Maybe it’s because I’m getting a bit crotchety because of the lockdown, but I’m getting a bit pissed off with the relentless barrage of dross, profiteering, eulogosing, and tasteless advertising and lack of any proper news other than this virus site.
Anyway, there’s a list of things that, quite frankly, I don’t give a flying fuck about :
Dead people : Very sad and I feel for their families, but they weren’t all perfect and, frankly, some of them were right cunts. In any case, there’s more of them every time the news comes on, and it simply isn’t news.
Supermarkets : Sick and tired of being told how they’re doing oh so much to keep us safe and well fed when what they’re actually doing is hiking their prices and making money.
Sport : It’s all been cancelled. Thank fuck for that. I’d be grateful if it stayed that way, especially football and the Olympics
Harry and Meghan : Nobody gives a fuck so just shut up and bugger off. Permanently.
Online shopping : Amazon are making a fortune. I waited three weeks for a tin of Hammerite while they keep telling us how wonderful they are. Food shopping? You must be joking. Have you tried getting a slot? Meanwhile they keep telling us how they working really really hard to keep us fed.
We’re all in it together : Like fuck we are. Some people are doing very nicely out of the pandemic. For example Jeff Bezos (Amazon), up $25billion ; MacKenzie Bezos (Amazon), up $8.6billion ; Elon Musk (Tesla and SpaceX), up $5billion : Eric Yuan (Zoom), up $2.58billion ; Steve Ballmer (Microsoft), up $2.2billion
Social distancing : A good idea and I try to adhere to it, which is why it boils my piss when I see holier than you Tesco’s delivery van with two people in it. They only needed one before the virus so what the fuck is going on?
Charity appeals : Not only the endless begging in every ad break but telethons like that Big Night In and that crappy in home concert. It’s cringeworthy shit. And then to make it worse I hear the government pledge to match donations. So I give them fuck all and HMG gives them money from my taxes. Fuck ’em and the horse they rode in on.
Captain Tom : No. Really. I’m sure he’s a great guy but millions from walking round your garden and a real crap record that goes straight to number one? You have got to be joking.
Remainers : FFS we’ve had a referendum and a general election and years of endless crap over Brexit and now the same old tired cunts are trying to use a virus pandemic to extend the transition period.
Holiday companies : I’ve had two holidays fucked up so far and the cunts expect me to accept a credit note when I’m legally entitled to a full refund. And to top it all off, I’m getting bombarded with emails and mail shots trying to get me to book another one.
Testing : Maybe I’m missing something but it takes 3 days to get a result so all the test will tell you it’s if you had it 3 days ago. If you didn’t then you’ve had three da assures to catch so exactly how does this establish if you are safe to return to work?
Isolating on line : So folk like the Beckhans are having a great time isolating on their Cotswold estate. David Geffin is quarantined on his superyatch in the Grenadines. Branson is safe and sound on his private island. The list is endless. Well, good for you. Now shut the fuck up and stop rubbing our noses in it!
I’m sure there’s other stuff – apart from Auto fucking Sergei – pissing me off at the moment too, and I’m sure people reading this will be only to happy to add to the list…
Nominated by Dioclese
Well, I wondered how long it might take but, nevertheless, this is a fine cunting – thank you.
Whilst the medical data has consistently shown that this invented virus is no worse than ordinary flu – and the ‘narrative’ has absolutely nothing to do with our health – we can perhaps see that our politicians DO NOT represent us at all – rather they represent Big governance and Big pharma – there is no way that this ‘has just happened’ – preparations have been made for a long time – most people on the planet are now under house arrest for no crime whatsoever – just so the greedy fuckers who think they are better than us can exercise their greed and find inventive ways to control us – and mostly they have been proved right – the happy clappers and everyone that has welcomed this inhumane and criminal lockdown should now be taken out and shot – why? – because they have just encouraged and confirmed to the rich elites that they can get away with murder
I think you’d better go and have a lie down in a darkened room.
I’ve actually just got home from calling in on a local farm to collect some meat – i’ve been told by people i respect that farmers are pourring milk away as it’s not being used with cafes and restaurants not open there’s excess milk, similarly, lamb being imported from new zealand for supermarkets is meaning that home reared meat is being wasted as people are not using local resources rather dependent on supermarket crap – why should i need to lie down, i’m not phyically tired but i am tired of the bullshit being espoused as government policy
News just in.
