One World: Together At Home

Virtue signalling irrelevant celeb cunts who are starring in ‘The One World: Together At Home show will see more than 100 artists including the Rolling Stones and Billie Eilish play live from their homes’

I have no fucking idea who Eilish is and I presume the Stones will be performing in their care home. But wait, Lady Gaga is also starring, so virtue is assured.
Proceeds are going to the WHO, so no problems with corruption then. They only need raise a billion or so to make up the shortfall the Donald has imposed on the WHO.

What a thoroughly pointless exercise in fucking stupidity that will benefit a bunch of me me me cunts and fuck all else.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

A cunting for the Lady Gaga Globohomo One world cuntfest.
You can imagine the sort of dipshit who will tune in; the sort of cunt who enjoys Ed Sheeran and George Ezra, as well Dinosaurs like Sir Elton and Sir Macca.
Dippy glasto cunts called Amelia and Toby.

The BBC has decided to broadcast this shite, with geniuses like Dermot o’Leary and the zombie Claudia Winkleman saying how ah-maaaaing it all is, forgetting that one of the recipients of the money raised will be the WHO. Fuck that. I’m not a Chinese communist party sympathiser and dont think mych of international organisations covering up their fuck-upss, cose the Director is an Ethiopian Marxist cunt.

You can see the Epsilons rocking and gibbering in front of the TV or PC monitor to Macca wheezing through Hey Jude…
‘Take a sad song, and make it better’
Make it better Sir Paul. Take the virus away from us. The beautiful, talented celebrities will heal us. Heal the planet. Raise money for the WHO.
WHO goooood.. Trump… baaaaddd.. baaaaaa….

Basic bastard globalist Greta and Gaga-worshipping cunts.

Nominated by Cuntamus Prime

I’d like to nominate ageing rockers and others,who can’t accept that they are now well past it. If they can still belt out a tune, then good for them, but if not, then they should just hang up their microphone because they are just embarrassing themselves and swindling their fans, although they must be cunts themselves to pay good money to see someone croaking out of tune.
It’s ok though I suppose for the likes of old grandma Jagger who couldn’t give a toss how bad he now sounds, as long as he trousers a fat fee.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

118 thoughts on “One World: Together At Home

  1. I heard this advertised on the radio yesterday and I thought “well that sounds like it’s going to be a fucking shit-show”.

    I imagine they’ll all be trying to out virtue signal each other.

  2. Great Noms!
    It is fucking brain washing or at least attempted brainwashing. WHO are fucking dodgy, especially that fucking corrupt chap that chairs the media briefings, it’s all “comrade this” and “solidarity that”.
    It’s surely no coincidence that WHO and NWO (new world order) are such similar acronyms.
    I thought they would have at least wheeled out Bill Gates and his minging old wife.

    It is brain washing or at least attempted brainwashing. Clapping on the doorsteps. Boris’ hospitalisation dominating the news headlines.

    It reminds me very strongly of Adolf’s national socialists in the 1930s before WW2 started. Got the whole country on board, with a pack of lies. If they didn’t have guns, they practised marching with shovels and picks. Everyone was on board, men, women, children, everyone.

    Capt. Tom raised over £20 million about the same as Live Aid (not adjusted for inflation).

    IF Gaga or Kylie or Cheryl Cole got their fannies tits and arseholes out then I would watch it, but otherwise no.

  3. Agree – heard that Shadygaga was planning this a couple of weeks ago – it’s all for our own good apparently – make us feel good about being locked up for anothe r3 weeks – thses fuckking bastards should be publiclly shot – what a load of cuntwankery – they didn’t even ask me the shits – fuck off – just how many cunt words are there for these cretins???

  4. Another bunch of rich cunts lecturing and patronising the plebs. WHO, like the UN are just a front organisation for globalism. I doubt if any of these cunts have the slightest idea about this, just wankers seeking attention, publicity and virtue signalling points.
    If only one of these “home alone” broadcasts could be interrupted by a bunch of peacefuls armed with machetes and AK-47s. I’d chuck a few quid in the bucket for that entertainment.

  5. These fuckers are such cunts they cannot exist in a moment when they are not relevant. Your not relevent (either or, I’m pissed as a cunt on the Old spelling front)The fucking Hewitts are the same. All cunts
    PS. Fuck the Times, the WHO and the CCP .Cunts

  6. They can shove that fucking bullshit up their fucking arseholes, Cunts. It’s like Christmas when no one wants to have anything to do with you, but for a fucking week I’m your best friend. It don’t work matey so fuck off.

