Maybe it’s because I’m getting a bit crotchety because of the lockdown, but I’m getting a bit pissed off with the relentless barrage of dross, profiteering, eulogosing, and tasteless advertising and lack of any proper news other than this virus site.
Anyway, there’s a list of things that, quite frankly, I don’t give a flying fuck about :
Dead people : Very sad and I feel for their families, but they weren’t all perfect and, frankly, some of them were right cunts. In any case, there’s more of them every time the news comes on, and it simply isn’t news.
Supermarkets : Sick and tired of being told how they’re doing oh so much to keep us safe and well fed when what they’re actually doing is hiking their prices and making money.
Sport : It’s all been cancelled. Thank fuck for that. I’d be grateful if it stayed that way, especially football and the Olympics
Harry and Meghan : Nobody gives a fuck so just shut up and bugger off. Permanently.
Online shopping : Amazon are making a fortune. I waited three weeks for a tin of Hammerite while they keep telling us how wonderful they are. Food shopping? You must be joking. Have you tried getting a slot? Meanwhile they keep telling us how they working really really hard to keep us fed.
We’re all in it together : Like fuck we are. Some people are doing very nicely out of the pandemic. For example Jeff Bezos (Amazon), up $25billion ; MacKenzie Bezos (Amazon), up $8.6billion ; Elon Musk (Tesla and SpaceX), up $5billion : Eric Yuan (Zoom), up $2.58billion ; Steve Ballmer (Microsoft), up $2.2billion
Social distancing : A good idea and I try to adhere to it, which is why it boils my piss when I see holier than you Tesco’s delivery van with two people in it. They only needed one before the virus so what the fuck is going on?
Charity appeals : Not only the endless begging in every ad break but telethons like that Big Night In and that crappy in home concert. It’s cringeworthy shit. And then to make it worse I hear the government pledge to match donations. So I give them fuck all and HMG gives them money from my taxes. Fuck ’em and the horse they rode in on.
Captain Tom : No. Really. I’m sure he’s a great guy but millions from walking round your garden and a real crap record that goes straight to number one? You have got to be joking.
Remainers : FFS we’ve had a referendum and a general election and years of endless crap over Brexit and now the same old tired cunts are trying to use a virus pandemic to extend the transition period.
Holiday companies : I’ve had two holidays fucked up so far and the cunts expect me to accept a credit note when I’m legally entitled to a full refund. And to top it all off, I’m getting bombarded with emails and mail shots trying to get me to book another one.
Testing : Maybe I’m missing something but it takes 3 days to get a result so all the test will tell you it’s if you had it 3 days ago. If you didn’t then you’ve had three da assures to catch so exactly how does this establish if you are safe to return to work?
Isolating on line : So folk like the Beckhans are having a great time isolating on their Cotswold estate. David Geffin is quarantined on his superyatch in the Grenadines. Branson is safe and sound on his private island. The list is endless. Well, good for you. Now shut the fuck up and stop rubbing our noses in it!
I’m sure there’s other stuff – apart from Auto fucking Sergei – pissing me off at the moment too, and I’m sure people reading this will be only to happy to add to the list…
Nominated by Dioclese
Another story under the radar……dinghies arriving on the Kent coast and being fished out of the Channel on a daily basis. An inconvenient truth. Fuck knows what diseases they are carrying so best not to talk about it.
Sixty new citizens arrived yesterday, and with the fair weather, no doubt an equal number will turn up today. Where are all the boats plod was using to patrol beaches to stop people sunbathing? Cunts.
They’re now inland patrolling small boating lakes in parks.
That’s an immediate national emergency and the correct answer is napalm deployed in our English Channel.
After all,we’ve spent at least the past thousand years defending it and keeping various shite out.
If those cunts in France won’t round them up then death sentence.
Filthy swarm.
Gas powered ovens floated out on barges Terry. No fucking around….in yah go cunts!
Dio, I must be your long-lost identical twin; the one you never wanted…
You have nailed EVERYTHING on the head, perfectly.
The whole thing’s bollocks. Yes, Covid-19 is a virulent disease, and people have and are dying from it. But the deliberate misinformation and misreporting around the extent of it has had us all hook, line and sinker for the great control experiment that’s been pulled off. If anyone thinks there’s any going back to ‘normal’ from this, they’re as gullible as the Thursday-night clapping seal and pot bangers. I knew the country had a collectively low intellect, but I’m agog at just how low it is.
