Millenials are by and large cunts. Here in East London the fuckers have decided that they are not going to die so have given up isolation. Presumably they think with an economic crash they will be able to afford to buy a house. They have no memory of the early 1990s when interest rates were at 15% and not many people could afford to pay. These entitled cunts moan about how they are the first generation to confront global catastrophe (made up) forgetting entirely mutual assured nuclear armageddon (real). They have invented nothing but pronouns and their shitty world will be Chinese because they have neither the courage or mental capacity to make sure it isnt. They will almost certainly be euthanising those who disagree with their intolerant bollocks as soon as the fuckers wield power. Cunts.
Nominated by Smug cunt
Much as I am livid about importing filthy Romanians for all this farm work, let’s face it this fucking lot just ain’t up for it. This ought to be done by teenagers and students but they are too lazy and unfit for day after day of hard physical labour. Much easier to scrounge off Mummy and Daddy and we might get on Big Brother or Slag Island. Useless cunts.
Millennials remind me of the hippies from the 60’s, except without any narrative and, they wouldn’t camp in a field with out a glamping pod with full toilet and shower facilities and WIFI. Generation Y? Generation Why should we? more like.
I think part of it is to blame on the expansion of satellite, cable and free view towards the end of the 1990’s and the onset of the ‘Californiacation’ of young minds. I also believe part of it is to blame on absent fathers (who are like still cool with mum, like really great friends actually now and stuff, kinda like get on better now than they did when they were together and stuff), not giving em a fucking good clout around the ear or drilling through their pet tortoise as a kid!..CUNTS.
I am tempted to agree, before the world of the internet, I was working in a rather small insignificant country that was showing “Beverly Hills High”, an American “High school” soap where all the kids had nice cars, big houses and chummy parents.
The locals actually believed that this was how people lived in the states, Like wise kids seem to have some deluded idea of importance, (I have x many friends on face book, I got so many likes, I am a social influencer)
They fucking grind my gonads, I despite being childless have been step daddy twice, My foreign one tried to dodge the draft and almost got banged up for 18 months (that was a laugh) and my precious little UK ones thought that playing on a computer until 3 am and shouting into a head set was normal.
Nasty step Dad who had to get up at 6am started ripping out the wifi at 23.59, that shut the fucker up, also the early morning, “I am going to work now, you ok?”
I am not good with Kids/other people/cats/most tech, In fact I am secretly enjoying the lock-down (will we still have to wear clothes when this is over?)
I like dogs though
I agree with the “Millenials”.
The generation that raised them has failed them…it is our generation that reared them to be soft and silly.
We have also left them a World teetering on the edge of destruction….over-population,pollution…possibly ever increasingly severe pandemics etc.
This is not to say that I have any sympathy foe Millenials. I’ve enjoyed my time and couldn’t really give a shit about who has to pick up the bill. If I was to croak tomorrow… what? I don’t much like the look of the future and am just grateful that I’m not 50 tears younger….Had my fun…To Fuck with what is left,not going to be my worry,is it?
Yes, Millenials are Cunts…we made them that way.
My kids are millenials and everything that entails.
Shite music, shite political outlook,
A reliance on technology,
No sense of historical pride in this country,
I prefer the dog.
Im glad the millennials are getting a fucked up world its what they deserve and while they blame us theyd of fucked up themselves anyway.
Morning MNC
Morning All.
The way that I look at it is that I wouldn’t mollycoddle a puppy,rear it to be soft,indulge it’s every whim and then chuck it out on the Fells and expect it to survive.
“as ye sow, so shall ye reap”
Morning Dick, yes your perfectly right, ive allowed my kids to become that way, indulged them, allowed them to become the adults they now are.
My missus fought me constantly over discipline and through love of my family I gave her her own way.
Hope the little bastards put her in a rogue care home.?
Hey Dick, just reread your post, re@-puppy.
And its just occurred to me Ive done the same with the bleeding dog as well!!
Unfortunately so have I,MNC.
