Local BBC radio

I’m nominating Local BBC radio. I admit, despite my hatred of the BBC, I do listen to local radio. It’s crap and they know it is which is part of its charm…normally. The silly cow presenter on this morning was bragging about having the weekend off and how giddy she is about it. Well many of us have had the last 3 weeks off without fucking any income, so when she started bragging about her bulging bank balance because she’s not going out spending…

I’ve finished with local fucking, chirpy, in it together, shit radio until the footy is back on.

Nominated by Cuntakinty

52 thoughts on “Local BBC radio

  1. In a similar vein I am sick of all the celebrities who are going on line to moan about lock down and how hard off they and ‘poor me’ cue Ellen De ‘lezzer’ from her mansion and swimming pool.

    While footy is a distraction I am also disgusted that these cunts (one particular London team) have ‘agreed’ a 12% pay cut BUT it might be paid back.

    Now, don’t get me wrong do these useless cunts with their wags really need to continue receiving their £80K odd per week – me thinks not.

    What I do think is this world is going to be a very different place for celeb land when we all get out…

    Cunt’s getting their comeuppance…

    Rant over.

    • so, poor old Turk, sorry German, Ozil will have to make do on £306,000 a week? My heart bleeds.

  2. BBC local radio, Axe it, preferably literally or keep it and axe Laura Kuntessberg.

  3. I haven’t listened to local radio for years now. Last thing I tuned into on BBC GMR (Manchester) was the late great Tony Wilson. Now GMR is full of cunts like that utter cheesehole, Terry Christian spouting his remainer wokefuck shite.

    The once great independent station, Piccadilly Radio (261) is also long gone. Personalities like Mike Sweeney, James .H. Reeve, Phil Wood, Roger Day and all the different music they played now replaced by a soulless ‘Heart FM’ style crappy hits on a loop thing. Who the fuck wants to hear Celine Dion and 80s era Fat Reg all day? The Saturday football coverage on 261 was also wonderful. Reds and blues alike with none of the ‘606’ and Talksport shite we have now, full of tosspot ‘fans’ who have never been near Manchester.

    And the other Manchester station (Key 103) is even worse. Endless turd like Drake, Kunty Perry, Stormzy The Jungle VIP, Ariana Terrorism Cash In, Little Slagz Mix and so on. And Cordenesque ‘celebrity’ rent a gob arseholes who aren’t even professional presenters or DJs. Like that fat cunt who was in Phoenix Nights (not Peter Kay though).

    Yeah, local radio is now as bad and as rotten as television is these days. Sad but very true. And don’t get me started on Radio fucking 1…

    • That’s the problem with BBCunts Local Radio. Because of the subsidy they are able to put all the local, independent, radio stations out of business. There is so much more originality in the private sector but if the BBCunts are nicking half your customer base then it is difficult to attract decent advertising rates.

      • Independent radio in Leicester consists of an Indian station and the local ‘Capital’ radio which thinks that a few adverts for local companies is enough to qualify. Radio Leicester is more boring than watching the lawn grow.

      • Cant stand that bloody Helen McCarthy with her whinging Alan whicker style voice. Bring back Waddo and his missus.

    • Has Piccadilly really gone? /use to listen at college. Mike Sweeney was a bit of a cock, but Jim Reeves evening show was classic. It’s where Chris Evans started as Timmy Mallet’s bitch.

      • I get what you mean about Sweeney, but he knew his 60s music inside out. Reeve was one dry funny bastard and well worth tuning into. A schoolmate of mine’s dad worked at Picc as a Country and Western show DJ. His name was Joe Fish and he told me how Mallet was a cunt and how despised he was within the 261 building. I remember James Reeve openly hating Mallet on air when the Wacaday bellend left Piccadilly. Joe also told us that Mallet had an apprentice, who was ginger and also a complete cunt. No prizes for guessing who that was….

        One of the best 261 DJs was Tony ‘The Greek’ Michaeledes. A specialist in jangle pop, psychedelia, the cream of indie and merseybeat. Tony’s show was the only place you’d hear the likes of Love, Buffalo Springfield, the Searchers and he was well ahead of the pack playing the Mondays and the Roses well before the ‘Madchester’ thing started.

      • Yes Norman – I’ll give you that. Sweeney was a cock, but knew his music.