I agree with most of what has been said – I find it hard to say anyhting about Captain Tom – the old chap is 100 next Friday, and I suspect most of the hype has come from his family and “celebrities” jumping on the bandwaggon long after it started rolling.
I would like toadd inefficent companies “customer care lines” who are using the virus as an excuse to lower even further their already piss-poor “service”, and those (usually Parking Stanley or Chinky) little wimmin with little faces and their massive cricket box masks. They look hideous without them, they look even worse with
Oh yes, also self important camp wimmin of both sexes that clog up radio and TV at the moment all day every day rehearsing yet more tittle-tattle and speculation, dressing it up as “news”. And Dame Kweer, of course.
I agree with comment about Old Tom, seems like a genuine nice guy and his effort has been hijacked by the media, the celebrity cunts and anyone else who thinks it can give them some publicity.
Captain Tom must be incredibly naive if he thinks the NHS won’t flush the £millions he’s raised from ordinary people straight down the shitter, continuing to fund cunts lifestyle choices and other related wastefulness.
The NHS should get back to basics. They’d be awash with spare cash then.
Very simple – no NI number, no health insurance – no treatment.
We can no longer provide free health care for the entire World.
I agree entirely VF; as it has been said many times it is the National Health Service not an international health service. If you point this out to people the libtards are offended and call you a Nazi. The Nazis wanted to exterminate millions of people and invade other countries. In my 67 years on this planet I have not expressed any wish to do either.
There are more than enough of our own cunts draining valuable resources being treated for stuff other than illness. If they want their tits enlarged or their tattoos removed or sex reassignment surgery etc they should go private. Why should I be expected to pay for their dumb lifestyle choices?
And sadly, NI numbers can now be bought from your helpful Peaceful Civil servant in the appropriate department.
Been going on for decades.
Truly a cunting for the ages Dio. Bravo!
The best nom all week, I’m utterly sick and fucking tired of all this bollocks.
Captain Tom can kiss my ass along with all the other cunts climbing stairs, dancing around, banging fucking saucepans or just being total cunts on the Internet. Good intentions do not make good practice.
The hospitals are empty and fucking nurses are dancing around while many people’s businesses and life savings are poured down the drain or given to shifty foreign cunts.
I have no idea how the so called government has managed to pull this off and I have NO idea how we are going to dig ourselves out. Oh, thats’s another point, the GOVERNMENT…what government? Boris is busy getting boob jobs from slope nurses while we get the fucking TRANSPORT MINISTER telling us we’re all cunts and have to stay in.
Shit tones of people round here are visiting friends and families, kids still seem to be roaming around, people all know which pubs and shops are open but shouldn’t be.
The latest and greatest thing that has really made me choke on my own shit is all this “second wave” bollocks…..hey, people are getting a bit fed up with being treated like cunts, what can we do? how about terrify all the weak minded by talking about the second wave?
Second wave, fuck you….what about the third, forth and so on waves?
And if I hear one more cunting supermarket telling me that are “by my side” I may go postal.
The government, advertisers, supermarkets can all stick their shit back up their ass and fuck off while they are doing it.
I can not,and will not tolerate any criticism of Megain Sparkle. What,pray tell, has this talentless half breed ignorant ginger cock sucking unemployed septic ever done to you?
Look at her amazing acting career. Her passion for nothing except destroying the house of Windsor and her honing in on a susceptible prince Henry (real name) Her inability to keep a promise about living in the US under the Donald and her feeble attempts at press manipulation.
As they say in Saarrrrffff Afrikkkaaaa
You can take the Kaffir from the bush but not the bush from the Kaffir.
Good morning.
Morning Krav,
Rachel Markle (real name) is an utter cunt of the highest order.
The best thing that could possibly happen to the entire UK (if not the world) right now, is for the newspapers to completely blank her.
I mean zero coverage ever again.
Doesn’t matter if she is swinging naked on a trapeze with a banana shoved up her arse, just ignore her.
She will wither away like a post ejaculation penis if starved of the oxygen of publicity.
So don’t give it to her.
It’s the kaffir’s bush that has, quite literally, fucked Prince Hairy. He seemed ‘nice but dim’ before, now he’s turned into a hypocritical lapdog cunt.
well social distancing and the get round it clause boiled my piss last night.
I went to take the dogs for a walk (a combined weight of 60 kg) and someone has invented the “path party”.