Dogs deserve looking after…people?…Fuck them.
OK Boomer.
Soy latte drinking,sandal wearing,non-binary, 3rd wave Femanazi Corbyn worshipping, immigrant living global warming conspiracy theorist limp wristed PC obsessed CUNTS.
Good morning.
I’m sensing a little frustration in your reply. Would piledriving Mr Bieber go some way to help release your pent up energy?
I would cover him in so much jizz it would act as a barrier to CBF (chinky bat flu).
The most damning thing you can say about millennials is that a large majority of them are remoaners. You can’t blame their parents and grandparents for that one. No, they dreamed up that one all by themselves the muggy brainwashed cunts. I’ve got no time for remoaners, whatever their age, so they can go and fuck themselves.
Another problem with millennials in the UK is that a greater proportion of them are peacefuls.
Muddled up spineless little cunts.
Perhaps a harsh drop of reality will put some starch in them.
Perhaps I won’t hold my breath.
Morning gentlemen.
Leave the starching to KD!!
On my 1st payday + 1 week, I have some starching, jizztastis stress-relief therapy planned. The 2m rule won’t apply, but I know it’ll get a serious spunking from well over that distance!!
There’s lots of contradictions at work understandably so they are full of hollow indoctrinated platitudes. What I object to is the vapid selfishness of the cunts. If you jump on their high speed shit shuttle of woke, vegan, juicy wucy, puritanical, organic chip on shoulder to woe is us sisterhood then in my world your a grade a cunt. Largely humourless bunch what impact and influence are they likely to have on this world? Plenty if you obsess over social media send them on a gap year to Syria
I imagine being raped and murdered in some foreign shit hole is a very liberating experience.
I’m waiting for the day when one of these soft cunts claims to me that – as is often peddled by the media – all this virus shite is the modern-day equivalent of WWII. Yes, sitting in your living room in your pants all day wanking, watching Tik Tok videos and eating cous cous for a few weeks is just as horrific as having your eyes and ears peeled for years on end for a fucking Nazi doodlebug to come smashing through your ceiling. Fuck this generation
Aye. Remember reading a book about the Stalingrad siege during WW2.
Hitler’s orders were to kill all the men in the city. Even if they surrendered. And to send the kids and mothers to camps.
Imagine having that looming over you as your city lies in ruins and it seems the enemy can’t be defeated?
I consider this pandemic a massive pain in the arse and probably the biggest event in my lifetime, but fuck all compared to the stress of living through either of the world wars.
I get the points some are making about the older generation being responsible for millennials’ attitudes. However, they’re grown fucking adults and should be able to make informed decisions without reacting to their cultish groupthink. Plenty of us have had conversations with them about this.
I find most (not all, it has to be said) of them nauseating company, who live in a fantasy world of fairies and unicorns and think you’re evil for pointing out that the world isn’t quite the fluffy pixy rainbow land they think it is. Their worst trait is believing something due to its name. Most modern ‘Anti fascist’ groups tend to be …fascist! But they fall for it because of the post they glanced at for 5 seconds on Facebook.
They need to wake the fuck up, it’s that simple.
Fuck them.
If I remenber, cannibalism reared it’s ugly head there too…
Would YOU eat a snowflake? I’d be too worried about developing something really awful…
Soldiers sent there said it wasn’t hell. It was much worse than that. Sounded absolutely fucking horrendous.