      • Even as a child, I found that Timmy Mallet cunt intolerable. Mallet’s Mallet? Do us all a favour, Timmy, stick it up your arse.
        I remember, much later (probably in the 90’s or early 2000’s),Mallet’s co-presenter Tommy Boyd was talking about his nightmarish time working with Mallet. He said that the cunt was never out of character. If you said something he disagreed with, he would shout “bleugh bleugh!!” exactly like he infuriatingly did on Wacaday. Once, Boyd suggested that Mallet move away from children’s television and move into mainstream programmes for grownups. Mallet’s response? “NO! NO! NO NO NO NO NO. NO!!!” like a fucking toddler that doesn’t want to put his toys away.
        Timmy Mallet. An itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polkadot massive CUNT.

      • Tommy Boyd was also a massive cunt. He had an afternoon showv on LBC in the early 1990’s a slightly toned down version of James O’Brian. I use to call in and do my best to wind him up.

      • Wasn’t aware of that, Wanksock. Only thing I’ve ever seen or heard Boyd do was kids TV in the early to mid 80’s. Because he was working alongside Mallet, he always seemed OK,probably due to the monumental cunt next to him, but then again, Mallet would have still looked like the bigger cunt if he’d been presenting alongside Hitler or Robert Mugabe.

    • I lived for a few years in Manchester in the mid 80s and agree with everyone here that Piccadilly 261 was absolutely brilliant. I used to tape the James H. show and still have the tapes. If you search the internet you will find loads of his stuff. There’s a classic recording of him taking the piss out of Timmy Mallet on the night TM left the station.
      I had a liking for KFM Radio coming at ya straight out of Stockport. I met ‘Jumping’ Johnny Owen in the early 90s and he seemed to be an alright bloke.

    • Try Jack FM. No dj and play what people vote fo, via the website or app. British through and through. I never listen to them, of course, as I prefer classical music, due to the fact I’m a smug cunt…

    • James H Reeve phone in was brilliant…on what was Piccadilly Radio, and the best was James Stannage…late night show I was on both phone ins…As you said..that fuck awefull bland Heart radio whatever the fuck it’s called vapid shite…or as I call it GoldFisH FM looped tunes for thick middle aged fat munters and others with no imagination…

    • Key 103…totalshite…I can’t stand GMR, 30 seconds of that. ‘Tweefest is akin to being locked in a garage of car fumes…Rochdale, once upon a time dabbled with having a local station?

  4. As my Dad used to say, Regional TV and Radio News programmes always end with a happy donkey story. Maybe they’ll have one now with a donkey that’s recovered from Covid 19.

  5. Only radio station I will listen to now is Radio Caroline. A minimum of advertising, no “Boo hoo Donald Trump” every five fucking minutes
    and lots of old rock music.
    Fuck the BBC…

  6. Here in London we have had Robert Elms droning on for twenty years . Repeating himself over and over. Its worth listening to for a while before you realise its just like cunt O Brian. They both should just record a weeks worth of crap and put it on a loop.

    • Dont listen to the radio, never have really, never will.
      Dont like the presenters, their endless babble, or the shite music they play.
      I have a CD player in the van or just argue with the satnav.
      I put Billy Connolly as the voice on my satnav, thought he had a soothing, calming voice and one of the only famous people i actually liked.
      Now I hate the sound of his voice.

  7. Wait till Dame Kweer starts up Radio Mincing Lane. Drivetime will become Drag Time with Eddie Izzard, Lloyd Russell-Moyle will be at the cottage upright, Peter Mangeldbum will wallow in nostalgia in These You Have Loved and Zara Sultana will do the inevitable ethnic show – Rub A Dub Dub – a show for rubber fetishists in Urdu. Music from Kweer Charmer and his Dance Otchestra with the Gay Gordons every Saturday night, and, no doubt room will be found for Dominic Grieve at his electric organ at the Rose & Crown (that’s audiences and Preparation H permitting of course – no Preperaion H and there will be no sitting on that hard stool.).

    This station will replace the outgoing licencee Jezza with his Radio Tooting Popular Front

  8. Steve Wright is a classic example, I’ve nominated him previously but yet remains uncunted!

    • That cunt fully deserves a cunting. Talks all over the intro to a song and all over the ending. I think DJs have a timer which tells them when the singing starts. They think they’re awfully clever to talk just enough to cover the intro bit. Fillet of fish and ‘tell me what the temperature is’ was ok in the 80s but this fat twat hasn’t moved on. He’s also a celebrity nipsy licker.

    • Don’t worry he is definate cunt alright.
      Along with that over excited over grown teenager Zoe fucking Ball.

    • I hate The Steve Wright Show..,especially that tediousd quasi American jingle, in a sort of 70s irony…SW can get to fuck…..with his. glib banter and shit playlist…

  9. I fucking hate those commercial radio stations, full of wank presenters straining laughter into the mic.

    I must admit though I do listen to Chris Evans, I know a lot of people find him a cunt but he’s relentlessly positive and stays away from politics or pushing his own opinions.