The concept is simple, you set up in your front garden, your friends sit on the verge (there is no road here only brambles and river) and you chat over the path whilst little woofy runs around off the lead.
Now I have one permanently fucked leg and I have managed to pull the calf on my good leg kicking a ball round the garden to entertain the dogs, so I am not very mobile at all now, trying to get between the two parties and deal with a mad jack Russel without a fight between the dogs or getting pulled over.
Apart from that the lock down is fine, I have a very good old school tobacconist who is supplying me with black pigs tail and I do not listen to or watch the news so I am not affected by that.
Only thoughts that have sprung to mind is the Dogs, when I was working I would leave them asleep and return from work to a happy springy dog full of love, and think what lazy bastards they are.
For the past month I have been stared at by two hounds from respective beds, as I sit on the sofa and I think they may have a similar opinion of me.
My neighbours are all out in the front gardens and street playing music and having a piss up today, some have even got their their grown up kids over who don’t live with them anymore. Im wondering how much of this is going on everywhere else. Seems people have had enough of the distancing but I wonder if this will have an effect on numbers going up again and being lock down even further and for longer.
I thought BAME stood for Black, Asian, Middle Eastern.
Britain is a white country, or at least it should be. And Britain was far better when it was still a white country i.e. 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, etc.
It is about time that the Overton Window shifted. There are millions that could and should be deported. We deported a few, a few months ago. A drop in the Ocean. Deportations need to be into the multi 1,000’s to become meaningful. This is a great time right now. Strong government. I am sick of hearing about Black Lives Matter etc. And waycism etc. Priti Patel is a nice hard strong woman, she needs to crack on. (The irony of her brown skin, is not lost)
Coloured people have their own countries, the UK and Europe are white countries. Mass immigration and mass multiculturalism is a failure and needs to be seen as that. Eastern Europe, Hungary, Poland, etc are showing the good way, Russia is showing the good way, Marie Anne Le Pen, Salvini and Orban showing the good way.
The ruling government needs to grow a set of large testicles and stop and reverse the filthy dirty rising tide.
Also, I don’t foresee that the public will have any more patience or appetite for this stupid fake virus and LockShit beyond 30th of May. I feel for the smaller businesses which are going to go under, and people lose their houses (and families), and it wasn’t ever even necessary.
The Japanese model is as good as any, better than most, 120 million persons, twice that of the UK, and 98-99% ethnic purity, the largest city in the world, Metropolitan Tokyo. Proper culture, not ruined by incomers and immigrants. Couple or few days ago only 273 CV19 deaths out of 120 million population.
Clearly Japan are not under the thumb of WHO and their paymaster generals.
Just read a set of updated LockShit rules from Kirsty Williams AM, Welsh Government, it’s all a load of fucking shit, I took a copy, but they are a bit fucking long.
I hear from friends in Yorkshire and also in the home countries that towns streets and roads are getting progressively busier day on day.
Also in other news, i’ve been a loyal client of my Bank for 31 years, visited my bank for the first time since LockShit and was turned away on the pavement, told to use telephone banking (or Internet), outrageous Banking Cunts.
Soon enough the public are going to break free, go to the beach and get as suntanned/burnt as a big red lobster. Can’t even face all the recessionary doom and gloom. Companies with any excuse e.g. all pay rises abolished, even pay fucking reductions. Boris not even doing his fucking job. Fucking LockShit Cunts.
This page is a fucking shining star. Go fuck yourselves.*
*Which as a single person in LockShit is just about all you can fucking do.
Sorry to dissapoint you but on the news its just said our great government has chartered flights to bring in 5000 uk citizens from Pakistan.
Well done Boris?
As for major Tom,
I like him and have suggested another fundraiser jumping 8 London buses on a motorbike.
I’m on the Islamabad to Manchester flight path. A plane load goes over frequently. Alway big A380s too.
Need a surface 2 air rocket launcher Bertram.
Where abouts are you?
If wythenshawe be able to wave at em before firing.
In Doncaster Miserable. Enjoying the weather in lockdown. The car has never shined so much lol
No free sheet and health care in Crapistan. ‘British’ when it suits.
The Media – They can all go fuck themselves with their 24/7 disinformation bullshit; more concerned about death toll league tables and how much GDP debt we’re going to face when all this shite is over with.
Social Media – in particular is basket case of fuckwits and twats with nothing better to do other than to proclaim all the conspiracy theories doing the rounds, and basically suggesting its the fault of the West in general and Trump/Boris in particular.
