A Halal cunting please, for this august body who have got their knickers in a twist over Michael O’Leary, Ryanair boss:
It seems Mr.O’Leary has stated the obvious – be more careful with single Muslim men travelling alone on flights than Mr and Mrs Smith with their two kids, Bill and Ben, because the Muslim man is the more likely to be a terrorist. Wave Smudger and the wife and kids through, but be more careful with Mohammed.
Needless to say MCGB are very offended – it is, of course, ‘waycist’ and highly offensive. I would have said it was plain common sense. Saddick Khunt has yet to issue a statement, mainly because he can’t find his crayons
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
The truth hurts!
The only problem with the statement O’Leary (who’s a massive cunt himself!) has made is that not all Muslim men are brown guys with beards.
Releasing a statement like that means that any cunt terrorist group will send a clean shaven, light skinned ‘peaceful’ with a wife in tow to do the job instead. Idiotic comment by O’Leary.
I do agree though, the MCB are a total cunts of the highest order. Should be renamed as the Masala Cunts of Britain.
Do we have a “Christian Council of Iran/Iraq/Saudi” etc? And if not, why not?
I am offended by men abusing young girls, The fact that organised groups of these people seem to be of a certain faith also offends people (the ones mentioned).
I am not easily offended, nor do I sometimes mean to cause offence.
Makes me wonder what goes on in the back rooms, I know the local church has bell ringers, a book club, a Sunday school and flower arranging classes.
Do they have grooming and benefit fraud clubs?
Hey hey hey, steady on! Not all Muzlims are groomers! Some are terrôrists.
that must be the higher education department then
There could be a cunning plan here, upset the Muslims and they will boycott Ryan Air, job done.
Fuck the Muslim Council of anywhere!
The wife rebukes me saying not all muzrats are terrorists….i do repost to her that 99.9% terrorists are full of the allah bumfoolery.
Tell them to Fuck Off.
Then march them into the sea, at bayonet point.
O ‘ Leary as well .
Win, win.
Get To Fuck.
Perhaps they could be offered a nice flight by way of apology.
And made to get off halfway there.
I suppose it would be different kettle of tadpoles if O’Leary had said “watch out for 6ft white skinhead males with swastikas tattooed to their foreheads while shouting Heil Hitler!”
The libtards would have applauded his actions no doubt. But because he is taking potshots at the goat-herders its a different story.
There shouldn’t be such a thing as a Muslim Council for Britain.
There shouln’t be such a thing as a Muslim.
Leary is right ( on this occassion )
Yeah its not fair as i faced massive opposition when i wanted to set up the KKK council of great Britain.
Fuck these goat fuckers, don’t like it? Tough, Muslims and council, two words which boil my piss
Those in charge of running this once great country need to get a fucking grip on what is happening.
Sick and tired of Eastern European’s coming to this country, sponging, breeding, committing crime and causing problems to local people.
Sick and tired or Mud Slimes breeding like there’s no tomorrow whilst complaining about the way we do things here and wanting different rules to apply to them.
Sick and tired of EU lovers running down this country and those of us who wish to be self governing and who are deeply proud of our heritage.
Sick and tired of people who take offence at every single fucking thing that they themselves do not agree with. Grow up FFS. There must be one rule for all, it is not racist to cite facts or common sense.
If those living here don’t like the way we do things and cannot accept the laws of the land they should fuck off somewhere else. We don’t want or need you.
As I’m in training for some long hikes over the summer, yesterday I walked through Stratford Olympic Park to Leytonstone. Fuck me – I didn’t hear a word fo English spoken until I got to Leytonstone. Everyone as I walked through Westfield was either Asian or Dooskas shouting to each other in whatever their language was. No Dooshka birds -all young men. I walked past the pub where Iron Maiden started, and that was closed and boarded up.
I lost count of barber-shops and Romanian “Magasins” along Leytonstone High Road, and even saw one shop with no English outside, but everything in Cyrillic. What the fuck has happened to this country. I used to hang around that area in my youth – it was all motorbike shops and light engineering factories. You could get anything made. All this in less than one generation.
It’s called Diversity (well that’s what the cunts tell us), in reality it is the systematic replacement of the indigenous people.
What were the political elite thinking when they opened up the country to the shit holes of Europe, maybe the naive cunts thought we would only get the brightest and best but anyone with common sense would realise that the only cunts who would come were the fucking dross.