According to the government, 2m distancing was conjured up from fuck knows where. There is no scientific proof that social distancing has any benefits.
Also according to the government, there was no need for businesses to close.
What a clusterfuck.
Yes, and this is parroted by every healthcare professional I see in the media, social or otherwise. It’s been hard to swallow everything that has been announced over the last few weeks, from a public body that thinks it’s ok to pay £5 for a packet of paracetamol, and a government that says stay indoors, yet leaves 1000s arrive untested at U.K. airports.
And over 400 more this month arrived on the south coast illegally.
Time to reinstate coastal gun batteries.
Bagsy the M2. 50 Cal. ?
A raving good cunting is this!
Allow me to add that insufferable, incompetent bunch of cunts in Brussels to the list.
Excellent cunting Dio.
Just been speaking to my mum on skype and she said her mate sent her some photos on cuntbook of a massive crowd of peaceful types outside a mosque in Lancs.
No fucking coppers told them to fuck off home, by all accounts.
And yet, it’s whitey’s fault that the cunts are dropping like flies…
In that case the coppers are doing a good job. You usually get coach loads of cunts at a peaceful funeral. They should provide motorcycle escorts to make sure they all get there on time. ?
Apparently, according to the Muslim Council, it’s the government’s fault for not getting the message over about social distancing to the moose limbs. They’re not ‘reaching out’ in the correct ways as many peacefuls do not follow the usual media. WTF? Doesn’t it just prove that these cunts don’t integrate, don’t want to and couldn’t give a fuck about this country?
And I bet the MCB didn’t advise as to what the correct method of communication should be?
Was it by flying carpet?
Via a wailing imam from a loudspeaker?
Some teenage grooming victims with messages on paper hidden in their snatches?
Get to fuck!
Love the anti sport bit I am with you on that one, long may sport not commence
I’d be happy with no sport on TV if it had been replaced with something good, except it hasn’t. The BBC in particular has decided that, since people can’t go anywhere, they can show more than the usual quota of shit. And repeated shit, at that.
I agree with some points Cuntybollocks but what will happen is they will freeze any transfers and finish the season otherwise what the hell was the last 30 odd games for to simply write off and start again.
It’s easier to cancel something you haven’t started than to cancel something almost finished.
Fuck next season let’s finish this one and see what happens regarding the transfer window.
My guess is they’ll finish this season behind closed doors and the summer transfer window will open for a season to start around September (possible played behind closed doors), there is too much money involved to cancel this or next season.
Would be nice if Sky/BT made all games free but will they fuck.
Up the Reds.
Great list of problems. Its all very depressing. I’ll also add
a) The scandal of people dying of cancer whilst there are half empty hospitals with dancing nurses.
b) Deliberate mis-recording of deaths. Old in a care home and didn’t get treatment for that illness and now dead? Put that down as Covid-19 and don’t bother with an autopsy either. Been killed in a car accident? Covid-19. Been shot or poisoned to death? Covid-19.
Meanwhile the sheeple stasi are brimming with panic and are ready to have their chips inserted.
Sorry, but there are hundreds, possibly thousands of deaths not attributed to Covid-19 if they’ve died outside of hospital. And the reason for hospitals not being so busy is that time-wasting cunts aren’t going there. Cunts are calling us out, we say they need hospital, they don’t want to go. Well, don’t waste my fucking time then. Haven’t a clue about cancer stuff – I rarely venture past ED.
plain wrong
A&E have turned people away because they are not covid
Loads of cancellations for treatment and therapy and outpatients as hospital ‘plan’ for covid
Big nightingale hospitals – built with taxpayers money – fucking empty
I haven’t seen anyone turned away from ED, we certainly haven’t, but, I only go to two hospitals, I said I rarely go past ED so I know fuck-all about what happens elsewhere, outpatients etc, they’d have been castigated by the same cunts that are clapping them if they DIDN’T have a plan and, would you rather the Nightingale hospitals were full so the taxpayer would get value for money?
Retirement can’t come soon enough, for fucks sake.
I’d rather they weren’t built at all and money flushed down the pan on little more than a hunch. It was built in less than a week and to date has treated 41 patients. So clearly under pressure it could have been knocked up to meet demand if it was there, which isn’t.