    I like Mike Graham on Talk Radio (or rant radio as my girlfriend calls it) but even he’s stuck in this Covid-19 rut at the moment.

    Steve Royal on BBC Radio Lancs on Saturday mornings is very good.

    But apart from that, they’re all cunts.

  10. Just been into town.

    Cunts getting a bit blasé about social distancing. ?

    12 pack of Walkers cheese & onion crisps for £2.

    I’ll get my coat (again).

      • Afternoon Belinda. I don’t think we have a Home Bargains in Portmeirion.

      • Albany Rd. Cardiff.
        Counts as exercise/vital travel in these troubled times.
        Your presence would help raise the tone of the place muchomucho…

      • We got the lot in Hereford. Tesco, B&M, ASDA, Sainsburys, Morrisons, M&S, Waitrose…..I didn’t know we had that many people here ……

      • I shop lift all over the place …keep the 17 year old fat, spotty trainee assistant managers guessing. I know Iceland sell out of booze fast!

      • Told you Ruff,
        Aldis specially selected 6pack cheese & red onion.
        Best crisps Ive had in a long time, and not expensive.

      • Just heard OIL is down to MINUS $40 a barrel, Miserable!

        Did you buy at $9? Bet you’re kicking yourself now. ?

        PS: Am afraid to go to Aldi. Too many East Europeans shopping there. Am getting to be like Miles Plastic – gotta man up if I’m going to get them there crisps!

      • Minus $40?
        Be able to fill the van up for a fiver at this rate!
        See? every cloud etc
        This coronovirus has its good points!
        Yeah red onion☺
        Bit la di da eh?
        But try them, good with a cheese+ham butty!

      • No Miserable, it’s the other way round. They’ll pay YOU to fill up your van. At least a pony, could even run to a monkey the way things are going!

    • Beswick was also on Manchester Radio for a good few years. He took no shit whatsoever.

  11. Local news has always been about as much use as a chocolate teapot.
    “Da wimmin in Builth Wells trips over doormat.”

    Wales at Six is a bastard. Often accompanied by a high-pitched squealing, which appears to emanate from somebody called Owain…

  12. The demise of local radio could easily lead to a discussion about the death of regional television. No one came near Granada in its prime, and certainly not the BB fuckjing C.
    Only Granada had the bollocks to make a show like World In Action. And it’s no coincidence that ever since Granada became merely a part of the corporate monster that is ITV1 that Coronation Street started its long and slow death.

    I always loved the Dustbinmen. A Granada show about four Manchester binmen who were complete cunts and proud of it. Later ripped of by Common As Muck.


  13. Here in Wales, BBC torments us with Radio Wales (English) or Radio Cymru, pronounced Radd-ee-Oh Cümree, (Welsh). As an Englishman, who can actually speak Welsh, I listen to neither.

    The local Welsh population, mostly unable to speak their own language*, also listen to neither….

    *let alone a decipherable version of English

  14. I once listened to some BBC local radio and the presenter was talking about how an old Doris had just dropped her bag of shopping. What a load of old tripe.

    Rather than make pensioners pay the licence fee, the BBC could have a) increased the fee by a small amount for everyone else or b) have made economies such as reduce the amount of local BBC radio or c) introduced advertising and if they needed a law for that then they should have lobbied for it or done d or e or f etc. I am positive that there would have been a way to make efficiencies rather than target some of the most isolated and vulnerable people in society. For that, the BBC will be forever mega cunts! Fuck their local radio and the whole shebang with bells on. And when they fuck off they can fuck off some more and when they get there they can keep fucking off.

  15. Radio London. Feltz, whatever you may think of her is first class, speaks properly and is possibly the most impartial presenter the BBC has, Robert Elms, absolutely awesome on the music front but an underlying leftard who can be irritatingly ingratiating to certain ‘guests’. After that, it’s time to start screaming, not to mention the ‘news’. I’ve largely given up now as the voices in my head give me far more intelligent conversation.. Shame really. If it ain’t fucked up, fix it.

  16. Local BBC Radio – jeez, no!
    Planet Rock or Absolute Radio are worth listening to – and first thing on a morning I like to blow out the cobwebs by opening the windows to get some fresh air in and treat the neighbours up to a radius of around a hundred Metres to some quality sounds – which I’m sure they enjoy! (I do not waste money on fripperies but have a system and speakers that can cause internal bleeding up to a mile away! ??)

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