One World: Together At Home

Virtue signalling irrelevant celeb cunts who are starring in ‘The One World: Together At Home show will see more than 100 artists including the Rolling Stones and Billie Eilish play live from their homes’

I have no fucking idea who Eilish is and I presume the Stones will be performing in their care home. But wait, Lady Gaga is also starring, so virtue is assured.
Proceeds are going to the WHO, so no problems with corruption then. They only need raise a billion or so to make up the shortfall the Donald has imposed on the WHO.

What a thoroughly pointless exercise in fucking stupidity that will benefit a bunch of me me me cunts and fuck all else.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

A cunting for the Lady Gaga Globohomo One world cuntfest.
You can imagine the sort of dipshit who will tune in; the sort of cunt who enjoys Ed Sheeran and George Ezra, as well Dinosaurs like Sir Elton and Sir Macca.
Dippy glasto cunts called Amelia and Toby.

The BBC has decided to broadcast this shite, with geniuses like Dermot o’Leary and the zombie Claudia Winkleman saying how ah-maaaaing it all is, forgetting that one of the recipients of the money raised will be the WHO. Fuck that. I’m not a Chinese communist party sympathiser and dont think mych of international organisations covering up their fuck-upss, cose the Director is an Ethiopian Marxist cunt.

You can see the Epsilons rocking and gibbering in front of the TV or PC monitor to Macca wheezing through Hey Jude…
‘Take a sad song, and make it better’
Make it better Sir Paul. Take the virus away from us. The beautiful, talented celebrities will heal us. Heal the planet. Raise money for the WHO.
WHO goooood.. Trump… baaaaddd.. baaaaaa….

Basic bastard globalist Greta and Gaga-worshipping cunts.

Nominated by Cuntamus Prime

I’d like to nominate ageing rockers and others,who can’t accept that they are now well past it. If they can still belt out a tune, then good for them, but if not, then they should just hang up their microphone because they are just embarrassing themselves and swindling their fans, although they must be cunts themselves to pay good money to see someone croaking out of tune.
It’s ok though I suppose for the likes of old grandma Jagger who couldn’t give a toss how bad he now sounds, as long as he trousers a fat fee.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

118 thoughts on “One World: Together At Home

  1. Personally I’m looking forward to some acts performing their hits….

    Meatloaf…Bat out of Wuhan

    Squeeze….Cool for bats

    Paul Young….Wherever I lay my bat….

  2. KC and the Sunshine band…Bats the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it….

    Dean Martin….Bats amore….

    • Thanks JR, I´d forgotten that great singalong number by Dino, a favourite of mine at one time. God bless him. Can you imagine him, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis or any of those other repulsive Las Vegas Mafia frontmen ever doing anything for charity? At least they were honest about their knavery.

      I remember some scummy cameraman caught Dean pissed as a rat in a bar when he was quite old and taped an “interview” when poor pie-eyed Dino didn´t even know where he was. It was pitiful to see the state he had been reduced to but despicable that the film was shown on television as “investigative journalism”.

  3. Perhaps these cunts could donate some actual, real, proper money to the
    ”cause” rather than give their “time” for “free”. Now, I’m certainly no socialist but I do wonder how much money a single individual needs and how much most of these cunts have accumulated in their respective ”careers”. Perhaps there should be a reversal of the Geldof cunts, ‘”give us your fucking money’” chant whereby the rest of us chant it back at the performing narcissists themselves. Cunts, the fucking lot of ‘em.

    • KK I concur you know those cunts who invented alternative comedy in the 80’s who now by enlarge form part of the liberal elite ie sold out years ago to dick sucking and pomposity….how about they Get their collective shit together and do something creative anarchic and remotely funny…..Blackadder meets Young Ones call it Old Cunts

    • It was the 3 letters “cûm” in the word accûmulated that triggered it. For some reason, WordPress seems to find that particular word so offensive that it gets automatically sent to the moderation bin.

  4. After watching McCuntney and Dame Elton in the pile of shit, don’t anyone ever criticise my singing ever again.

    Also, little known bit of trivia : You Can’t Always Get What You Want was written by a late friend of mine called Paul Wakely who sued Jagger for ripping it off. Before he passed away he told me they settled out of court for enough to buy him a flat in Guildford High Street and an E Type jag.