The countries they left are happy because they don’t have deal with cunts anymore!
Lord Cuntingford – you’re a courageous man was testing from within two minutes of Stratford East station. Within a few hundred yards is like another country. Every cunt and tinker from the worst possible places is on the make, selling watered-down junk, planning burglaries, re-re-renting single rooms to gullible tourists, anything. I’ve been to some shocking places in the world and East London is up there with the worst. A horrible place which needs cementing over.
*straying, not testing
I wonder how many self-righteous libtards, rich celebs and peaceful apologists live in that neck of the woods?
Talking of the EU, some limp wristed cunt from the Labour Party (didn’t get the name, no doubt one of the poofters) suggested we “suspend” EU negotiations because of the Coronavirus issue – I suppose any excuse is better than nothing for those bastards.
Islam is a huge pile of shit. The Quran is full of idiotic nonsense. ( did I break any laws there?) it really gets on my tits when I am told I must ‘respect’ Islam ( or any other Religion) why must I?? Respect their right to believe the shit yes but don’t tell me I HAVE to respect the shit itself.
Fuck all religions trying to manipulate me in to behaving their way. If they want to act according to some book go ahead. Don’t affect anyone else with your views.
I’d close the fucking organisation down, Muslims don’t need representation or input into this country, fuck off islam.
Im quite a liberal openminded person but yes all Muslims wiped from the planet, their shitty sexpest god, anyone whos sympathetic to them, their quêëran burnt, an them never mentioned again in polite society.
Oh an anyone who looks like they might be one.
Not bothered about how, gas, nukes, genocide, alls ok by me.
I may of been a bit harsh MNC, maybe it’s moving north that’s done it?
You’re touchy feely approach is probably best.
The North will rise again!
My grammar is declining like the west is capitulating to the savage.
Its the water Sixdog,
Maybe because it has trace minerals after coming through the limestone?
Even the mildest of people get harsh!
Fiddler used to run a toddlers creche,was a veggie did yoga,
drank from a stream… Shotguns out!!
Wtf don’t they just ban all muzzie from getting on a plane unless they are accompanied by armed guards shipping them back to their spiritual homeland?
Yes kunt khan will scream soon enough but not a whisper when whites are hacked down ,shot or blown up.
What would you do with the 100,000+ indigenous white Müzzies in this country?
They can leave or they can renounce Islam. Islam is all encompassing, it is not tolerant , why should we be?
Cos we’re… err… British?
Where has being tolerant got us RTC, areas of the country are now considered Islamic by those who live there and those in surrounding areas. Tolerance seems to be an elastic word stretched to the limit. We tolerate other beliefs to what point? We must exposed our arses because we are British?
It’s not just about being tolerant Sixdog, it’s about living in a free country where you’re allowed to believe in any old bollocks you want. It ties up with free speech and democracy which I personally value above almost everything else.
Sorry, that will have to suffice for now, I’ve got to go out.
Make soup.
Sorry mnc but I think even pigs would turn their noses up at that.
There’s an advert on the telly where a brown gentleman, with a big bushy beard and a big box strapped to his back, goes into a large open plan office to deliver some fast food shit. Now in real life that office would empty in 10 seconds flat with cunts falling over each other in panic.
Of course they could have used a white or black actor but we all know why they didn’t. Bearded brown men with back packs are not to be feared!
HA! So true – I saw that and thought the same!
Fucking security guard at the tower of London looks like Binladen.
After he checked my pack I rechecked it to make sure he had not put anything in it.
This organisation should not even exist, let alone be gifted a platform by UK media/political circles.
You live by UK laws, abide by the decisions made by UK councils, and if you don’t like it, well the door is always open for you to piss off back to whatever “peaceful” shithole suits your sensibilities best!
You’re welcome!
Islam has always struck me as a stone age mentality cult. How it has well over a billion followers worldwide is a source of never-ending puzzlement to me.
The Muslim Council of Britain my arse; if only we could roll the clock back…
Me either Ron!
Islam has a billion followers? Ive got 2 on facebook an ones me mum?
Fuckin justice in that?
1.8 billion, or nearly 25% of the world’s population are of the persuasion apparently.
We’re fucked Miserable!
Speak for yourself, ive negotiated a deal with them, ill be spared.
Got to wear jesus sandals an ill miss my bacon butties awfully,
But on the plus side i can go shopping for a second missus!
what cunt mahamed said is much worse than what cunt O’leary said.
