Greedy people are cunts.
Thanks to the buy one get one free culture it would appear our greed has slithered out into the light of day.
If no-one had rushed out panic buying there would be food for everyone.
If the shops hadn’t ramped up the prices there’d be no need for food bank charity.
Many “key workers” are using their status to get to the front of queues outside of key worker shopping times, not all of them are nurses you know.
There are folks on a couple of grand a month claiming tax benefit to bump up their wages to pre china virus levels.
In the hospital near me Costa is giving out free coffee to staff, staff that take it but don’t even like it.
If we hadn’t all bought cheap from China.
Just because it’s there doesn’t mean you should have it cunts. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean you should take it, cunts. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should – unless of course you’re talking about self control.
Sometimes some humility and consideration for others gets the genuine result that the showboating circle jerk known as ‘virtue signalling’ is rumoured to achieve.
Yeah, you care so much. Fuck off you charlatans. Just Fuck OFF.
I just can’t fathom the rational of the caring face on show with the perverted deviant thief on the inside. Wow, what beautiful creatures we are.
Humans are scüm.
99.999999999999% cüm gargling scüm of the highest order of felch.
Nominated by Cuntflap
Greed like Branson, Beckham, philip Green displays turns my guts.
And the panic buying disgusted me, should of nipped it in the bud by public shaming and confiscating goods.
On a personal level when it comes to food im a bit of a greedy cunt admittedly!
Like a big portion when its meat and potatoes but im a big lad, and its not at the detriment to others.
The Rolling stones are greedy cunts, thats why they wont lie down and die, not touring for the love of music just worried theyll miss out on the trough.
Why they havent done anyrhing good since 1973.
Funnily enough, Beckham and Branson were two I zeroed in on in my latest ravings…
That’s a great blog Mike, bang on.
As for the nom, the pips are starting to squeak, to coin a phrase. I can but hope that this will wake a few of these adoring “useful idiots” up when this shitstorm is all over.
Totally agree with the Cunting but it’s no good me trying to fool myself….I invariably put myself first. I’d undoubtedly jump that that delivery slot,claim that money and take that coffee.
Of course I’m a Cunt…as are most people,truth be told.
You lie Dick. Everyone at Fiddler University considers you the most munificent of leaders.
Except the landlady of the other pub in the village
PS – still no sign of the Reichsbank gold.
Morning Mike.
If I’ve got any fault it’s that I’m just too nice for my own good.
Hope you and yours are keeping O.K.
As I said in my latest post on my own website, I’ve been feeling very nihilistic lately and when I read about the multitalentless Rough Spice having 300million quid, I wanted to go out and start a fucking revolution.
If I see myself as the Robespierre of the Corona Revolution, you would probably be the Napoleon. Arise Emperor Fiddler I.
Isn’t all that Nazi gold at the bottom of a lake somewhere in Eastern Europe?
Or was that the forged Fivers…
Baron, the Rupert the bear coins are there as well.
I’ve got half a pork pie to go with my normal rations today.
A right greedy cunt.
Good luck to any pie snatchers out there.
The fat bastards.
Good nom Cuntflap. I’ve got a very good example of this from the “key worker” sector but can’t reveal it. Anyhoo, already minted cunts have realised they can make a fast buck by jumping on this particular wagon.
People are still cunts, only they’re in hiding just now. Last night, a big black merc was parked in a disabled bay (my pet hate) without the badge even though the car park was empty.
Yep, the country’s cunts have shown their colours during this period. Mostly, they’ve been the bored and wealthy who see fit to impart their wisdom on us.
When this is over all the cunts will come out of hiding – the architects, litterers, the antisocial, the lefties, the remoaners. That’s why ISaC contributors must be resilient – there’ll be much work to do when this is over.
Interesting that you mention littering. I’ve noticed that the streets are so much cleaner, it’s like being in a different country. The local foxes must be starving with no filthy cunts throwing their fast food remnants all over the pavement. Further proof that people are basically cunts.
Now that you mention it Freddie, you’re rught. There are no more takeaway cartons and boxes in the street, and the place DOES look a lot better. Keepng the chavs indoors must continue beyond the end of lockdown ! Good morning Freddie
The Peaceful Ones are notorious littermongers.
Binmen should be given shotguns.
Litter is WORSE round our way (admittedly very pissful); loads of PPE littering the pavement. Don’t somehow see that it was NHS staff chucking it…
Oh I do like a pork pie Terry!