    I know that great swathes of that song bear a remarkable similarity to a song he wrote because is the when he wrote it. Don’t know if the rest of it is true but that’s what he told me. He still has the Jag when he died a couple of years back. Top man.

    • I saw a bit of Fat Reg, truly dreadful. He hasn’t been able to sing since the 90s, but now his piano playing was shit too. It was like the chimp in the 70s tetley ad, you hum it son. And that fucking Barnet? Sad old cunt, fuck off.

      • I saw him at the Manchester Apollo in 1985 and I have to admit he was amazing. Nowadays he’s just a mumbling cunt.

    • I occasionally flip flopped through this cunt fest. Do me a fuckin favour! Millionaires performing in and around their fuckin mansions, horrible cunts the lot of ’em. “, We love the NHS” pay your fuckin 20% tax then you cunt like I have to!

      • Your singing is hit or miss Chas, your singing on the song rewrite your life is really good and I add it to my playlists quite often I’d recommend it to fellow cunters cheers

  5. Furlough. ….never heard of the fuckin word in 63 years of living…fucks sake…..bastards….?

  6. Fuckin hell… I’ll say it again.. what the Fuck does Furlough mean ? Never heard of the word ???

  7. I wish there was a separate page to click on that has a list of words that when written get posts moderated.

    Then I’d know not to write it. Or at least remember to make the letters fancy.
    Màkê thē lëttérs fåñçy.

    • There is one. I know because I set it up.
      Problem is that wordpress works on part words as well so for example “work” as a moderator would also block “housework” and “homeworking”. Its basically a character matcher.

      Admin aren’t going to publish a list so that people could work around it. That would defeat the whole object of setting it up on the first place, wouldn’t it?

  8. Don’t forget gang, on Thursday there’s more celebrity treats for us all under house arrest – Lenny Henry’s Big Night In – one not to watch – what chance we list all the tv not to watch, like a listings thing – what to avoid – much prefer shoot-a-celeb-a-day fest or how to hovermower a celeb’s haircut or …..

    • They are all coming out the woodwork. There egos are dwindling and need satisfying I mean surely these cunts don’t need the money. I’m not having it that their hearts are bigger than their egos. I can understand it with the younger contractually obligated celeb singers but the older ones? Doing a public service? Fuck off do me a favour any decent artist is lying low perhaps readying themselves for cheering us all up at a festival when we’re allowed out, looking after there loved ones, charitable donations etc……shove a Rocket Man right up the arse of Elton John and I wish hed fucked off a long long time ago. 8 out of 10 on the cuntometer

  9. Strange isn’t it how these washed up useless old celeb cunts don’t ever shell out cash from thier own pockets. Oh no, these attention craving cunts think that some crap shitty benefit gig over the internet elevates them to the status of a saint, whereas the reality is it’s a good little publicity stunt, might help sell a few more albums or downloads. Any cunt who pays thier hard earned to watch this pile of shit needs a check up from the neck up.

  10. For every humanitarian disaster, the coming together of ego starved musicians to promote themselves and sing a fucking song to make everything better.


  11. I occasionally switched over, and wondered if I’d accidentally tuned in to an episode of The Gong Show. What a hateful bunch of cunts-Sam Smith, Titless Swift, Lady Gargoyle, Billie I Pish, Shittle Mix… Shite shite shite. Fat Reg looks fucking knackered, and sounds worse. I was half expecting someone to feed him a Snickers bar halfway through.

  12. All of two minutes. Vomit inducing fucking bilge.

    My pet theory is that there are so many wet end cunts who have never faced any adversity of any kind in their priviliged first world Stepfordesque lives that they really haven’t got a fucking clue what to do, what to feel, who to support, or any concept of the passage of time relative to the current crisis. They are so inured and lacking any gumption that they need to be spoon fed sugar coated shit by equally self-absorbed (but far wealthier wet ends) just to make them feel like they have some control.

    As opposed to: You been told what to do. Do it. Shut the fuck up you whiney cunts, take the nasty medicine now and it will be over eventually, and you can get back to being self-centred soft as shit cunts, when hundreds of thousands of other people have died. At least you’ll be able to say you were there… you moaned like fuck, didn’t get it and thought it was entirely unfair … but you were there. Cunts.

    PS: Hi everyone.

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