  7. If the Bieber is playing I will be watching.. My hands firmly down below….

  8. Maybe that welll meaning 100 year old man who’s been walking up and down his back yard will promise to watch it for 10 million quid.

    • Wow, must watch a load of multi millionaires raise money for a corrupt institution from their mansions,
      Well done them!
      Rock n roll ??

      • I meant you’d have to pay me to watch it and that the old fella would only watch it for charity.

        Pass the sick bucket and ear mufflers.

      • Sorry Cuntologist, my post wasnt linked to yours!
        It was only thing I could thing of too the nom!?
        Not into load of patronising rich people playing at sainthood.
        The old soldier raising money im behind 100%
        Simply because hes not doing it for his public profile!

      • How do you know that?

        You’re speculating as to the working of someone else’s mind.

      • Just assumed if hes after a career in film or pop music hes leaving it a bit bleeding late in life!
        Besides hes got medals!
        Hes white, English, a old soldier, hes above suspicions!
        Stop being orrible to Major Tom!!

      • I must admit he doesn’t exactly shun publicity
        and is certainly no shrinking violet. Still, everyone deserves their 5 minutes of fame.

    • I see we’re already getting imitators….some 80 year old trout (probably Joanna Fucking-Lumley) is planning to abseil out of a third-floor window. Hopefully we will see more of this…the sight of a bunch of toothless,wheezing old Farts bouncing on trampolines,throwing themselves off roofs,shuffling marathons around their window-boxes etc. will certainly make me laugh…as well as keeping them from taking up vital beds in the ICU.

      @ Remember Old Farts….Stay at home.pretend that you’re on an SAS assault-course and protect vital resources that may be needed by me at some point in the future.

      Fuck Off.

      PS…..I suspect that 100 year old fella was just confused and wandering around his garden wondering where the fuck the door was when the bingo was going to start.

      • Joannaaah Feckin Bumley..
        Caught a whiff of her in some ad the other night. She’s had a(nother) face-lift. Or she’s part chinky.
        She’s an ugly old bat.
        Long live Mrs. Ethel Shroake!

  9. The World Health Organisation.
    Supporting forced sterilisation, corruption, theft, globalism and t*rrorism for 72 Years.
    And now we have the usual bunch of me me me libtards howling f*cking sh*t into a microphone – and even though it’s allegedly a “charity” gig expect no reduction on these “stars” massive fees, and of course all money raised will go to the charity of anyone and anything but English whitey (AKA “The Devil”).
    Fuck the W.H.O, get rid.

  10. Seems more of a dig at Trump than a fundraiser and an excuse to go, “Ooh look at my big fucking mansion you trampy cunts!”

    “Ooooh. The bad owange man stopptid the money to the doctors and nurses. Wets all sing a song and give the money back to make the nasty owange man go away!”

    Fuck off. Giving the money to that lot at the WHO is like giving the money to FIFA. It’ll all go on ‘3rd World projects’ (a new Merc and swimming pool for Prince Mtembe). Some rhino horn and swathes of African land to their bat munching owners?

    Well done, you fucking idiots.

  11. Actually I’m surprised it’s taken this long for the publicity hungry bastards to ‘make this happen’.

    I don’t know what’s more tragic, the fact that yet again so called ‘slebs’ will stop at nothing to grab attention or the fact there really are humans that will be genuinely excited about the prospect of it??

    There’s a book called ‘Men are from Mars, women are from Venus’, it should t take a genius to guess what it’s about.

    I think there’s a book in the making that could/should be called ‘Humans are from Mars, Humans are from Venus’.

    Genuinely I can’t get my head around what goes on in the minds of the fucksticks that actually create this demand and to think a large proportion quite possibly are old enough to vote……..

  12. How did the world become libtard i wonder? Yes lets all clap and sing ‘Imagine’ and everything will be ok will it?
    Boycott the WHO and the Chinks like Trumpy. That’ll be the only way long term.

    • Only the rich can afford to be libtard. When you don’t know where your next meal is coming from and your arse is hanging out the back of your trousers you don’t give a fuck about climate change, and the disappearing animal species……fuck that. Too many people in the world and too many bastards taking a lot more than their fair share.

  13. Just when you thought you couldn’t take another tik tok video of cunts in scrubs dancing, or dad and daughter duets, or whole families thinking they are the modern day Von Trapps, the professional entertainers one along and out shit the lot of them. More people are going to kark it through suicide than squinters cough, thanks to shite like this. My tv has had less use over the lockdown period, because it’s either misery shite, or moronic shite. Fuck them.

    • Fucking Tik Tok. Just another opportunity to lower the available bandwidth by taking it all up with utter, utter shit.

