Multicultural London English


I’d like to give a cunting to this accent. It fucks me off as it is now permeating many facets of life; adverts, radio (always BBC) DJs, in a few years the Labour Party (if it’s still around – hopefully as a fringe party to be laughed at). It annoys me because it has replaced cockney, it annoys me because it’s rapid ascendency just shows what a cunt Blair and his fucking multicultural vision has done to this country, it annoys me because the word ‘community’ has been altered to ‘koo-moon-it-E’, it annoys me because now the youth have a propensity to pepper their sentences with the word ‘like’, which has been altered to ‘laak’. It annoys me because grime “artists” are now given the time of day and producers of tv and radio now give them airtime, instead of saying “You sound like a stabby cunt who should be euthanised”. It annoys me because it is lazy (words are now meaning several things, suggesting it is for the indolent and thick). And it really fucks me off because it spawned that infernal word “innit”. It also annoys me because it reminds me of London, a foul hole filled with cunts who speak MLE in their various Koomoonities, which I think is London speak for drug dealing, knife wielding cunts who get uppity if you call them that and accuse you of being ‘waycist, blud’ and all voted for Corbyn.
If you want to sound like one of those cunts here is a video of how to do it from that Uber cunt Stormsie (Stormzy in MLE)



Nominated by Fortress Cuntimus

116 thoughts on “Multicultural London English

  1. He’s a cunt who is presenting the video, someone ought to cut his tongue out. That would stop him offending people anymore, with his mumbo jumbo shit that belongs on the dark continent.

  2. Obviously I only hear this on tv as I luckily am miles distant from London,
    Its contrived bollocks,
    Its not naturally how they would talk.
    Theres that which seems to be ‘street’ and a Californian influenced one young people use where everything is said like its a question,
    “Im going now?”
    Rather than
    “Im going now”
    Dont know why its caught on, seems retarded, only the young&moronic do it.
    Im not a fan, in fact It bugs the shit out of me.

  3. I shouldn’t of watched that, lost the will to live I’d not even reached Stormzy.

    It’s an assumed accent innit bruv.

  4. The worst part of this “patios” is changing the words ending with “er” to “ah”, so doctor is now doctah, almost every radio advert contains this cuntishness, boils my cunting piss it really does!

    • Yes its filtered through to adverts also.
      That fat Bingo woman does it, ‘are you gonna bingo?”
      For some reason it makes me incandescent with hate, and would cheerfully shove said fat bingo woman infront of a bus.
      *please dont take this as incitement to murder the bingo woman!
      But if you DID, well I’ll not condemn you.

      • Are you certain a bus wouldn’t come off second best against one of those bingo beasts? I reckon one could derail a fully laden iron ore/coal train.

      • True. It would be like repeatedly throwing a kitten at a brick wall to see which one broke first.

      • Might be right there Shackle, dont want to be paying out for damages!!
        How you doing where you are mate?
        Hope our colonial ISACs are staying safe & well in these hard times of wuhan bat flu!

      • West Oz is closed of to the rest of the world, so not all bad. One can get bog roll, beans, pasta, bread and meat now the panic hoarders are satisfied and have been seen to waste so much fresh food. Being a primary producer that only uses 1/4 of food production and the encroaching command economy I most sincerely hope we can help out the home Islands and other decent folk throughout the Commonwealth.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.

      • Unkle Terry should redesign his oven to accomodate these chubby chavs.
        ” We’re gonna need a bigger door ”
        Morning MNC.

      • Morning Jack,
        You well mate?
        Bet in this nice weather your jobs that bit easier eh?
        Missus got me doing fencing this morning.

        (Not the swashbuckling type with a sword)

      • Fine thanks. Yes, my job is a piece of cake in dry weather. Glad to hear that your wife isn’t attacking you with a rapier.
        Keep busy.

      • I react the same. Advertising is based on market research and aspirations. It completely grinds my soul that there are enough people who’d find that fat cunt a desirable role model to justify an entire advertising campaign.

