Harry and Meghan Hewitt

At the start of 2019 I predicted the year would be a bumper year for cunts, and so it transpired. 2020 would be even more so, and thus far it has not disappointed – the WuFlu has certainly flushed even more cunts out of the woodwork.

The stand out cunts for 2020 so far, in my humble opinion, are none other than the selfish, greedy, self centred “Royals” – the infamous Hewitt tribe.

There are 2 silver linings – 1, we have got rid of the preening, grabbing narcissists, hopefully never to return to these shores, and 2, Big Don has given them the fuckoff re their security. Perhaps if she had been nicer to Mr President, he might have been more inclined to be kind.

You reap what you sow, and these cunts have got their karma. I am sure Phil the Greek will have more surprises in store further down the track – let’s hope so.

Uber Cunts from start to finish.

Nominated by Big Al

66 thoughts on “Harry and Meghan Hewitt

  1. Nice cunting Big Al. I never ever took to Hewit Jnr. for some reason, and his overblown “career” in the Army was the usual invention of the backroom Brigade “Harry the Hero” and so on. And when the trailer trash appeared on the scene….well. !
    I digress however. Both are indeed cunts, arrogant and irritating and like locusts, seek new fields to feed their insatiable appetite for enrichment and purpose. When that field no longer bears the return they desire, then they fuck off to find another.
    The Quadroon aping the caucasian is not the most convincing,….Michael Jackson did it better !

    Cunts both of em !

    • I cannot understand how the Hewitt boy got himself into this situation. The Romans said that a man’s dick ( I don’t know what the Latin for dick is – grade 5 O Level in 1968 much to the surprise of my Classics Master) will cause his downfall. My point is The Firm has had centuries of dealing with such situations. Why was the white Fiat not rolled out earlier?

  2. Unfortunately these cunts will be back as soon as their ridiculous attempt at becoming the royal kardashians goes tits up.

    • I sincerely hope not, let us face it they did not have to do “Look at me” They were quasi royals so they would get all the attention they wanted, and what was that shit on the birth certificate? Megan Princess of the united kingdom (Profession as listed) daft cow was a duchess, talk about blowing your own trumpet (which is a thing she may very well have to do if she wants that free security(sings Donald wheres your trousers!)).
      No they are fucking knobs, and pains me to say this could all be sorted with a simple DNA test.

  3. I wonder what they talk about all day? I mean, to a glamour puss like her he must be as dull as ditch water. How many times can he tell the story about Ponsoby-Smythe minor being cheeky to the housemaster at Eton? I bet she lectures him about woke issues all day and tries to ascertain exactly how much dough he’s got, right down to the last penny.
    Stupid pussy whipped cunt.

    • Well said Freddie.
      I imagine the pet monkey in front of a big map of wokeness pointing out the most vital bits with a baton.
      The Ginger Mong sits drooling and clapping his hands at inappropriate moments.
      To sum up,fuck them.
      The cunts.

      • “Well said Freddie.
        I imagine the pet monkey in front of a big map of wokeness pointing out the most vital bits with a baton.
        The Ginger Mong sits drooling and clapping his hands at inappropriate moments”

        No I can see that differently, she would point at places on the map and spout some bollocks and just get “Mummy used to own that” as a reply or “The froggies did that, not us”.
        As megan slips into a desperate depression.

      • Theyre remaking the new ‘any which way but loose’
        For a modern audience.

      • Loved that film when I saw it at the pictures. Sondra Locke was very doable in that one…

    • He is probably playing Connect Four against Archie and not allowed a treat until he wins a game.

    • And when Dr Zira unchains him he scrawls help, with his own excrement on the kitchen wall.

  4. I am sure when La Markle, queen on trailer trash TV, tires of having a bald old cunty mummy’s boy hanging on her arm, he will be back with his tail,between his legs, determined to be part of “the form” again”. Hopefully she will fuck off to obscurity again though – she will be back home living with her pa on social security.

  5. Sorry for being a cunt, and a sad techie geeky cunt at that. Plus I also realise I posted this in a previous thread, but it is a quite serious issue that for anyone using Mozilla Firefox really must have a look at…

    There are a couple of hugely serious vulnerabilities in the browser that could result in a hijacking. So the first thing to check is that you’re on the most up to date patched version of Firefox.

    you can do this by clicking “Help => About Firefox”, and it will tell you if its up to date (in this case it must be 74.0.1). Anything less and you’ll need to update.

