Jess Phillips MP (3)



We had the Blair babes many years ago, the cocksucking wimmin who worshipped the lavatory pan St Anthony shat on. Now for his Blair Mark 2 act Dame Kweer presents Starmer’s Skanks, illiterate trollops who can barely string a sentence together, men hating harridans, and the brummie bitch has been elevated along with fellow skanks like Angela Rayner:

Now all they need is Eddie Izzard in fairy godmother mode.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

68 thoughts on “Jess Phillips MP (3)

  1. No doubt the smelly skank nagged the cunt demanding promotion for doing fuck all other than to have something discriminating on the knighted twat.

  2. Must admit though girl got some juggs on here.

    But stop the press – news just in. Ex-prince Harry might give up hunting because madam Meghan doesn’t like the sport.

    how ironic how she hunts every day for attention, fucking bint.

  3. That’s quite a flattering picture of our Jess, it makes her look half presentable.
    Phillips is just another charmless, gobby misandrist as far as I can see.
    By the cringe, it’s a Labour love-in on here today Comrades!

    • Sweaty armpits, bad breath, rotten teeth, pissstained undies, a crusty yeast-ridden cunt box and pendulum swinging piles = Jess Phillips

      • “Sweaty armpits, bad breath, rotten teeth, pissstained undies, a crusty yeast-ridden cunt box and pendulum swinging piles.”
        And that’s just Keir Starmer. Don’t get me started on Jess Phillips.

    • Deceptive photo that.

      Go a bit south and you’ll be met by a gaping growler where the entrance is lined with cheap stilton and minge-yeast.

      Are you gonna bingo?

      Am I fuck.

      • OMG!!
        You paint such a vivid picture CB
        But you forget to mention that her fanny batter has the aroma of clam chowder …….

    • This particularly unattractive munter gobshite has complained in the past that she has been the victim of sexual harassment?
      Where exactly? At the royal society for the blinds Xmas party?
      And her (leave voting) constituents are fucking sheep , she’s been a supporter of remainer ( rejoin) and her constituents didn’t fuck her off in the last GE!
      Utterly pathetic spineless cunts ……

    • I concur. Jess does look relatively feminine in this picture. I wish she would wash her hair with shampoo once in a while instead using Castrol GTX.
      Message for Jess: Keep your accent but get some lessons in how to enunciate clearly because it’s fucking painful listening to you speak.

  4. Dodds as Shadow Chancellor… Russell-Moyle appointed Shadow Minister for Natural Environment and Air Quality… and now this Phillips dog as Shadow Minister for Domestic Violence? What a bunch of clots.

    One can only conclude that Starmer is seriously psychotic.

    • There will be a minister for everything soon to give all the fuckwits a job. minister for domestic violence?!? What next minister for bowl movements?

      • And what sort of party leader appoints a minister in favour of domestic violence anyway? Can’t imagine there are many votes in it.

      • My good lady is a massive fan of it RTC! She has to do psychological violence by phone these days!

    • He is clearly a sage judge of character RTC – he has just offered me the job of Minister of moominism!
      All I need to do is self identify as female, and that should be easy – most of Lady Miss Kiers woodworm infested Chavinet think they are as well!
      And stiiiil we pay for them.

      • I await the response from the Government following my email asking how they can have the bare faced f*cking front to steal an EXTRA ten grand for “Coronavirus related expenses”! (the actual email was slightly more politely worded!).
        It just shows the utter, utter contempt these morally bankrupt fuckers hold us in – utter thieving bastards.
        Feel better after that expletive laden rant now, the Fox is bored and somewhat angry at these bloated thieves.
        But this will be over one day – and we WILL remember.

      • RTC, that itself has my piss boiling.

        I get fuck all for working at home. I have spent £30 of my own cash on a small folding desk and £250 of company money for an A3 printer/scanner. We are a small team of 8, each of us working from home and coping well.

        £10K? You could build a fucking extension on a house for £10K. These profligate cunts are all in it together. Small wonder the country is financially fucked. As soon as the economy makes the money, these cunts cream it off. Wankers.

      • Agreed PM – I set up a home office on less than £200.00. Remember these thieves when it’s payback time – I sure as f*ck will.

      • Apart from anything else, I don’t believe for a minute these feckless cunts don’t have computers and printers and everything else an MP might need already in their homes.

        It’s just another shameless grab, fiddling while the UK economy burns and the electorate is preoccupied wondering where its next meal is coming from.

      • Or, close them down and let them work from the constituency offices 4 hours each day. No meetings. Go in work. Fuck off.

      • But then again, I like the Tories so let em have £10k.. fuck all really in the scheme of things

  5. Jess Phillips falls way below the minimum standard, or at least she should. When parties present sub standard candidates to an electorate in safe constituencies they water down political discourse and the whole parliamentary process.

    MP’s have to be able to grasp the legal technicalities of bills being progressed through Parliament. There are far too many MP’s that clearly don’t understand what they are voting on so vote as told unaware of the consequences of their own ignorance.

    Labour under Corbyn has placed candidates not to improve the quality of Labour MP’s but to ensure that the Parliamentary Labour Party reflects the far left Corbynistas. Jess herself isn’t a Corbynista but she is an example of how identity politics has pushed consensus politics into the long grass.

    Can you look in the mirror and honestly tell yourself your the best person available to represent your constituents.