    • Yeah like that fucking watermelon on the KFC ad (radio)- “[whatever they’re touting] for just nahn nahnty-nahn”

  5. Im hopeful that this virus eradicates the “new brish” . The more the merrier. Then we can revert back to our mother tongue. Fuck em all. Cunts

  6. Sorry but I still don’t know what Suck Ma Dick Khunt’s father did when he came he from Bangladesh.

    Any ideas?

    Also: Anyone seen Madeline McCann?

  7. Its worse when you hear it from someone in their twenties who is white at work.
    By that time of life, you should know that the international business language is English, not Jamaican patois.

    Unless your particular line of business is crack dealing.

  8. London, the epicentre of Cunt, Ground zero of the rot, just move far away, turn the TV and radio off, stop reading the news
    it’s all we can do now…………

  9. just as bad in Birmingham: a place that at one time was renowned for its Brummie accent – often voted as the worst regional accent in the country.

    But over the last 20 odd years that accent has taken a distant second seat to the multicultural “me no money, gimmee more!” bollox, mixed with yoof-speak and chav-speak. To the point now where you need an interpreter just to say “good morning” to some of these cunts.

    At least up here in C.u.mbria, a resonant English accent is prominent first and foremost, along with civility and respect. In fact I think it is time to build another wall up these parts, and keep the urban cunts with their gutter foreign-language-speak from darn sarf out!

    • Never thought I’d long for the days when the predominant Midlands accent was Auf Wiedersehen Pet era Timothy Spall classic Brummie.

  10. “multiculturalism” just ends up as monoculturalism with one lot replaced by another lot. Thats parts on London for you. Cunts.

  11. I remember calling out this abomination, best described as a forced Jamaican-Bangladeshi shitfuck patois, back in the 2000s around the time Ali G was popular. You could argue it goes back as early as the late 80s – examples include the testicle-curlingly cringeworthy Neneh Cherry video ‘Buffalo Stance’ and the second generation Windrush-descended enrichers on the Channel 4 show ‘Desmonds’.

    But in modern day society, few things come close the cuntitude exhibited by white folks talking in this manner, a classic example being the working class landwhale desperate for some enriched gangbanger action.

    The accelerated erosion of the British culture and values in the last decade can, in my opinion, be attributed significantly to utter cuntishness like this; fuckers speaking in a completely manufactured accent and being championed by white-guilt-laden institutions like the BBC, for being ‘authentic’ ethnic. It enables the behaviour of filth who talk like this; inherently showing them they can speak like a total cunt and not only be accepted, but actually be celebrated for it. Cue pushing the envelope with strategic victimhood, ‘cultural’ violence and a total lack of personal responsibility masked by blaming Ol’ Whitey’ for their resultant shit lot in life.

    Once upon a time, architects used to use words like ‘facade’, ‘massing’, ‘parapet’ and ‘upstand’; now the new generation use words like ‘fam’ and ‘init’. I fear for this once noble profession, I really do.

  12. Wagwan, my brudda. It used to be mocked and called ‘Jafaican’ but now it’s lauded. Fake yardie cunt wannabes. Absolutely hate MLE. Innit, bruv? Safe. About time teachers were told to expel students that use it. They need to be taught ‘English’ not fucking ‘street patois’ or whatever the fuck it is. Hearing white kids using it is painful. If one of mine came home speaking like budding architect, ‘D’Shaun Stabbinson-Smith’ (double barrelled names nowadays seemingly for a dad that fucked off and the mum) then I’d put the little cunt up for adoption.

    Go fuck yourselves.

      • Remember a ginger twat with dreadlocks, whiter than a milk bottle in a phosphorous flare, speaking like Jim Davidson’s Chalkie about 10 years back. I put up with it (round at a mates house) for about an hour and then said something like (I was drunk), ”For fuck’s sake. Just stop talking I can’t take that fucking accent. You’re not Jamacain you twat! Just cos you listen to Bob Marley you don’t need to fucking speak like him.”

