Neil Basu, and “Policing by Consent.”

Apparently, we will be judged by how this iffy period was policed…

Business as usual for thieving me-do-as-I-likeys, county lines gangs (saw a postcard, “County lines at work, by night…” Don’t shoot til you see the headlights on their Beemers.

Policing by Consent is bizarre; we don’t pay taxes “by consent”; there’s the Tax Office, and the VAT squad, and woe betide… Is being arrested voluntary ??
Police need to ENFORCE the law; particularly vandalism against emergency vehicles (mindless chavsqhum behaviour at any time, but especially now. Also a few reported attacks of food shops; yes, mindless looting will be with us soon…(Italians are threatening it in Italy; given how diluted the Stiff Upper Lip has become over here…)
Luscious WPO: “Are you going to come quietly, Sir ?”
Me: “No, I’ll moan and pant and gasp as loudly as I like. So long as it’s consensual, Vera, and you’re OK with that.”

Neil Basu looks like a womble – a very pointless, indolent cockwomble.

Nominated by HBelindaHubbard

56 thoughts on “Neil Basu, and “Policing by Consent.”

  1. The Police have virtually admitted that they can do little about “rural crime” in my area. People are advised to form Farmwatch/neighbourhood watch style groups. I can understand the Police point…it is a vast area to patrol and they don’t have the Manpower…fair enough. However they do seem to have the Manpower at the moment to send numerous patrols to forest parks/beauty-spots etc. and even to follow one of the lads who works for me until he stopped to open the gate at the bottom of my drive and mouthed to the Copper that he was going to work.

    Although,tbf….I’m enjoying not seeing any of the towny fuckwits who so often trespass beyond the realms of their welcome.

    Fuck them.

    • The police were until recently saying they were underfunded, and a lack of officers to tackle crime.
      But the other day sat in the woods i saw a helicopter twice in 20minutes and a police light aircraft.
      And loads on the streets in cars?
      Where did they all spring from?
      They should offer helicopter rides for bored kids charge them a fiver.

      • The answer is that there are currently millions fewer motorists on the road to persecute. Park on a double yellow, and you’ll probably be surrounded by an armed response unit, with backup from the railway and Thames River police.

      • They were probably temporarily reassigned from the Transgender Hate Incident Division.

    • One thing we’ve found out from the Corona virus crisis is that people need people.
      This extends to the bom-bers who need crowds to practise their art and the stibby stabbers who need to break the 2 metre rule for their fun. Reducing these threats has slashed police time.
      The way ahead in Londonistan is clear- permanent lockdown.

    • No police + isolated rural area = no witnesses.
      Although it benefits the criminal, it also benefits vigilantes.

  2. Fuck Neil Basu the box ticking, arse licking useless cunt. This is the cunt who consistently publicly supported the remoan cause, spreading project fear at every opportunity. This is the cunt who defended his bottlejob boss who ran away like a girl and left an unarmed officer to be butchered by a jihadi shitbag. This is the fuckwit who, in charge of the Tia Sharp case in 2012, searched a council house THREE fucking times and couldn’t find a dead body and a stash of child porn. I don’t give a fuck what this Establishment bumlicker has got to say about anything. He’s a fucking disgrace to the uniform and he can go and fuck himself.

  3. It was the drone footage of two walkers halfway up an empty mountain that got me. ‘Look at this pair of selfish cunts’ screamed the headlines. How fucking isolated do you need to be? But the might have had to get there by car, whelped some joyless cunt. Maybe they did, and on the way, they stopped off in the services and coughed all over the place, licking all the door handles on the way out. What a load of shit.

  4. Neil Basu looks a your average plod knob licking Cuntnstable. I wonder what his take on grooming gangs are? Fucker looks part stanley too .

    This the same cunt who said far right extremism is the biggest problem in the world today?. How bout that last 10 muzzie massacres, bombings and stabbings those don’t count i guess? get fucked you useless twat

  5. Scotlands chief med officer Catherine Calderwood (fanny mechanic by trade) went swanning off to visit her second home and is deeply apologetic for her actions. Aye right…apologetic at getting found out more likely.
    Think she’ll come quietly? Jail now!