    Political parties have fucked us over with poor quality candidates, candidates often chosen because they are women, black, LBGT, slammers or whatever else that now takes precedence over the ability and intellect of the potential candidates.

    It’s often said the elite have been dumbing down the masses, Parliament may be a clue the theory is true.

    So now more than ever Parliament can be manipulated by the deep state, civil servants are in power no matter who is center stage.

    • Too right, and it seems the thicker/more racist/more irrelevant the MP the more they are to be seen in the press or on TV when I wouldn’t believe most of them have the intelligence/common sense to take the bins out.

  6. “Jess, yow’d better get dowwn the betting shop. Yower friend Kee-uh ‘as given yow a ploice in de cabinet.”

    “Down’t tell us wot ter do, Arfur. Oi promised Ada and Finn Shelby that oi’d awnly join his bastids if dey gave me a top seat.

    “It IS a top seat, ya daft mare.”

    “Well oi’m still not toiking it. Nuthing will choinge mi moind. Nuthing I tells ya. We’ve got ter stay loyal ter dis family. Joo ere me? JOO ERE ME?”

    “Polly says dey’ve got free sausage rolls and chicken poies.”

    “Am on me way, amn’t I. Hold the grub….HOLD DE FOOKIN GRUB…”

  7. No one is going to give a crap with what these losers are selling. Try telling the British people not to be ” racist”while confronting the most racist society on earth controlled by the CCP cunts. Stick your identity bollox up your arse Jess.

  8. Jess Phillips : Alma Mater . . . . . University of Leeds
    University of Birmingham
    Grey Matter . . . . . None.

  9. At least Kryten has not kept the innumerate Flabott in his useless “cabinet”. But Lammy? FFS! I heard racism was going to be deemed unpopular again with the comrades, so why bring in Lammy?

  10. China are letting the Wuhan lunatics open their wet markets this week.

    I wonder if the likes of Jess ‘Life and loved of a She-Devil’ Phillips will mention it?

    Or if they’ll be too busy laughing at any white males that top themselves, while demanding more rights and access to kids for the tranny freaks?

  11. Labour has had a kicking here today. Shame. I am sure Sir Kweer Charmer can put the lid on the box of frogs that comprises Magic Grandpa’s anointed ones.

  12. Orthodontal nightmare Jess might look like shes climbed out of a chip pan but her eyes are firmly fixed on grabbing the finer things in life!
    Being a MP beats working for a living and shes doing alright out of politics, better than she should at any rate.

  13. Jess currently baffled.
    “Saint Keir is putting me in a cabinet, bur I ain’t sure if I’ll fit in it, all that free grouse has stacked the timber on and it’ll be a toight sqoyze”..
    And always remember – we, the taxpayer fund this folly.
    Mess Phillips very displeased, the deal was supposed to be that she threw a “certain religious Woman of colour” under the bus and stood down for the Narnia leadership contest in return for the position of deputy leader, but Angela crayons has hatcheted her one gooood – this will be funny, Women can be vicious vindictive b*tches and Shergar Phillips won’t be letting this one go.
    Cunts, one and all.

  14. It’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarves all over again. (although of course it would have to be rebranded “Not White and the Seven Vertical Challenged”).

    Starmer – Snow White

    Dodds – Twatty
    Thornberry – Fatty
    Lammy – Bigoty
    Long-Baily – Thicky
    Phillps – Fugly
    Milliband – Smeggy
    Nandy – Cunty

  15. In fairness, there isn’t a lot of lookers in the whole of Parliament. To put the ugliest in the shadow cabinet is going too far. These munters make me feel a bit Tom & Dick.

  16. Seen this odious cunt the other day giving an interview from what I presume was her front room. It looked like a fucking crack den, Benefits Street style.

      • “C*m on hear the lies”.
        “Nonsense and pies”
        “We’ll get RICH RICH RICH”
        “F*ck you like a b*tch”
        “Evermore, evermore”
        Politicians are just replicating the Great Roman Empire – “Sneero” collectively fiddles our ten grand while the UK burns.
        Thieving b*stards, there is no low these parasites and thieves will not plumb to get their trotters in the till and their bloated snouts in the trough.
        I genuinely hate them.

      • Not sure LG – but I have it on good authority Jess of the equines was removed from the steps of the orphanage she was left at (a number of complaints about the smell apparently) and dumped at “Labour” party HQ, spent her formative Years pulling a plough up and down Mad Jezza’s allotment by all accounts. ?

      • Is ‘pulling a plough up and down mad jezza’s allotment’ a euphemism for saying she fucked her way into the position she’s in? ?. Steptoes wank bank must give the old cunt nightmares

  17. It looks like the funny one from Emmerdale… Moira’s kid. Odd how such a gorgeous bird could produce such a hideous mistake of nature.
    Perhaps it’s the OP sheep-dip.

    • Given her “brawl at a knackers yard” looks I imagine she would be grateful for any c*ck EK!

  18. I would rather french kiss a moose than Jess Phillips.
    And the thought of her oily growler makes me close to feeling rather spewy.

  19. Phillips will be pleased that I consider her the queen – of all cunts everywhere

  20. This one time, at band camp, she stuck her jolly hockey stick up her pussy…

  21. I’m sat here reading all these well constructed well thought out erudite comments and all I can think is, am I the only cunt on here that would hate fuck her arsehole until I spunked up my own chirrotic liver? Am I?

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