The Rinky Dinks – seems that no one seems to care it was all their fucking fault; and that no one is going to take them to task when this is over (whenever that’ll be). And neither are the libtards criticising the Dinks for their pollution, their oppression of expression, and their appalling record on human and animal rights. For whatever reason the Left have gone strangely quiet.
Greta Thundercunt – Well she’s in the media shadows rather than the media spotlight, even though she did recently claim to have had the virus, but which attracted little or no media interest. But just like the Terminator, “she’ll be back”, screeching and moaning about her childhood, but again she won’t be blaming the dinks, but Trump et al.
A fucking brilliant nomination from the original poster. You have captured most of the topics of the day. Nice structure and very comprehensive.
I gave up on live TV (and news) quite a long time ago. The main stream media and Government are lying to us, and on a grand scale. People are better off doing their own research into it.
I wonder if the second half of the year could improve, or be just as shit. What is there to look forwards to? I don’t feel the public has much interest in a LockShit running after 30th May 2020 (arbitrary date).
I am looking forward to:
– Drinking in pubs and beer gardens
– Meeting friends
– Meeting women for “romantic” encounters
– Travelling without needing a reason / excuse
– Going to the beach
– Going hiking
– Visiting prostitutes and escorts
– Ordering a new passport
– Planning to go abroad
Plenty more but that’s a few of the top ones.
Some a superb nom followed by some superb replies. Thank god for ISAC the only sane voice of reason amongst this ever growing tide of bullshit. We are being fucked from all sides and we will continue to be fucked for years and years to come. The honest hardworking person who has lived in the UK all their lives be they white brown black or yellow will pay for this until their dying day. Coronavirus will be another big stick to beat us with again and again and again.
Well said, our children’s children will be paying the bill for this pile of cunt.
As they read their little red books, printed in Farsi.
In the small country of Wales we have a superfluous talking shop in Cardiff Bay that seems to think they have some say over the people of Wales. Last night I read an update from Kirsty Williams Assembly Member for Brecon “professional politician”.
It is a shower of shit, and is badly written, leading to further misunderstandings. She may have not written it herself. She is the ONLY Liberal Doughnut in Wales and hopefully she loses her seat next year.
LockShit should be ended by 30th May 2020, the pubic are fed up.
The Welsh Government has revised the stay-at-home regulations today.
1. New arrangements have been announced to allow people with particular health conditions or disabilities to leave home to exercise more than once a day. This will help families with children with learning disabilities and autism in particular.
2. Another change is that previous legislation stated that people were not to leave the place where they live, except for specific essential reasons. This will change to a requirement not to leave and remain away from home for non essential reasons.
This is to help clarify that people who leave their home with a reasonable excuse – such as going out to shop for food, for healthcare or for work – cannot remain outside to do other things. This is in response to concerns raised by Police forces that people were leaving their house for essential reasons, i.e. to get food, but then were staying out for non-essential reasons such as meeting a friend in a park.
3. The 2m physical distancing duty will be applied for premises used for “click and collect” style services – this duty is already in place for other workplaces, which remain open.
4. The definition of vulnerable person will be widened to include other specific groups or conditions where people could benefit from assistance and to whom providing supplies is a reasonable reason for another person to leave home (for example, people with dementia).
5. Extending the physical distancing duty to cafés accessible by the public in hospitals, and those responsible for canteens in schools, prisons and for use by the armed forces, to ensure all reasonable measures are put in place.
The above changes will come into force at 00:01 on Saturday.
In addition, Welsh Government is consulting with Welsh police forces to provide further advice about whether existing provisions intended to prevent people from travelling to second homes in Wales need to be further strengthened.
The overall message has not changed – anyone can get coronavirus, anyone can spread it. So please, stay home, protect the NHS, and save lives.
Thank you for all you are doing to follow the current advice. Further information can be found here:
I did know another Kirsty, once, I called her thirsty Kirsty, she was a street slut in Cardiff that seemed to relish the good watersports in exchange for a couple of cheap cheeseburgers, now those are some of the hobbies I am looking forwards to resume.
Vaughan Gething is an ‘orrible uppity cunt.
I will add hypocrisy to this nom – no travel for the little nobody people! We of course are allowed, we have holiday homes to visit, birthday cakes to deliver etc – but spend a minute over an hour exercising and the drone Police will be visiting to tell you to check your thinking (unless you are gathering in smelly hordes for ramadamadingdong of course).