    • Matt Hancock on news scolding the nation for sunbathing.
      Well tell you what Matt you scowling little puff,
      Rather than worry about someone sunbathing concentrate on getting the right kit to NHS staff, get the testing done, get the UK workforce back up an running, you know,
      Run the country rather than micromanaging peoples lives?
      An stop fuckin scowling!!
      Little mardarse, give you something to scowl about….

      • Handycock is the main contender for ‘Village Idiot of the Year 2020’ – fuck off cunt

      • I wouldn’t really have thought that sunbathing is a prob, if you maintain the distance.
        Of course, if you have some 6ft hot blonde riding you…from behind, with a strap-on…

  6. You have to feel sorry for the criminals at the moment. How will the conscientious Albanian drug-dealer flog his Class ‘A’s if the pubs are shut? Deliveroo is too slow and the Hand Car Washes are all closed.

    Similarly, what about your hard-working Romanian burglar? Now that everybody’s in quarantine, these poor tykes can’t come to “clean” your house. Not even the old ‘chuck a few tiles outside your house, knock on your door and offer to ‘fix’ the tiles for cash’ can operate under these circùmstances.

    Moreover, what about the Lithuanian/Ukrainian/Bulgarian whores smuggled in and chained to radiators? How are they supposed to feed themselves/pay rent/make shiploads of cash for Jacöb Boss?

    Hard times indeed.

  7. How the fuck can the coppers enforce any kind of behaviour in public places? In Spain, France, Italy etc people are genuinely scared of the bill, with good fucking reason. The Libtards have spent 60 fucking years emasculating our coppers, turning them from a FORCE to a SERVICE. Two coppers asking a bunch of yobbos to play nicely and go home are going to be laughed at .
    You reap what you sow. As it gets warmer and the days get longer it’s only a matter of time before the riots start. There won’t be much social distancing there.

  8. The police need to be visible and step in to stamp out cuntery if they find it. They barely bothered investigating low level crime before Corona so no change there for many of those that pay for them.

    I used to think the police were there to allow the law abiding to go around there lewful business whilst capturing criminals but now I realise they are there to build relationships with communities and collect money from motorists.

    Don’t blame the police I blame the people who showed the law and tried to turn the police into a service.

    Now the police have to impose the Corona lockdown and are more concerned about two old ladies in a park than they would be about what’s happening on the local council estate no go area.

    I want a police force that walks quietly but carries a big stick which it uses when needed. Apprehending some cunt who broke into a old persons has and beat some old lady, then the big stick comes out!

      • but but but, this is the CoronaSquad – need a new uniform and a pea shooter

  9. Policing by consent, be fucking responsible ,
    Stop taking the piss, use common sense sounds easy, however we have a country of mixed race, woke, utter shite, me,me, fucking me CUNTS

    Only 1step away from Marshall law

    Life is shit sometimes, grow a fucking pair get on with it,

    If you don’t like it unkle Terry has a room for you to relax in,

    Excellent cunting,

    All coppers are bastard’s
    This 1a utter CUNT

      • If you are a Police Officer you should know it’s Martial law not Marshall… unfortunately we live in a country where the Police seem to be a bit thick and don’t know how to spell what kind of law they may have to enforce. Dear oh dear.

      • It was the grocer’s apostrophe at the end that did it for me; unforgivable behaviour.

        Evening, B&WC.

      • Evening TFC,
        Although to be fair to Bluecunt I think he is on abaaaaaht Neil Basu and not himself.
        No excuse for bad spelling though… what’s that abaaaaaht? ?

    • Should use those tactics for city gangs. See how stabby the cunts are after being fucked up.

    • Did I hear one of them say “birdy num num” ?
      Odd people, standing there getting a whipping instead of using those same legs to get the fook away…
      Butt butt ding ding

    • Wonderful bit of film. Peacefuls and moped cunts getting bashed, immos sprayed with disinfectant……..fucking marvellous!