      • Judging by the size of her legs, she’s a fat cunt, and as soon as she lifted one leg, the other couldn’t take the weight. Big boned, the lying cunts….

      • One of the comments below the story….
        “At least they are in close proximity for once. (her ankles)”

      • Another stupid cunt wasting much needed NHS resources. Hope the bitch gets fucking gangrene.

      • Jesus Fucking H Fucking Christ. Just when you think you’ve seen the biggest cunt of all time along comes another to take the crown. What a stupid cunting bitch and a rug muncher to boot (see what I did there) with local lass Naadjele Lartey as it’s girlfriend. This is a serious case for the NHS to charge for her treatment the stupid moronic fucking cunt.

      • Nice one Dick. What a pity the fat, rug munching cunt hadn’t been filming it – having that on a constant loop would’ve made a good alternative to the fecal matter that LGBBC1 are pushing out of John Logie Baird’s shit-pump tonight.
        Fuck that, I’m watching Contagion again…

      • Rtc@
        Brian Jones daughter was calling for his death to be re examined not long back, she believes he was murdered.
        Read about a dodgy employee who people think might of done for him, but I think we should look at Keef & Mick.

      • Read something ages ago and it did seem plausible,
        Think the guy who was under suspicion of Brian’s dead has also died.
        Talking of suspicion, while you were casting doubt on the motives of 100yr old war heroes,
        I was having a lovely roast dinner!
        With cabbage, like a russian or something…

      • Don’t know a lot about this but I’ve got an idea the bloke confessed on his deathbed, a few years back.

      • Sorry, the link doesn’t work, cos I cut the word docümentary from it due to it being a trigger word.

      • I wasn’t casting doubt on the motives of the 99 year old publicity hound, I was casting doubt on your ability Miserable to read other people’s minds!

        PS: had a chicken and leek cup-a-soup and a bag of cheese & onion crisps for my lunch, like a true Englishman.

      • Ah, backtracking with guilt after your vicious attack and hero bashing!
        I used to know a magic trick where I got someone to pick a random number and then look in their pocket where theyd find a piece of paper Id put there with the number on!
        Thats mystical!
        Forgotten it now though, learnt it from a book (intellectual) by earthbound holy man David Blaine.

      • I learned a magic trick off David Byrné.

        If you type his surname in a post – without a gravé over the e – your post will disappear, never to be seen again….

      • I told you!
        It was my discovery, you cant take credit for that!
        Wonder why?
        Its just the surname that does it.
        Found quite a few, some you can guess why, but others ?
        Jüdgëmentãl, one got me yesterday.

      • I reported jüdgemént as a trigger word weeks ago.

        One of your best discoveries was excéedîngly. How bizarre is that?!

      • To be honest id forgotten that!
        Strange eh?
        Just had black forest gateau flavour jelly for pudding!

  14. I’m no fan of the WHO after this current fucking debacle, especially that Ethiopian cunt lick-spittling Comrade Xi’s dirtbox, but corruption rears it’s ugly head wherever there is free money being handed out. Trumpy will have known it & been looking the other way, but their incompetence & complicity with the virus cover-up has effectively bared his arse with the Yank public, so the WHO is gonna pay for that.

    If these ‘entertainers’ want to make up the money, well what the fuck do I care, but the best way is if they all dip their hands in their pockets & give directly, instead of foisting their shit on the populace like their doing the world a favour.

  15. and Now on BBC1 and all other channels simultaneously we have the 2021 One World, One government concert to celebrate China becoming the world government.

    The BBC renaming ceremony will be broadcast from its new broadcast centre in Beijing, the BBC will become the New World Order Official channel at midnight.

    Back to Madonna and Lady Gaga in New York joined by new US president Xin Ping Poop and British PM Kim Jung Un.

    Remember, stay safe stay home, the Covid 19 crises maybe over but the world police will shoot on sight if you leave your allocated apartment.

  16. My mistake on the BBC broadcasting it; they’ll be showing a seperate cuntfest tonight.

  17. I noticed the aging fuckmonkey Paul McCartney is all over this, like liveaid i wonder if he will get the fuck off in time for the next act to play, the only saving grace here is it will be some tuneless, talentless cunt like Lilly the musical mong or Charlotte snatch as big as a church, or some other attention seeking fuck knuckle as opposed to Pink Floyd this time, crusty old Makka would just be better off making an anominous donation…..Sorry i know it dosnt work like that for cunts looking for a bit of limelight,,,step forward Adele im sure you must have a new album in the offing that you get a free punt for or maybe the timings right for you,,step back Adele, anyway any crisis is an opportunity to self promote for these cunts, dare i say it remember the cunts at Grenfall towers, the shameless couldnt get there fast enough as soon as they realised there was a chance to be seen on the telly pretending to be nice poeple, we shouls have a top 40 competition to guese who the first forty attention seeking cunts are going to be…. nominatios like for dead pool(idea for admin)….