Thieving b*stard supermarkets making record profits and jacking the prices of all the basics up but telling us they are feeding the nation – you are feeding your pockets, c*nts.
No PPE for our poor BAME workers – because it affects them worse of course – ask any racist with an axe to grind.
Social distancing – if I have one more dirty c*nt leering at me and invading my personal space coughing, sneezing and snuffling they will receive a generous whack in the throat (detest the dirty b*stards, stay home if you are f*cking ill).
The “opposition” – when not wishing the Prime Minister dead and making up false accusations of racism they neatly duck the question of why they have not had a 20% pay cut and why the thieving vampire b*stard Politicians have given themselves an extra ten grand – or put another way, enough money to keep a sole trader or small business afloat, but they don’t want that – they need to save the money for the island owning spaceman gippo and his handout.
The utter, utter inability of a Government with no work ethic, no clue, no basic competence and so deluded and out of its depth they cannot do basic things properly, and the PM is snoozing in his bed as we burn.
No lockdown legislation for dooshkas, p*kis or anyone non white.
Constant virtue signalling and glad handing by “celebrities” who are toughing it out with just the grounds of their mansions to exercise in.
Sir Keir Starmer – AKA Lady “whiner” Stockings – Magic Grandpa didn’t work so shoe in a plastic Tony Blair copy to try and fool the electorate that this privately educated peer and multi millionaire is the saviour of the disaffected working classes.
Opening the Country to hordes of untested foreign workers when five Million of our people are unemployed and desperate for work.
Not hacking down 5G masts – everyone knows there is a devil inside them, ask any inbred thick as pigs*it goat botherers!
The EU – demanding an extension despite stating they would not allow us one until they realised we are serious and have the parasitic c*nts over a barrel – well how about this one EU – FUCK OFF – touch our fish you will get a punching!
My good lady texting me at 6AM asking if I’m up – of course I’m not you daft b*tch – it’s f*cking 6AM! (She didn’t even send me any pics of her in her undies, abysmal manners!)
Clapping c*nts – shut the f*ck up, it’s not a primary school – and the clapping may trigger some of our more sensitive people (awww, bless them – what’s gonna happen when they grow up and realised clouds are NOT made of candyfloss?)
On other news I bought a Black Crowes CD.
Black Crowed. Top man Vern. ?
The BBfuckingC are particularly keen on wallowing in other people’s grief at the moment. On yesterday’s news they were interviewing some poor cow who’d just lost two of her sisters. Utterly tragic and my heart truly goes out to her.
But why put her through such an ordeal when she was obviously having a terrible time and broadcast it to the whole fucking nation? What possible purpose does it serve? It’s certainly not “news”….
Utter cunts.
They also interviewed a man with terminal cancer on The World At One. The BBC should have been knitting at the time of the French Revolution around the guillotine – you can just hear how much they enjoy this sort of thing.
ITV News t’other pm, you could almost hear the glee in the eggand’s voice as he talked about how fucked the economy is…
The fucking media are creaming themselves over all this. It’s the greatest story they’ve ever had and they’re sure gonna make the fucking most of it.
Well cunted Dio,
I agree with most apart from Sport…I am pissed off that the greatest team in the world…my team the Mighty Liverpool having to wait to be crowned Champions…we were like a demolition crew this season… unstoppable and the league table doesn’t lie. To all the cunts hoping the season gets cancelled…dream on and go fuck yourselves as they won’t start a new season without finishing this one.
Also Formula One, I love it and had planned on going to Silverstone this year and possibly Spa and now that all looks doubtful. The Euro’s, Olympics…it was all set to be a truly great year of sport and now it’s all off.
Let’s have a war instead.
Go fuck yourselves.
? That’s life
That’s what people say
Won the league by Christmas
Null and void in May….
Excellent plan B&WC – a good war would clear the cobwebs!
If the donald and the rinky drinks keep at it, there may well be a war. We also have Iran on the cards. Get your bets in now lads. Shame the fucking pubs are closed for one last piss up if it all goes belly up.
Thought you were a Bristol Shitty fan?
Nah Daz, Bristol Rovers all the way…the true Bristol team.
Will be interesting to see what they do about transfers. Teams like the scousers and others are starting to sniff around players they want. Thing is, if you want to continue the season, you (and everyone else) shouldn’t be allowed to use any new signings until the new season. It brings in credibility issues with the leagues if this rule is broken. I’m not even sure being allowed to sign anyone before the season is completed is fair either even if the player is unused until the new seaon), as it will relieve squads of their better players after the transfer window had already shut.