        He wasn’t amused and left shortly after. Others agreed with me but said I was a ‘little too strong’. Fuck it. My ears were nearly bleeding.

      • … and Cadbury’s “Old Jamaica” chocolate bar from the 1970s. gorgeous rum & raisin in a dark chocolate coating.

      • My mother used to work at Cadbury’s Bournville when I was a kid. She worked in quality control, and quite often she would bring home a loads of reject chocolate bars of different Cadbury’s brands.

        They were perfectly good to eat, but were rejected because they were slightly misshapen or too much/not enough chocolate covering the bar etc.

        The ironic thing was, I soon got sick of the sight of chocolate because we had so much of it; and have barely bothered since – which is a good job otherwise I’d be a right fat cunt by now!

      • With you on that Techno,
        Had some the other week.
        Just as I remember it!?

      • Dark chocolate might help with the China virus if you have higher than normal blood pressure. Recent studies prove that it reduces bp a bit for most people. Needs to be quite strong though (70%+ cocoa). And don’t eat loads of it, of course. Just a few chunks a day.

        No BS.

      • We’ll keep that amongst us on ISAC an our families otherwise the panic buying cunts will obliterate the shelves!

      • True. The thick cunts would buy loads of it, not realising you should only eat a little bit a day (a few chunks) or it doesn’t work. I can see them now, shoving 20 bars a day down their necks.

        About a medium sized bar a week. No more than 2 really or it does nothing but harm.

        The daft twats would shove 875 bars into their trollies, therefore stopping themselves and anyone else from reaping the benefits.

      • Cuntybollocks – I’m currently in possession of a few 100% raw ‘cacao’ bars (i.e. dark choc from unroasted cocoa beans, thus preserving the high mineral nutrients).

        Unfortunately, eating it is akin to biting into a bar of soap. I’ve never tasted anything so fucking bitter in my life. Hence why they’ve been virtually untouched since Christmas.

      • To Empire SB

        100%? That would be fucking disgusting. 70% -75% is edible. Just about. It gets nasty over 80%.

        100%? Inedible really.

  13. Well I must admit that the video came as a surprise to me. I had no idea that The Dark Keys used such an extensive vocabulary….I thought that grunts,clicks and whistles were about as far as it went. I have seen Planet of The Apes where they chatted away but just put it down as typical Hollywood nonsense in much the same way as they try to portray Tom Cruise as a “ladies man” or Tilda Swinton as anything but a rat-faced old bag.
    This has completely sunk my idea of publishing ” The Beginner’s Guide to The Entire Dark-Key Language “….

    Where Da…… White wimmin/ Chiggun/ YourWallet/Drugs/ Olympic 100 metre sprint start-line/stolen Scooter/Tyre- Swing…. at ?

    Darwin was right…they are evolving. Planet of The Apes was not fiction,it was actually a prescient warning of Da Fudjur unless they are closely watched….I actually think that Nostradmus wrote such a prediction…

    “Dem come from da Jungle
    Dem bring sloth and stealing wid dem
    Dem rumpy-pumpy da beatchess widout mercy

    Beware Da Dark-Key Hordes”

    • I once saw one driving a car. Having a strong sense of civic duty, I immediately contacted the authorities.
      Morning Dick.

      • No no no! His reference distinctly said “you will be very fortunate to get this man to work for you”

  14. When working in London (not recently) I often use it to communicate to black folks serving coffee or assisting on the underground. A forty odd year old white fella in a Paul Smith suit, Burburry tie and brogues “chatting batty” always delivers a bewildered ‘sketchy’ look on their boats……On one occasion last December I went for a drink in Pret a Mange (or some god forsaken multi national) in East London
    “What gwan mi pick mi up? Dem coffee to go please cuz”…..The queue, serving team and manager all looked over….”white?” the server asked, a little perplexed
    “Yes i am white – very observant in it!”….CUNTS!

