Keir Starmer has got his advisor Baroness Doreen Lawrence to investigate why the Chinky Flu is affecting our ethnic brethren more that the whitey. I have no idea what makes the mother of a murder victim especially qualified to lead the investigation but that is by the by.
The BBC correspondent stated that ‘ it is a complex issue which cannot be put down to one factor’ What is the betting that the illustrious baroness manages to do just that.
Nominated by Guzziguy
Studies (by actual ologists) suggest genes make you susceptible. Doreen must therefore find racism in genes somehow. I have every confidence in her.
She is so monumentally thick she still hasn’t realised they put her in the HoL to make her shut the fuck up.
St. Stephen was no angel and was known to the police for mugging white school kids for their lunch money.
If the nasty bunch of cunts who perforated him hadn’t done it, one of his own commuidee would have.
I can hardly contain my apathy as far as this shit is concerned.
Fuck off Lawrence. Fuck off Starmer.
Is this not the same fuckwit who proclaimed to the World that if the Grenfall block of flats had been full of English whiteys the Fire Brigade would have been much more motivated re rescue and fire extinction? Having been a fireman I can truthfully state that the ethnicity of the poor bastards I had to drag out, likewise their gender, politics, religious persuasion or age had fuck all to do with my decision to aid the said poor bastards. This publically funded arsewipe makes my fucking blood boil, does the twat really think that when going on a shout the fact that the fire was above dirty Ali’s catbab shop meant we took the scenic route? Or would l check skin colour before removal from fire, some had little skin left what was one supposed to do in such a circumstance a fucking pocket DNA test or something. The longer I live the more I see why my marbles went West. Thank the Lord for PIP, cheap supermarket drink, Lithium and an understanding wife plus archery and my dogs. Stay well.
argued well and rightfully indignant, your marbles have returned
St. Dozza Lozza needs to address Sickle Cell anaemia and ascertain if it is also constitutionally racist as it affects native Africans and those on the Arabian peninsula in the majority.
Wikipedia states:
“About 80% of sickle cell disease cases are believed to occur in Sub-Saharan Africa.[11] It also occurs relatively frequently in parts of India, the Arabian Peninsula, and among people of African origin living in other parts of the world.”
Bad sickle cell, racist sickle cell, white man fault, gibs me reparation and a big knife for stabby stabby drug deal.
Oh dear, how long is this bullshit going to go on for until it has run its course?
Strains of “Ol’ man river” fade into the distance.
And woe betide any Jews who get Tay-Sachs syndrome. Double-double thank Dog Liebore didn’t get in…
Doreen Lawrence what a perfect choice for an unbiased opinion, if this is queer chermers way oth thinking, he,s not going to do muck better that that mental old cunt Corbyn….
This virus is waaayciiist and was started by Trump and we were only saved from it being even worse by Suckdick Khan.
There, inquiry over.
Perhaps we could all black up alà Bernard Breslaw and apply for 300 quid a day for wanking whilst the masses starve?
Coupled with the fact she looks like a fucking court jester in that picture…
I’m not sure if this comes out the right way.
Isn’t it racist if Doreen, a black woman, doing this? “Doreen, you’re black aren’t you? You do the report on black people.
Also, it might be a bit biased on her part.
Does that make sense?
Your a monster spoons!
Klan rally 5pm tonight, same place
Bring your own sheets!
I just think her experience with her son will cloud her judgement.
P.s. MNC, I washed my white bedsheets the other day. I didn’t realise there was a red sock in the washing machine until after the sheets came out a lovely shade of pink. 😀
P.p.s I know you meant it as a joke. 🙂
Smells a little like Himmler running an unbiased appraisal of the SS at Nuremburg. Surely no vested interest?
What about the other Mrs Lawrence -Frances Lawrence the wife of Phillip Lawrence murdered outside of the school at which he was a headteacher by let’s just say some other British people.
I expect she is awaiting her award of a dame any day soon
I don’t suppose this will end until every fucking khun has been khunanised.
Fuck know what would happen if a khun actually did something genuinely worthwhile.
Putting a renowned racist with a hatred of white people in charge of a wholly unnecessary and prohibitively costly investigation as to why ethnics are being discriminated against by a virus.
And the conclusion? “Waycist whitey clearly dun tell da virus to be kilin’ da black brethren maaan”.
Why is this c*nt in the HOL again? Oh yes, because her Son got murdered (a tragedy for any parent, but no reason to elevate an individual with very clear and proven racist tendencies into a position of wealth and privilege)
On other news I fixed a light switch. ??
Labour have gone from Steptoe to Trudeau
This is a worthwhile read that will never make BBC exposure :