Quite a gay day for the Queer Peers today, we have already had the raddled figure of Mandelson showing what an unprincipled cunt he is, now we have the other one – the baldy man busy doing nothing “Lord” Adonis, who feels we ought to help bail out the EU for the coronavirus:
Perhaps he doesn’t know that Merkel has today sent Bejing a bill for £130 million for “damages” caused by the virus.
Why do broadcasters continue to give old queens like Adonis the oxygen of publicity?. I suppose he and Mandy are at a loose end as “social distancing” means they can’t go the parks and commons and saunas they normaly cruise around. I would say gag the old buggers, but they would probably enjoy that too much.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Elected to nothing, baldy, bent, professional arse licker, House of Wax expenses scrounger, bastard, traitor, cunt, wanker and remoaner fanatic. A fucking cunt and enemy of this country with not a single redeeming feature. Another dangerous cunt who can’t believe his luck that they’ve got rid of Steptoe and got Starmzy, another dedicated EU stooge. We’ll be hearing a lot more of this fucker when the Batshit Plague is over. The cunt is obsessed with the EU.
Seems like a nice boy,
Not rough like some,
Very close to his mother,
Always nicely turned out.
No upper body strenth.
Ducky darling!!
Hah hah! Like that one, MNC. No upper body strength! Arms like spaghetti and no core strength whatsover. However good supple wrists and slender fingers for gripping and greedily devouring large continental sausages. Allegedly.
Adonis is always wrong about everything. All you have to do is ask his opinion on anything and do the exact opposite. Fuck the cunt and the eu cunts.
He looks like Putin on a crash diet
AIDS Putin.
Fuck Adonis, Fuck the EU.
Ramadan starts this evening, a whole month when the dipshit rag heads starve themselves from sunrise to sunset…. stupid ignorant medieval bastards!
The cheeky cunts have stolen England day, blasphemy, off with their heads.
Which means their immune systems will be compromised even more.
However, it’ll be whiteys’ fault when they start dropping like flies. The eat like gannets once the sun sets anyway! Usually, by meeting up with a few dozen other peacefuls. Again, not their fault but ours when more of them croak due to this.
I wonder if the government will release a statement telling the peacefuls not to fast, as it hinders their immune system and will place unnecessary strain on the NHS? I wonder if they’ll tell them not to ransack the shelves for their evening feasts? Or that they shouldn’t gather in large groups to feast in the evenings?
Like fuck they will!
Let the cunts starve. I’m waiting for the statistics that read “In the last 24 hours, there have been zero deaths in hospitals, zero deaths in care homes, 956 deaths in mosques, and a further 154 deaths in a three-bedroom semi in Bradford”.
To celebrate Ramadanadingdong, I started my day with a delicious bacon toastie. My bacon consumption usually goes up around this time of year.
Eat a bacon sandwich in front of them ?
Just don’t throw one. Still can’t believe a guy went to jail for throwing one at a mosque!
Hopefully the combination of lockdown, starvation and apparent increased vulnerability to the ChinaVirus will clarify who exactly amongst their comoonitee gets to paradise with their 72 virgins. Inshallah.
Salaam a bacon!!!
Looking on the bright side, the big weekly shop will be a piece of piss tomorrow with no headbag cunts roaming about.
I’m doing a beef and ale casserole for dinner tonight and will have plenty left over for lunch tomorrow. ?
Don’t go easy on the suet dumplings, OB!
Much as I love suet dumplings Paul, I can never make them as well as my Nan did.
She also used to do a cracking steak and kidney pudding.
I am now drooling like one of Pavlov’s dogs and that casserole is 8 hours away in the slow cooker.
Just to get back on topic. Lord Adonis is a weapons grade, EU loving, traitorous cunt.
Jesus Paul, read that an my tummy growled!
Not had dumplings in ages, theyre the best !!??
Oddly, I don’t eat dumplings, but I cannot get enough of either suet pudding (with Golden Syrup on top), or Sussex Pond Pudding, stuffed with lemons, butter, and demerara sugar.
Anyway, enjoy yer dumplings !!
Does this mean the Hajj IS still happening? Great – wonder how many will survive being trampled to death as normally happens and then succumbing to a virus or something!
Let them congregate and eat together. Then put them all in forced isolation and keep them segregated from the British. Happy belated St George’s day everyone. There’s a reason why the English flag is mostly white. Cunts!!
It is arguably the most hilarious of ironies in all human history that this horrific, corpse-tier walking abomination is associated with the name ‘Adonis’.
Adonis spews his bile every day on Twatter about anything and everything. He really is the Lord Haw-Haw of the 21st century. Less William Joyce though, more Joyce Grenfell. A pity at the end of the virus and our leaving the EU completely he won’t suffer the same fate as Haw Haw on 3rd January 1946.
Merkel asked China for a poxy 130 million in damages due to their virus?
About 5 trillion is what they should be forking out, more like!
China’s combination of pestilence, false-capitalism, unregulated manufacture and extreme communist tendencies make that nation a true danger to the rest of the world.
Never mind fucking billing them – all other countries should unite and bomb the living shite out of the dirty, piss-coloured cunts.