CTC your a prophet pound to a pint of piss that sentiment will be uttered…..I do believe Sam ‘every mans cunt’ Smith is well on the way with his emotional journey. Seriously if the fascists took over akin to WWII I’d happily sign up for the hit squad with a reputation for cruel torturous slow painful deaths…..a 1000 papercuts is what that cunt does to us. Capture him along with messrs Blair, Schofield, Grant, Coogan anyone from that generation who should know better, make an example of them…..this is what happens if you don’t demonstrate realistic human endeavour and stop fucking wasting everyone’s time. Now here’s some LSD fuck off and report back in a month for interrogations
HIS emotional journey RJ??!? Surely you mean “theirs” or “they’s” or “zese”, or whatever the fuck that fruitcake is demanding to be referred to as these days (“cunt” covers all his bases I think)
CTC definitely on my cabinet to help direct government policy. The right honourable CTC raises a very valid point, any objections if we kangaroo this Cunt metaphorically make him a martyr for all PC wokeness. This unprecedented cunt warrants unprecedented action and to be made an example of. There’s a £1m reward to his live capture get zuckerberg in on it make great social media and liven up the tabloids…..I want him alive for an absolute grilling before we send him to the centre for young homosexual offenders and a bit of old fashioned correction….let the cameras role
There’s some of us millennials, though far and few between, who’ve recognised what an utter shitheap this country is and the spectacular betrayal of our generation. It’s infuriating and some days I’m amazed I haven’t zip tied a Tesco bag over my head already.
Millennials are by and large good little drones for the hive. The shit work ethic and pussification is because deep down they all know the truth and it shits in their cereal every morning.
But let’s face it, children are a mirror of their parents and society at large. We’re garbage because it is what our society is.
Hoorah ? wound licking pussys no time for them same as ego maniacs with deep seated insecurities it’s not personal it’s about doing your little bit for humanity no matter how small and not being a selfish cunt. Granted modern society gives them all the tools for being a tool but there has to be an uprising from those with enough character to say fuck you all I’m not listening to any of you cunts I’m going to ave it my own way……before settling down to mediocrity
Yeah that’s great and all, but you’re expecting millennials to just overlook the fact they have to effectively work more for less. I’d rather be called lazy than accept your bullshit and rationalizations about grift, adulthood, doing good for society. It’s an insult to my intelligence as a man.
And it’s not just the economical aspect. It’s the social ones too.
We didn’t want perfection. That’s scapegoating by boomers, who never matured past the emotional age of 12, who just can’t take responsibility for the fact they couldn’t even pass on a society in a moderately acceptable state to their own children due to their own moral failures.
I’ve struggled to dig my way out, and I’m still struggling, but I get what you’re saying. I know this cunting is all in jest and it’s all good, but you have to point the blame squarely where it belongs.
You can’t program children in a half arsed manner for a world that doesn’t even exist anymore, then expect them to reprogram themselves instantly on their own just because they now don’t live up to some standards they were never even programmed with.
You should now understand why fecklessness, drug use, mental illness and suicide is rising at an alarming rate in young people. They’re trapped in a hopeless situation.
Blame? I suggest your on the wrong platform it’s that very word that embodies the problem. It’s about life cycle us middle age long in the tooth old fashioned ‘better in my day’ cunts are asking for a bit of passion, individuality and character. If that means telling your parents to fuck off you’ve made a right dogs breakfast of it before coming up with some cultural hedonistic flag post so be it. But to do little else but apathetically moan and hanker for an ideology that attempts to purify dog shit is cuntism on a scale hitherto unseen before….you lot have given up worse still you want to obsess over self preservation, a vacuum for selfish humourless cunts suck it up buttercup
This country is finished.
© RTC 2017
If parents and society don’t owe their children a world which is better, not in terms of economics, but in hope and opportunity, then what is the fucking point of society. We should just be allowed to go back to jungle living where we have only the cunt laws of nature to put up with.
Your reasoning has as much vitality as my work ethic.
Never had brats, so not guilty. It is natural to blame your parents for your own inadequacy – done it all my life. But I know whose fault it really is that I am not (insert vapid celebrity here), and that’s fine.
We’re ALL trapped in a hopeless situation, btw. It’s called life.
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.
(Philip Larkin)
Another thing millennials do is make statements as though they’re facts.
Drug abuse has been around for fucking years. Look at the heroin problem in the 80s and 90s in the UK. I’m pretty sure it was no less of s problem than now? Or the crack problem in the US in the 90s?
But yeah, this shit only happens to their generation lol.
