She’s so prim as well. What used to be called a ‘blue-stocking’.
To think she has a house in Tuscany.. .
I bet the locals are non ‘sympatico’..
You mention your mates Toblerone Wòg and Chesterton on here a lot,
Are they from Yorkshire?
Blessed are the ignorant.
Matthew 4.13
Her actual name is Mary, but ‘Polly’ sounds so much more Islington, don’t you think?
Mary Archer is class, but…dog-awful taste in men.
I have never seen Two Jags Prestcott and Toynbee together; Toynbee is tranny John’s female alter-ego, Polly.
Clearly there has been a secret Labour briefing; “two puppies fighting in a sack” Rayner launching into Boris yesterday on Twatter, now this old Champagne Soak. Just wondering which Labour cunt will pipe up next?
Toynbee and the Graun are so well matched as the Graun just loves writers who talk far left shit and talk it straight from their left-leaning ringpieces.
“No one elected Boris Johnson to cope with a plague.”
Really Polly? Then who exactly was elected to cope with the Covid-19 virus now making its deadly way through the population and causing the economy to be flushed down the shitter for a generation?
Laura Pidcock?
Forgive me if I’m wrong but I thought Prime Ministers were elected precisely to deal with the sort of national emergency we are currently facing. I certainly don’t think PMs exist solely for the benefit of ignorant, privileged, lefty, feminazi scribblers like you to take uninformed pops at.
Another ace cunting Ron! ?
That was the line in this bile-filled piece that really got my neck up Ruffers. It’s about as illogical, no just plain stupid, a comment as it’s possible to make. Who does this twat think WAS elected to deal with it? Merkel, Macron…
What she really means of course is that Jezza and the Momentums didn’t make it to No 10 on Top of the Pops.
Never mind C-19; she’s already suffering under the triple whammy of Boris Derangement Syndrome, Brexit Derangement Syndrome, and Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Twatbee’s as toxic as that other scribbling hag Alibaba-Brown; two fat fucking cheeks on the same arsehile.
She’s also suffering from Common Sense Derangement Syndrome.
They all are. Another smug pair that spring to mind: Christina Patterson and bug eyed loon Sonia Sodha…
‘These people are deranged , they all have the same look in their eyes. They’d burn you in a second’.
– David Starkey talking about Owen Jones and Ash Sarkar, but pretty much anyone writing for the Guardian or in the Corbyn cult.
And that cunt Ash Sarkar.
And Maya Goodfellow.
Just done a quick research her dad Theodore(!) Was a Communist.
Apple +distance+tree.
Thats how shes been raised, as a traitor by a traitor.
Yep, house in Sussex, dacha in Tuscany, one of that sort of lefty traitor…
Another cunt that needs rounding up and locking in a room with Piers Morgan. Those on the left probably call the virus opportunity-19. Every opportunity to criticise the government is seized. Very rarely is any solution offered with the criticism, would Labour of done any better? They would of hidden behind the excuse that the blame all belongs to the previous government. She’s another Corbyn, not a fucking clue about reality but happy to agitate against those who actually have to deal with running a country.
I had my doubts about Boris, still do but I’m glad he’s in charge and not a socialist enemy of the British people.
Fucking bitch!
The fact that she has the brassneck to refer to those who don’t agree with her on Brexit as ‘fanatics’ is fucking laughable. She’s a fanatic if ever I saw one, but hey, that’s ok; just like her fellow Groaniad hack Little Owen, it’s alright to be a ‘fanatic’ just as long as you’re the ‘proper’ sort of fanatic.
Fuck me, Polly Toynbee just doesn’t know when to keep it buttoned.
I cunted her a couple of years ago, I’ve just looked back and it was her 4th appearance at the time.
I’m shocked this is only her 8th outing on ISAC.
That in itself lays bare the fact that we’re so beset with cunts to cunt that dear old Polly is only on her 8th outing.
Anyway these were my thoughts back then and they haven’t changed one bit!
Of all the left wing professor pissflaps that I’d like to give a proper pasting nobody but nobody appears higher on my list than the despicable Polly Toynbee.
I genuinely can’t get my head around this cunts sheer arrogance and double standards.
Like all her left wing contempories that vie for power or set themselves up as mouthpieces of the left Professor Pissflaps selective memory and rambling articles about income and wealth inequality represent a type of hubris that I find so staggering I kind of think at some point she’s going to turn to camera and say ‘I didn’t mean it, I was just taking the piss’.
Most recently dear Polly has set her self up as a self appointed expert on the effects of Brexit.
On a recent episode of QT Polly was proclaiming Brexit would inevitably lead to 20/30 mile queues on the M20 on a daily basis if we left the customs union as customs checks would clog up the system. This was simply her ‘belief’ and she backed it up with absolutely no evidence at all.
