Everywhere that’s not the English speaking world. Yip, that’s what I said.
The world is full of cunty people and countries. Let’s start with, yes, the Chinks. Devious, dishonest, manky cunts who can never be trusted and have continuously dumped nasty viruses on the rest of us. The Japanese. The most racist country on earth with not an ounce of humanity and all they can do is copy and replicate. Russia. FFS, where do I start? Lying, murderous, dishonest, greedy, trouble- causing, dope-taking (athletes) who just cannot be honest and on the up.
All of Europe. None, none of these cunts know anything about democracy, or human rights and what they have learned they got from us (it was Churchill’s Attorney General who drafted the European charter of human right, not them). They cheat and lie as a way of life. They either try to bully, kraut, or are lazy, subservient cunts. French…Italians.
Africa. Cut it loose. Good only for disease, starving people, mass corruption and all round savagery.
South America. Bankrupt, corrupt rat holes full of fascist sympathisers and banana republics. Built by the Spanish and Portuguese. Two lazy nations where they spend more time lying in the sun and skiving than working.
If I’ve missed any, please feel free to add.
We have made the best, not perfect, but best system in the world, hence the reason the rest are always trying to get into Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, or Britain.
The rest of the world , you’re a cunt.
Nominated by Mac McCunt
A lot of Aussies, Kiwis, Canadians and Yanks are cunts as well.
Oh, and so are a lot of British.
Good nom Mac!?
All civilised peoples speak English.
Anything else is gobbledygook.
I refuse to say anything to anyone in anything but English.
Everyone in the world can speak it if you shout it slowly enough.
Some foreign types pretend not to but thats absurd.
A spot of good British steel soon sorts foreign language type impertinence MNC! ??
What about all these people Miserable recreating works of art to while away the hours? I imagine you as The Laughing Cavalier. Very cheerful looking fella with a pointy beard. RT could create Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’ in his bedroom window. Nurse Cunty the Mona Lisa’-‘She is older than the rocks amongst which she sits’. Mr Fiddler could pose as Napoleon on his horse as in the famous picture. I am recreating ‘The Death of Chatterton’ the poet who died for his art.
Here I am-
Here I am Miles:
Yes, seen some of those Miles.
Quiet good some of them!
Think if your bored and in self imposed house arrest anything that amuses you or whiles away the hours is good.
Ive been out walking for couple of hours with my dog, and got bullied off a horse!
They seemed ok at first then one came running over and meant business,
The cowardly dog ran for it!
I tried to front up saying loudly “go on! Away!”
But it didnt listen, so i raised my fist and walked towards it, ..it stepped forward!
Anyway im not getting into a fight with something that can kick my head off, bites, and outweighs me,….
Ran an leapt the fence!?
A sensible knows when he is outmatched MNC! ?♂️??
You do paint a picture of yourself RT as some kind of sad Howard Hughes figure with your long uncut hair, fingernails. Mind you, to be brutally frank, when I look in the mirror of a morning and the image thereon was somehow transposed into a picture I think an appropriate title of it would be ‘Study in Decrepitude’.
My finger nails have gone to hell Miles. They’ve virtually stopped growing and what’s left is brittle and breaks before they get to grow more than a mm.
The fingernails thing, maybe its something lacking in your diet?
Not joking or being cheeky.
Gelatine is good for hair an nails, (not vegetarian approved)
I had a phase of eating jelly a lot, and my nails and hair thrived.
I eat those Lyons fruit salad sweets and they do the same, try it.
Cheers Miserable.
My doctor thought it might be a thyroid problem but that turned out negative. Also blood test results indicated I am not deficient in any vitamins or minerals.
Bertie said it was a symptom of being old and wretched.
Gelatine and Lyons fruit salad sweets, eh? I’ll check it out.
I could see Sir Fiddler as the Duke of Wellington Miles – “The Frenchies are being rambunctious your grace”
“Fuck off and keep painting plebeian”! ?
Looking at the photo of you earlier, I would say nails are the least of your worries! ?
More likely to be due to ageing but lack of vit B and C can cause this. I’d get yourself a decent multi vitamin complex for it. Trust me, I’m a doctor!
Thanks Bertie.
I’ve been overdosing on multivitamins and separate vitamin C and vitamin B complexes, calcium and omega-3, for a couple of years now. They have helped – I was definitely deficient in vitamin B before then. Even helped with nails at first, but they’ve gone back to being rubbish again now…
Have a go at taking Biotin tablets for a couple of months. It’s one of the vit B group especially for nail and hair health. It might be worth trying it for a couple of months. If it’s doing nothing, you could just stop without it causing you any harm as long as you’re not taking certain prescription drugs.