Craving one now not had any breakfast yet!
If sinking on the Titanic an could only save a child or a pork pie…lets just say id have a snack in the lifeboat!!☺
I can see the headlines Miserable, “PORK PIE RESCUED BY SELFLESS PASSENGER! – Many women and children still missing.
Morning LL, yes not proud of it, but would be sat sprawled in the lifeboat sat on a pile of comfy life jackets, feet up on the seats eating my pie all warm under all the blankets, trying to drown out the mithering calls for help…?
If I rescued the pork-pie, I’d very magnanimously offer a bit of it to any vegan who had undeservedly crawled into my life-raft…be a laugh to hear them cry when I told them ” Fuck Off, you can’t have any…Meat is Murder”,
Then I’d chuck the whinging Cunt over the side obviously.
Morning Dick, youd need to hold back on your gung ho influences, its a survival scenario!
Surely be much better to crack his skull with a oar and use him for fishbait?
“Give a man a fish he’ll be fed for a day, give a man a vegan he’ll eat fish for weeks”…
I’m not sure that I’d want to eat any fish that had feasted on a Vegan….it’d be the same type as the kind prepared to hang around the outlet pipe of sewers feeding on shite.
Save a child or a pork pie? Pork pies are small. If you happen to rescue a rather plump child, you could eat that instead. I imagine it would last longer.
Reminds me of a true story – think it was some old boy in Charterhouse; an ex-mistress sent a telegram “Send money; baby starving.”
The gentleman responded promptly: “Regret out of funds: suggest eat baby.”
Pork: guaranteed non-halal since…
It is said that without greed we would still be living in caves. However, if this is left unchecked, our insatiable desire for more and better material things can be destructive. There have been some examples of crass greed recently, yet I feel this ‘lock down’ will be something of a morality check for many. Not for me! If I see only 3 loaves of bread left on the shelf in my village shop I buy all 3. Eat one. Freeze one and feed one to the ducks on the river. Although, this is more an act of abject cuntery than greed.
I would never use my healthcare professional status to push to the front of a queue.
However, if it was a queue at the stage door after a Bieber concert…
More like back doors.
I caught a colleague reading the Guardian yesterday.
I reported her to MI5. Obviously a communist insurgent and she was brown..
Good morning.
Whilst walking the dog the other day I found a wallet, I had to go through the wallet to indentify the owner. I found a scrap of paper with the owners number, tried calling but no reply. Searched the wallet a bit deeper and found an address so took it back to the owner.
Turns out he didn’t know he’d lost it and told me there was a thousand pounds in cash in it last time he saw it, he was an old fella, all I could say as sorry mate, it’s as I found it.
I’m a cunt in many ways but I’ve never been a thief, if there had been a grand in it I’d of taken it back with the money, I’m not sure the old fella believes it was sans cash when I found it.
As cuntflap says 99.9 percent of people are cunts but that’s because we are all counts at times, life gives us choices, it’s how often we choose to be a cunt that defines us.
Who goes around carrying a thousand quid in cash?………and then doesn’t notice his wallet is missing when he gets home? Sounds like he was trying something on there, spinning you some sob story. Fuck him, the cunt.
Oh, happy St George’s Day everyone!! Foreigners can fuck off today ( that’ll make a change ?) ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
There was an ATM receipt stating a 9k balance and a £950 withdrawal. His bank card was still there. I don’t know Freddie. Perversely corona has left me sans income, I’m expecting the BBC to do one of its Corona hardship stories on me! Hold on I’m not BAME, not gay, not a woman and I don’t think I’m a woman. Oh well, I’ll do what most men do, get on with it.
An interesting dilemma considering your circumstances. If the grand had been there would you have been tempted?
If he had a thousand quid in cash he was up to no good anyway so fuck him I say.
I’m just wired to return what’s not mine. He was shocked to see me at his door with his wallet, he wanted to know how it got there. We are talking old man here, the car outside his house is a 20 year old fiesta, that grand was probably 10% of his life savings.his house is a council bungalow.
Sad thing is the money was probably taken by some chav cunt who’ll spend it on shit drugs and another fucking hoodie.
Takes me back to my mums death, no sooner was her body removed from her bungalow than some hood rat turned her gaff over.
I’d still love 5 minutes with that cunt.
Sixdog, this absentminded old bloke hasnt learnt to be careful with his valuables, hes a slow learner.