    More details here:-


    • I’m on Chrome or my phone….I have got the firefox icon but thought it was an app for a 1980’s plane film a bit like the ‘Airwolf’ app

  6. Grade A cunting of a couple of free loading gobshites BA. May your plums never wither (unless of course you are taking Antiandrogens)

  7. I’ll give it a couple of years and it will all go tits up. Harry will get shafted with a big divorce bill, and lots of “kiss and tell” headlines from Ms Sparkle.

    He’ll come home, tail between his legs, hoping that Charles and the Hound of the Baskervilles will forgive him, before licking the Royal arsehole and Buck House.

    At the same time Ms Sparkle will be £40m+ better off, and laughing her tits off at how she well and truly fucked over not only The Boy Harry, but the Royal Family and the UK as a whole!

    • I agree with all you have written Technocunt, except for timescale. I give it six months to one year.

      • Yes, things seem to be happening quite rapidly. I suppose that Mrs Hewitt wants the job done and get onto the next poor sap before her looks go completely; the Californian climate plays havoc with the skin.

    • I’m predict baby Archie will be raised gender neutral and encouraged to dress as a girl called Annie. Only time will tell.

  8. I reckon the whore will pop out another brat before she kicks gingerbollocks into touch. There’s a lot of money to be made from all the “exclusive” photos and their own line of baby clothes and similar shit.
    Like any trailer park slag babies mean money.

    • And with no royal protocol to follow, imagine what hippy dippy, moon worshiping cunt of name this one could be lumbered with?

      • She will probably employ Gerry McCann and his wife to babysit – that will take the little sprog off her hands. Allegedly.

      • Black and ginger? Is that possible? Now is the time for any of you lot who are geneticists to come to our aid.

  9. Apparently Rachel has been trying to find work in Hollywierd, but has a strict criteria.

    Only wimminz of colour ditectors will be considered. Rachel has to have the staring role and the character must be a strong female heroine.

    So that narrows it down a bit.

    Contrary to Rachel’s belief that Hollywoke will be falling all over itself to sign her up, there have been zero serious offers coming her way. She is considered toxic both sides of the pond.

    Before too long the cash pipeline is going to dry up, the profligate spending won’ t stop and then its any role she can get in Nollywood, Bollywood and finally flogging high end brands on South Korean TV just to make ends meet.

    You heard it here first. ?

  10. Some nice tit pics out there on the net (sorry, can’t do links). Nips like rusty 5/8″ bolts….lovely! Still a cunt though obviously.

  11. Whatever will the world look like in 20 years when pea brained, manipulative cunts like Megan Markel are worshipped more by the mongo masses than they already are today? She aint even that good of an actress….Not like Honor Blackman or that other GILF…….Helen Mirren..Oh yes I would!

  12. I fucking despise “The Royals” and all the shite they come with.

    Yes, but they do a lot of good for the country you know…..you mean like sponge more money from the taxpayer when they already have more than anyone could possibly spend in ten lifetimes?

    The Queen’s speech the other day was especially toe curling with all the masses tuning in, like it was 1942 again.

    “Phillip and I were once down to our last sixteen country estates and there was a choice of only three soups on the starter menu….but like you, the great unwashed, we struggled through.

    I know many of you poor people, recently made unemployed buy my hopeless government will be sitting at home , scared, hungry and wondering what the future holds but be assured…one will continue to sponge from your ever dwindling resources so we can have at least three people wiping our royal anus”

    One final message to the poor…if you must die, please do it quietly so as not to frighten the grouse or stag…..rather.

    • Just loved the not-so-subliminal invocation of ‘We’ll Meet Again.’ Sounded like she’s got an ex-Pravda hack writing her stuff, with his tongue firmly in his cheek.
      One is anticipating blue birds* eyva the white cliffs of Deyva next tiime…

      *A species absent from the UK at the best of times. Symbiotic with the flying pig.

  13. You know I am looking back at some of Harry’s history and he had a personal protection team with him when he was in Afghanistan, and I am thinking………
    Did he have live ammunition or DP rounds in that Browning?
    His recent behavior shows a degree of irrationality that would make me think twice about issuing him with a fire arm, or sharp cutlery for that matter.
    Just thinking out loud of course.

    • It always struck me that his ‘service’ in Afghanistan was a slick and beautifully constructed bit of PR Benny.
      I remember reading that his protection team was a four or six man SAS heavy squad.
      Of course it stands to reason that a prince of the realm couldn’t be exposed to real danger. Being killed or captured would have presented a priceless coup to the Taliban. I just resent being sold this ‘action man’ story about the lad, because I’m convinced that story is all that it was.

