A colossal, and long overdue, cunting for… The Eurovision Song Contest. Every time this drivel is on I refuse to watch it. Hardly anyone votes properly anymore, its been tactical political voting for over a decade. On top of this its meant to be a SINGING competition, which one year was won by a few people baking, yes BAKING, while music was playing. Either fix this shite so that everyone SINGS, and nobody does political voting, or scrap this useless pile of shit altogether. In fact, fuck it, just cancel the thing…along with Britain’s (with foreign people) Got Talent, The Voice and any other similar shitty ‘competitions’. Someone I know, with a great voice, was rejected by BGT because he was ‘too old’…BGT being how we got Susan Boyle and that stupid dog act! Scrap all this shite, and take crap like TOWIE with it!
Nominated by DiabloLordOfTerror
Yes, it’s shite but it’s camp shite which seems to appeal to certain groups. And didn’t a tranny with a beard win one year?
Leave the fuckers to it. We don’t have to watch.
That was Conchita Wurst representing Austria.
As Jon Snow almost remarked: “I have never seen so many white cunts in one place.”
You’d think they would cancel this shite, the Spanish song about the EU abandoning them during the crises and the Israeli song about Gaza will be highlights.
The Contest “Survives” as the UK has contributed ( financially ) the bulk of its costs. Sound familiar ?
Good cunting.
The UK could enter the best singer ever performing the best song ever and still end up with single figures. The EU nations loathe us but you might think some of the eastern countries might give a vote to their second home and where most of them earn a living. But no.
I don’t know why we bother although no decent singers do any more. The glory days of Cliff, Sandy, Lulu et al are long gone and let’s be honest even their songs were shite.
Euro vision has never been a contest for good music in the same way that BGT and The Voice are not representitive of real talent.
It’s all pantomime.
Don’t tell me we are still going to participate in this shite. And have it on the telly?
It was pointless laughable crap 30 years ago and it still is now.
Is it too early in the day to start drinking?
Call it a belated celebration of St Georges day BB – that little thing that happened the other day that nobody was allowed to report – only our National day, no reason to celebrate that then!
Eurovision? Well we got top f*cking marks at the Agincourt round with our whimsical little song “Get some longbow you French b*stards”!
Top that Lulu! ??
It was shit 60 years ago.
I’ve never seen it voluntarily, but remember it being on when I was a kid.
The world has changed a lot in 60 years, but one thing has been consistent, the fact that Eurovision is a large pile of steaming shite.
If you could disinter Terry Wogan and prop him up in a chair downstage left it would,I feel lend sufficient lack of gravitas to this steaming pile of Eurotrash ordure to fully indicate my, and thousands more who aren’t from the LBGSSHUYRDBTURDBURGLAR community total contempt for this sanctimonious shite. And if Israel is geographically European, lets add Antarctica and give the penguins a chance.
Bag of shite, kill it with fire.
HOMOVISION. Doesn’t the Irish brownswordsman Norton do the commentary now ? If you feel compelled to watch this faggotfest then it’s up to you, but we should have realised what was coming when this annual started pushing the boundaries. The boundaries being arse cheeks and tonsils.
Another dinosaur and a well deserved victim of chinky flu, may it never be revived.
Complete load of crap.
I hope we get back to something approaching normal soon, I can’t put on any news now without having virtue signalling rammed down my throat, it’s actually getting depressing, I was perfectly happy with a few facts a figures but I don’t give a shit who is doing what to keep fit or make a face mask out of a fucking tea towel or clapping for the clappers!
I confess to watching this dross until the competition was won by that bearded, arsehole-derricking cunt in a dress. What was it, something Wurst-up-the-bunghole?
That put the final nail in the coffin in it for me.
A reflection of today’s music if you think about it. 98% errant shite. Cast your mind back to the days of acts like Abba, when there was some proper talent. Even Teach-In, those clog-wearing cunts with their Ding-a-dong song in 1975 knocks spots off the shite they serve up today.
I suppose I yearn for the days to return when we had great music.
Bah and bollocks!
I haven’t watched it since 1965 when a cutie named France Gall won:
She subsequently went on to do some excellent stuff, specifically her 1987 album ‘Babacar’.
I think my missus still tunes in. Nuff said.
Thank fuck i was only 9yr old then!
Given Brexit, it would be nice if we were kicked out of EuroVision – I’m sure we wouldn’t be missed. Plus it would piss off the Remoaners even more!
in the interim it would be interesting if a Remoaner racist cunt like Stormzy represented the UK in Eurovision! Assuming he wanted to represent such a racist bigoted country of course. But it would be even more fascinating that after his performance and the results came in, we finished bottom again.