Hes lucky I didnt find it as hed be overdrawn by £50 by now.
St George was a foreigner so he can fuck off too.
Morning all. ?
But he is our foreigner ?
Thats fake news!!
He wasnt a foreigner Ruff!
He was a Northerner too!
St George was from Burnley.
Was he a Pakistani?
Although there’s a lot to suggest that he was born in modern day Turkey, it seems he WAS at least Christian, which in historical terms, must count for something…
HBH thats Jorge papadopoulis, st George was George Arkwright, from Burnley.
On the way back from Tesco listening to the news Radio 2, Not a Fucking mention of today being St George’s day.
But…. guess what was mentioned twice, Fucking Ramadan.
Anti English racist cunts!!
England and St George! ???????
A grand? Sounds like bollocks to me. Your wallet would be as fat as Rick Waller a week after McDonald’s reopens.
How could you miss that falling out of you pocket?
But surely the old boy would have realised that no thief would have been daft enough to have gone to the trouble of returning the wallet after trousering the £1000 cash?
That’s the double bluff..
Just when this lockdown started it brought out the worst kind if greedy cunt in people.
Tesco put a limit of five each on specific items, like boxes of Kleenex tissues and three each on hand soap, shampoo etc.
I saw greedy cunts grabbing up the maximum amount of each item, even though this would constitute a year’s supply under normal circumstances. (18 bars of soap anyone? 3 large bottles of head and shoulders?)
A visit to Waitrose proved that greed and stupidity isn’t just for the lower classes.
I observed one cunt make a mad dash for the bottled water aisle and arm sweep every bottle of Pelligrino in his trolly. There must have been about 20 bottles in there and none left for anyone else.
Meanwhile in the bogroll aisle, a young single woman (I know her) grabbed up the last 5 nine packs of Andrex, again leaving nothing for anyone else.
Thats about three months worth of shit tickets for one person. The greedy cunt.
The one thing the government did get right about this lockdown malarkey is that if we all shop normally, there will be enough to go around.
Obviously the greedy, selfish cunts among us didn’t get that memo.
The joke is that on many items (even in high-street supermarkets), you can buy some 24 or 48 pre-pack thing, but “singles” are limited…
Had to go to 3 Tescos yesterday to find one item that I wanted, their Salsa dip. If you buy two (mix and match), you save 40p, and bags of Doritos are on two for 2 quid. Normally no prob for me, but queueing 3 times is a cunt. I like the tzatziki and taramasalata, but am a bit tired of the latter, as it keeps making my think of ole turkey-neck’s cunt-candles.
I think its like and addiction. I was asked to look after a friend’s tropical fish, when they went to Egypt on holiday (no doubt scuba diving and looking at fish, cunts) and I did a little bit of research in to addiction. Like addiction I think greed is a ‘syndrome’ – Like Brown Syndrome? Good god no, not as hideous as that…. The likes of Branson, Green and Jeff Bezos all display greed characteristics (self centred, never satisfied, short term wins, lack of empathy). This coupled with our mis regulated ‘free market economy’ system, unfortunately supports their ceaseless avaricious ventures. CUNTS!…The fish all died.
Self entitled greedy cunts like Branson et al., all display signs of psychopathy. We’re just food to these fuckers.
Came across a simple example of greed yesterday. Bought a 500ml bottle of Medex hand sanitizer yesterday for an expected £1.99 in Lidl. I then went to pick up a prescription at my local Lloyds pharmacy and the same bottle was £7 .99. FUCKING GREEDY WELSH CUNTS!!!
I usually find that fat cunts are greedy cunts but only where food is concerned. What I find strange about obese fat cunts is that they get Disability Benefits for being obese.
So they ride about on pavement spaz chariots to the Pub or the Chippy, the lazy fat obese cunts.
I’d stop their Benefits and force the fat lazy obese cunts to walk, spare the rod, spoil the fat bastard!
I think the ‘Fatty Strategy” is for these obese cunts not to lose weight and not to become healthy. It is to encourage them to die from a range of lifestyle diseases. The mobility scooter, stair lift, bath hoist et cetera all serve to reduce calorific expenditure and hence promote a quicker demise…Hopefully that is the plan. CUNTS!
Theres a young girl near me, dead fat, only early 20s.
Shes dug her own grave with a knife an fork ?