  15. There’s increasing evidence in the states enrichers of the faecal shades are disproportionately suffering from the ChinaVirus; primarily due to their lifestyle choices and refusal to do what they are fucking told. An attitude no doubt fostered by their victimhood demeanour in fighting ‘white oppression’.

    Dat virus be racist, blud.

    • If it comes out that this is the case, the Guardian and the BBC will say it’s down to overcrowding and poverty.

      It’ll be whitey’s fault, you can bet on it. Nothing to do with them partying, smoking 20 joints a day, not covering their mouths or noses if they cough or sneeze and meeting up in large groups, of course.

      • Now now don’t go encouraging them to modify their behaviour. We could do with a few Corona Grenfells.

    • There was a piece on the news last night too of London bus drivers dying from the bat flu. All featured were obviously enrichers with about five kids each, hard working, family men etc etc ….Suckdick then popped up, I switched over before he mentioned his father, who was a bus driver.

  16. On a similar note, whilst I have nothing against yanks or yank culture, I can’t fucking abide people in this country ordering stuff by saying “can I get a…”, coffee, sandwich etc. Boils my fucking piss! Yanks wouldn’t fucking do it. Can you imagine Biily-Bob going into his Louisiana dive bar and saying “morning guvnor! Please may I have a bourbon with a Bud chaser if you please my fine fellow?”. Fucking daft sheeple cunts!

    • WWC, you swine! I laughed so much my monocle fell out and landed in my watercress soup! Haha 😀

  17. I didn’t get as far as Stormcunt. Who is this beardy middle class prick? I’m sorry but I just want to smash his smug, posh face in. So we can learn English from Macca, fat arse Adele and the fucking Hewitts? All these cunts, plus Stormbollocks and plus beardy boy can all fuck off.
    Oh I just realised who the beardy fucker reminds me of…….James Champagne Socialist 0’Shithead!!!! Now it makes sense.

    • Thanks Fred, just what I was thinking. Stormshite is a total cunt but the hipster meddling class git is a bigger cunt for lauding him. I hope the next bottle of Pimm’s his parents buy for him is the poisoned one.

    • I immediately wanted kick the bearded twat in the face F F, but that would mean smashing my phone!

  18. “it annoys me because the word ‘community’ has been altered to ‘koo-moon-it-E’”

    Can imagine you’ve been listening to LBC recently which has been playing the “London Power” advert non stop. Apparently, London is “wehhwl, diffrent” as it embraces “vibrant koo-moon-it-E’s” and all of this apparently means that we need a “different kind of enargee”.

    Never mind how annoying the bitch sounds, what kind of cunt thinks, “oh there’s a type of gas and electricity that embraces vibrant communities is there?”.

    The last thing I would want my energy to have is the characteristics a black immigrant as it would be too thick and lazy to power up a 60 watt light bulb for more than ten minutes and would cost a bloody fortune. I switch LBC off as soon as this ad comes on which does save a bit of electricity mind. How many ad agencies are pissing their clients money down the drain to peddle their own propaganda amazes me.

    • That’s weird. I have LBC on in the background most of the day and don’t recall that advert. Will listen out for it today….

      • Maybe because I live in London I get specific multiculturally enriched adverts in this new language I am supposed to be learning. They do ask you on the app when you install it if you are in London or not.

      • I am currently in Suffolk and know nothing of this app you speak of. I tune into LBC on digital radio, or with freeview channel 732 on TV.

      • Pretty much as you describe him Daz, an insufferable smug narcissistic bullying shite. Although a fascinating psychological study at the same time. Keep it under your hat Daz, but occasionally I even find myself in agreement with the cunt… ?

        But if you want to know what the woke left are thinking, O’Shithead’s definitely your man. As Sun Tzu wrote in ‘The Art of War’ in 600 BC:

        “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succümb in every battle.”

        That said, I often have to switch him off after 5 minutes.