Just be thankful they’re not full to capacity. Or maybe you’d prefer that so you’d get value for money? Yes, they were put up quickly, and, credit to the builders, but, if they weren’t ready to take pts, where were the Covid pts supposed to go? There are only so many ICU beds. If they’re all full, you or someone you actually care about, gets run over/seriously ill/any sort of trauma, and they need an ICU bed and they’re all full of Covid pts as the Nightingale’s aren’t built, where’s your relative going to go? Again, be thankful they weren’t needed, at the moment. As I’ve said to you, previously, I attend briefings on this, I see and deal with this on a daily basis. My information comes from experiencing it and dealing with it first hand.not social and mainstream media. Sorry if that annoys you.
Nothing but a straw man argument. By that logic we should 66 million hospital beds just in case we all need one at once.
Strawman argument my arse. Do you have car/house/life insurance? Why? Same fucking reason. I gauranfuckingtee that you and your ilk would be cunting the NHS left, right and fucking centre if people had been dying in their droves and contracting Covid and had nowhere to be put except ‘normal’ wards or the few ICU beds available, (including the one that’s now not available for your child that’s contracted meningitis). This is unprecedented, certainly in my 28 years of service. We’re doing our best with advice we’ve been given, right or wrong, given. Shame some of you experts can’t step up to the plate – your country needs you. At least four paramedics have died due to this and I forget how many nurses and doctors so you’ll forgive me for not giving a fuck about your ‘opinion’ of me, my profession or our efforts to deal with it. I couldn’t give a shiny shite about clapping or owt like that, I’m not comfortable with it and the govt. are cunts, hypocritical cunts who clapped when they blocked a NHS payrise or the media that called for doctors to be sacked for striking.
You remind me of the ‘First Aider’ that asked why we weren’t performing CPR on a clearly dead pt. Still, you know best.
“if people had been dying in their droves”
I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not yet but they aren’t….
Are you a fucking Troll??? How many deaths would satisfy you, then, Troll? 20,000 plus not enough for you? Lost anyone you fucking care about due to this, cunt? No, fucking thought not. Cunts like you give cunts a bad name.
You’ll note the ‘If’ and ‘Had’, too. You should have loaned the NHS your crystal ball.
80,000 (equivalent to approx 100,000 based on population increase) died of Hong Kong flu in 69, did we shut the country for that? 50,000 of flu in 17/18 again I can’t recall being told to stop at home then.
Roughly 600,000 people die in the UK every year. I haven’t lost any one to covid but I know half a dozen who’ve had cancer treatment suspended, that kills 165,000 by the way.
I await your press briefing, with all your expert knowledge and answers for everything, as we’re doing such a shite job and we obviously don’t know our arses from our elbows, with bated breath, Troll. You know fuck-all, just like the politicians, so, you’ll fit right in. Your country needs you.
And, again, how many deaths would satisfy you?
You really don’t get it it do you, this isn’t about being satisfied by a number of deaths its about questioning the proptionality of the response based on the number of deaths.
For example about 2000 people die on the roads each year, we could save all of those lives by banning motor vehicles but that would be disproportionate would it not?
I’ve allready explained that, Ted. Can’t wait for your press conferance.
Sorry but I’m with J Peasmould on this one 100%
50,000 dying of flu in 17/18 was an exaggeration by the government.
Don’t blind him with science, RTCP. He’s this site’s equivalent of sitting next to Ted Stryker on an aircraft. He’s the archtypal bore that corners you, jabbing his finger in your direction whilst making his often illogical point, just to garner a rection as you look desperately for an opportunity to escape.
That’s not science it’s some very poor staisval modeling based solely on ICU/HD admissions and extrapolating those. Compiled by this nut job.
Yeah, Ted, you get some right whack-jobs writing for The British Medical Journal. Can’t wait to read your submitted article on your response to Covid-19.
Any chance of your number so I can call you for advice next time I’m at a job, say, choosing cannula sizes on an awkward cannulation, adjuncts, drug doses etc, (who needs JRCALC when Ted Stryker’s on the end of a ‘phone?), and my mate on HEMS would be interested, too.
Many thanks.
He hasn’t written an article for the bmj, he has responded to an article, there is a significant difference. Mr Stone is an anti vaxer of renown.
But then you obviously knew all that.
Why do I have a vision of you jabbing your finger in my direction whilst you typed that, Ted? BMJ’s got fuck-all on you, eh?
Hurry up with your number, Ted, HEMS are waiting to launch and they’re running out of light.