Would he blame the UK for the shit result, or would it finally dawn on him that Europeans can’t stand this bigoted dark key as much as we do?
It will probably never materialise because he would be too shit scared for that very eventuality to happen.
I have to sit through this at the wife’s request. My son refers to it as the gayest night of the year.
My good lady is in lockdown many miles away – and one of these Months I will simply have to text her! (The peace is wonderful).
Television rule at Fox Towers? – “watch that f*cking s*it in the other room or you will get such a slap”!
So, off I trot to the other room.. ?
There’s a gay bloke in our street who apparently likes to fuck tramps.
They reckon he’s a hobosexual….
Leather biker’s jacket and taxi on its way.
Total mastery – just the change of one letter.
A show for the Gays and cunts.
Eurovision is shite and makes me realise how much better we are than these mainland Europeans.
Go fuck yourselves.
You faggot, sorry forgot, the adopted Europeans Israel and Australia?
I resent living in an Australia that thinks it should be in Eurvoision and in a world where there is a Europe who’ll let them.
Eurovision is a bit of silly fun with a participating demographic that should stop at the fucking Caucasus. Don’t need vainglorious Aussies caterwauling in and pissing all over it.
I always thought it was phase one of conning a wealthy low population country into their cluster fuck empire.
If I wanted to watch hours of a bunch of British hating weirdos and f*ckwits I would go to the Labour Party conference.
Europe is best approached with a Lee Enfield from the ramp of a landing craft ??
Unless the lovely Caty Cole was representing the UK of course – ideally in the buff!
Nice idea about the Lee Enfield Vernon, but personally I go for the less subtle approach of ‘Bomber’ Harris and his boys.
Yes RK – Grandad Arthur did very well! Eventually got sacked for attending a party dressed as Pwince Harry!??
There is no honour or accolade high enough for Arthur “Bomber ” Harris.
What he did to Dresden should have been replicated on every major city in mainland europe.
When he said the remaining german cities were not worth as much as the bones of one British Grenadier, he was simply stating a fact.
Whether it be a shitty song contest or anything else europe is a worthless continent and project. Absolute filth.
I wonder if the Gay contingent on here are sad at the loss of this year’s contest.
After yesterday’s touchy feely Greta shite I am not too sure abaaaht you B&W.
I understand your concerns CC, I think I was conversing with Kravdarth too much and that what caused it. I shall be avoiding him and normal business will be resumed. ?
What was wrong with The Black & White Minstrel Show? Now that was TV.
Lenny Henry.
Its being replaced with the Black and White Cunt show.
Perhaps we can have a “Eurovision Illegal Immigrant Contest”, to find out which country ends up with the most illegals.
We’d probably win every fucking year!
Is this the panto of Gaynessess that has Australia in it?
Dear me no,just fuck off.
Irrelevant waste of time which has the added dimension of being as camp as a row of pink tents.
Think of Britain’s history of pop and rock music: The Stones, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin etc etc etc. Along with the Septics we have traditionally provided the rest of the world (because they listen to it too) with the finest music ever created.
I really begs the question as to why we persist in entering this pointless cuntfest.
Or the Germans, Italians, Austrians and Russians, given they have pantheons of great classical composers to listen to.
I feel the real countries of Europe are just humouring the lesser ones with this shitfest.
A bit of tribalism, ethno nationalism in the voting you say? Didn’t they get the fucking email? No El-Tel no fucking point.
They can’t kick us out of this gay fest because we fucking pay for it!! Yes, the BBC is one of the 4 big contributors to running the shit show. Another reason to close the Nancy boy organisation down and to stick two fingers up to the Europeans who delight in showing how much they hate us.
Fucking poofs!
It’s always been a pile of cunt, with songs like ‘Boom Bang-a Bang’ and ‘Ding Ding Dong’.
Now it’s a pile of camp cunt, with the odd bearded tranny thrown in.
Good for a few laughs when you’ve got nothing better to do, I suppose.
I’d forgotten about the paying bit,thanks Mr Frog.
Boris can claim a refund sharpish.
Fucking cracking on with it.
Is there any b*llocks we do not fund through AL-BEEB?
Shut this organisation down – put it out of our misery.
I hate the modern Eurovision and all it stands for….. everyone happy together… all nations as one…. no need for borders. Not seen it for a while but remember everyone waving a small national flag which was probably supplied under each seat. A sea of flag waving sneering at any sense of national pride or self determination.
