The EU (11)

Fuck the EU!! I know we’ve cunted off this dirigiste top down, 1950’s style trading block many times before, but with this weeks sabre rattling, my piss boilith over…

First up, we have cheese-eating grandson of a surrender monkey, EU sycophant Barnier, reneging on what HE and Gollum-faced tusk proposed back in 2018, which was a Canada + free trade deal. Apparently, the EU has recently discovered that the UK is far closer to Europe than Canada, so unfortunately they are unable to offer us that deal.

Worse still, like all bad losers they want their (Greek) marbles back. With Germany already in a technical recession, France without a pot to piss in and the rest of the PONZI scheme unable to cover the lost revenue of the UK leaving the EU, instead of seeking a sensible trade deal our (friends) European neighbours have decided to play hardball.

I’m praying Johnson calls their bluff as we’re fully aware these EU bully’s have absolutely no fucking backbone. The UK should make a genuine free trade offer, then let those cunts argue amongst themselves!

With every passing day I realise that I made the right decision to Vote LEAVE!! Not that I really ever doubted it.

Love EUROPE….Hate the EU.

Nominated by Quislings

39 thoughts on “The EU (11)

  1. Would like that to be the look on Tsipras’s face after Boris has shoved the marbles up his arse

    • I agree, Hate Europe Hate the EU.
      Oh, want your marbles back?
      Boris should have the Elgin marbles smashed to fuckin bits an have it as crazy paving at back of no10.

      • Just as well we came out when we did especially since Turkey has opened the gates to let all those immigrants into the EU. I saw a picture of the immigrants the other day and they looked far from needing help they were all men and some even had there faces covered up , what does that tell you.

      • Brilliant cuning, Q.

        “Love EUROPE…Hate the EU” should be a bloody enormous flag.
        It sums up my feelings, also my thoughts re the thick, knuckle-dragging sandpit-stalinist remainers who really do NOT understand what the EU is all about.

        That’ll learn them.

      • I wouldn’t use the bits as crazy paving MNC, I would smash them to small pebbles. Then at the first round of trade talks I would take a powerful catapult and pepper the dirty foreign cunts, till they left the room in a strop.

  2. Boris or the EU, both have their own agendas and neither give a fuck about the people.

  3. If and when we finally divest ourselves of the steaming shit pile that is the eu I will get so pissed the biting cushions will once again make an appearance in my fevered mind. Till then we can only hope Boris calls their bluffs and gives them the multiple finger figuratively and metaphorically. Will we ever be free of this cuntfest????

  4. Well, its a lovely day, fresh, sun shining, im off to take the dog into the snow on peaks then pub.
    Play nice an have a good day cunters!!?

  5. I heard the bearded berk Stephen (son of Neil) Kinnock M.P. on Wireless 4 Week at Westminster yesterday, and he sounded just like the six stone weakling cowering in the school playground as the bullies approach him. The boy Kinnock was saying in effect we must agree to the EU demands, do as we are told and not question them.

    If I had been interviewing him I would have pointed out that it is costing us a lot of money to depart the fascist state and they have no right to meddle ormake conditions.

    Vote for Kweer Charmer’s rabble and it will be Chamberlain’s appeasement in the 21st century.

    • as far as kinnock goes, a plank with nails in it comes to mind – knowarramean!

    • The cunt Kinnock the younger is married to Helle Thorning Schmidt. One time prime minister of Denmark. Left wing, obviously.

      Thorning Schmidt did such a brilliant job of running the country that the Danish equivalent of the BNP then took over and imposed some proper rules and regulations on who is allowed into Daneland.

      It goes without saying that Thorning Schmidt wears the trousers in that relationship and Stephen Kinnock will do and say whatever the fuck she wants.

      Why she is married to such a cock sucking rent boy cuck remains a mystery to real red blooded Danes. And me.

      Send in B&W Cunt. He’ll sort her out while he makes Stephen Kinnock watch.

  6. The Greeks can’t be trusted with the Elgin Marbles – look at the state of their buildings, all ruined with no roofs like the Parthenon. Anyway, we acquired them fairly. This and a whole load of other nonsense will continue all year until a deal is signed. If the Coronavirus worsens, it could be recession for all of us.

    Nonetheless, the EU is a nasty swamp of serpents, a protection racket run by a gaggle of gangsters.

  7. We should have left the EU in the 1970s or 1980s.
    Shame on Heath, Thatcher, and just about every Prime Minister of the last 50 years concerning and regarding the EU.
    Thatcher was a brilliant leader but she was wholly wrong about the EU.

    Re. 16.8 million pro EU “British” their intellect and physcology must be deeply flawed corrupt and bankrupt to WANK to remain members of the EU.

    If Scotland leaves the UK and rejoins the EU then the EU will rape them. Small nations with weak economies get deliberately and royally fucked by the EU.

    EU: “The continuation of Germany by other means”

    • “If Scotland leaves the UK and rejoins the EU then the EU will rape them.”

      This is highly unlikely. There would be as much appeal in this as Harvey Weinstein stumbling across the Flabbot prostrate on a water bed.

  8. The EU are about to have a second invasion from Turkey, the rabble are on the move…. again!

    What a fuck up!

    • A lot of remainers and pro-EU morons would argue that Turkey will never be allowed to join.

      They’re the fucking conduit to Moo Slimes entering Europe via Lesbos and other Greek islands!!! They are actively encouraging them to flood the Greek islands with as many moo slimes as can be withstood.

      The EU exists solely to flood Europe with Moo Slimes. That is Merkel, Macron and Soros’s dream.