      • I’m sure one was saying ‘But I only want two rupee, you bastard police, I come back tomorrow’.

    • They should do that to the mudslides here still congregating at their mosques.

  10. I feel a bit sorry for coppers at the moment. It’s almost an impossible job under normal times but the Chinky flu has made their job well difficult, though leave the lone walker alone, eh fellers. They have my sympathy.
    Except this one, obviously. Cunt.

  11. I was in a bar in some town in Italy once when 4 or 5 coppers came through the door. They looked around, spotted some cunt they were obviously looking for and beat the shit out of him there and then. As soon as they had dragged him out the door everyone just carried on drinking like nothing had happened. You don’t forget shit like that. Freddie’s no 1 rule when abroad…….stay away from the coppers……bad fucking news.

  12. We’re only a few days away from martial law, it seems. Also as worrying is the amount of citizens that seem to want this to happen. People shouldn’t trust a single pig as far as they could throw Dianne Abbott. The filth who, up until last week, couldn’t find their collective arses with a map have emerged from their comfy police sratiobs, descended upon the streets and park and have started throwing their weight around, giving it the big ‘un, like the inadequate, dickless bullies they are, all buoyed up by the emergency guidelines and acting like it’s enshrined in law.
    One hopes they might learn from this before the full-on rioting begins, but they’re loving it too much, the Stasi cunts.

    • Hehee, nice to see you back TTCE, good post.
      Saying about total lockdown, well they can fuck right off.
      Some PCSO tries mithering me walking in the woods he better be able to outrun the akita,
      And be immune to being punched and thrown in the stream.
      Right to roam- as Fiddler says.

    • Hello TTCE, been a long time since I’ve seen you abaaaaaht.
      How is the wife?

      • Hi there B&w, she caught the Covid, but it didn’t finish the old witch off! How’s yourself and your overworked tongue?!

      • Getting by old chap, the tongue is in semi retirement currently. What a massive cunt this Coronavirus is.

  13. My association with the police is limited to friends, both foreign and a few at home.
    Now my uk mate complains about paperwork and targets.
    My slovakian mate moans about the time he threw the wrong kid of a balcony (Lary little fuck had a parent in the party)
    My (former brother in law) moans about the wait for a kicking, they have consensual policing, basically you can run shit until you piss enough of them off and then they come down and give you a right old kicking and probably fit you up for something they have done.
    There used to be a saying, “how do you catch a tiger, arrest a cat and beat it till it confesses”.
    Police are a necessary evil, unfortunately ours have been diverted on nonessential and tedious work for some time, like a business they have been tasked with hitting targets but missing the point completely.
    Roll on police state, I am old so I could do with one.

  14. I had an horrific nightmare in the early hours.
    The wife said I was whispering the word’ fried’, in my sleep.
    Later, I woke up in a sweat. She said I started screaming ‘boiled’, over and over again.
    From one eggs dream to another….

  15. He’s a woke bullshitter in a uniform.
    Fucking hopeless paper shuffler and complete cunt.
    Lock him in a cell with Bronson.
    Fuck off.

  16. Slightly off topic but no response from Matt Hancock or the Prime Minister to my emails as to when all Politicians are going to demonstrate that “we are all in this together” and take a 20% pay cut until this crisis is resolved.
    I will carry on emailing though – I have rather a bee in my bonnet about this one.

  17. Policing is by legislation, not consent – it is not about what group are fashionable to persecute. I agree by and large to follow the law, but have zero respect for the UK Police – in fact it would be fair and accurate to say I despise them.
    Have to go hide now, don’t want to by accused of cerebral h*te crime, arrested and told to “adjust my thinking”! (Nooo – not the electrodes Officer – I am a free Man not a number!)
    But they’ll never catch the Fox! ?‍♂️???

  18. I had a massive run in with this Kaffir when I worked at New Scotland Yard.

    Over promoted shoe shine boy.

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