I’m not sure why, an active imagination perhaps?
You clearly aren’t aware of Mr Stones work, and clearly have chosen to construct your argument around your knowledge of canulation procedures and the air ambulance. Forgive me but I’m struggling to see the link between either of those and epidemiology, virology, statiscal modelling or ecomincs.
But do feel free to enlighten me.
Too late, Ted, they ran out of light. They’ll just have to rely on JRCALC and clinical knowledge rather than you on the end of a ‘phone.
Take 20 mil of Domestos and a rectal Maglite. (Please don’t. Well, maybe the rectal Maglite. Along with your ‘opinion’).
Sorry folks, I should have checked the provenance of that link I posted more carefully.
That said, Covid19 is of a completely different order of seriousness to that of seasonal flu, as evinced by the worldwide response and the fact that it kills people of all age groups.
And there is no vaccine.
Don’t want to rub you up the wrong way at all DCI but the ONS say the deaths in England and Wales in 2019 1st quarter were:
Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19
53,910 45,796 43,946
This quarter, in 2020, not much different i.e. Jan 2020 at 56,606, Feb at 43,653 and March 2020 at 49.732. They also said winter 2019 caused an additional 24,000 flu deaths in England and Wales and nobody in MSM batted an eye lid.
Nobody wants to see hospitals overwhelmed and people genuinely appreciate the work that medics do. I think a lot of us here think that there is an over reaction to the pandemic.. There are scientists out there who have called out the ‘have you got it tests’ as inaccurate (looking at exosomes not the virus) and there are people saying hospitals aren’t full and there are reports that deaths are being mis-recorded as died of Covid 19 rather than died with.
Please tell us what you experience, and keep talking. I would trust you, a real person with no agenda, more than the Daily Mail.
You haven’t rubbed me up the wrong way at all, Cuntologist, unlike Ted ‘The Expert’ Stryker. He doesn’t like reading about real experience. In my opinion, based on experience, there does look like an over-reaction, but, as I’ve said above, this could have, and could get a lot worse, so, better have the infrastructure in place than try to sort it when it’s too late. Hospitals are quieter, but that’s due to people rightly or wrongly staying away. The panic is, I believe, there’s no cure at the moment and it’s killing people every day. People who die outside of hospital aren’t being recorded as Covid deaths, I believe, so the death rate could be higher than reported. (A bit like fire deaths when the rules were changed on that). I’d rather be prepared than caught with our pants down. One reason that the Nightingales are so quiet is that they haven’t got the staff to staff them? Possibly? I’m as fucked off as anyone with the lock down, apart from my commute to and from work, so can’t wait to get back to normal. I feel for small business’, I really do. I reckon we, as a service, will be dealing with the fallout from this for a while, if you get my drift.
Please refrain from speaking for me.
I am very much interested in the experience of health care professionals. Including your own. But the response to this cannot be lead solely by the personal experience of health care professionals.
I am also very much interested in the experience of persons unable to access other treatments at this time, the experience of small business owners forced to shut up shop, the experience of those who have lost their jobs.
As I reiterate the effects are multifaceted and the response needs to be coordinated to reflect that.
You don’t want the response to a pandemic to be run by healthcare professionals, Ted??? Who? You? Dave from Facebook? The cast of Friends? Shall we have a televised vote on a Saturday night?
Fuck me sideways.
I don’t want it to be run exclusively by healthcare professionals. Again subtle difference but clearly beyond your comprehension.
And who else would you want running a pandemic apart from healthcare professionals? Plumbers? Lorry drivers? Dave from Facebook?
Dave from Facebook and Karen would be useful as well, in fact as many Karens as possible.
Dancers needed for empty Nightingale hospitals
apply to Matt Hancock
Benefits include, jumping the queue at supermarkets, 10% of your shopping bill, getting lauded and applauded by Sheep and seals for not doing your job
Have you two dull cunts thought that maybe, just maybe, that the reason the Nightingales aren’t as busy as you’d obviously like them to be, so you can have your value for money, is the social ďistancing rules? Or that you’ve mot been told everything? No, thought not. Still haven’t given me your number, Ted. Oh well, I’ll have to rely on years of training, experience, knowledge and JRCALC instead of ‘phoning you for advice.
Chicken George, if your village can be without it’s idiot for the length of the pandemic, you’re welcome to apply. But you and I both know that’ll never happen.
