Coronabonds – If the situation wasn’t so serious, you’d piss yourselves laughing. Oh what the heck, go on; have a good laugh anyway at the absurdity of the ‘all for one, one for all’ European Union.
After much back-biting and in-fighting, the EU has finally agreed on a £430 billion rescue package to give aid to member states devastated by the appalling Coronavirus pandemic. The arguments rage on though, and there’s clearly still an awful lot of bitterness and resentment rattling around in the Union of Brotherly Love, most of it, it appears, being levelled at the poor old Netherlands. Yes the unfortunate Dutch are being vilified for blocking demands from (amongst others) Spain, France, and in particular Italy, for so-called ‘Coronabonds’, whereby debt would be ‘mutualised’ (ie; shared, or pooled) between the nations of the EU.
The flak is fairly flying in the direction of Amsterdam. Portugal’s PM Antonio ‘Cheeky Cunt’ Costa has even had the gall to question the future role of the Dutch in the EU. He stated ‘there is at least one country in the Eurozone that resists understanding that a shared common currency implies a common effort. Naturally I’m referring to The Netherlands’. Dutch Finance Minister Wopke Hoekstra is standing firm however, and insisting that ‘The Netherlands is and will remain opposed to (Corona)bonds’.
Well can you really blame the Dutch? Coronabonds; now there’s a fucking brilliant idea if ever I heard one, an idea whose time most definitely has not come. Profligate countries could go on a spending spree and run up ever greater mountains of debt, and then saddle the fiscally prudent with the responsibility of repaying huge chunks of what’s owed by the spendthrifts. Great idea if you’re Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, Greek or Italian; an absolute fucking nightmare if you’re Dutch or German.
All for one and one for all, huh? What a joke. For the most part, it’s much more a case of ‘what’s yours is mine, what’s mine’s my own’. Watching this shambles unfold, I cannot for the life of me understand why so many in the UK remain so utterly devoted to the idea of scrambling back aboard the Eurotanic, as it’s starting to display all the signs of being holed below the waterline. I’m just grateful for the fact that we’ve gotten out by the skin of our teeth. Things are going to get pretty bad for us here in the UK, but at least we won’t have those cunts in Brussels thinking that they’re free to dip their sticky fingers into our coffers anymore.
And in closing, I’d say this to the amiable, industrious and prudent Dutch; when this Covid-19 horror is over, come and join us. Leave all those cunts in southern and eastern Europe standing there with their begging bowls extended, and in the meantime, keep telling them to stick their Coronabonds up their arses.
Nominated by Ron Knee
Couldn’t ha e put it better myself Ron. The EU has for too long taken for granted the huge pot of hard earned money that the UK and primarily Germany have contributed. Spain built all their roads with ‘our” money. I sick of these remainer idiots (all the ones I know are from the London area) and their whinging ways.
The Spanish also constructed their high-speed rail network with funds from the northern European countries, including the UK. No wonder we can’t afford to build HS2, especially now after the fiscal shock we will suffer from the CCP coronavirus. If it wasn’t for us, the Spanish would still be travelling around their own country by riding donkeys on dirt tracks.
And there is little gratitude from the iron curtains. If it wasn’t for the UK, their unemployment rates would have been about 15% and soaring much higher under CCP coronavirus lockdowns.
This is what I just don’t get ME.
Why are so many people here in the UK so anxious to keep handing over tons of our money, just for the privilege of being told what to do by Brussels?
I wish somebody could explain it to me, never mind trying to justify it.
It’s because remainer politicians stand to benefit from the EU gravy train, and guilt trip idiots into thinking that not wanting to be part of the EU must mean you hate foreigners.
And the libtards believe this crap. Basically, you must be a nazi if you don’t love the EU and all it stands for.
definitely masochistic, infantile, and with a strong AB streak, continually whimpering and dangling from Merkel’s pendulous, white udders. Probably smack botty before bedtime.
Hope the explanation is not too much for you Mr. Knee !
Magnificent cunting.
Another well observed cunting Ron. The EU trying to be a superstate only manages to make itself look useless in a crises. There will be some remain cunt or other who manages to blame UK leavers for the whole mess. The EU is shown to fucking useless, not only is there no cohesive crises plan but in a crises it was every member for itself.
Either political union will be pushed through or the EU will fade to dust.