I’m gen X, and lived in a fucking bedsit when I was younger. Shared a bathroom which tramps off the street came in to use and left it stinking of wet dog and shit. Rats scurrying around the bins. Sometimes, in the hallway. Ate instant super noodles most days because it was all I could afford. 4 TV channels with fuck all on, no internet. Couldn’t afford driving lessons, let alone a car. Had to study really hard to get A-levels to get a job. Then worked two jobs to save for 3 years to get a deposit for a house with an ex. Had to sell it when we split up. Had to start again. Two jobs jobs to save to go to university. On my arse for about 5 years. Hard to pull birds for a while because I was skint.
I could go on. Meanwhile, my younger sister (millennial but great) and her fella have jobs which are nothing special (lorry driver and receptionist) and worked and saved (not spending money on the latest iPhone or fancy holiday) for 3 years and put down a deposit on a house.
Looking in, it seemed easier than it was for me, in my rat infested bedsit with no entertainment at my fingers.
This ‘woe is me, you stole my future’ is utter shite. It’s not us, for the most part, voting remain or harassing people on social media if they don’t conform to being a Corbyn fan or if they don’t hate Trump and Brexiteers.
My heart does go out to millennials that can see the truth and don’t conform. But not to those who go all ‘Greta’ and blame everyone else for not digging their way out, like we all had to (and many still haven’t dug their way out yet!)
Grow the fuck up.
If your parents never had children, the chances are you won’t either.
To think society owes you somthing is a pure as fuck cunt. To think you should be aloud somthing like a car on finance, or a house on 5% is a bollocks. You work, you save then you buy if you can afford it. This attitude of look at me, I want it now, I wont take advice, is going to bring society to its knees. I work 50 to 60 hours a week, and I do it because I value hard work, I value bettering my self. I do it because I was brought up to know the value of honest work, no hand outs! I’m in my early 30s and I admit I’m worried, so many people my age or younger feel they are owed something. My 16 year old niece thinks rainbows shine out of the eu’s arse. Well you only need to look how inept they have been off late to see its cuntitude. We face real problems in the future, I dont think things will go on as they are for much longer. And war is probably likely, but most sheeple are busy watching ladyboy gaga to give a fuck. Young and old! We are lucky group on here, an enlightened few, who can see things are bloody wrong. We call it out for what it is, a load of cunt!
Being removed from these self-entitled cunts for “the duration” it’s easy to forget what cunts millenials are in the workplace.
I’m enjoying spooking them in supermarkets. Because these cunts can’t make eye contact, there’s no social interaction. People of my age just grin and step one way or t’other.
If millenials want a good future, they need to drop the woke, lefty crap and demand that those who can work DO work. That way, we won’t need to fly in pikeys to pick our crops and UK PLC might balance the books.
Forgot, good nom Smug!?
East London?
Your Nast Nick Cotton and I claim my £5.
Or Some Pie& mash, no eels for me thanks.
One wonders how these soft lazy good for nothing fuckers would have coped in 1940 when we were walking round carrying gas masks instead of phones, our friends and colleagues in Europe were dropping bombs on our heads, and the safe space was a fucking Anderson shelter.
I honestly wonder sometimes whether losing the war was a more viable option. This generation are pathetic.
Millennials are people and people are mostly cunts. People have always been cunts and people will always be cunts. The entitled snowflake generation are getting a lesson in reality. You can have whatever you like printed on your T-shirt, life will still kick the fuck out of you.
Sixdog truism for sure but even cunts need steering away from the arsehole we’re DP’d by this lot. They have the backbone of a jellyfish with the passion and potency of dried prune drained of all its juice but be careful they make very good rhetoric and know how to bash a fucking keyboard
True RJ, they are about to get a life lesson though. Virtual signalling won’t feed you. They will learn to survive or they will learn to die hard, yippee ki yay.
We have feminised society, what did you expect?
And infantilised.
The difference being?