Last time I looked it said nothing about religion on my passport.
How would the airport authorities know who’s a Muslim? They don’t all neatly fit the stereotype.
Plenty of white cunts have converted to Islam, and they’re often the most radical and dangerous.
As if the security services require advice from a shit stirring publicity hound like O’leary.
Thick Oirîsh IRA pâddy cunt!
How you feeling Rtc?
Portmeiron on lockdown?
Think I might be recovering Miserable. You may have to wait a little longer for your 1/4 share of Creampuff Manor…
Dont mind waiting a bit longer Rtc.?
O’Leary is bang on and I admire him for being politically incorrect. I want to see much more political incorrectness. The libtard apologists in-trays will be so overflowing that they’ll fucking drown in ‘issue’s to address and die hopefully.
If you think of tolerance versus intolerance in a hypothetical boxing ring, who will always win? Well, intolerence obviously, because tolerating is about yielding. Britain as we know it, is facing certain profound change in the values we hold dear because we are not ‘intolerant’ enough to defend them against invaders that practice the most intolerent and violent faith on the planet currently.
To sum up, for a race/culture to survive then fire must be met with fire. There’s no fucking choice. None.
No brainer really innit?
It’s not that easy, intolerance in this country is now illegal. Of course, that’s only white intolerance. Peaceful intolerance is protected and lauded.
Very true Moggie and this is why we, along with Germany, are top of the list of preferred destinations for people of that persuasion. Now why on earth would they choose a predominantly Christian country such as Britain to come and live?
Here is a list of countries that either make Christianity illegal or at least make life difficult and unpleasant for followers by treating them like filth by beating them and imprisoning them.
Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, Uzbekistan, India, Qatar, Turkmenistan, Central African Republic, Maldives, Eritrea, Egypt.
Most of these countries are majority Mohammedan faith. Would they allow a Christian council to set up shop and demand rights for Christians in these places? It’s unthinkable. A complete non-starter.
Yet, we in Britain allow Sharia courts, Mosques to be built, Muslim councils to dictate and finger point and women to walk around completely covered and immune to identification. What a bunch of fucking mugs. Of course they want to come here, they can have the benefits of western comforts, priveledges and healthcare and not have to integrate and accept our culture like we would have to in those countries above, all of which we have received enrichment from. This is as cunty as it gets.
just catching up on that ITV series ‘ Flesh and Blood ‘ ( rather good ) but fuck me yet again we have a mixed race couple, why the fuck do they always have to have one? i’ve nothing against mixed race couples but stop fucking pushing it down our throats all the time you cunts. thats besides every fuckin advert having to have them.there were 3 consecutive ads in a row the other night featuring MRC s.. it’s not trendy it’s not ‘woke ‘ it’s not ‘ being fair’. it’s drawing attention to something most of us don’t give a fuck about and it’s out of all proportion to reality. fuck off.
Since when has advertising had anything to do with reality?
Mixed race couples in this country must be what 3-4% max?!
But judging the adverts on UK television, any visitor to this country would think its the majority position. Not real at all!
Fuck of advertising bosses, stop trying to show your woke credentials by having a mixed race couple. It is now deemed that not having one is detrimental to your product or whatever bullshit you are pushing.
Fuck off cunts!
oh and Francesca Annis has still got it.
Got what?
Hope Dame Emma Ratbag dies of it, now she’s in Italy.
Colin Fart might even get struck down…
Time to start looking at my deadPool noms.
The next time a Muslim fanatic goes apeshit and kills dozens of innocents in the name of Islam, whether with an axe or a fucking bomb. just listen out for the MCGB squawks…… er, NO. You won’t hear a fucking thing because they have NEVER to my knowledge done such a thing. White nutter kills a few mosque-itos, wow, you won’t hear the last of it. Cunts The fucking lot of ’em.
This will probably upset the MCGB as well:
A journalist should ask the MCB why the Ahmadi sect of Muslims are not part of the MCB?
The MCB is a bullshit organisation that claims to represent all Muslims in this country, but even though the Ahmadi sect is considered a Muslim sect by the UK government, the MCB do not consider them as such and they are not represented within this cock sucker of an organisation.
Personally, all religion is a load of cunt, but would love to see them dodge and squirm when asked that question!
Yeah you don’t have to be an actuary to analyse this set of empirical data do you .
O Leary is spot on obviously