      • As I’ve said before, Ron. When the slavering ginger idiot was in Afghanistan, he was so far to the East of Helmand, he could have joined the Bengal Lancers! His arrogance caused a lot of bad feeling in the mess, allegedly!

      • I remember seeing a one to one ‘on the frontline’ interview with Hazza for the Beeb or Chanel No 4, when all of a sudden, an alarm shrieked out. Cue Action Man shot of Ginger shooting out of his chair and charging towards a helicopter.
        That alarm went off very conveniently, I always thought. Looked good for the camera mind.

      • I recall as a recruit in Catterick, Having a staff officer(captain) come out with us on training,
        The first thing he said when he got in the turret was where do I stick this thing (His head set jack), I thought “We are fucked!”.
        I still tend to think like this when dealing with anyone with a commission unless they had an 8 figure number.
        I am retired now.

    • Always amuses me when you see royal cunts like Phil & Charles at some ceremony bedecked in a shitload of medals!

      I can’t be arsed to check their respective military histories, but I doubt either of these cunts saw much in the way of frontline action.

      I just wonder how many medals Harry has “earned” during his overseas service? There’s got to be at least one: “The Stupid Cunt’s Cross”

      • Of course they’ve seen frontline action, you can bet they’re at the front of any line.

      • The only Cross I got was the Green Cross Code badge off Darth Vader David Prowse at Sheffield Show 1983.

  14. She’s proof that you can have all the money in the world but you can never buy class.
    He’s proof that any bloke anywhere can make a complete cunt of himself over a bit of fanny.
    Together, they’re the epitome of tedious irrelevance.
    There’s going to be an incredibly strong field in the 2020 Cunt of the Year stakes, but the Markles will be strong front runners.
    They must be near to getting a place on the wall, I’d have thought??
    Well cunted Al.

  15. I hope this pair of shits end up in Hollywood Boulevard posing for photos with tourists at 10 dollars a pop, while their trannie brats are turning tricks in downtown Watts.

  16. Won’t be long before there’s some sort of ” alledged” dalliances on her behalf with a 3rd rate actor or an entire black basketball team.
    Guaranteed they’ll be in the limelight all year

  17. They’re all a bunch of parasitical retards, except for Kate who can pop round and suck upon my ding dong whenever she fancies.

  18. Harry is the John Lennon of the monarchy (without his wit or talent, of course).
    Gullible cunt who attaches himself to any ’cause’ in order to look good and be a ‘man of the people’. Preaches about said causes and other such bullshit while living a lavish lifestyle and being rich as fuck.

    Not forgetting throwing everything good he ever had and giving it up for a scheming opportunistic predatory bitch who most blokes wouldn’t give house room to. I of course am referring to Meghan Yoko Marke Fucking Ono of Sussex.

  19. Just when you think that this pair of nauseating cunts can’t stoop any lower, they manage to pull another PR stunt out of their asses! When the entire world is desperately trying to keep themselves and their families safe from Covid-19, these selfish cunts announce a new charity, named for the fucking offspring! Is there nothing that Cringe won’t do to get her face in the paper? With the exception of a loud fart during the Remembrance Day, 1 minute silence, I cannot think of anything more inappropriately timed! What utter, utter cunts!

  20. “With the exception of a loud fart during the Remembrance Day”


  21. I actually quite liked Harry but Megain has turned him into an utter woke pansy scared of getting a disapproving look from her if he even thinks about his old life/family/mates.
    The worm will turn sooner or later.

  22. This ginger half blood clown put lives at risk with his arrogance and stupidity, and took valuable personnel away from other duties to wipe his arse and keep him safe.
    Quiet words were had by people you really, really do not want to argue with and Pwincess was sent home – cwying because none of his “well earned” medals contained chocolate ?
    The Man was a f*cking liability, and got as close to actual action as Uncle Andy did in the Falklands. (My older Brother had a bit of a sailing holiday to there in 1982, fly boy Andy was “not well liked”).

      • And they reveal the name of their new chiridee:
        Twinkle – AKA “C.U.N.T.”

        “HAIREE”! HAIREE”!
        “Er, sorry mistress, I was just getting something to eat yah – no mistress, of course it wasn’t a burger, it was er, a piece of organic tofu yah – what is your command”?
        “Find me a f*cking n*gger kid the same colour as this outfit! NOW! – I’m due on the Ellen Degenerate show today and I have to look even more PERFECT!”
        “Yes mistress”!
        “Look at the floor”!

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