I think we can safely say that Eurosceptism was on the rise everywhere before anybody had ever heard of C-19. I think it’s going to accelerate now, and I think Italy has to be the prime candidate for massive anti-EU sentiment.
£430 billion – where is this money coming from?
If the EU had it’s way, a 1/4 of it from the UK, ultimately! Cunts.
£430 B net…
What was the gross figure, before the %age-wallahs took their cut ??
Dog, I despise these chalfonty discharges.
TT HBH @10:46
The initial figure was 502 Billion, 72 Billion already contractually earmarked to cover some very ambiguous “costs” – IE the EU have already pocketed a huge lump of it before it’s even been agreed.
Thought as much, Vern.
Coronatastic cunting, Ron.
Good day to you all.
Afternoon DCI.
Greetings and best wishes from grateful punters everywhere.
Any further word on your sick colleague?
Still on the ventilator. Still got fingers crossed, though.
This is an absolute bastard.
Hoping he’s out of danger soon
You know that mouthy bloke who gets a bashing in a pub car park? As he limps away , his face all battered up, he shouts “this ain’t over!!” You laugh but 6 months later him and his mates jump you and kick the shit out of you.
We’re the bloke who thought it was all over and the bashed cunt and his mates are the remoaners. They will never accept the humiliation we handed them so be aware my friends. The enemy are still among us and planning their revenge.
I see Trumpty Dumpty has cut funding to WHO. Good. Cunts!
Nearly as bad as the World Health Organisation.
The Donald is now giving it to them Trump style.
Fuck the WHO. A bunch of overpaid Israel hating PC obsessed cunts.
Big up the Donald.
Go Boris!
God bless the Queen.
Fuck Labour.
Good morning.
God bless the queen …my arse ,two speeches but no dosh from her and her family to help in this crisis .Words are cheap we want some of our money back that her and her family have ponced off us.
Post removed for having a go at the queen and her family eh Admin
Nope, pônced is a trigger word for moderation.
They’ve shown themselves to be absolutely fucking useless in a crisis.
Apart from saying ‘gibsmedat’ and just falling out with each other and dithering, what have they actually done during this crisis?
In other news, the USA are suspending payments to the WHO over their shoddy/reckless handling of the pandemic. Trump may be trying to deflect a little himself (he’s done poorly too) but it’s good to see somebody calling them out at least.
Can’t see our lot doing the same, particularly as the BBC (what a shock) are criticising Trumpy in their usual sly ‘What? This is unbiased reporting’ way.
Agree Cuntybollocks how bbc are reporting the virus, been very sly.
The death toll had dropped slightly two days on the bounce so good news you would think ?
Not for those commie bastards, they said the number of deaths in care homes had risen ten fold since the start of the month.
The figure they gave ( which was Monday I think ) said it was twenty at the start of April, and now stood at two hundred, most of those unfortunate people would have died anyway.
As Ron says all remainers including bbc, are clinging to the slightest thing to bash BJ and stay in the eu.
All europeans are vermin, they should be eradicated with the bbc.
Fucking BBC cunts.
My shirt’s shredding and I’m starting to turn green…
Ron Knee. Quality cuntings, in good times and bad.
WHO, kicked in the bollocks … good.
UN next.
Good morning.
Quality cunting, sums up totally why we’re better out of it.
I see some journo-cunt on the press briefing yesterday, giving Rishi shit about postponing the talks and extending the leave date past the end of the year. Got told to fuck off in as many words. Good.
I saw that, fucking arsehole journalist.
Thought Rishi handled it beautifully; probably the politest ‘get to fuck’ I’ve ever heard.
The one good thing about this rotten virus might well be the disintegration of the EU and their absurd idea of world domination. I can just see Adolf Merkel and his mistress Emmanuel Eva Braun Micron departing to the basement to blow their brains out, followed by the Nuremburg trials of Barnier, Juncker and co whose defence will be that they were only obeying orders – to no evail, up against the wall for the firing squad.
Is it true that the French didn’t close the border with Germany just so that Adolf could still get to Paris for Macron to give her the usual weekly blowjob?
Barnier’s decapitation by rope is an eagerly awaited event.
Heigh-Ho, it’s orf to the virtual Ministry of Silly walks I go…
I may start looking for an undertaker’s vacancy
Some enterprising media station should put that on pay per view, I’d pay top dollar for that.