Of course I’ve considered social distancing rules and their impact. I’ve also looked at the peak death rate and how that suggests peak infection may have been before lockdown and how the hotbed for hospital admissions now seems to be care/nursing homes.
I’ve not resorted to cheap personal insults because I can’t or am unwilling to engage in discourse.
But enlighten us, why are the nightingales so empty, what is going off? You elude readily that you know so much more than the rest because of your briefings, so prove it. What’s the mortality rate, when is/was the peak? When is lockdown going to end? What is the economic impact and the likely fall out?
Or just make some cheap jibe based on sexuality.
I’ve already explained most things I know and my thoughts behind them. I say ‘most’ as some things I am not at liberty to disclose, Ted.
Thats it avoid all the questions and hide behind the politicians favourite excuse of your not being able to discus it.
Just say that you don’t know.
You believe that, Ted if it’ll make you feel better. And stop jabbing your finger in my direction.
No, not when you claim to be the font of all knowledge on this but won’t even entertain answering a single question posed.
I tend to find that those people who claim to know everything but can’t discuss it often know very little. You’re only adding weight to that at the moment.
You’re not allowed to asked questions or criticize the NHS on this forum JPG, they’re trying their best to get those dance routines right.
I think we have a their choreographer on here and he’s not taking it well.
btw what is that group of people who, when they are asked valid questions, can’t answer so resort to abuse and name calling, you know, the same cunts who call anyone who questions the open door policy in the UK raaaccccists
Your village can’t spare it’s idiot, then, Chicken? That’s a shame, you could have performed your turnip juggling in the background of all of our videos. Question, ‘asked’ questions about NHS response all you like, but, trouble is with the internet, unlike The Federation Of Village Idiots you’re obviously the Spokesman for, sometimes, you come across someone that actually knows what they’re talking about and knows more yhan you or the media show. Don’t worry, Chicken, if ever I fancy a change of career and want to become a Village Idiot, you’ll be the first one I’ll call for advice.
If I was a village idiot, i’d apply to be an ambulance driver. any cunt can do it obviously
Ok Just tuned in, rule No1 you cant cunt cunters,
All while formulating the nations economic future in their daily briefings.
Go on Gene, spill the beans, FCOJ futures isn’t it?
No, Ted, healthcare. Do try and keep up. I’d, personally though, buy shares in disinfectants after what Donnie said.
That vein in your forehead throbs more with every jab of your finger, Ted! That ST segment’s on the up! Don’t worry, you know the number, and, if we’re not too busy filming our latest video, we’ll come and save you!!! Might even be me!!!
Don’t get cross, I’m laughing at you. Both.
Feel free, Chicken, NHS is recruiting.
Louis Spence, the dancing ambulance driver is not at liberty to disclose.
official secrets and all that
I have to say it’s pure genius, the global economy on its knees and the rothchlids and Morgans are hiding in plain sight moonlighting as ambulance drivers.
I bet the head of the salvation army is covertly running MI5 as well.
I’m sure I’ve spotted Andrew Bailey doing a shift at my local shell garage, presumably assessing the oil market and manipulating prices.
I’ve spotted a contradictory plum on here masquerading as someone that knows what he’s talking about, Ted. I’ll bet your finger was jabbing like a bastard whilst you typed that.
‘I’m not telling healthcare professionals how to do their job though am I. I am questioning the proptionality of the response for the umpteenth time.
Healthcare professionals are responding exactly how they should and I would expect with health as their number one priority’
I’m laughing at you, son.
Good for you, makes a change from dancing to boost your morale ill bet. You’ve taken two separate quotes out of context, to amuse yourself, very clever.
Out of context? Er, no, son. You wrote them. If you fucked up, fine, but don’t look to blame others for your short comings. I think you need to move on, Ted. There’s a whole world outside of your bedroom. (Wait until lockdown’s over, though, or, observe the two metre rule).
You applied to be an ambulance driver, yet, Spaspecker The Dull? Practice your dance moves, (no sweat to the president of The Village Idiot Society), as your ability to dance in time with the blue lights and nee-naws form part of the selection process.
Good luck???
Afternoon DCI!
I’ve just written my longest comment ever in your support. It just disappeared in to the ether – no moderation, no message, nothing.
I wish to fuck that I’d saved it in my notes.
Anyway, it’s not escaped my notice that you’re fighting off the undead, one on each hand! My continuing support to you and all your colleagues.