Yes, I’ve been taking a separate dose of Biotin 10,000ug for a couple of years too!
No stone has been left unturned Bertie. Apart from Miserable’s gelatin and fruit salad sweetie idea that is.
Googled it Ruff.
Said causes are either
Long exposure to water (no washing up!☺)
Eat jelly (gelatine)
Jelly babies, wine gums, fruit salad sweets, whatever.
Worked for me, if it doesnt help still nice treat.?
Sorry, but I can’t help you any more. It looks as though you’re destined to be a Richard O’ Brien look a like for the rest of your days!
I doubt that Cavalier was so cheerful after the civil war. I bet that kid from the painting “Where is your father” accidentally gave away his location…
Yes, true, but they are OUR cunts, so thats ok !
We compete amongst each other to be the cuntiest and don’t forget the Paddies.
Have you tried Atrixo or Norwegian formula hand cream?
Special mention to those foreign cunts who move to an English speaking country and point blank refuse to learn the local lingo.
If no speekie Ingleesh, then no benefeets you scrounging layzee peece of sheet.
An excellent point IY, should be law. As well as not letting the c*nts in in the first place!
They can all say “free house” “free money” an “racist” though – they pick up that English veeery quickly!
And vice versa to be fair
Anyone who cannot speak the native language to a certain level should not be allowed to live in that country.
They should also be forced to speak the native language language when outside of their living quarters.
Unreasonable? Racist? Coming from a town in Suffolk where most of the “non- speaking English World” immigrants that are here now are loud people shouting to each other in Lithuanian, Romanian, Turkish etc frankly I don’t really care any more.
As we all know English is the only language spoken by civilised people – the trick when meeting foreign types is not to fall into the trap of trying to emulate their gibberish – simply speak English louder and louder until they understand, and if these ethnic types won’t buckle down and learn English whose faults that?
And check the buggers for stolen fish! ?
And of course a pith helmet and a Lee Enfield with a bayonet on the end is generally the best way to meet any foreign types!
It always pissed me off back in my secondary school days in the late 70s when I had to learn French, German or Spanish. Who the fuck cares about those backward languages? Those cunts should learn fucking English because that’s the Universal Numero Uno language of all!
I realise that Mandarine is probably “the” most spoken language, but quite frankly it’s sounds like high-pitched caterwauling, and unless its a 34,56 and 45 with rice, it’s a totally pointless language.
If you can’t speak English, fucking learn to speak English. Nothing else matters.
I enjoy winding up telesales people.
Yes its childish.
Yes its mean spirited.
But if they have the slighted hint of a ethnic accent, ill ask them to speak english.
Some speak it clearer than me but ill ask for a english speaker.
Really upsets them!☺
If they can’t say – clearly and in English “help me, I’m drowning, the dinghy is sinking”..
Hang about – I have just seen Kinnock outside with a cake, coat off, teeth out – that f*ckers mine!
Winding them up by telling them you’ve just got out of jail for murdering a telesales rep is also a classic…
Also, doing the ‘This is the butler’ bit and saying in a posh voice ‘The marster of the house says Fuck orf!'[
56 comes with a free portion of Pangolin jus, enjoy ………..
When abroad just shout and add the letter ‘O’ to the end of any word.
Usually works….
You missed out the ‘peaceful’ parts of the world Mac. Populated by shithouses.
Sorry Ron please feel free to give these cunts both barrels.
Hey Mac, Don’t you speak Scots which is not an English language?
No Mr Polly I speak perfect English. There’s no such thing, really, as Scots language. It’s just local dialect or straight forward bad Grammar. A bit like any other part of Britain.
In fact they recon the best English is spoken in Inverness believe it or not .
My command of the king’s diction is in tact.
(King’s before Queen’s)
Dear Mac, Your nom de plume made me assume you were a Scot. Obviously not or you would know it is a language. You would have spoken it, heard it and read it. Do a Google search and you will find hundreds of references and scores of sites. Here is a link – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scots_language
I won´t quote Burns but here is a sample of modern Scots:
It wis January and a gey dreich day the first day Ah went to the school so my Mum happed me up in ma guid navy-blue napp coat wi the rid tartan hood birled a scarf aroon ma neck pu’ed oan ma pixie an’ my pawkies. It wis that bitter said noo ye’ll no starve. Gie’d me a wee kiss and a kid-oan skelp oan the bum and sent me aff across the playground tae the place.