‘Poop will eat itself’
They’d better watch themselves though before Merkel the Covid 19 Miracle Worker slaps them down…
Good cunting Ron. Next, we need to revoke the right to remain of all EU migrants. Yes, they’re all hard working, salt of the earth types, blah blah. But now we need to find employment for the indigenous British.
Isolationism? Boo hoo Europe!
As we know there is very little corruption among the EU countries and the word of our european friends is something to be totally trusted especially amonst med countries.
Every cunt that has profitted out of this nightmare should be paying to help sort it out. Thats all the supermarkets.
I see Jeff bezos has just added 24 billion to his fortune. 24 fucking billion, what a cunt. Fuck corona bonds, the EU is just made up of countries with massive debt giving out bad loans to countries with massive debt. Its all to fuck, that is not to say this country is any better. We are all fucked.
This is just the start of it. There are going to be a lot of mortgage defaulters off the back of the economic crash, the Bezos’ of this world will buy it all up on the cheap, as the banks try to recoup what they can, rents will soar again. The supermarkets will put prices up & those OPEC lads will ease right off to inflate the oil price – the super rich get richer & the rest of us can fuck off.
Comrade Xi & his nasty little virus has a lot to fucking answer for!
Oh the irony eh …the Netherlands don’t want to go Dutch on the bill….
Don’t forget Netherlands the Eu mantra of ‘you can’t cherry pick’.
Ironic indeed CF, funny the Dutch cunts now want their cake and to eat it when it suits them, this just shows how duplicitous all of the EU cunts are when the chips are down.
Each country has their vested interests but still espouse EU unity at other times when its convenient, we are going to be so much better out of this cartel
Some perceptive points here chaps so I doubt if any will be aired in the EU talkshop. If I were the Dutch I would remind my fellow members that ‘Charity begins at home’.
I have a lot of respect for the Dutch, decent honest people. Couldn’t give a shit about the Krauts, they are mainly responsible for the vast majority of the 3rd world that have invaded Europe in the last 5 years or so. Well it’s Merkels fault really but for some reason the cunts keep voting her in.
Either way I can see this virus being the straw that breaks the camels back as far as the ‘EU project’ goes. Fuck em
Now that ‘Treasure Island’ has gone, there’s even more pressure on the likes of Germany, Holland, Austria and Finland to fork out for all the other cunts with their hands out.
What a fucking racket, and a corrupt one at that, the EU is.
Ron, you have a gift for writing excellent cuntings. Always looking forward to the next.
Thanks Grumpy!
IsAC’s a great forum to get things off your chest.
Nice to know that my efforts are appreciated. In turn, I love gettting the views of others on here. Helps to keep me sane!
I just hope that when we get out of this chinky flu we don’t get sucked into the EU fiasco.
If the predictions are correct and we are heading for a massive hit to the economy and a very big rise in unemployment then the EU countries must be in the same or even worse situation (except the krauts)
Fuck the EU, and while we are at it the foreign aid budget needs to be a big fat zero.
Just imagine the situation if Blaircunt was still at the helm and the notion of coronabonds was being discussed amongst the EU member states. Old Tone would be there, grinning like a wanking Jap and in the thick of it like a rat up a drainpipe with (our) wallet open, ready for (our) money to be plundered by the ailing Med and Iron Curtain tinpots.
The EU can shove their coronabonds up their arsehole.
What’s utterly terrifying is just how accurate a comment this would likely have proved to be.
We’ve got enough fucking debt of our own, without being saddled with a load from other cunts as well.
It still won’t stop them trying Ron.
Off road a mo….
The Government has today given its formal approval for the HS2 project to begin construction.
Lord Adonis (the unelectable cunt responsible for dreaming up this eye wateringly expensive white elephant) has tweeted:
“HS2 is now beyond the point of no return. The key construction contracts are signed. Virtually the only good thing in public policy this month.” ?
It’s hard to imagine a better use of £106 billion of taxpayers money at this time….
If Lord Adonis told me my house was on fire I would definitely get a second opinion!!
Whenever I write that cunts name it actually makes me smile , never has a surname been more ironic……
Lord Adonis is the biggest single argument I can think of to abolish the Lords, and fucking hell, there are a few of them!
What a cunt!
If Lord Adonis gave an arson contract to Capita they would not have a working lighter.
We’re gonna build a fucking posh train and make the peasants pay for it!
