Kelly Brogan

This daft cow does not believe that Coronavirus exists and that people are dying through fear.

In addition to being a cunt of the highest order, she is also apparently an “holistic psychiatrist,” who has previously written blog posts and Q&A’s for Goop and appeared as an expert on panels for Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle brand (Remember that one? The soap that smells like her vagina?). She doesn’t think the virus is real because she doesn’t believe in “germ-based contagion”.

The New York Times bestselling author also compares the contagious virus to her child having a runny nose, explaining that she is just as likely to drink from their glass because contagion is “not a conceptual framework that I operate within”.

Rather than believe that the virus is a real threat, Brogan encourages her followers (cunts) to “try on other narratives” beyond the mainstream one that says Coronavirus is a dangerous pandemic, before suggesting the possibility that the US Government is planning to “link our passports with our vaccination records” as a method of gaining “totalitarian governmental control, not unlike the divide-and-conquer, dehumanisation agendas that preceded the Holocaust”.

There is of course a very simple way for her to test her theories – one night in a Bergamo isolation ward would do it.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

119 thoughts on “Kelly Brogan

    • Sheikh, I read a bit of that link.

      When I read, ‘I’d love to give you a sneak peak and assure you that we can all stretch our time balloons if we align with our power and drop into the flow.’,

      I was thinking, ‘You what?!’ Forking nutter.
      Also, it’s sneak peek. Stupid can of can’t.

      • As soon as anything supposedly scientific, descends into florrid, hippie prose, my spidey-sense detects BOLLOCKS, that the wrier is a charlatan, a quack and of course, a cunt.

      • Sounds like too much weed, or tripping on LSD. Rambling, meaningless verbosity used as a substitute for reasoned argument. In other words, shes a qualified charlatan, albeit a clever one, exploiting the worried weel, the Californian and New York empty-headed, self-obsessed tossers… Oh and yes, she is a cunt.

      • Reminds me of the slogan for Bon-O-Mint laxative chewing gum – “The more you chew the more you do” and equally applicable to those who swallow her crap.

  1. Send the cunt to China and when she gets it give her a warm cup of salted Gwyneth tears and see how long she lasts

  2. My great uncle Thadeus Edward Arthur Spoonington. In his journals sometimes abbreviated T.E.A Spoonington, he was a doctor and scientist.
    He would probably deem this woman mad and would perhaps prescribe weekly enemas and daily consumption of brimstone and treacle.

  3. Tell her to lick the faces of some poor sods on the covid ICU wards.

    She can get back to us on her ‘conspiracy theory’ after that.

    • Anyone ever seen ‘space Barbie’?
      Young bird, pretty fit,..fuckin mental.
      She had shitloads of plastic surgery to look like a Barbie doll, now shes a “spiritual new age” type, believes shes a time traveller and can exist in a diet of sunlight and air?
      Think thats a eating disorder luv.

      • Seen her before. I wonder if she’s got a fanny or just smooth plastic?

        Not sure if she’s fit or scary. Mad as fuck though.

      • MNC, that reminded me of that nomination about the human Ken doll.

        I forgotten his name, so I searched on google is-a-c* ken doll’ and found it amongst the search results.
        It also came up with a quote from an erotic story.
        ‘“F*ck my cunt with my Ken doll,” I demanded desperately, the desire to come overriding any sort of humility.’
        I’ve not read it but I’ll put the link here if anyone is interested and if Admin If not, delete the link please.

        there’s no way I’m going to sanction that link, any of you nutters want to read it you can google it.
        Christ on a bike.

  4. Despite being a qualified medical doctor (MD), Kelly Brogan appears to have no qualifications in, published research on, or clinical experience in the areas of specialisms such as infectious diseases, microbiology, immunology, epidemiology or in particular, vaccines.

    She seems to use her authority as a medical doctor to provide inaccurate and misleading information about vaccines. She paints herself as some revelatory authority exposing hidden truths somehow overlooked by the thousands of scientists and physicians who have spent their careers assessing vaccines and immunisation programmes.

    In short, Brogan is a fucking conspiracy theory quack fantasist.

    The celebricunts who use her services clearly have more cash than brain cells.

    A real dangerous cunt. Unkle Terry’s Oven is nicely pre-heated and awaits her boney arse.