English with a accent?
Here’s two lines of Nicky Tams. Decide for yourself what language it is!
F’nar wor onry tan yer auld ah laft dah pairish Schweel.
Me fairtha sent mi to t’mains to Orn ma meat an meal
Pidgin english.
MNC is correct. English with an accent. All the words are derivations of English.
Shithouses who live in shithouses who will do anything they can to get here and turn our Country into a shithouse.
I recommend an all expenses paid trip to China to stay with their Uighur chums – say what you like about like about batman and gobbin’ but they know how to deal with infestation!
‘Shithouses who live in shithouses’ shouldn’t throw stones.
I remember I worked away for a while. Everyone I met when I came back ‘What you doing back in this shithouse?’. I mean everybody said it. ‘You’re not back in this shithouse are you’.
On the motorway up maybe ‘Sheffield, Wakefield, Rotherham, Shithouse, Doncaster…’
Peculiarly English that I think. I mean you wouldn’t get that in towns in America or Canada or even France, Germany.
People aren’t proud enough of their home towns here. Discuss.
The answer to that Miles, is sadly, we’ve allowed liberals, lefties and chutney ferrets to indoctrinate our nations students into rooting for “cultural enrichment”, hence the shithole tag.
For validation look up peaceful rape gang locations.
Admin, is there a glitch in me or the system as to why I have to keep registering my name and address?
C, after you enter your details, name, email etc, tick the box where it says…
“Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.”
I hope this helps.
I do that every time old bean, it used to work but has stopped now. Most curious.
Do you have the ‘cookies’ disabled on your internet? I think they remember the log in details for next time as well.
Make sure they are switched on.
I’m sure Admin of this fine website can help you. 🙂
I find the Dutch and Scandies ok. There is Thunderthighs I suppose and a gullibility in Sweden and Norway in what the peacefuls will do to their society, but by and large they seem like white men. We have fucked our cities up with scum so we cant really judge them.
Africa is the shithole’s, shithole.
From a personal standpoint I am proud to be born in England, to speak English and to live in a fairly civilized society in the 21st Century.
Obviously such a statement will drive the Woke community into a frenzy, but they can go fuck themselves quite frankly. If they don’t like the situation by all means fuck off to some backward country for 12 months and see how you get on over there before you start to bleat!
England is my home:English is my language. I am lucky!
Oh no Techno – you’ve done it now, here come the coppers – make a break for the border!
We won the lottery of life being born in the UK – but our winnings are being stolen by v*rmin who hate us, and by deluded white fools who betray our birthright and would see us ethnically cleansed.
But they’ll be bawling when Mo comes calling..
“England is my home:English is my language. I am lucky!”
One might even say privileged! ???
We need the traditional greeting of the esteemed English gentleman known as B&WC written in enormous letters at every point of entry – “who the fuck are you then”?
Classic form!
Hehehe, yeah Sixdog,
Bwc is first line of defence, then Bertie!
Feel sorry for any genuine new cunters having to run the gauntlet!
“Baptism by fire..”☺☺
“To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life.” (Cecil Rhodes)
“No Englishman can open his mouth without being loathed by another Englishman.”
(George Bernard Shaw)
GBS was a fucking mick any way
Billy fish -“are you gods?”
Peachy-“no Englishmen.
The next best thing”.
The man who would be king.
Doesn’t make his observation any less valid.
The world would be a much better place if we still ran it all.
In nicer times if we had a falling out with some Johnny Foreigner we’d drop mustard gas out of a biplane on them.
Always worked fine.
Now they are all mithering cunts.
Fuck off.
I will break out the fetching red Triplane my Great Uncle Manfred left me in his will – that should do the trick! ?
If things keep going the way they are the last 24 pack of Andrex Classic White bog roll will be guarded at Fort Fox, like a modern Rourke’s Drift.
The cannons are already loaded LL! “Is that swarthy looking fellow carrying beef and ale”
“No Commander Fox”
“Open fire”!
An excellent cunting, and done in the best possible taste.
Top notch cunting Mac. Harsh but fair. They don’t like it up em those fuzzy wuzzies, but at least they could have the decency to say so in English. Mind you, the septics need a few lessons too. I’ve never quite understood where they got that fucking accent from when they all came from Plymouth. They should all be wandering round with oo-arr accents. ‘Oi’ve gorra box of diapers in the trunk moi luvverrr’ . Fuck off.
The Yanks think they “improved” the English language. Bastardised would be a better description.