Unfortunately the Chinks too have a considerable nuclear arsenal…
If its anything like the rest of the shite they manufacture we should be ok!!
Fall apart in the missile silos.
More than agreed !
Lord Adonis is the unelected (and unelectable) cunt responsible for dreaming up that eye wateringly profligate white elephant, HS2.
Last week the Government inexplicably gave its formal approval for the project to begin construction.
In response Adonis tweeted:
“HS2 is now beyond the point of no return. The key construction contracts are signed. Virtually the only good thing in public policy this month.”
? Oo-ee-oo!
To be fair, it’s hard to imagine a better use for £106 billion of taxpayers money at this time….
He should be buried beneath it with his favourite toy – an Action Man.
Morning Creamie. Forgive my mistake on yesterday’s Geffen nomination. Of course I knew he Zimmermann had been doing his lawn mower impression since ’61.
Morning Captain.
As with the little girl guide who “once did sit on Ivor the Engine Driver’s lap and later with him had a nap”
You are forgiven, you are forgiven, you are forgiven
You are forgiven, you are forgiven, you are forgiven
You are forgiven, you are forgiven, you are forgiven
You are forgiven, you are forgiven, you are forgiven
You are forgiven, you are forgiven, you are forgiven… ?
(The Who. A Quick One, While He’s Away. 1966)
It will keep Polish builders in work for a decade, maybe we should be asking for help from the EU as we are employing their citizens.
Lord Adonis probably spends much of his free time with his cock being suitably bound with twine to keep himself “at the point of no return” for a prolonged period. The old queen.
Adonis probably only wants HS2 because he will then be guaranteed a succession of randy brickies and labourers for 25 years to suck off
Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy,
Whose trust, ever child-like, no cares can destroy,
Be there at our waking, and give us, we pray,
Your bliss in our hearts, Lord Adonis, you cunt.
What a bellend, like Philip Schofield he’s a bender with kids.
Why are there so many gays in politics? Can it be they love the attention and the power?
Don’t know much abaaaaaht this cunt and that’s the way I’d like it stay.
The combover bender cunt.
I saw in passing yesterday that ol’ Bummer Schofield is reportedly moving out of the marital home.
I mean, how long did he and his stupid doormat wife really expect everyone to believe their ridiculous facade of ‘unity’, in the face of his uncontrollable lust for men’s bottoms?
I think Phillip has a uncontrollable lust for men’s naughty bits round the front.
Probably felt sick when he gave her a quick peck on the lips after realising he’d probably had a tea boy’s nob up his arse earlier in the day and then sucked the lad off afterwards.
Language is constantly evolving we are told as the millennials absorb the language used on American and Australian trash tv.
In that spirit “a Schofield” should be used as a euphemism for a poof pretending to be straight for reasons of sham respectability. As in “that Rock Hudson was a right Schofield.” or “that cunt Elton John used to be a Schofield but now he’s an out and out Gaylord.”
Saw that picture of dear old Philip moving into his new pad… What a cunt, I bet he was straight on the phone to his gay chum.
His ‘Wife’ will ‘Stand by him’ as long as he a millionaire.
A family of cunts.
”So Colleen, what was it that made you forgive your multi-millionaire partner for cheating on you with an old granny hooker?”
Fuck me, Schofield is slowly but surely morphing into Quentin Crisp. The Gayness, the “London Flat”, the bouffant white hair…
I wonder if old Scoffcock will be interviewed in 5 years time, sitting in his London flat, not cleaned since he moved in and clumsily attempting to make a cup of tea for the interviewer and cameraman.
So reminiscent of the 1970 World in Action interview of old Crispynuts in his flat.
Is this life imitating art?
As pointed out in the post . Mandelson is also a slippery cunt. Advising the yellow bellied panda shaggers on what Uk and US businesses are good to buy when the arse fell out of stocks and shares.
Who needs enemies when you have treacherous slimy cunts like him knocking about. Him ,Blair and Adonis should be fed feet first in to an industrial shredder then fed to the chinks in a wet market.
Utter cunts !
If the Lord of Gaynesses is that bothered then he should sell everything he owns and send a cheque to those weasel cunts in Brussels.
Then arrest the cunt for vagrancy.
Slow oven controls for this Bummer.
Get to fuck.
Adonis – never had a proper job in his life – hired by chief rotter and war criminal Bliar – promoted to the HoLs (fraud division) – and hasn’t kept his mouth shut since – this man is a fucking fake – an hour with a combine harvester would sort him out
Like the EU rushed to help the Spanish and Italians he means? Total cunt
It never ceases to amaze me regarding the sheer number of cunts in the UK who are desperate to keep pouring our money in the direction of Brussels.
For the life of me, I just don’t get it. Those cunts wouldn’t give us the time of day unless there was something in it for them.
Adonis is just a CUNT! I suspect he’s always the ‘female’ side in any queer relationship, so the term suits him.
Did Merkel really send china a damages bill? Thats pretty ballsy if its true haha I don’t believe she would tho shes a commie cunt too
She didn’t. German newspaper ‘Bild’ published their version of an invoice to China which amounts to 149 billion euros (£130 billion).
Nasty old queen.
I don’t condone any cruelty towards animals, but I would happily play football with the tortoise adonis