You’d have teams like West Ham (who have a bit more money than, say, Norwich) buying players to help them survive. The transfer window for 2019/20 closed in January and should remain closed if they decide to carry on. Which brings issues with players contracts. Some teams will start buying players. Which means some will be no longer at the clubs from last season, fucking up the credibility of the league. Nah, sorry it just seems too messy thinking about it.
Maybe just scrap the whole thing and just put it in the bin? Games get abandoned. Test matches get rained off. Results in sports do get voided in certain circumstances. Liverpool deserve the title but it just might not be possible when teams start buying players. It will rightly create complaints from other teams about the credibility of finishing the league when transfer rules have been broken.
To be fair, the way the scousers and others have acted over the furloughing and shite, I say fuck the lot of them. The players of most clubs have acted like cunts too. Put the season in the bin and start again. Most people won’t want anything to do with the past year anyway, after this is over. Maybe award the scousers a ‘leaders’ certificate’ or a mini-PL trophy with, ‘We were in front by miles in 2019/2020 you know?” engraved on it?
No answer will suit everyone, but they should choose the one most people want. Polls suggest most are saying scrap it and start again. It’s fucked up no matter what they do to be fair.
I agree with some points Cuntybollocks but what will happen is they will freeze any transfers and finish the season otherwise what the hell was the last 30 odd games for to simply write off and start again.
It’s easier to cancel something you haven’t started than to cancel something almost finished.
Fuck next season let’s finish this one and see what happens regarding the transfer window.
My guess is they’ll finish this season behind closed doors and the summer transfer window will open for a season to start around September (possible played behind closed doors), there is too much money involved to cancel this or next season.
Would be nice if Sky/BT made all games free but will they fuck.
Up the Reds.
I’m ok with finishing the season as long as transfers are banned until the new season starts and players have to play for their ‘old’ clubs to finish the season if their contracts have ended.
Thing is, it will just take one greedy cunt player to fuck that up I’m afraid.
You’re right about the money and legal threats etc, but you’ll get the same from clubs who are deprived of their better players to finish the season (even if they can’t play for another club until the new season).
I can see some greedy cunt players signing contracts with a new club and then said clubs will also be getting their lawyers out.
Liverpool deserve it for football reasons (but only once it’s mathematically certain, of course), but it’s going to be fucked up as soon as a players leaves a club before the old season ends.
That Vertonghen at Spurs is wanting out before the new season I think. Says he can get more cash.
Greedy cunts like this could ruin it for you. And if your owners have ant sense, they’ll lay off buying any fucker until the ‘old’ season ends. If they do buy players in the meantime, they deserve to have the season cancelled.
Greatest team in the world! Fuck off B&WC! Thirty years without the title. Let it be thirty more!
Actually, if they declare the season, I agree that the Scousers should get it. Destroyed the whole prem (apart from Watford!).
If you want to let off some steam, I’m a Gooner.
Faaaaaahk off!
A Gooner? Dark key cunt…I thought you were alright but after hearing that you can Fack Awwwf. ?
Just looking at the BBC news app and 43 out of 51 articles are Coronavirus related. No wonder there’s so much hysteria and panic. I saw an elderly neighbour going for an exercise walk yesterday with a scarf wrapped around her nose and mouth. Couldn’t stop laughing for 5 minutes. Tesco Express self service tills with partitions in between with signs saying ‘We can do this together’ when there are customers standing next to each other in the bread aisle. People wearing all types of face masks, many of which are likely fucking useless in stopping inhalation of Corona droplets, picking up products that have been handled and breathed on dozens of times by other unprotected hands and faces.
Yes, there’s a shit load of grandstanding and nonsense being propagated over this virus, and what stands out is inconsistency and Impracticability above all else. I’m not saying this is not to be taken seriously but being shouted out by my doctors receptionist not to enter the building and state my reason for being there from the door 100 yards away as she sits there WITHOUT a mask on (She works for the NHS in a front facing job for fucks sake) is irritating the shit out of me.
Oh, and as for the captain, well done old lad for raising £27M by capturing the imagination of the great British public, but I learn that there are now other pensioners putting their lives at risk trying to do a ‘Tom’ such as an old lady walking up and down her stairs multiple times a day for donations. Let’s hope she doesn’t put herself in A&E and add to the workload of our great frontline carers eh?