Somebody mentioned previous gen. not having exceeded mental age of 12; where I am, I’d say 6 is optimistic for the monkey-House dwellers…
That’s right. No real men about anymore, all too in touch with our feeeeelings and you can’t think or say anything other than middle ground. I got called a racist in London last year ” No! I’m not a racist! ” I exclaimed ” I am a fascist! “
Keep posting Chunky, as I suggest your basic thoughts are not that different from most of us on here. If you don’t, then IsAC will come to a grinding halt when the rest of us old cunts shuttle off the Earth.
Some proper salty old fucks on here who sound as every bit as brainwashed as any millennial. You think life revolves around nothing but money and work ethic, “society doesn’t owe you anything..”. Different eras, different type of ignorance, but still ignorance all the same.
You lot could do with 5 dried grams of the old Psilocybe cubensis to straighten your life out. Then again you might realize you’ve wasted your entire lives chasing nonsense and spaz out to become another David Icke.
* Except Mr Fiddler, who’s inherent and refined cynicism seems to have bestowed the wisdom. Natural talent.
I was with you upto the point you started arselickin’!
You and yours keeping OK?
Afternoon Dick. Fine thanks. I don’t think it’ll be long before you’re able to move about more freely. Old cunts like myself are destined for permanent lockdown but I couldn’t give a fuck. Under the traffic light system, I don’t even come under the red light. My lights are blown!
PS don’t quote me, but I think Mac might have received a ban after a blast against Admin.
No wisdom at all I’m afraid BCC….just pure unadulterated Cuntism.
What about me?
Never mind Fiddler!
I pay your pocket money!
You callous little bleeder!
Don’t forget me Chunky… we’re psilocybin buddies, remember?
I seem to have made a grievous error in omitting Northern and Ruff Tuff from the ceremonial rimming.
My most humble apologies. Gather round then I guess?
Cwybabies, cunts, been around two minutes and know everything. Brainwashed by a society that casts them as the victim, the poisonous fascism of the pretend liberal is their always repeated doctrine.
Cunts, one and all – and in twenty Years or so these same fuckers will be managing the nursing home you will end up in.
Soylent Green.
There’s something in the water here. A real sense that change is upon us whether we like it or not and that the liberal left remoaning pc wokey cokey cunts won’t carry fuck all in the way of influence when things get tougher. Watch this space and their insipid principles evaporate when genuine hard times are enforced upon us. Learn through adversity I suggest
Not really sure where I stand on this anymore. I try to see the points from both sides.
The millenials think that the older generations are out of touch, all the names ending is -ist and -ic, etc.
The older generation think that the young are weak, soft, unintelligent, etc.
Both sides raise valid points and neither are entirely right or entirely wrong.
It’s a shame that each side can’t accept that neither of them are perfect and try to stop seeing each other as “wrong” and instead try and learn from each other. Sadly, that won’t happen. Meanwhile we’re all getting fucked over by the powers that be.
Both sides call each other names – millenial, snowflake, boomers, gammons and so on.
Due to my age I am classed as a millenial, but I don’t share a lot of their opinions. I can’t really get excited about the music and films they squeal about mainly because they’re mostly a load of shite.
I find the victim mentality particularly grating. When I was growing up, if you behaved like a victim, you became one. A bit like how lions will go after the weaker members of the herd.
It does seem as if there has been a deliberate dumbing down and coddling of the younger generation – you reap what you sow.
What the young fail to realise is that one day they will be old and their younger generations will look upon them as old, out of touch, etc. and will also ridicule their beliefs. While they will look upon the young as feckless, lazy, soft etc.