The definition of the phrase “dumbed down!
The amount of Eurofilth that now infest every English town is at critical levels… Go to Manchester City Centre these days and all you hear is gyppo gibberish from Romania, Albania, or some other iron curtain shitheap…. And not one of the fuckers bothers to speak English.. What I despise about the Dooshka cunts is they act like the place is their’s and they act like nobody else is there… I have seen ship’s rats on crack with better manners and etiquette… Of course, that Satan’s fart Blair let all these eurovermin in, and Teresa Iscariot also helped them along…. Places like much loved pubs and the local paper shop of forty years standing shut down, yet there are scores of Albanian off licences and Romanian convenience stores? It’s not normal, it’s not right, and it’s not fucking British….
Good afternoon Norman
Spot on as always
Welcome to our future – in the potato fields with a gun in our back under under comrade Corbyn, or hated ethnic minorities in our own land under everyone else.
“Under under”? Must lay off the moonshine!
Too true, Norm. The Britain we grew up in no longer exists. All places change over time and that’s to be expected. What you’d like to see is advancement, progress and improvement. Unfortunately, it’s been the exact opposite. The indigenous population is being overrun. The country is lost. It just is.
Obviously I don’t live with that reality everyday since I’m over here. But when I visit home, I see a few years of change all at once and it is absolutely shocking. There are some much loved UK towns and places that I don’t recognise anymore. It’s crushingly sad.
These middle class cunts who go to another country and try SO hard to learn dunno, say Portuguese or Spanish,
Makes me laugh.
“Marcus look in your book!”
“Just a minute Cressida!”
Love the culture, the language, long as its not English dont they?
“You there! Yes you!
Diego or whatever your called carry these bags an be quick about it!
Dont dawdle man for godsake are you all simpletons?
And we ended slavery, and we introduced the rule of law, and we created the American revolution because we gave them a free press, and we invented all the medicine which is the only reason so many people are alive in the world, and we created every freedom that works against us. I could go on but the list is endless.
Little yellow bastards.
I watched a documentary about how our ancient ancestors cooked with flour and raisins.
Took me right back to the scone age..
Modded? For saying scones? WTF? ?
There seems no logic VF. I got done for s cum earlier yet cunt is ok?
really? The letters cum are right there!!!
Ah, got it CC – I always get caught out by that c*m one!
Cheers Admin ??
‘Oh, me so horny, me love you long time.’ Foreign languages arent the problem, its the people. Some are nice, others arent. All the germans, french and chinese i’ve met were nice, but even we can be cunts. Just think, the english language is comparably new, and uses words from greek, french, latin, cyrillic… Back in the day, there was no england and no english language. ‘Ni hao tianshi, bonjour ma cherie, ich liebe dich!’
That sounds like treason!
Diablos talking mutiny!
Said we speak franco greek.
Theres always been a England of sorts, even when small tribal kingdoms.
The greasy romans found that out.
Frank O’ Greek – is he the Irish olive grower?
Life was better under the British Empire, when we controlled bossed and dominating everything.
Should have continued the British Empire for another 1,000 or 10,000 years.
The only “good things” about overseas, for visiting:
– Warmer drier hotter climates
– Cheaper costs of living
– Exotic food, but careful it doesn’t kill you
– Foreign women with varying skin tones, all good fun for casual sex
– Different beers wines and spirits
According to Climate Change much of the world is due to become uninhabitable!
I tend to think e.g. the African / Nigerian case, starving babies on TV, if regions are uninhabitable then people should not live there, they should die off, they certainly should not head for the UK in their filthy droves or expect charity.
Borders exist for a reasons and Britain was far, far, better when it was still a White Country.
PS: you never mentioned Israel, Middle East, Pakistan, Turkey in your Nom (unless I missed).
Go fuck yourselves!!
There was order, there was safety, there was civility.
I can think of no valid reason to leave the shores of Dear Old Blighty.
Good evening.
Evening JTC – Unless in a battleship with some heavily armed and like minded people ?
Ah well, that’s a different kettle of fish. Speaking of warships, Chinese Bat Flu is ripping through the USS Theodore Roosevelt, if that scenario is replicated amongst other U.S. and allied vessels, then some people could start getting a bit jumpy re. Fiendish Chinky Plots, very James Bond ish ………….
I say nip it in the bud and arrest Honor Blackman
Good evening, Vernon.
If we’d stuck to our borders there would never have been a British Empire at all, let alone one lasting 1,000 or 10,000 years.