        Only another 2 cuntings and he’ll be on The Wall…

  19. The continuity announcer on ITV speaks in this cuntish accent. My wife asks what that vein in my forehead is throbbing for when the cunt pipes up. That tart voicing the National Lottery ads on the radio is another cunt that does this, too.

    Gold Star cunting.

  20. Learn English with Stormzy, followed by advanced mathematics with the Flabbot and then perhaps some exercise, swimming lessons with Eric the Eel.
    Who says home learning can’t be fun?

  21. Why do so many cunts want to sound like Captain Tobias Wilcox from Coconut Airways??? (You have to be of a certain age to understand that!)

  22. I must admit that I use the phrase ‘Could I get…..!’ However, I am always very mindful of my manners, especially living and working abroad. The Asians love good manners, and respect, and the American women adore my Edward Fox accent. That said, whenever I’m back in the UK it makes me fucking livid when I hear the bastardisation of the English language by retarded fucking scum. Cunts who say ‘Holibobs’ instead of ‘holiday’ or as someone said earlier ‘Are you gonna bingo!’ And Brummies! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?? Are you totally unable to use the Queens English?? Open up your iPhone and do an online English Language course while you’re in lockdown, you retarded cunts. My old English Master would be spinning in his grave listening to these fucking vermin speak!

  23. Perhaps the AL-BBC TV news and current affairs programmes should follow suit.

    Imagine newsreaders on Breakfast News going all effnick-speak; or Question Time panellists giving it some MLE!

    In fact I am surprised the BBC haven’t already done this because most of the presenters on these shows sound like right posh cunts – which surely goes against the current trends, and must therefore be racist!

  24. Along with democracy and the rule of law, the English language is undoubtedly our greatest bequest to the world. Without it we’d be fuck all today.

    Naturally it has evolved over the centuries, but we allow Stormzy et al. to flush it down the shitter at our peril.

  25. Innit has been around much longer, but I do agree that people are changing OUR language and that a lot of english people (english, not fucking british) are allowing it to happen. Our language is pretty much all we have left of our old culture, and now its being eroded away. I heard an english guy say ‘disoriented’ a couple years ago and politely explained to him that it isnt an english word, its disorientated! I also hate when people say slippy when they mean slippery.

    • If Chaucer came back today he would be hard pressed to understand a word of what we currently understand as standard English*, let alone the trendy ephemeral shit Stormzy spouts.

      * English that with respect to spelling, grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary is substantially uniform though not devoid of regional differences, that is well established by usage in the formal and informal speech and writing of the educated, and that is widely recognized as acceptable wherever English is spoken and understood.

  26. Fuck off with this multi-cultural shit.
    MLE sounds more like a disease, one which is eradicating English as it should be.

  27. The mode of speaking and accent used by stormeze is actually Fuckwit similar to Cuntish but not as descriptive. To label the above ways of speaking “MLE” is total bollocks because hardly anyone in Londonistan can speak English anyway. This mode of speaking originated in the Jafaken take on English favoured by middle class yoofs back in the late 70’s as an easy way to be seen as “hard streetwise and rebellious”. Basically these abominations of spoken English are for lazy thick cunts and are extremely useful in identifying persons who should be sterilised so they cannot reproduce or run over.

  28. They say that English is one of the easiest languages to start to learn and one of the hardest to master. Indeed, it is possible to start a sentence, become derailed and then recover multiple times and end up with a valid English expression. This upsets our linguistically inquisitive German brethren enormously, possessing as they do the verbal equivalent of a sewing machine. Now, for those of unsound mind and poor impulse control it is all too much and the results inevitable, factor in the non verbal aggression and you have the completely predictable. I feel equal amount of warmth to both groups being as they are less fortunate souls, I do however feel less favourably inclined toward that bearded ginger cunt. Fucking quisling soy boy bollockless cuck cunt … cunt … cunt … fucking CUNT. Oven the lot of ’em.

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