There has never been a bigger need for borders. Which are patrolled and enforced.
Imagine the trotters of that flying pig smacking those dinghy jumpers round the head..
Always a cunt of a show but nowadays it’s simply a rigged voting event full of freaks!! , I think you could successfully sue the cunts running it at the ECJ as it’s described as a CONTEST? Which its most certainly not.
A particular low was when the UK entered a 30 year old cunt called daz Sampson who came onto to stage with schoolchildren in uniform to sing teenage life? Where’s operation yewtree when you need them ?
Why the UK bothers with this festering pile of European shite is anybody’s guess, “ grand brittain nil points “ Just about sums up how I feel that we debase ourselves entering this night of euro wankery ……….
not forgetting that utter cunt the bearded woman conchita wurst Seriously what’s that about ya cunt ?
It’s an evening of absolute cuntitude
That fucking bitch who did that act with that dog Pudsey should either be arrested for cruelty or given a a fucking slap. Any cunt knows a dog is not supposed to walk around continuously on two legs. The poor animal’s spine will go and it will end up painfully crippled. The first ‘Pudsey’ had to be put down because of this circus freak sadism and -of course – cue media ‘heartbreak’ from the little bitch. Still, she got another poor dog to replace Pudsey and continue her money makiing cruelty. She is fucking evil and a total cunt.
I have a cunning plan, brew up a cure for the gayness, put it in a plane preferably bring enolagay out of retirement rename it enolagayless fly the fucker over Europe drop the fucking lot, Job done simples init
I remember Bucks Fizz in 81. Most lads fancied Jay Aston, but I had a thing for Cheryl Baker at the time. I bet Cheryl was the dirtier of the two…
Like Dannie Minogue is the dirty sister?
I remember the Heebie Jeebies asked in an interview why they had not spoofed Bucks Fizz. “We couldn’t think of a funny name” they said knowingly, I am sure they were thinking “Buck’s Piss”.
Talking about Buck’s Fizz the funniest thing ever is when they let Brighton wanker David van day from dollar join them on tour as some cunt was sick/ dead , van day is a proper prima Madonna and a talentless cunt of the highest order , watching him poncing around on stage had my ribs aching…..
Isn’t he the cunt who ended up running a fucking burger van?
Leave Dave David Van Day alone he had a heart attack not too long ago.
I also have him in my Dead Pool.
Just googled him and yes he ended up buying a burger wagon.
Apparently spunked all his money on The Charlie.
The stupid tit.
Even though I was aged zero at the time, I saw them performing Land of Make Believe on a retro pop programme on freeview about a month ago and both would get a seeing to if I could do a John Simm and go back to that era.
What a total crock of shite.
Anyone involved is a fucking cunt.
Terry Wogan RIP.
I loved watching the Eurovision Song Contest. It brought people together.
It was a shame when they got rid of live orchestra.
I particularly enjoyed the late, great Sir Terry of Wogan’s commentary.
Here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ2Q2j6RX7A
Hilarious! 😀 Dog bless him.
Graham Norton’s is equally funny.
The United Kingdom last won it in 1997. I hope we can do it again someday.
My apologies, Quislings. My Spanish is not very good. I’m cheating with google translate.
Me encantó ver el Eurovision Song Contest. Reunió a la gente.
Fue una pena cuando se deshicieron de la orquesta en vivo.
Disfruté especialmente el comentario del último gran Terry de Wogan.
¡Divertidísimo! Perro lo bendiga.
Graham Norton es igualmente divertido.
El Reino Unido lo ganó por última vez en 1997. Espero que podamos volver a hacerlo algún día.
I hope you understand. 🙂
Eurovision is cancelled this year due to Covid-19. Every cloud has a silver lining.
I havent bothered with Eurobolloxks since the public vote was ignored for the sake of degeneracy and the Sausage got the vote from the woke judges.
The Slavic girls from Poland won.
Stick it up your arse.
The Poofovision Song Contest?
Fuck that for a game of soldiers
What would Battery Sergeant Major Tudor Bryn ‘Shut Up’ Williams have to say about that lot eh?
Anyone who criticises Eurovision is a gay hater.
Wait while this Years UK entry is revealed – Jezza and the gippos singing “we’ll keep the red flag flying”
Enough deviants in that lot to keep this monstrosity going for Years! ?
My entry “shut up b*tch and bring me pies” was rudely rejected! ?