Cheers, Bertie! Ted Stryker and Spaspecker The Dull, The Chuckle Brothers? Water off a ducks back, mate! I’ve spent my whole working life in public service so you get used to cunts who know fuck-all but know everything and haven’t got the balls to actually DO the job having a pop. I’m laughing at them. Literally. The archetypal pub bores.
Some good news, though, as I know you’ve asked in the past, my mate’s been extubated but is still in intensive care, but, is improving. Cunt’ll never drive an ambulance again, though.
That’s at least partial good news DCI.
Hopefully his experience could be used in a desk job at some time, although he probably won’t enjoy that sort of work. However, he’s still got some way to go. He’s got to be made of serious stuff!
We thought it was a miracle, on the station!
Bertie @ 3.41pm. Most frustrating, you have my sympathy.
I’ve noticed certain words make posts disappear without trace. Among them being:
No doubt there are several more. no rhyme or reason that I can detect.
Pity you didn’t keep a copy, might have been able to winkle the offending word out.
@ DCI – Glad to hear your mate has pulled through.
Apologies again for that BMJ link I posted. The content may have been accurate (I don’t know) but the author was clearly suspect. I am a cunt.
Cheers, RTCP. No apology regarding the link required, you posted it in good faith. I saw ‘BMJ’ and that was it. I’ve explained my experiences/knowledge/what I’m seeing and (most of what I) have been told so many times on this thread but it doesn’t satisfy Ted Stryker and Spaspecker The Dull’s agenda so I got bored and started to take the piss. (You’ll note none towards Cuntologist who also had an opposing point of view to mine?). I’ll take any sanctions from Admin on the chin.
Ok Just tuned in, rule No1 you cant cunt cunters,
Just to clarify, i am aware of rule No1,
I haven’t cunted anyone on here.
To clarify, in fighting and behaving like a twat not allowed.
Why do you think that you can tell healthcare professionals how to do their jobs? I’m sure they wouldn’t dream of telling you how to suck a sailor’s cock.
I’m not telling healthcare professionals how to do their job though am I. I am questioning the proptionality of the response for the umpteenth time.
Healthcare professionals are responding exactly how they should and I would expect with health as their number one priority. But the health of the economy (which pays for the NHS) has to be considered as well. You wouldn’t expect the priority of economics to be public health would you? But at some point a balanced solution needs to be found, we can’t stay at home forever can we?
No, we can’t stay at home forever. Perhaps we should end lockdown tomorrow and let Natural Selection sort things out. You willing to try that?
No, because that would be a disproportionate kick back.
Well, Ted, what’s your solution, eh? Come up with a good one and I’ll pass it on at the next briefing.
You asked me about my strategy a few days ago, you clearly didn’t read it. Rather you, seemingly sat frothing at the mouth waiting to bait when anyone dare question the logic/look of dancing NHS workers or the sanctity of the NHS.
Stop jabbing your finger, Ted, you’re getting closer to that MI. Question the strategy all you like, I’m just laughing at you. I’ll watch or read about your strategy. All those highly qualified healthcare experts are about to be put on their place by Ted Stryker from ISAC.
We could always ask unqualified anti vax campaigner Mr Stone whos dubious response to a BMJ article you lauded without even reading it.
I unlike you don’t find any of this particularly funny. But hey you know more than everyone about everything which is why you can’t tell us about it and respond with jibes about sexual acts with sailors. A very reasoned response to all of this.
No, Ted, I’m laughing at YOU!! Especially that vein that’s throbbing on your forehead. And you’re right, I’ll give you that, I didn’t read it, I just saw the ‘BMJ’ on the link, but, tell me where I lauded it, Ted? In your own time…
You contradict yourself, Ted, just like any good pub bore usually does. You say that you’re not questioning the healthcare experts and the response yet, underneath you say they’re responding exactly as they should with health their number one priority. They can’t win, eh, Ted?
You’re just like THAT first-aider….
No I’m not. Again read what I am writing rather than froth at the mouth about it.
Although it’s becoming increasingly clear you don’t read anything that may contradict your agenda/own view. I am of a mind to quote John Stuart Mill
“He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that”
‘I’m not telling healthcare professionals how to do their job though am I. I am questioning the proptionality of the response for the umpteenth time.
Healthcare professionals are responding exactly how they should and I would expect with health as their number one priority’
No grey area there, Ted.