When it was pointed out to Professor Pissflaps that the majority of cars exported by JLR go outside of the EU via Southampton and there was a perfectly good workable electronic system in place she simply gurned at the audience.
As this was on the AL-BBC she wasnt challenged but for how long are we supposed to tolerate hypocritical, twisted, vindictive nasty politically motivated privileged fucktards like Polly who’ve never ever worked in a role that involved wealth creation and yet we are supposed to see them as credible?
Fuck me Polly takes the fucking biscuit and if you want to hate her just a little more I encourage you to visit Guido Fawkes.
Her hypocrisy is staggering.
Once mire this woman proves that virtually all lefties are ugly inside and out. She doesn’t so much smile as grimace.
It’s funny how to people like her and little nancy boy Owen, everyone is an extremist but never them, oh good lord no, they are sensible right thinking mainstream doncha know.
A mouthpiece for fools and traitors in a time of national emergency.
Round it up for proper therapy.
Fat rat.
The classic champagne socialist…..massive house on Blackheath, villa in Tuscany, never stops crying about the poor but, in reality, fucking despises them with the passion that only an Islington Guardianista can muster. A two bob pile of hypocritical dogshit , completely obsessed with staying in the EU. As one vote follows another and the bastard working class refuse to vote Labour she becomes more and more depressed and increasingly hysterical. Poor Polly just isn’t bright enough to understand what the fuck is going on. Dumb fucking bitch.
A beautiful bit of ranting, this!
The only reason the guardian exists is to rage-bait people into clicking on their opinion pieces and for bored bolly bolsheviks to take turns writing petulant and lazy criticisms of the blonde bomber.
They should try reporting the news, rather than the opinions of an ever-shrinking circle of irrelevant metro-lefty shit stains unable to see beyond their first world obsessions of intersectional dogshit and quinoa.
And another beautiful bit of ranting!
Anyone who reads the Guardian should be on a watch list held by GCHQ and MI5.
And the mailing list of the Beano.
The Beano’s frightfully pc these days.
Lol they probably are Krav, along with everybody on here!
It’s a funny thing about The Groaniad. I used to be a regular reader back in the 70s and 80s. It was always a bit left-leaning, but I found it to be generally objective and balanced in its reporting and editorialising. These days it’s become a rabid, loony left rag, fit only for lining your compost bin with.
Same here, always thought it a little left, but it wasn’t always the shitehouse Pravda it is today.
? She’s as beautiful as a dogturd,
her wealth is obscene
Ugly little Polly Toynbee
from Paddington Green ?
I’ve just read this cunts Wiki page and fuck me what a load of old bollocks. I’m sure the deluded twat wrote it herself. As all good working class folks do she was sent to an independent girls school in Bristol where the dozy cunt failed her 11-plus. Apparently she then attended a state comprehensive where she obtained one A-level (doesn’t mention anything about her O-levels) and due to her staggering intellect she somehow rocked up at St Anne’s College, Oxford where she dropped out after eighteen months. And then the bullshit really kicks in because apparently she had eight months of experience in manual work along with “undercover” stints as a nurse and an Army recruit. Fuck me old boots, that’s a lot to cram in eight months you lying fucking cunt. I fucking hate cunts like her, crucifying people who have to make life and death decisions when the only one she has to make is whether to change her crusty soiled shreddies or not.
“Undercover” stint as a nurse ??!
JC, can you imagine coming round after an op, and finding yourself being noshed off by her ?
Makes me laugh- she dropped out of uni after 18 months- then took a fucking GAP YEAR the lazy turd. She worked for Amnesty Cunternational in Rhodesia, so probably had a year of playing hide dat blekk sausage.
Whole “career” reads fail, fail, dropped out, couldn.t be fucked, fail, fail etc.
Typical champers commie, rewarded for utter failure and about as much use as an ashtray on a fucking motorbike.
Get fucked.
Polly! Polly! Shut the fuck up, you hateful old cunt.
That is all.
Get a load of that photo – she looks like someone just told her that her best friend died but she’s probably contemplating the fall of feminism to the trans agenda or pausing to wonder about the rise of populism. If she were a horse, one might consider shooting it to put it out of its misery.
Quite a few of the leftie persuasion seem to wear that look of derangement, be it in their eyes or projected through their scruffy, almost tramp like appearance.
Bloody hell she’s ugly. I know it shouldn’t matter, but being wrong and a gargoyle does make it worse.
As I may have mentioned before, anyone who writes for or pays for the guardian is a fucking cunt.
Under cover commie Labour cunt
Ugly as sin & speaks utter bullshit Do us all a big favour and fuck off to your villa in Italy and don’t come back?
A picture that is so eloquent…
The tragic onset of senility, the feeling that… Something’s leaked, then the inevitable “Where are my Tenas… Did I buy any? “
Sod her.
Unkle Terry’s Twilight Home has a ni e warm place for her…