It will be like the bloody M6 toll road, so expensive no one will use it
Great work Ron.
The vast majority of EU states couldn’t organise a cockup in a brothel.
I hope it completely collapses.
WHO next,Donald takes the lead!
Fuck them all.
Excellent cunting RK
Watching them all squabbling like rats in a barrel is truly delightful, what ever happened to the “ united EU 27” that tusk and barnier used to boast about?
How long will the Germans keep financing this failing unsuccessful and ultimately unsustainable experiment?
It’s club med members v the northern frugals and it’s going to get fucking spicy
And with no live sport on tv it’s the only show in town , so let’s all sit back and enjoy them tearing each other apart…..
It’s the best entertainment going at the mo, Q.
Personally I think that the C-19 crisis has shown that the EU is a case of the emperor’s new clothes.
That WE paid for.
Nice one RK ???
But -but – is this the Dutch “cherry picking”? Sorry Holland, can’t do that, just like you poisonous little b*stards told Treason May in the capitulations, sorry, I meant “negotiations”. (Remember that one? – I do.)
Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal will be a drain on the EU permanently because they run their economies chaotically, dishonestly, do not pay their taxes and are wholly corrupt from top to bottom.
And the sly little f*ckers in the EU want to try any trick whatsoever to keep us in the Fourth Reich knowing if we extend the extended extension on top of the extension extension following the extended extendery – at a cost of around 12 Billion a Year to US we will be liable for a percentage of this comedy credit – NO!
NO EXTENSION! I am sick of being ordered around and held to ransom by these dictatorial clowns.
No more being robbed by people without the balls to beat us in a fair fight and if Boris tries to pull this shit I foresee the Government being brought down.
Their front is simply BREATHTAKING! We need to be hard on this one, or we will be in hock to those parasite sh*its for ever.
Off topic but WELL DONE THE DONALD, a superb kick in the teeth for the World Profit Organisation – we need to cancel our massive payments now.
Good one Ron! ?
That Portugal bloke is playing parlor politics to his domestic audience. The stark reality is that the system of a single currency doesn’t work and can’t ever work without a proper centralized Government in Brussels that no one wants. Thankfully we’re as far from that today as ever as the Commission fanny about thinking up new tampon regulations instead to showing some fucking backbone and leadership in the face of a crisis -as fucking usual.
Corona virus is a proper spunk encrusted cunt bastard of a thing but it’s doing more to expose the EU for the fucking useless, ineffectual waste of money and time it is.
Those fucking awesome motorways in Spain that go precisely nowhere, much loved by bikers, can fuck off and all. Meanwhile, if it wasn’t for Corona, there’d literally thousands of people stuck in traffic on the M25. Good for you blighty, don’t fuck Brexit up, you need to set a strong precedent for a good life without those shitbag EU cocksmokers ??
£450 billion bail out by the EU. Why not make it a Trillion and look even better.
Those cunts must shop for magic trees at the same store as Corbyn.
If the leaving date is extended WE will be the magic money tree GS.
Just as they planned.
EU? The enemy.
Magic Grampa’s Magic Money Tree.
Sounds like a Hans Andersen fairy tale!
What a beautifully written cunting!
RK never fails!
Thanks guys.
Apparently this covid 19 virus attacks testosterone cells in males which is why males are at a increased risk of infection.
Does that mean soyboys are immune and will get the last laugh? Maybe this virus is globalhomo approved?! Maybe its time to drink the soy milk…
Covid19 is very good at attacking economies. And the Chinese rats have in the last couple of days re-opened the wet markets (where dead and living animals live in sickening filth to be dragged out covered in god knows what to be eaten raw).
Black Death, Spanish flu, bird flu, swine flu, Covid19, you name them, they all came from China.
Evil little b*stards they are.
And don’t believe a word about the “official” death figures – they are all being lumped in together with normal death rates in the UK so if someone gets killed in an RTA blame the virus.
How utterly stupid do they think we are?
Excellent rant Vernon. And. There are over 21,000 registered care homes in the UK, and if 1 person died in a week in each, the death total would be 21,000 not 4000 ( over 6 weeks )
As an esteemed cunter posted recently, “people are dying with Coronavid, not because of it …”
I quite agree wirth that post. In most cases , elderly people at the end of their lives succumb in Syncope to a relatively minor illness.