  18. The BBC are once again showing blatant political bias. Their website and TV news are doing nothing but promoting this political sideshow. They’re making the celebrities out to be heroes for raising money for the WHO.

    It’s quite clear that many are angry with the WHO’s response, not just Trump. This concert is overtly political. The BBC should, at very least, acknowledge that many believe the concert was a dig at Trump and critics of the WHO.

    But because ‘Orange Man Bad’ here we are. Yet again.

    Shut the cunts down.

    • Of course…….and make sure you film it and put it on Cuntbook. Otherwise there’s no point is there?

    • Understood chaps – Thanks, I shall now stand outside my house and CRAP after each act – assuming I have sufficient backlog of poo up my dirtbox.

  19. What a load of crap, useless celebs doing what they do best, absolutely nothing.
    In a health crisis or any other crisis they are completely irrelevant.

    The BBC would do better showing the old ‘Protect and Survive’ public information films, take all the doors of their hinges and make a shelter by leaning them up against the wall, you will need access to a couple of tons of sand and a good supply of boxes and bags to shore up the shelter (forgot to mention you only have 4 minutes to complete the task).

    Remember Stay at Home ‘Protect and Survive’ sounds familiar ‘Stay at Home’ ‘Save lives’ ?

  20. Why didn’t they just stay in and fuck up, and if they felt like it, Chuck a couple of quid in a ‘soon to be homeless because of China and the WHO’ box. Of course, that wouldn’t allow them to have a dig at king tango, and bask in the adulation of their stupid supporters. Apparently David cunting Beckham was on it. Please don’t say the cunt sang, or even worse, that miserable bonebag wife of his. On the subject of grumpy witch, I read somewhere that she has furloughed the staff at her poxy fashion business, even though they are fucking loaded. That’s why they are still together after all these years, they are both first order cunts.

  21. This won’t be the fucking last one either.

    If they did a ‘concert to provide facemasks for everyone’ I might get behind the cunts.

    But that would take organisation and actual work. These fuckers just want to virtue signal and point a finger at the bad orange man.

    I doubt this will be the last we’ll hear from them during the lockdown.

  22. I’m not bothered about this as it’s not replacing something I would normally watch. What really pisses me off is programmes being taken off for an hour ‘update’ which is the same shit they’ve been banging on about for a month, with the addition of some camera hungry family, that even their neighbours don’t know, singing some shit which is apparently ‘appropriate’ for the circumstances, perhaps a rewording of Quo’s ‘Wuhan all over the world’.

  23. A pity the ageing cunts didn’t have the foresightto sell this shit to ITV instead of the BBC then they could have got sponsorship from TenaLady and the National Truss Company.

  24. Who the fuck is watching this gobshite when its been clear skies all day? Been outside all day walking about. It’s so quiet you can hear the water lapping at the riverside and that attention focusing type of dead silence.

    Fuck em. Recognise Taiwan you fucking Chyyyna shills.

  25. If this isn’t bad enough, what’s really boiling my fucking piss is the D list celebs, cunts on facebook, TV, twatter etc acting, singing and dancing as if this is an 8 week holiday. People are dying, jobs are being lost, depression and suicide through the roof, a worldwide recession. These cunts will be the ones coming out of this shit with a job still, millions upon millions won’t. Have a bit of compassion, self respect and shut the fuck up you selfish cunts.

    • I agree Bob, the world has changed & these cunts haven’t clicked onto it yet.
      There will be those of us with fortitude who will dig in & weather the changes, most of these cunts will be disenfranchised by it & fall by the wayside. There is a reckoning coming…

  26. End the lockdown so we don’t have anymore of this shit – i do not want celebrities telling me what to do – now FUCK OFF

    • Problem seems to be an appetite for this dog shit, you can’t escape it. Until people seriously vote with their feet we will all be subjected to the sanctimonious bullshit spoon fed to dumb down our weary heads…….FUCK THAT Any message uttered by the wasted talent pool narcissistic cunts headed by the almighty monsterous king of cunts McCartney who should by definition be all zen with nothing to prove…..oh no his ego has an insatiable appetite even global pop stardom can’t satisfy. There’s no fucking way I’m paying my license fee next time around unless SYCO goes PSYCHO and we go back to gladiatorial entertainment or at least I’m a celebrity and someone shits down my throat

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