Totally agree with this cunting.
Not just the BBC. I think you’ll find that 95% of all News reports and articles right across the media are Coronavirus related.
Fuck them all.
I try to limit myself to one or two glimpses a day at what passes for news, and feel much better for it, and I think it’s a routine I will carry on after this shit is over. Look at the headlines, are restrictions easing? No? Off. The rest is doom And despair. The cunts only give two figures, how many have tested positive for it, how many have died. Surely for perspective, how many have tested negative, and how many have beaten it should be included in those numbers. Cunts.
Completely with you on that Gutstick (as well as the OP above). All these virus-related death figures are effectively meaningless until the entire population has been tested for CV19.
It would also be interesting to know how many people have died so far this year, of anything at all, and compare it to previous years. I reckon the figures wouldn’t vary much.
What makes you think they’re exaggerating the number of cunts dying from Covid19? If anything the government would be motivated to minimise the figure, it’s not in their interests to embellish the the figures except downwards, which is what they’ve been suspected of doing by not including cunts dying in care homes etc in the toll.
The figures are grossly exaggerated.. not one person dies of heart attacks, strokes , cancer or any other old persons health problems anymore , it’s all Covid19. Or if you watch SLY NEWS . They say they died with Covid19 not of it.
Myneighbor had to go to A&E last week with a heart problem.
A&E was nearly empty and the staff said it’s been the most quite they have ever known it.
The NHS being overwhelmed just hasn’t happened.
I don’t think the figures are exaggerated, but they are without context. I can’t imagine many autopsies being carried out to confirm Covid as the prime cause of death, or a contributing factor, or has no bearing on it at all. Has anyone died from Covid that didn’t have underlying health problems, and if so, was this confirmed by a post Mortem? For all I know, I might have underlying health issues, but until they manifest themselves, I haven’t a clue, as I avoid the doctors like the plague, pun intended. The information changes daily, as it should, but there is definitely a lack of context. I don’t see cover up, I only see incompetence.
Income tax will be going up
National Insurance will be going up
VAT will be going up
Council taxes will be going up
Any other tax national and local governments suck you off on will be going up when this shit is over and done with, and the final bill comes in!
This is from the Financial Times, declaring that the recessions of the last 40 years will seem like a walk in the park when this Mother of all Fucking Recessions comes round and kicks us all in the bollocks for the next 10-15 years!
Other media outlets are suggesting another Great Depression is just round the corner, along with civil unrest and anarchy on the streets blah blah.
The division between rich and poor will be even more defined, especially when unemployment rockets, house possessions become the norm and the over-stretched working and lower-middle classes find themselves bankrupt and/or destitute.
With this kind of scaremongering you’d be better off popping your clogs from the virus now rather than contemplating a return of normality.
Eat The Rich!
Completely agree. In time, there has to be an enquiry into the role played by MSM for all the crap they’ve put out. I said after the election that because the opposition would be piss poor, it would effectively come from MSM, the legal profession and judiciary.
This has been perfectly illustrated with the Coronavirus crisis. The fuckin’ sight of the unelected Kuntsberg, Peston and Rigby impersonating the leader of the opposition at press conferences makes my piss boil. At every one, they ask the same fuckin’ inane questions over and over again. This piss poor triumvirate are incapable of asking anything original that might give us some real insight. Instead, it’s just continuous sniping and undermining from the sidelines. Like the government, they will be held to account in good time.
To shut the naysayers up I’d love to see the lockdown ended May 1st no exceptions.
Then come about July let’s see how many dead we have. But the economy they all cry !
Try looking for customers when the fuckers are dead.
Maybe if they time it right the next huge spike of deaths will be Xmas.
Then it’ll be ” what happened there ?” We didn’t see that coming
Twats who dance to the bins and just accidentally on purpose make sure that it’s filmed and uploaded to Cuntbook.
I hope a Tesco delivery driver runs them …erm …. a nice warm bath for their efforts in cheering us all up and definitely not for being narcissistic twats.
This is an excellent cunting. Soooo much pent up rage. It sounds like me on the odd occasion I get to speak to anyone.
But where is Nurse Cunty? Reckon she’s volunteered to work at the Nightingale?
I read about some woman who was “named and shamed” on a “local Facebook page” (whatever that is) for not appearing on her doorstep to clap for fish like a performing seal. Even worse, instead of telling them to fuck off and mind their own business she pleads that she had a hard day with her brat and fell asleep.