I’ve already got my coat on and I’m heading out the door for my government allowed daily quota of exercise
A balanced perspective is always welcome however my beef is not with the views and opinions per se it’s the lack of virility and impotence. For those of us who are kind, decent and have had positive influences in our lives ie the majority. That means a combination of factors normally stir the soul problem being rampant consumerism and hollow selfish pursuits coupled with political ideologies not compatible with human nature no matter how justified they never have and never will be the natural order of things. Healthy debate is replaced with hate and cancel culture. Point is it’s not a matter of right or wrong it’s a matter of getting on learning by mistakes being a force of good as you mature and above all showing some application. Then when you start to arrive at an age of reflection you naturally become more retrospective and think ‘what can I offer society’ at the moment I’m motivated by change because we’re all crying out for it
I’d agree to a point. I was once at a sport and leisure exhibition and this American chap of the bender persuasion was presenting on Millennials in the modern workplace or some shit….he was about 45. He was going on “so they may have ink, they may piercings, they may wanna check in on social media…let em “…unless they are watching a swimming pool of course?
Cuntflap I concur I’ve noted some valid points from my millennial counterparts. Nice and civilised with no personal bile fuelled attacks. That said whoever came up with this notion could only have stirred more reaction with a Top 3 cunting No 1 of which seems to epitomise millennial stereotypical values of king cuntiness……Sam ‘my arsehole is aching’ smith he boils my piss like no other
Agreed. I knew someone years ago in his 40s who blamed everyone else for his problems and always moaning about his lot in life. He acted like a sullen teenager.
Anyway enough about that cunt.
Enjoy you dirty bastards:
Can’t believe my Daughter has dyed her hair blonde without my permission – wait while I see her! ?
Hey Vernon do you mind if I have some stern words with her too I think she needs to learn the hard way
To be fair I’m at the point where I’m fucked off with the whole lock down bollocks and given there’s plenty of evidence out there to suggest they are at minuscule risk of croaking (and might actually be doing everyone a favour by building up some heard immunity if the were left to drink to drink their soy lattes in public) I’d be pretty fucked off if the government had decided to lock me up at home while simultaneously flushing the economy down the khazi with the expectation I’ll pay for it when it’s not going to kill me.
In fact much like they decided to lock us all up because so many demanded it I’m of mind the Gov’t are waiting for Joe Public to kick off or public opinion shift enough to reverse it so they can blame anyone but themselves for this fiasco.
When unemployment inevitably goes up due to our hiatus and millennials get dealt a second ‘once in a lifetime’ economic crisis.. there isn’t going to be much of a tax generating base left.
Hope all the retirees are prepared for the pension triple lock to get smashed open with a sledge hammer..
Cuntflap you dont understand the youth !
Young uns like me & Ruff.
MNC – we is callin ourselves “Da Yoot” dese days innit!
Instead of kickshirt nancy mince ball I suggest we have “Snowflake beating” as our national sport – top form! ??
Hehe, Cuntflap You know I speak pidgin english and pass it off as dyslexia!?
Millenials are over entitled cunts, selfies/selfish, same difference. They always and with little exception fail to realise the options are old age or die young.
But it’s the ‘Boomers’ fault every time, who can I blame?
Fucking brats need a good shoeing and the society of rainbows and cuddly toys they desire will ensure that wake up call falls at their feet sooner rather than later.
I’ve got front row tickets.
There’s a counter argument to that in having spent years telling millenials what a bunch of entitled snowflake cunts they are there’s a lot of boomers and to a lesser extent the silent generation are going to rely on millenials as their cash point in old age because they’ve succeeded in creating two once in a hundred year recessions in barely a decade.
They might want t think about not biting the hand that feeds them.
It seems to me almost universally the prior generation like to espouse how much better and responsible they were as kids/young adults and how much harder they had it. Seems a bit like constructing a straw man to me. “Yes we has children so I could bring them into shit tip of a world that’s far worse than the one I grew up just so I could sit there and gloat to them about it.” doesn’t really make any sense does it?
I’m paying for the retired now, why should generation snowflake have it any different when all they aim for are spurious degrees in muesli crochet techniques of Andean lesbians and meedja studies?
Manual workers keep the wheels turning, journalists and bloggers are full of shite.
Once they have the world they bleat for they’ll be bleating even louder and looking around them for support because they won’t be able to cope.
Fuck ’em.