    • According to her web page she is NOT a doctor of medicine. She is a psychiatrist so she is not qualified to comment on medical matters.
      Nothing she has ever said has been proved to be true and her attempts to discredit medical and scientific findings have all fallen flat.

  5. I have a new game to while away the hours-


    How many puns or play on words can cunters make of this ptesent pundemic?

    Mrs Plastic made an unintentional one earlier-‘we don’t know how it will PAN out’.

    Poor Miserable Northern’s puntechnicon will be out if use for while.

    Maybe if the good Captain cannot accept monotheism he can accept puntheism.

    This is a fun thing, try it.

      • I’m sorry not to be a pundit and would like to show repuntance and atonement as it was wrong.

        I suppose I’m full of punitence.

      • Once upun a time there was a great pundemic in the land. People were punning for their lives.There was pundemonium, punick everywhere.The government was universally punned for its approach. But Boris came back and we suddenly saw light of the pun.

  6. Oh Miles.???
    Bertie Blunt.
    You really dont know what youve set in motion.

    • You don’t have to confirm or deny Miserable but I saw a piece at the end of ITV News. A mystery figure dressed as Spider Man was pounding the streets of Stockport bringing cheer to young children, the elderly and the vulnerable during these uncertain times, brightening their day with a thumbs up and a positive message.

  7. She may not believe germ based contagion exists. But germ based contagion know she exists.

  8. Dear admin why do all my comments come up saying ” awaiting moderation”?
    Am I on the naughty step ?

    No it is because I was watching tv and not pressing the ok button, sorry also you need to put that through the contact us link, they have more buttons than us.

  9. Day three (or is it 82 – I am confused!) in the lair under lockdown, need to be prowling abaaaht outside – bored, bored bored but my chess is improving and all the indoor plants have been re-potted, tommorows job is sanding and painting woodwork.
    If I succ*mb to batman fever (medical term there!) whoever breaks into what will be by then the tidiest and best sorted place in Yorkshire please discreetly burn the N*zi outfits and paraphernalia, fill the water containers up for the girls in the cellar and delete me f*cking browser history! ?
    Right, roads pretty much deserted – bike ride time, need to exercise and burn off some energy! ?

  10. Saw a crowd come rushing out of the supermarket today, bags filled with Tequila, sombreros and Cuban cigars.
    I asked the security bloke what the fuck was going on.

    “Hispanic buying”….

  11. I have a necessary erection, sorry injection, for this one. I can inject her with something that will cause sickness, mood swings, strange eating habits and obesity. This would then be expelled from her body after around 9 months.

  12. i know any death is a tragedy but but Ishmail Mohammed abdul? that’s covering all bases! i wonder what his SIX brothers are called?

    • Never heard of her before… sad I broke that streak…
      A rancid fuckwit of the highest order – somdone hug her & introduce the concept of transmissible infection to her pea sized brain.

      ‘Bestselling’ author ? – yet another illustration of why people are cunts & how truly fucked this world has become. Not even shagable..

  13. Does anybody know if it’s okay to take a bath or shower, or are we still just washing our hands…?

    • Just avoid Unkle Terry’s showers. Also, the driers are a bit…ferocious.

      A programme on the box the other pm suggested using stale urine as mouthwash; well, on that one, I think I might just stick to white dog shit as toothpaste.

  14. I had to pinch Krav’s post from earlier as it just sums it up very well – “Fucking barking mad this one. A right delusional cunt”. (Cheers EK ??)
    And I can comment from a position of authority as I now have exactly the same medical qualifications as this nutty mare – Harvey and Angela did it for me with crayons but I had to cut some drool and sh*t off it before framing, I am now also a qualified soother of disappointed fish for no extra cost – you get sooo much for the money!
    Good nom MM ?

  15. I don’t go along with this silly cow but I find the NHS figures highly misleading. Thats because Mrs Fistula was told she had it without diagnosis ?
    The bloke from 111 said anyone with symptoms is automatically diagnosed with Covid19. You could have a common cold and they say you have to stay home for 2 weeks. I am not saying it does not exist but the results are highly questionable and these findings are a gift for the media to scaremonger us and create a culture of fear .

    • Morning Fenton. You posted awhile back that Mrs Fistula had been tested positive at work. Is that not a diagnosis?

      • Morning Ruff,
        Yes, after speaking to 111 her company insisted she was checked through their health care company which turned out positive. My point is the NHS are diagnosing people without testing which is highly misleading

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