No thanks, I wouldn’t take the drop in money,
plus i’m fucking useless at dancing two left feet,
saying that, from what I’ve seen, i’d probably fit right in
Are you included the fruit thrown at you as wages, Spaspecker? You definately earn more than me, I’d wager. Don’t whistle on a Tuesday, mind.
Was the fruit reference a subtle nod to my FCOJ futures? Given you get the inside track on everything else I guess it makes sense you’d get to see the crop reports before us plebs.
Not everything, Ted, just some health stuff. I’m not as important as you’d like to think I am.
How’s that chest?
What drop in money? Get the gig and you get the inside track on government policy you’ll be quids in.
Why do you think they spend so much time dancing, they’re all fucking loaded!
Don’t forget the Gold-Plated pension, Ted.
Oops, that ST segment just rose again!!
What about the dozy fucking cuntards that can’t follow a simple fucking instruction when shopping like: ‘You’re allowed to overtake, so, keep to one side of the aisle to allow people to overtake you’. No grey area, there. But, the fucking arseholes, usually birds, stand in the middle of the aisle so you have to ask them to move or squeeze past. Had one today. Whining as I went passed her. I just pointed out that if she’d listened to the instructions as she went in, as I’d done, she wouldn’t be one day closer to a heart attack. Face was a picture.
Them and ‘Experts’ using information from Soshul Meeja and the mainstream media and because of this ‘know’ more than frontline staff. Loads of those cunts about, and a few on here I chuckle at.
Good afternoon.
Absolutely outstanding cunting, thank you Dio. I think people have gone through the whole range of emotions (I know I have!) but I can sense a feeling of anger now. The initial reason we went into lockdown was to try to stop the NHS being flooded with cases. However, that really never transpired and I notice that they are now actively encouraging people to visit hospital which would suggest that the virus is now longer a big threat as at first feared .
I know the government has been completely useless throughout this whole debacle but it doesn’t help that they are being advised by two of the country’s biggest bell ends, Neil Ferguson and in particular Professor Chris Titty Whitty. The latter cunt has advocated social distancing measures until a vaccine becomes available. Listen up you fucking twat, what if they never find a vaccine? The fucking common cold has been around far longer than this bollocks and they’re still no nearer finding a cure for that. He also warns about a second wave of the virus – based on what, what he read in his fucking tea leaves the fucking cunt? I’m getting sick to fucking death of all these doom and gloom what-if scenarios where the reality is NO ONE has a fucking clue what’s going to happen until they start relaxing some of the measures before the UK goes bankrupt and I pull out what’s left of my hair!
Zimbabwian minister Energy Muntobi (☺!)
Has upset China by offering to export thousands of head of cattle if they stop eating dogs, cats, monkeys, bats and baboons.
Not known for their sense of humour the chinks have got upset by being advised to stop eating pets an wildlife a habit thats unleashed a plague on the world.
Nice one Energy!?
Can’t stand Dame Chris Whitty; he is The Mekon, he is Big Brother!!
Has he ever been seen in the same room as Lauren /James Harries?
Witty has received millions from Bill Gates and seems to parrot everything Gates wants. The other health stooge is Patrick Vallance who spent years at GlaxoSmithKline – neither of them represent us rather they prefer Big Pharma
I wish Old Tom had been as cantankerous as some people on here telling, telling reporters and celebs to fuck off at every opportunity or demanding a blow job from Vera Lynn to do 100 laps of his garden.
Me and Mrs Cunt just had the test as She is NHS and I’m in public health. What a fucking lash-up! We went in the Plymouth test centre and they were so under staffed they only had two lanes running out of seven and the birds taking the swabs were fucking around with PPE after every car (understandable I suppose, but they changed everything including gloves, mask, goggles and apron after every swab) and were averaging around a car every six minutes. Not allowed to have the engine running or the windows down so we were stuck in the fucking car waiting from arrival to leaving for one hour and thirty minutes car like a fucking greenhouse. My Mrs was moaning like fuck for the whole duration. Again, what a fucking lash-up! Don’t bother. Cunts!
Quick update. When you leave they give a card with a unique barcode that you have to scan to get your results. Guess what? Yes, it doesn’t fucking work. Signs all around the test centre say register by the end of the day or your results won’t be recorded. Gov website not working and helpline number cuts the call off after one ring. Again, what a fucking lash-up and a complete waste of time. Matt Cuntcock needs to fucking walk over this shambles.