Fortunately, thanks to social distancing, there won’t be any rallies in Nuremberg just yet.
You’re right. I would’ve replied on Facebook saying that while I appreciate the efforts of all key workers, I am not obliged to cheer them every week light a North Korean citizen at a factory opening. I do not need to ‘virtue signal’ like others to show my thanks.
And that if I am harassed again in such a way; that they will be receiving a letter from my solicitor, a very probable court case and a claim for damages.
like not light – fucking sausage fingers
At what point are “we” (not me) going to stop this clapping? Is it going to be decided one day that there is no need to clap anymore or are we going to do it for the rest of time? In 50 years people will be going out on a Thursday at 8pm and clapping and not having a fucking clue why.
I don’t think I’ve made a good impression with my new street, as I have yet to be seen on the doorstep, banging a pan lid like a fucking dribbler. Fuck them, I’m not American.
I read that and thought the same. Anybody trying to ‘shame’ me for not clapping would very likely get a good punch in the gob. Almost nobody on my street is out on a Thursday, except for some cunt with fireworks, this week I am determined to discover who this fucker is and see what he thinks of cat shit on the carpet inside his front door when he gets up in the morning.
Thank fucking christ for this site!
I have a terrible feeling (as a extreme as it sounds) that the only way any sort of normalcy can be restored is fighting for it.
However I have zero faith in the mindless hordes of soft belly cunts in this pisspot country to find their balls and take their lives back.
As long as most people have netflix and a jigsaw puzzle they will sit on their arses until death creeps in.
I’m opening up my business on the 30th and the government can go fuck themselves. If I get a visit from the police I’m going to tell them to stick the fine up their cunting arse.
Good on you.
We MUST return to some sort of normality.
I’d light an Ole Turkey-Neck minge-candle for you, but… I think local kebab shops have used them as cooking fat…
Almost forgot – every f*cking advert demanding our money – would you like to contribute, guilt, guilt.
NO! I pay a fortune in taxes and am not prepared to see any more aid or charity money flushed down the Third World toilet – WE NEED IT!
It’s not going away. There will be no cure. There might be a vaccine, but it’s not coming any time soon. Testing will prove fuck all other than if you have had it, and fuck all came of it. Stop this bollocks now, and get back to work. And get the fucking Chinese to pay for the economic consequences, not because it was their fault, be it dirty bat soup, or shonky lab security, but because they, with the great assistance of the WHO, covered it up. People are actually dying of real diseases because the only game in town is Covid.
This is the absolute golden chance for the look at me i’m so virtuous do gooder cunts whether ‘celebs’ or not to show the rest of us what nasty bastards we are.
And the whole thing is obviously Trump and Boris’ fault and anyone who mentions our honest Chinese friends being at fault is a waayssiiiist!
Peirs Chins, pouting Susanna, Davina, Naga and any twat that bangs hell out of a saucepan will you please just fuck off.
Oh and stay safe ourself you twats.
I despised Piers Morgan before this shit, but his endless pontificating about what everyone should do has put him firmly in the cunt super league. Just because his I’ll thought out sentiments are echoed by the slack jawed morning tv audience, doesn’t make him a sage, just a cunt. Fuck up, you sweaty fat nobody.
What a bunch of selfish bastards on here, only this morning I read about a poor young man who owns 100k worth of designer handbags no longer making a living as an Internet influencer and having to resort to sponging off his parents.
Can you imagine his pain.
I thought at first this must be Dame Elton’s sprog but no, this young man faces a real danger of having to work for his living.
You forgot nosey, busy-body, snitching cunts.
Great cunting Dio – you’ve articulated exactly what all of us are thinking.
I’ll add what is described as “fund raising” for the NHS. Whilst I admire Capt (Retd) Tom for his effort, the NHS is public body and won’t receive those donations. Instead, they go to charities, which, after taking their cut, will ponder if applicants tick the right boxes – BAME, disabled, etc.
Capt Tom has received 90 thousand cards – why didn’t those cunts donate the cost of the card and postage instead of creating a mountain of waste? Personally, I’m saving my money for the time when I’m taxed til my pips squeak. After all, there’ll be 3.5 million unemployed doushkas to feed now.
What annoys me the most about the whole Captain Tom business is not the deed itself, but how some on the left are using it as a political point scoring exercise, that he has to do it because the NHS is so underfunded. I haven’t heard him say that, he is probably doing it out of a sense of duty, something these lefty cunts know fuck all about.