      • Turkey is what Tolkien fictionalised as Mordor in LOTR – the gateway to hell

      • The amount of Turkish people who live in the U.K. and Europe would suggest that they have enjoyed free movement in the EU regardless. Membership in all but name. And, with overlord Erdogan bombing the shit out of Syria, there is bigger trouble brewing.

  9. Ah yes, but Boris is at least prepared to go nuclear and walk away on WTO rules. Good!

    The in-fighting has already started as the cunts cannot agree a budget with – yet again – the saver nations (Holland, Denmark, Sweden) being expected to bankroll the net deficit countries (caused by the UK leaving) and they’re not. They’ve said they’ll agree existing budget levels but no increases, thus leaving the EU with a UK sized financial hole. Good! Cunts!

    Then they tried to annex the rebates that net positive countries receive, as another cynical ploy to take up the UK shortfall. Again the saver nations said “fuck off” and will veto any attempt to annex it.

    So basically with a “no deal” we can bankrupt the German car industry and French farming industry in one fell swoop. The two nations who prop up the Ponzi scheme in the first place.

    They now have an EU Parliament that cannot function as each faction – savers V spenders – Duke it out while the poorer EU states sit back and chew their fingernails.

    Not so nice is it when *YOUR* Parliament can’t function, even though you fuckers were loving it pre election 2019 over here in the UK! Good, fuck you all! Cunts!

    The experiment has failed and EU Von Der Layen saying “future” and “technology” ever bastard 5 seconds is not going prize more money from the saver nations. So she can fuck off too! Cunt!

    It’s time to end the project now. Fuck the lot of them!


  10. Superb and very timely cunting Q ! I don’t think I can say anything new on the subject, but ! I have theopportunity to verbalise how fucking much I fucking hate Europe, its poxy fucking gormless apopleptic fucking inhabitants, and its criminality.

    That said, I hate even more the fucking political bvastards who sold our country down the country lane that leads to a complete buggering at its end.

    It is my dream/fantasy, that Vlad invades Europe, devastates and lays waste to the whole fucking shitehole. I would fucking rejoice at the outcomes.

    Fuck the EU.!

    • Whether it’s Russia or Germany as far as I’m concerned the continent is on it’s own from now on. No more British saviours.

  11. Great bit of cunting. The EU can never get it heavy enough and hard enough. If anyone ever had any doubt about how big a bunch of fuckers there is in Brussels, the EU’s contemptuous attitude to the UK over the last few years should convince them otherwise. All they had to do was throw a few crumbs to Camoron and we’d still be locked in, bailing the cunts out for ever and a day. But they were too used to believing that they could boss us about to see it. Bunch of absolute wankers.

  12. Thing is with art, it’s all over the place, in other countries and has been for a long time.

    Bust of Nefertiti? Now in BERLIN

    Our (UK’s) Van Dyck of Charles I (love him or hate him) at the hunt? Now in PARIS

    I could go on. But that old chestnut ‘Give us our marbles back’ needs to be shot down now.

    When everybody else starts sending art home, maybe we will join in, but not until then.

    Fuck you all, you Euro Moaners. With out us and the Yanks, all your art would now have little red swastika stamps on it saying ‘Property of Third Reich’

    • Same with the people. I don’t hear Poland demanding its nearly 1m citizens back and I suspect it would prove difficult to convince Eire to demand back all the fucking pikeys that are over here.

      • That Nefertiti bust is dodgy as hell. Supposedly ‘found’ by a German archeologist. But it was convenient that the Kaiser (who was in part funding the expedition) was visiting at the time. Something to show see. They make exactly the same today. It doesn’t look thousands of years old.

  13. The EU WAS Merkel and Macron getting the UK to pay for all their shit whilst filtering Soros’s funding into their own pockets. Now they have to face doing EU globalist stuff with Soros’s money, because it’s their only income stream, so they’re not happy.

    I can’t wait until Merkel is hoist in public by her own petard, hanging from a lamp post or whatever, and Macron is literally torn limb for limb to shreds by Yellow Jackets.

    They are elitist, globalist CUNTS who deserve nothing less than the most vile, graphic, public slaughter imaginable.

  14. I do wonder what those cunts are going to do with the tidal wave of assorted Afghan garbage currently trying to escape Turkey for “a better life”…funded by other people?
    I have my suspicions that they will get them to the English Channel as quick as they can.
    Where the fuck is Lord Nelson when you need him?
    What a set of faggits.
    Get to fuck.

    • The UK signed a tariff free trade deal with France and Germany in the early 1970’s – no mention of open borders, unlimited migration, payments, legal compliance, continual control and a United States of Europe with the UK funding it.
      EU membership has been marvellous for the rich and privileged to help themselves to never ending career, influence and wealth with little in the way of skills or competencies.
      We made a sensible decision when we voted to leave, for a number of very good reasons but predominantly because continued membership would have dragged us further and further in with more and more cost and less and less influence.
      EU membership has been a disaster for the poorest of our communities who have effectively been left behind and forgotten, and we still have the spectre of a Year of horse trading, delays and incompetence with regard to trade negotiations.
      The UK Government needs to play hardball, the EU are not our friends – and the Tories need to realise that people who are not traditional Tory voters have trusted them with power, and selling them down the river might be the last nail in the coffin of UK Politics.
      And the Elgin Marbles are going in my back garden – any shifty thieving Greeks will get an arse full of sharp teeth! (And when I’ve finished biting them I’ll leave them to the dogs!)
      Good nom Q, we need to keep these EU f*ckers in line! ?

  15. They want the marbles back ? The foreign twats cant be trusted with anything if it wasnt for the looting the Empire did most of the relics we have over here for safe keeping would have ended up in an ox cart boot sale.

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