Thing is I love food, but I burn a lot of calories,
Working, dogwalking, flashing_ peeping Tomming etc
Feel sorry for her which is unusual for me, theres no way back for her.
Never lose all that mass may as well carry on and tuck it, feel sorry for the ambulancemen who come for her when she croaks, need a stacker truck.
Another thing about fat cunts, why do fat wimmen think they are sexy? They ain’t! they are just fat cunts!
Dozy – They are in some form of post fatty denial…. “I’m a curvy confident woman, why cant big women be beautiful?”
Well, because you are constantly breathless like a panting dog. You sweat profusely. You have skin rashes and bed sores. You snore after I’ve had sex with myself. Your minge stinks. You have an inability to cope with sudden physical activity, like running to get me a bear from the fridge and you have a constant feeling of feeling isolated,
low confidence and self esteem. Ok love?
Why are you keeping bears in your fridge? Polar bears I presume?
This resonates, on my daily walk I saw a family of three, all ‘chubby’. The daughter was all in after ascending a very gentle slope for maybe 200 yards (not metres).
Mum said to her “come on then, if we get going we’ll have an ice cream”.
Fat lot of good going for exercise then innit, you land whale cunts.
Morning “Malcolm” MNC, Hopefully the young lass has an outside khazi. You wouldn’t want to follow that in on a morning eh?
Morning Daz, wish I had a outside Khazi, id only come indoors to sleep!
Think her mam follows her wish a bucket & shovel like shes a drayhorse.
Its in times of crisis that people show who they really are. Greed is one of many traits that has surfaced including stupidity, selfishness, arrogance, anger and all round cuntishness. Did anyone notice the MPs have sneaked in another 3% payrise for themselves during the crisis?
YCD – Cheeky twats. Them MP’s are dialing in to Parliament with their laptops. Not even going now. Did you see that Welsh MP having a rant having forgot to turn his mike off?
Didn’t see that Daz. I’ll have a look for it.
Vaughan Gething….he will be Gething a bollocking this morning me thinks…
There’s never a shortage of candidates to become an MP. Get paid a small fortune for flapping your lips? We’ll have some of that, beats working for a living. And how many of us would turn down the opportunity to grant ourselves a pay rise? it’s called ‘playing the system’. Some are better at it than others.
Thing is it’s common place you can call out the famous and it’s fair to say they are some of the worded examples but there are smug, hoarding, sanctimonious, wealth bragging classless cunts everywhere. It’s symptomatic of those with inflated egos, narcissistic, self aggrandising believing it’s the be all and end all. I’m not an inverted snob for anyone who works hard good luck to you and even those who don’t but if you believe that it buys you rights and social status beyond those of a lesser wealth and consequently means you kiss arse for those more wealthy….that’s a double cunting and a piss boiling Royal fisting, wristing and shallow Hal cunting to you fucks
I ‘m not sure if it’s true, but if office staff in the NHS (something I once did) are getting passes to the front of the queues then that is fucking ridiculous.
The 9-5 pen pushers are not fucking key workers, FFS.
Which is ridiculous. I used to do the office 9-5 many moons ago with the NHS (not in a hospital, but in an office unit on Docklands).
I bet they’re to the front of the queues too. Fucking ridiculous.
Key workers for the NHS should apply to those in the fucking hospitals (including cleaners) or come into contact with patients (paramedics etc). The ones at risk.
Supermarket staff will be able to put their grub aside when it’s delivered (and I have no problem with that as long as they’re not buying for every fucker else).
But fucking pen pushers who never go near a hospital or patients?
Fuck off.
One of my neighbours is a elderley widow, and she really struggles with putting out the bins,
Ive sat and watched her struggle for ages with the green bin.
Wouldnt you think shed start on a course of weightlifting and vitamins?
Build herself up a bit!
Some people are theyre own worst enemy.
Won’t be long until whitey is sent to the back of the queue to fight for the scraps left in the supermarkets.
The virus is racist, doncha know? Nothing to do with them having too many kids then? Whose fucking fault is that? Ours for being too fucking soft in letting them do this to get more bennies, really.
The BBC have been pushing this ‘poverty/waycism’ shite for weeks now.
They have too many fucking kids while on the dole or on the scam that is tax credit. Hence, overcrowding. Some groups are more prone to high blood pressure and other health issues, which are NOT repeat NOT related to poverty. It’s genetic. What the fuck can anyone do about that?