Agreed – Adolf Hand Cock needs to be gone – what a f*cking joke he is.
The cunt is still dithering about facemasks for the general public.
Just look at the virus in countries that use them compared to those that don’t? Fucking obvious to me.
They should be mas produced and it should be made law to be wearing one outside. Otherwise, we’ll still be getting 5k+ cases a day until a vaccine is introduced.
The guy is useless and out of his depth. I get that he takes advice, but the health minister in South Korea told the WHO to fuck off when they said you don’t need face masks.
Looking at the readily available numbers, this shouldn’t even be a fucking debate anymore
and finally – where the fuck is boris?
Reading his Jeeves and Wooster while getting a soapy tit job from his immigrant angel nurses.
He’s sure NOT running the fucking country that’s for sure.
I liked Boris but he really needs to get his finger out of his fat ass and take some form of control.
‘Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives’ is one of my personal Chinky flu bugbears. Not only is it cringeworthy, sanctimonious and annoying but given repetitive slogans have been a feature of most dictatorships throughout history there is something very disturbing and Orwellian about it
Go out, fuck off, fuck ‘em sounds far more poetic.
Did any of you see that fucking chink on the BBC the other day (sorry if this has already been covered) Some sort of slit eyed spokesman (didn’t know who he was as I was half pissed- as he was just another ‘Xerox copy’ of any other chink commenting on the Cornoviras pandemic.
No apologies from him – nothing of the sort – but stressing that China is the ‘Factory of the World’. I hope the Western world remembers this and and learns a lesson by turning their backs on these nasty little insects.
Go fuck yourself you sleazy four foot high Locust,
The BBC comments sections are even more annoying than usual too. Mostly a load of lefties throwing blame around when it isn’t helpful right now and downvoting comments which say as much. Oh, and the kind of anti-America nationalistic jeering which they would condemn if it was directed at a dark key country, combined with a total lack of understanding as to why Americans are annoyed that a lockdown which has served its intended purpose of flattening the curve is still in place.
What does the picture for this nomination mean? What is it?
a ‘Flying Fuck” perhaps?
Ah! Cheers, Dick. 🙂
My Pleasure Spoonington, took me a while even after I enbigulated (technical term) the picture.
Even then it looked like the the word FUCK is attached to two weird palette knives with a blacked up, therefore rayciiiist, extended cotton bud on the front of a Scalextric car motor.
Then again I maybe either a bit pissed or just lacking in imagination.
I’m sick of cunts at Trader Joe’s offering to spray my hands with hand sanitizer on the way in and out of the supermarket. Next time I think I’ll say yes and lick my hands for the alcohol in it. Cunts.
DCI Gene Cunt
April 25, 2020
Don’t blind him with science, RTCP
DCI Gene Cunt
April 25, 2020
Yeah, Ted, you get some right whack-jobs writing for The British Medical Journal
By your own admission you didn’t read it, so you don’t even know what it says yet you’ve utilised it to qualify your own viewpoint. I don’t think I need to add anything more here.
Google (or whatever) Covid 19 deaths Sweden. At the top of the list is w etc that gives its figures regarding the outbreak.:
18,177 cases
2,192 deaths
1,005 recovered
Active cases 14,980
Mild condition 14,433
Serious or critical 547
Then, look at the other entries on the search page; a clue, they’re mostly all MSM doing a lot of fearful handwaving amid portents of doom.
Another site is called covid19insweden, again, similar figures to the other non MSM site.
It’s early days so I’m not making your minds up for you here, see for yourself.
This shitestorm is affecting us all very negatively, even for IsAC.
Anyways, if I should succumb to lurgy then I’ll take this opportunity to say carry on cunting and remember, our biggest enemies and therefore the biggest cunts are, in no particular order:
Their string pullers.
Liberals and other champagne socialist, nimby, virtue signallers.
Any cunt that ever posted a selfie on social media.
Millennials, possibly a sub-culture of the immediate above.
I’m off out for a walk.
Arse biscuits and yarbles to it all.
Has Gene checked these? They aren’t worth shit if not.
Move on ffs fella.
I watch the occassionsl briefing but that’s it. I have my letter from NHS England to stay home because of underlying health problems. Everything else about this is irrelevant, unless Trump decides to nuke China.