Now then you lot, with the exception of new starters who always go into moderation on their first post, the vast majority of moderated comments over the last few weeks have contained the following letters in the following order C U M.
I do not mind sorting these out at all, but when your comment goes into moderation try to establish whether or not those three letters exist within your comment before getting all excited.
Love as always,
Black and White Cunt used the word cümin in one of his posts earlier today. Is there no end to these cüm words?
Jennifer Lawrence has an awful lot to answer for.
Hes got a filthy mind even when innocently cooking hasnt he?☺
Cheers Admin – it always catches me out – thought for a moment it was mentioning the t*rrorist scones! ??
Much as I’d like to believe the British were better…….
99% of people are proven cunts, 0.9% are probable cunts and what’s left are not cunts because it’s me and mine.
Although this cunting is aimed at Jonny foreigner and I agree that there are many cunts in foreign lands what we are seeing now are the number of thick Brits ‘stuck’ all over the world.
Even the thickest cunts must have seen the writing on the wall about travel restrictions yet wait until countries actually close to cry about coming home.
Fuck them, if these fuckers are so dumb they deserves to stay in whichever shit hole they decided to camp out!
Applied for a job as a Middle East correspondent. During the interview the HR woman hit me with a weird, curve ball question. Didn’t panic, just assumed it was a new recruitment technique or character test so I just went with it and answered her question straight.
I said, “Probably last summer when the wife was at her sister’s. From the upstairs window I could see the teenage girl next door, sunbathing in the garden, I got my dick out and started to crack one off. When she started rubbing sun tan lotion on her tits, I did my load all over the glass. Obviously I cleaned it up before the wife got home the following day.”
She said, “That’s very revealing but what we really wanted was your thoughts on the West Bank.”…..
Keep em hooked right up to the end that was a cracker.
I love your quips. Absolute joy
Fucking hell , that made me laugh out loud! Love it Mr cuntley, that was worth a squirt, I am sure, bravo..
Not 100% on board with this nom.
Japan produced the best TVs and Hi-Fi during the late 1960s to early 2000s, without which I’d have been dependent on the crap manufactured in this shit country at that time. That said, Celestion speakers weren’t bad.
Loved my first Sony Trinitron colour TV.
Germany likewise: a life without Krautrock is an impossible one to contemplate! Not to mention a life without their hardcore jizz mags. The Dutch are pretty kosher too.
Nowadays Germany’s a bit of a washout, apart from its fridge-freezers and it’s handling of Corbyn-19.
Japan leads the world in sex robots and ladyboys, so still obviously indispensable as a nation.
You might have a point RTC regards Japanese TV but remember we invented it and they probably stole American or British technology ,copied it and improved it slightly. The Japanese largely, like the Chinese,just steal our technology, science and copy it. They give us bugger all. Hence the reason our universities are full if Japanese and Chinese all studying STEM subjects. Why? Because we’re better than them .
Improved it a lot, I’d say Mac.
Either way, my wonderful next door neighbour and my brother-in-law both sourced their wives from Japan. Talk about the fucking horn!
Haha don’t do anything rash RTC.
Cold shower and lots of press ups.
Real wives? Or robot wives?
Real Miserable. Ooh, you are awful…
I thought it wouldn’t be long before you slipped the horn in. As they say.
Yes! Bet they stole it off us!
Must have, knew it was ours an they just copied it.
Cheeky fuckers.??
I was under the impression television was invented by someone called John Yogi Bear..
Haha. Close enough Vernon.
Baird did it first but Marconi did it better…
There are just two languages on planet earth.
English and speaking foreign.
I heard somebody speaking African once.
My Dad `Pa’, had a phrase. Not sure where it came from, but it tickled him.
Caveat: In snowflake mitigation during a crisis moment I’m not endorsing it … however it very readily jumped to mind as soon as I saw the headline (Oh fuck this is how indoctrination works).
The phrase: South of Dover. Bloody Wogs.
To clarify, that is from France & then anywhere South.
“Wogs begin at Calais” Tom Sharpe novel possibly ‘The Throwback’
Before that. Welsh Guards. Wogs south of Dover. Not me, my mate who was one.
I was offered a job teaching Prisoners English!, I refused, they looked stunned when I turned the suggestion down.
I do not think they liked my answer either.
Nicht verstehen einne englander
Breaking News!
Fog in the English Channel, rest of World isolated.
As an Englishman, I must say to Johnny Foreigner that the English are neither Racist nor Arrogant. We are simply better than you.