Furthermore, it seems certain groups are more likely to ignore social distancing rules and are more likely to meet up at the local (ahem) ‘community centre’. Or hang around with their ‘crew’. Ramadamadingdong/Eid is coming up. Can’t see any problems with that. Certain groups, it appears, are more likely to ransack a supermarket than others. These cunts come in all shapes, sizes and races of course. But footage keeps showing more of a certain tone than others, doesn’t it?
The upshot of this, I can see this coming, is whites sent to the back of the queue for deliveries and at the supermarket itself. Can’t see that causing a problem lol.
I believe the moon has been sighted, and already the gatherings for the nightly feastings have started, with hundreds moving through our streets as the light fades. Gatherings at the riverside by hordes of those who kiss carpets goes unchallenged by our local lipstick wearing Please Force.
Already the smell of Camel Shite fills the air, and the howls of the Imam at 2 o clock in the morning ( and again at sunrise ) are to be tolerated with respect.
There is something most English now about this ritual . I can’t wait for Divali.
There is no Flour in the stores. There is a shortage you see. The shortage is because , in the two day period on “Lockalie”, the stores were emptied bu hordes of chavs who have never baked a loaf or a cake in their entire lives.
The Flour is now living in some fuckers cupboard, never to be used !
Greed? Or Need ? You decide.
Somebody cunt the tube drivers for being lazy people. Allegedly a third of London tube drivers are off sick. Somehow I doubt they are sick and are just bunking off work.
I heard they get 60-65k a year. Nice work if you can get it.
Almost the same pay as a fucking pilot lol. Their only claim to more dosh is the fact that they risk a peaceful member of society getting on board one day with an overly enriched backpack. But then again, we all fucking risk that by getting on the thing or just walking around town!
Their constant strike action is a fucking piss take too. Cunting deserved in my opinion.
“The FoI responses, from Transport for London (TfL), showed that nine drivers were paid more than £100,000; another 30 made more than £80,000, and 100 were paid £70,000 to £80,000” Evening Standard May 2019. All for sitting in their own cab pressing buttons. Now I don’t begrudge anyone making a decent living but they do strike too much and hold London to ransom when it suits them. And now to have a third of them off sick, they must think we were born yesterday,
Apologies for going off topic btw, from greedy to lazy.
As has been mentioned many times, most people are cunts. Half the ones shrieking loudest on fucking twitter etc about panic buying selfishness would have been stuffing their shopping trolleys just before lockdown, doubtless screaming “but I’ve got kiiiiiiiiiiiiiids”.
This is why voluntary socialism never works.
Greed is built in to us all…
Did fat Sally need to eat that extra cake at work?
Did you need to eat that fourth sausage with your mash potato?
Do old cunts need a car when they can borrow their child’s?
Did you need to buy that pack of biscuits to another free?
Did you need to fire an extra one into your Mrs after already doing it an hour earlier?
Did you need that extra pint or shot of Rum?
Do you need to live in that house for four when there is only you and your Mrs living there?
Did you need to use that extra 6 sheets to wipe your arsehole clean of yesterday’s full English?
You are all a bunch of greedy cunts and should be ashamed of yourselves.
Anyways I’m off to London today to spend some time in my second flat.
Go fuck yourselves.
Being morally bankrupt is a bad thing, huh? Perhaps we need to inform the authorities?
I honestly give up – i’m sick of hearing about or reading of these insane, selfish fucking morons – who most probably have the vote – who do nothing other than look after themselves – and brag about how ‘good’ they are – put ’em in front of a firing squad and then let them explain!!
Capitalism is greed, without greed there would be no capitalism, and vice versa.
Capitalism is not perfect, and when people can become Trillionaires for selling dodgy Chinese s*it inline and employing slaves who will never escape poverty it leaves a bad taste.
The Fox solution (one of many I will be implementing when I sweep to power – f*cking madman I am!) – every trader, partnership, business, company, corporation etc that makes a profit in the UK is subject to UK legislation (no offshoring you thieving f*ckers), based in the UK for regulatory and tax purposes and pays between 8 and 10 per cent tax, which is seriously cheap – anyone trying to avoid paying it will be fined double the amount.
Any businesses don’t like this then go – the ordinary people have been squeezed by greed and weak Governance for too long, we are being hammered yet again as we speak, and things have to change.
Good luck with that one! ??
This is interesting
Star Trek 1980’s
Picard on economy
Star Trek 1990’s
Quark on greed